Volume V; Issue 4
April 2012
King’s Academy, Manja - Madaba, Jordan
Traveling with His Majesty A trip unlike any other! BY NORA NESHEIWAT ‘13 LION CUB
Three of our students, along with Ms. Dima Kayed, accompanied His Majesty on a trip to Washington. What did Fakher ElFayez’12, Layth Ismail’13, and Sami Sawalha’12 have to say about the trip? RX: What was the main point of the trip? SS: Basically, it was exposure. The King wanted to bring students from Jordan and expose them to the United States. Even though I’ve been to the United States, I felt like it was a different experience. The point wasn’t that His Majesty paid for everything; it was to allow us to experience what was going on. FEF: The main point of the trip is to give the leaders of the future a closer look at how things work from an international prospective. We went to one of the most politically prominent cities in the world. We heard talks about how Jordan and the Jordanian embassy work to provide Jordanians with whatever they need in the different foreign countries. RX: Favorite part of the trip? FEF: The lunch with Their Majesties was the best part because we were able to talk to them on a personal level and we got to see them for who they really are. We discovered that they are both humble, generous and caring people who took care of us like we were their own children. LI: I don’t think there was a single favorite part since we experienced many interesting things every day. Every aspect of the trip was a favorite. RX: What did you do? SS: We went to pretty much all the memorials in Washington. We visited Georgetown, GWU, and American University. We did touristic stuff; Memorials, the White House, and the World Bank. World Bank would probably go under the exposure that he wanted us to get. We only sat with His Majesty for lunch, and the rest of the time we were by ourselves. We were nine people in total, three from King’s, three from IAA, three from a group in Jordan called “Kuluna 2rdun�. FEF: The whole trip was about being exposed
to something different. So we went to monumentslike the Lincoln monument and the Jefferson monument. Also, we went to museums like the Newseum. LI: We visited most of the museums at Washington DC, including The Smithsonian, the Spy Museum, and the Newseum. We went to The Department of State, Capitol Hill, The Library of Congress, and Courtesy of Fakher ElFayez’12 The World Bank. We also visit- In front of the Lincoln Memorial. ed the Washington monument, Abraham Lincoln’s monument, SS: Apart from the fact that we were traveling as Martin Luther King Memorial, Albert Einstein Statue and the World War II Memorial. And, we got Majesty, the people who went there and the peoto watch a basketball game between Washington ple that we met played a big part. We all got along. Wizards and Oklahoma Thunder, and the Wizards Chaperones from the Jordanian Embassy in the US won. In addition to that, we visited the American were extremely accommodating and down to earth. University and Georgetown University. We went All the different people that we got to meet are to the Jordanian Embassy on many occasions, in- what the trip more special. Students from IAA that cluding a reception for Jordanians held by Their went to Jordanian universities; they all made this Majesties. Moreover, we were invited to a luncheon trip special. for American and Jordanian businessmen at The FEF: Simply accompanying the King to such an Chamber of Commerce at which His Majesty had important trip to the U.S and seeing him working made a speech about The Jordanian- American re- hard for a better Jordan. lationship. Finally, we got to see President Obama LI: Being one of the eleven people chosen to go leaving the White House, heading to Florida, while on this trip with His Majesty to Washington DC is we were having a tour at the White House. a special event on its own. RX: Most exciting/interesting thing you did? words? SS: Saraha, having lunch with His Majesty was FEF: On behalf of the whole group, I would exciting. All of us were excited to spend a week like to thank Their Majesties for giving us such with His Majesty. His hospitality was so evident. honor and opportunity. And I would like to thank Having conversations with him was extremely in- whoever, from the faculty, was part of choosing us spiring. because they gave us something we will never forLI: I believe the most interesting thing we did ! ! " was having lunch with Their Majesties King Ab- Kayed for being an amazing chaperone for having dullah II and Queen Rania Al Abdullah. It was on actually put up with us the whole trip. Monday, the 16th of January. That day was unforLI: This trip is nothing but a life time experi ence that won’t be forgotten, and it is the highlight Delegation, to meet His Majesty and talk to him. of my life. I want to thank everyone who made it We were glad and honored to sit with His Majesty possible for me to go on this trip, and I would like and talk to him that day. to thank His Majesty for offering me this opportuRX: What made this trip so special? nity to accompany him to Washington DC.
Jabal Rum - more on page 9
Henry Reynolds ‘12
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The Rexonian
A New Chapter in Education
The new King’s Academy online journey in knowledge BY HAMZA NAGHAWI ‘12 WORLD SUB-EDITOR
At the end of the academic year 2010-2011, Mrs. Sheena Nabholz, the dean of faculty, decided to add new meaning to a ‘King’s Academy Education’. She introduced Global Online Academy (GOA) to the King’s Academy curriculum. This online course facility allows upperclassmen to take online term-long courses with professors in different parts of the world. The courses cover a wide variety of disciplines that are not available otherwise to King’s Academy students. For example, Zeyna Tabbaa ’12 took a course on ‘Urban Planning’ for a semester with a teacher in the United States. When asked about her experience, she said “not only was I exposed to a course that I had never thought I would take, but I am now more prepared to explore % $ The other aspect of GOA is that it teaches
students the skill of time management. Since students are responsible for bilities for these courses outside of class, they must the projects they are assigned. Henry Reyn- Skyping about homework! Mutasem Al-Dmour ‘12 olds’12 took a Spanish course and said that “the component of King’s Academy’s educational % curriculum is still budding, it has been greeted time to Skype with the teacher, and complete all with great popularity at the school and more and the projects on time, in addition to the regular more students are taking interest in the courses schoolwork that I had�. that GOA has to offer. Students who have taken & this course highly recommend it and describe ' * * their experience as an “enriching journey that college preparatory school. Although this new opens new avenues in their knowledge base�.
What Happens During Faculty Meetings? Insight into the mysterious and beloved faculty meetings. BY JOOHO MICHAEL SHIN ‘12 EXECUTIVE EDITOR
“Is there school meeting or faculty meeting today?� The question can be heard throughout the King’s Academy community every Monday of the week.
class on Mondays – students are not sure whether to go to the auditorium to attend the school-wide meeting three times a month, or to enjoy their free time while the faculty adjourns for their monthly professional development meeting. Many students, including Kevin Riskiawan ’13, wonder what exactly happens during their meetings. “My teachers don’t really talk much about the faculty meetings. None of the other students really know either,� says Riskiawan. Faculty members Mr. Chris Blondin and Mr. Bowman Dickson shed some light on the seemingly mysterious school meetings. “Faculty meetings are pretty much like school meetings,� Mr. Chris explained. “Faculty members sometimes inform each other of any updates, like what’s happening
in a certain department, exam and AP exam schedules, textbook orders for next year, if guests are coming to contracts, organizing professional campus‌â€? development trips, amongst other “But during the majority of school meetings, the fac- things,â€? he continued. ulty members discuss professional development stuff,â€? “But really, just to put it simply, Mr. Bowman added. “Put simply, we talk about how to we learn from each other how to become better teachers, writing comments for grade re- become better educators and more ports, clarifying any academic expectations for students... integrated members of the comThe other day the science department did a funny skit $ " +
# $ off. with a grin. “We also make sure to be up-to-date with what’s happening with the students, like how many students were attending KAMUN and that they would miss a couple days of classes,� Blondin added. “We try to be well-prepared and informed for any community-related activities, like parWhat KAMUN brought to the surface! ent-visit day. And then there’s the stuff like
More Than Just Words Exchanged BY TYRA NIMRI ‘15 LION CUB
try different things. That was the case for the new students of MUN this year. King’s Academy had hosted its second MUN conference. This conference was put together by lots of people, who worked hard and got to celebrate their achievements. Miss Fatina, among a great group of organizers, managed to pull out an MUN conference that was nothing less than an actual UN conference. The conference kicked off from campus on Thursday, and then it headed to the Kempenski at the Dead Sea. Managing between work and fun, the KAMUN organizers were able to create an extraordinary experience for all those who took part in the conference. Behind the doors of the meeting rooms, hidden talents were discovered, and potential leaders were born. KAMUN proved that it takes more than a good resolution paper to be a leader.
April 2012
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Should King’s Invite Controversial Speakers?
of guiding us through our educational journey should be aware that we are more than ready to welcome ideas that break barriers and open new paths for our mental process to grow and prosper. They should never shelter us from the turmoil of the world outside in which, hopefully, we will become active participants. We ask not to be underestimated, and not to be forever protected, sheltered and cushioned from receiving and absorbing whatever ideas are thrown our way. We ask to be given the opportunity to evaluate freely those issues and either adopt or reject them accordingly. I am all for freedom of thought, be it mine or others, and what’s more important, I am all for the freedom of expressing it.
Creating heated debates between classes. BY MUNA AL-RIFA’I ‘13 STAFF MEMBER
' # controversial speakers at any time and on any subject. The reason for having guest speakers at any of our school meetings is to enlighten students and spur debate. It also helps us, the students, to gain an open mind and make us ready to accept a different point of view. If our minds, at such a receptive age, are channeled into tunnel vision, then education would have failed us.
What is the point of debate if there is no contentious issue about which to throw different ideas between? If the same ideas are drilled into our young minds, that are anxious to absorb new information, new ideas and new thoughts, we will be led into stagnation. We will not have the opportunity to enhance our understanding and reach our full potential. Adults who are in charge General Tommy Franks
Wasim Ayesh
Why Choose to Use HP Tablets Instead of Macbooks Insight into the IT’s important decision to use HP tablets. BY FAISAL NIMRY ‘13 STAFF MEMBER
This question has wandered, and still wanders, in the minds of King’s Academy students. After listening to more than a year’s worth of students’ complains about the HP laptops, I visited the IT Department and inquired as to why we don’t get Apple Macbooks instead of HP laptops? The answer they gave was reasonable. The IT Department has received countless broken, faulty and/or improperly functioning laptops over the years at ' * # 7 them. HP laptops are easier,
7 Apple Macbooks. Further, HP has a full service centre in
Amman. Unfortunately, and while a Macbook is undoubtedly a better machine in terms of features than an HP Laptop, service and support for Macbooks in Jordan is limited and costly. Its hardware is expensive, and the OS X is not considered user friendly by the IT Department. The total cost will go sky high even if the IT Department buys the Macbooks in wholesale. In addition, and from a practical point of view, Macintosh computers may present incompatibility issues when compared to its counterpart Microsoft Windows which is more widely used in Jordan. Talking about Apple products, the IT Department men-
tioned something rather interesting. They actually thought about using iPads for school. It is not yet decided though; it is mere possibility. In fact, they said that there is an un
with some teachers to test its suitability in classes. Being an iPad owner, I do not think an iPad is as convenient as a laptop, unless it is accompanied by a mini station that makes it almost identical to a laptop. Having said that, and if the IT Department chooses to proceed with its iPad plans, it will still have to deal with the issue of limited service and maintenance for Apple products in Jordan.
Trick or Treat? New Lenovo for FreshBY YUSEF AL-MUGHRABI ‘15 STAFF MEMBER
Work, PLEASE, Work! By Mr. Bowman Dickson
Mutasem Al-Dmour ‘12
This year the freshmen were in for a surprise when they got a new set of laptops. While all the other students at King’s Academy still kept their old HP laptops; our new 9th graders were in for a treat when they got their sleek, black Lenovo notebooks. However, we shouldn’t judge a book by its cover no matter how pretty the pictures look. The laptops # / 4 battery life, ultra-sensitive screens, constant freezing, are among the many complaints being made. On the contrary, the HP laptops (silver ones) don’t seem to be as dysfunctional as the Lenovo brand. So what called for the change in laptops? Less expense? Did they think that the Lenovo laptops would be better? Only time will tell.
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Changes in the Internet The bill that shook the world all the way to Madaba BY NIHAD AL-YOUSFI ‘13 STAFF WRITER
SOPA began on October 26th 2011, when Republican Texas Representative Lamar S. Smith presented his idea to the U.S. House of Representatives, an idea which spread like a virus throughout internet forums, and communities around the world upon its inception. Bill 3261 or Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA), would give the power to the US Department of Justice to shutdown website upon their discretion if websites were found guilty of infringing copyrights. In addition, they would also be given the power to bar search results of
the accused website to appear on search engines or advertisements. Although many around the world were initially unconcerned about this bill, as they perceived they would be unaffected by its effects they soon came to realize that this bill would cause any website which had infringed on American copyright, even if outside US jurisdiction to be closed and blocked access to by the world. For example, if this bill was passed, and KANet our school website posted a name of an American 8% " * ! permission of Marvel Studios to do so, KANet could be tried in court for copyright infringement from Marvel Studio’s intellectual property, and if found guilty, KANet would be banned from the internet, not appear in search results, and be expelled from advertising on the internet. Sound bad doesn’t it? This was the reason during early
Not MegaVideo!
Henry Reynolds ‘12
The Rexonian
January when SOPA was going to be reassessed in congress after the winter recess, many took to their keyboards and expressed their concerns over the highly controversial and ruthless content of this bill. But the turning point came on January 18th when such major websites such as Google and Wikipedia blacked out some of their available services to show their opposition to SOPA, the outcome? Well, let’s look at the statistics, on January 18th the day many website protested there were 80 congress members supporting the bill and only 31 opposing it, however, the following day the tables turned drastically with only 65 supporters and 101 opponents, meaning the bill would not be passed! Even Lamar Smith agreed that his bill needed changes, due to the outcry from the internet community. However, the rejoice of many was short lived, because on January 20th Megaupload, a website known for its illegal posting of movies and TV shows free of charge, was shut down and its founders charged with online piracy. Even when you attempted to visit the website you will receive a message bearing the US department of Justice’s logo stating that the website has been seized in accordance with court order. This may be a glimpse of how the internet may become if such bills like SOPA are passed and regulate the internet. Even members of the King’s Academy community have expressed their frustration with the situation by posting their position on the matter, on social networks such as Facebook and Twitter. Although the situation seems to have passed, and SOPA is apparently obsolete, new bills proposed by other representatives have caused uproar such as Protect IP Act (PIPA), which will impose similar sanctions on website that infringe as SOPA, however PIPA’s vote has been postponed until issues with it have been resolved, causing tension once again to occur throughout the internet once more. Should copyright infringement be dealt with? Of course it should, but not in a manner which will cause the downfall of the entire world wide web in its actions.
Time is the New Currency ONE student’s perspective on the King’s Academy workload. BY KHALED JARWAN ‘13 STAFF WRITER
King’s Academy students have packed schedules and time for nothing. But the question is: is time that valuable? If you are a student here at King’s, you should realize that time is not only money, it’s even more valuable. Time is gold. Students try to spare it as they spare money. The smarter students are the ones who are able to manage their time in a way that accommodates all their tasks. This is very similar to the life of businessmen. A smart businessman, knows when and how to invest his money. So, is time the new currency ' * @ Y [\] \ dents even wish that they can buy time and save it. Moreover, many the students feel this way, especially the upperclassmen, who have APs and SATs to deal with. “Time, I don’t understand what you are talking about?� said Tamim Halwani ’13 when I asked him about how he manages his time. He told me, “I miss those days when time was my last worry. Now I don’t have time to spend with my family or my friends, all I do is work!� We are living in an environment in which the person with the most time is the most successful. Like in the real world, the person with the most money
is the most successful. If you walk around campus, you often hear complains about how students have no time, and they wish that the day would be 30 hours instead of 24. When Mohammad abo-Dalhoum ‘13 was asked about this matter, he said, “Teachers think that students have supernatural powers that enable them to freeze time.� Some get the impression that teachers Life - a race against time! Mutasem Al-Dmour ‘12 are devils who try to make students suf30 minutes to socialize (humans are social creafer as much as possible. Is that right? Is it the teachers fault? It most probably is. Every ` { |} * ! teacher in school thinks that each student only to study (even though sometimes you have work takes his class and have no other classes. They # ` |} give us essays, projects, worksheets, tests, quizzes o’clock because every person needs to sleep for and readings, thinking that we don’t have other at least 8 hours to have a healthy life. Then, you important things to spend time on. We DON’T are left with zero time if you want to do other have supernatural powers! We are normal people things that you like, such as watching your favorwith limited capability and a very limited time. ite TV show, or reading a book while teachers And the last time I checked, time is not buyable, have all the time in the world to think about how even though most of the students wish that they they’re going to make students suffer. Conclusively, if anyone wants to succeed at could exchange money with time. If you are a boarding student you need to go to class at eight King’s, he needs to think of either creating a time * ! _ # machine, or a way to turn money into time. dinner takes 3o minutes, and you need another
April 2012
The Invisible Hand of the School An Interview with a board member on being a board member! BY BARAKAT EL-SAQA ‘13 STAFF MEMBER
A lot of us have heard about the Kings Academy Board of Trustees, yet not all of us of know about the board members and their duties. The Board of Trustees consists of 11 members: Mr. Karim Kawar (Chairman), Dr. John Austin, Ms. Randa Ayoubi, Dr. Amin Badr El Din, Mr. George Faux, Ms. M. Burch Tracy Ford, Mr. David Pond, His Excellency Mr. Samir Rifai, His Excellency Mr. Bassem Salem, Mr. Peter Weinburg and Ms. Lubna Olayan. Below is an interview with Ms. Burch Ford that includes some information that perhaps none of us knew about the Board of Trustees members and the inside scope on how a Board member see King’s Academy. Rex: Can you please provide a brief description of your job as a board member? B.F: As a Board member, I am expected to know the school, to care about and share responsi * ity, to advocate for the school, and to share in the hiring, oversight, and support of the Headmaster. My particular assignment is to chair a committee overseeing the development and implementation of a strategic plan for the school. Rex: How often does the board meet? What do you discuss?
B.F: The Board meets three times a year, twice ' * ` € ! nice balance as the Board’s members live in the US and Jordan. The agenda usually includes reports on admission, enrollment, student life (academic, extracurricular, residential), faculty, fundraising,
where necessary, decision making. Rex: How are board members chosen? B.F: New Board members are chosen by the current Board membership in the service of having a representation of interests, skills, and experience to bring to issues of importance to the school. Rex: How does King’s Academy compare to other private boarding schools in the US? B.F: King’s structure as a boarding school is similar to that of private boarding schools in the US, as King’s is modeled on an American private boarding school. However, the development of a school culture does not happen quickly, particularly when the structure is not a familiar one, for example boarding itself (living at school nights and weekends), co-education, identical dress code for boys and girls, faculty advisors, sit-down meals, required programs outside of the classroom (guest speakers, sports, service, visual or performing arts, clubs). So at King’s, school culture is not as internalized as it is in most American private boarding schools, many of which were founded more than a
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century ago. Rex: What got you interested in becoming a board member? B.F: What interests me about being a member of King’s Academy’s Board of Trustees is the unique " [ and its inspirational mission to become a model of education to be emulated ultimately throughout the Middle East. I love school; I love kids; I have enormous respect for teachers; and I believe that a strong education is the greatest gift a child can have. Having been in boarding schools in the US for 35 years, the last 15 of which were as a head of school, it’s a pleasure and an honor to have the opportunity to be part of the living out of His Majesty’s vision and to learn more about the Middle East. It’s an area of the world that is fascinating in its rich history, its particular landscape, its tradition in the arts (painting, architecture, language, and literature), and its culture shaped by its geography, physical resources, religion, climate, topography, animal and plant life, and demography. Rex: How do you think King’s Academy will be in 2 years’ time? B.F: I see King’s over the next two years continuing to grow into itself, a great educational institution dedicated to preparing girls and boys from Jordan, other parts of the Middle East, the US, and all corners of the globe for the challenges and responsibilities of adulthood, highlighted by the leadership and sense of duty, inherent in a King’s Academy education, to make the world a better place, not just for the advantaged, but for all.
Boarding Life in the Eyes of Three Students Day students’ insights into boarding. BY NORA NESHEIWAT ‘14 STAFF WRITER
Dina Hinnawi’14, Kareem Kort’14, and Leila Shaban’13 give us their opinion about boarding life. Dina and Leila both started this year as day students but are now weekday boarders. Kareem was one of the many people who decided to try boarding for two weeks. RX: Why did you try boarding? DH: I tried boarding to save time. KK: I wanted to check it out. LS: The transportation back and forth to Amman everyday exhausted me. I wanted to try the boarding experience and see what it was like to live a more independent lifestyle. RX: What did you enjoy about it? DH: As a border, you have so much more time to study. Therefore, you won’t be as tired as a day student would be because you don’t have to go back all the way back to Amman. The trip is tiring. I also became closer to my friends and I met new ones. LS: I like how you have so much more time. # til 20:00, and then study hall is great too because you get really focused and you get all your work done by 22:00. Also, you can wake up whenever you want. One time I even woke up at 7:52 (don’t recommend it) and I still made it to class on time! It’s great. RX: What dorm are you in and do/did you enjoy it? DH: I’m in Murzim and yes I am enjoying it a lot! KK: I am in Nihal, and yes I did enjoy it. LS: I live in Atair and I love it. Everyone’s always so friendly towards each other and you can always expect smiles from other people in your
dorm, even if you’ve never talked to them before. There’s also such a great support system, people are really there for each other in your dorm. RX: Would you consider boarding again next year? DHY % would! KKY % LSY ] It’ll be fun spending my senior year with the girls in the dorm, I’ll be able to keep my work load under Marah Al-Ju’beh ‘13 control, and I won’t Two steps away from my bed, not the whole airport road. be exhausted every harm in trying something day. new. At least you can say you tried it rather than RX: Worst thing about boarding in your looking back later and wondering if you should opinion? have. DH: The worst thing would be not seeing my parents as much. KK: The worst thing would be the dinner‌ LS: The worst thing is that you get sick of the school food after a while and you start missing having your family around. RX: How does boarding life compare to being a day student? KK: Day student life is much more tiring! RX: Any words you’d like to give to day students or those considering boarding? DH: I really think you should try being a border, it is much less tiring! LSY [# if you’re not sure, there’s a two-week trial so you Henry Reynolds ‘12 can try it out before committing and there’s no Boarding life at its best!
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The Rexonian
King’s Academy’s Newlyweds! Interview from the romantic side of the love relationship... BY FARAH KILANI ‘13 STAFF WRITER
Rex: Mr. Chris, do you have a romantic side? C.B.: I am the most romantic person I know. \ times I even ask Ms. Ruba how she is doing, or if she wants to walk to lunch with me. Rex: What did you get Ms. Ruba on her birthday? C.B.: I got her a silver “love knot� bracelet. When she’s mad at me, I say it is a “not love� bracelet. Rex: What do you love most about her? C.B.: Her mother makes me lots of maklouba and cake. And I like her hair. Ms. Ruba’s hair, I mean. Rex: Were you scared of rejection when you proposed? Are you comfortable around her parents? C.B.: I was worried that her parents might not like me. But I had Mr. Mazen on my side, and I knew he would convince them. Her parents are very nice, so I feel very comfortable around them. They make me feel like part of the family. Rex: How grateful are you for Mr. Mazen?  @ C.B.: I am very grateful to Mr. Mazen – he made me feel comfortable with the whole process and calmed me down. And gave me some advice about marriage. We both trust Mr. Mazen a great deal, and he has been a good friend to us both, so he was the natural choice. Rex: Do you smile around her? C.B.: All the time. I can’t stop smiling when I am around her. (I almost said all that without laughing.) Rex: Where is your honeymoon going to
be? C.B.: The honeymoon is wherever Ms. Ruba will be. Our whole life together is a honeymoon. Rex: When did it strike you that she is the woman you want to spend the rest of your life with? ‚ + Y % at a dinner at the Beit. We were having dinner on the 2nd / balcony, and as we watched the sun set together, I knew she was the one. Rex: Are you aware that students constantly stalk you around campus when the two of you are together? ‚ + Y " „ training makes detecting stalkers very easy. Rex: How cute do The happy couple! blushes when she speaks about you (she smiles from ear to ear)? C.B.: She does? That’s adorable! Rex: What would your life be like if you haven’t met her? C.B.: It would be a desolate wasteland of despair and loneliness (Great Gatsby reference).
“All the time. I cannot stop smiling when I am around her.�
Courtesy of the Yearbook
I can’t imagine what it would be like without her. & 7Y  @ C.B.: I thought she was really pretty. I was scared to talk to her. And I thought she had a great sense of humor.That’s probably what I like most about her.
Courtesy of the OSL
April 2012
Chinese Horoscopes
Compiled by: Larissa AbulGhanam ‘14 Since it’s the beginning of a new Chinese year, for this issue we will be using the Chinese Horoscopes.
Expect the month of the Tiger to be very busy. No matter what’s going on, your challenge is to make choices that help you feel organized and more in control. One important step is to face head on any commitment, project, or emotional situation you’ve been avoid % * # ness from the past. Be honest.
M O N K E Y The month of the Tiger brings some risk of wanting to have too much fun. Before you go out to play with friends, take some time to seriously
# challenged even resourceful Monkeys. It might be necessary to speak up on behalf of someone who doesn’t have is also a lucky time for romance or building a bridge of understanding in your community.
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R A B B I T Expect excitement in the month of ] * # tor to any group you choose to join. There is some risk of becoming overextended. Do your best to complete any project you’ve started or committed to. Be patient with superiors and remain upbeat. If you want to make changes to improve your health and
! + joining new groups or meeting an existing romantic interest. A
It’s your month! Be on the prowl for opportunities to advance your
throughout the month of the Tiger. Network extensively and do research to discover opportunities you may have overlooked. Even casual conversations can lead to something positive. Don’t just talk about good ideas - set practical goals. Expect to be popular. A good mix of parties and attention to the details of any commitment will see you shine. Refuse to quit in any particularly stubborn situation.
S N A K E The month of the Tiger is a social time. Expect to be busy with family and organizing fun with friends. This is a powerful month to make life more fair and balanced. Self 7
* be most powerful when you’re most forgiv /
! ished business. Keep your promises and be ! charged situations.
G O A T The month of the Tiger is a high-energy time that will challenge you to be less demanding and / 7 † from a number of points of view. There could be standoffs if you become stressed and insist your way is the only way. Socially, things should be upbeat. Spend more hours sharing activities you enjoy. It’s important to get out and mingle. Humour helps bring hope in tough times.
R O O S T E R The month of the Tiger could bring a host of petty projects early in February. Try to create a balance between doing things you think are most important and helping others with their own agendas. A powerful new start lies just ahead. There is some risk of being too focused on the shortcomings of / 7 * and set ambitious goals.
ȞP I G The month of the Tiger could be a very romantic time, full of fun and enjoyment. Don’t hesitate to get out and
% sweetheart or take a relationship to a deeper level, now is the time. Balance is also important. It isn’t productive to be overly sentimental and cling to the past. Sometimes a clean break, no matter how painful, leads to a bright new start. Trust your intuition.
The month of the Tiger begins with a powerful challenge to face the past and make some serious adjustments. The changes of the last year can sometimes get you down. It isn’t easy to surrender people or situations you were attached to. Carrying a sense of injury or a desire for revenge is toxic. The lessons this month ask you to courageously draw a line and be more willing to move on. Forgiveness is a source of healing.
D R A G O N The month of the Tiger is a powerful time to reconsider the past. If faced honestly, old hurts and disappointments can more easily be surrendered. Be open to making adjustments to any plans or commitments already begun. It’s easy to become overly critical of yourself or someone close when you’re stressed. Un 7 ! to admit your part in an emotionally
‚ your interests.
H O R S E The month of the Tiger could be a feeling a strong need to cling to the familiar. All the same, you may need to give up some things. Changes over which you have no control could still haunt your dreams, but love endures. Have the courage to make a careful review of the past. Be honest if you can’t do everything you promised. Stay in close contact with supportive friends when moving into unknown territory.
D O G The month of the Tiger brings an unsettled energy that can shake up your ‡ ishing what you’ve started. Make contact with people you trust and respect in order to better organize and protect your resources. Family members might need to learn some important lessons to cope with tough times. Have the
! where people need to work coopera # + a year of sudden changes.
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Ask Fatouma
Get to know Fatouma
The Rexonian
Food for Thought Tweeking your mind...
Q1- Hi Fatouma. I just wanted to know how many sisters and brothers do you have? A1- Hello ya darling, I don’t usually answer personal questions bas 3ashankom I will. I have 16 brothers and no sisters.
1. What do you think about the 3D Printer?
Q2- Hi Fatouma. What college did you graduate from? A2- Hello ya darling. Well‌ It’s a long story but I actually went to Jami3ti but they kicked me out because they caught me selling falafel in the dorms.
3. Do you think that Time Travel will be
Q3- Hi Fatouma. What do you actually do for living? Hello ya darling. I used to be the CEO of Dreem but because my husband Zeid Qabar ‘13 eats so many Kibdeh sandwiches, I had to quit so I could go to the malhama every day and get 60 kilos of Kibdeh so I can prepare them for him fresh and spicy. Q4- Hi Fatouma. I just wanted to know where are you originally from? Hello ya darling. I’m actually a hybrid. 25 percent from Egypt, 25 percent from Algeria and 50 percent off. Q5- Hi Fatouma. Who is your favorite singer? Hello ya darling. My favorite is Abo Wadee3 especially his song Tabeeb Gra7. But when it comes to the nation, 3ala rasy Omar Al3abdallat. Q6- HI Fatouma. Who is your favorite actor? Hello ya darling. I like Brad Bit because he is hot and dangerous. Q7- Hi Fatouma. What is your favorite football club? Hello ya darling, This question is offensive ya darling, and I only have one answer for you, 5-0. Q8- Hi Fatouma. Who do you like more, Cristiano Ronaldo or Lionel Messi? Hello ya darling. All I can say is hair gel is not my thing. Q9- Hi Fatouma. It is probably inappropriate to ask, but how old are you? Dear costumer, the number you just requested is busy. Please try later.
2. Facebook, Twitter, Blogs, will there be a new kind of media?
possible in the future? 4. Why are Pizza boxes squares when the Pizzas are round? 5. Can you think of a word that rhymes with month? 6. What if Pinocchio said, “My nose will now grow�? 7. If guns don’t kill people, but people do; does that mean toasters don’t toast toast, toast toasts toast?
Q16- What do you think of the Senior class? Hello ya darling., I think they are:
Q10- Hi Fatouma. What do you think of Arab Idol? Hello ya darling. I like the program, but I don’t think it was a good idea for them to include Shrek’s wife as a judge. Q11- Hi Fatouma. What is your favorite TV show? Hello ya darling, my favorite TV show is Wadha bent 3ejlan, Nemer ben 3edwan’s girlfriend. Q12- Hi Fatouma. Where do you usually go shopping? Gutchi Pradat wejeh ADIDAM (All Day I Dream About sahen al mansaf) Al temsah al a5thar (green crocodile) Ray Bon Quickgold Fares Al Ahlam (Polo) Q13- What do you think of the Freshmen class this year? Hello ya darling. I like those little things. Q14- What do you think of the Sophomore class this year? Hello ya darling. Freshmen 2? These little things are getting bigger. Q15- What do you think of the JUNIOR CLASS? I don’t think the entire Rexonian is enough to describe the marvelous characteristics of these guys. By Mr. Bowman Dickson
The King’s Academy Bucket List - 2012 Check what you have done to make your year more special: BY FARAH KILANI ‘13 STAFF WRITER
“For food, for friendship, for the blessing of the day, we give our thanks.� “Make an announcement at the auditorium.� “Sneak into parents’ graduation dinner.� “Jump on the seniors on graduation day.� “Sneak for at least one sleepover in the dorms, in the SAME DORM.� “Tease & stalk Mr. & Mrs.Bossie.� “Stalk teachers on Facebook.� “Have a Zaffeh in your honor.� “Spend an afternoon with the Juniors and have a tie war.� “Survive a 15 minute break in the Kaziyyeh.� “Get red-carded by Jazi.� “Sleep through an entire class.� “Make it to the Honor’s list.� “Stay on 9Gag for an entire period.� “Get something other than Panadol from the nurse.� “Stay for a weekend.� “Participate in or go to an open Mic-Night.�
April 2012
Page 9
Wadi Rum: In Pictures
Down the Valley we go!
Henry Reynolds ‘12
Courtesy of Dustin Mans
Among the clouds!
Seasons at King’s Academy
King’s Academy in Fourteen Languages Showing off who we are! BY MOUNIR ENNENBACK ‘12 CONTRIBUTING WRITER
Talj, Talj, 3am bitshati el-denya talj ... Fairuz
Henry Reynolds ‘12
German: Akademie de KĂśnig English: King’s Academy Arabic: !"#$ French: AcadĂŠmie du Roi Spanish: Academia del Rey Chinese: ŕ´łâ§ á†œä˛˜ Korean: 뀊ë„? ęťšë Šé´Ľę– Japanese: ă‚ăƒłă‚°ă Žă‚˘ă‚Ťăƒ‡ăƒ&#x; Afrikaans: Akademie van die Koning Irish: Acadamh na RĂ Italian: Accademia del Re Hindi: \Â€ČĄÂ‘Â˜Č˘ €ȥ šȥ‡ȥ Dutch: Academie van het Koning Swahili: Academy ya Mfalme The languages chosen in this article are represented or have been represented at King’s Academy in the past. They are % '( % %) ' *
What do you prefer?
7abaitak ďŹ l 6ayef ... Fairuz
Courtesy of Marah Al Ju’Beh
7abaitak ďŹ l sheti ... Fairuz
Courtesy of Marah Al Ju’Beh
Page 10
The Rexonian
The inspiration behind a deďŹ ning movement
The Occupy Wall Street Poster was a part of the early internet buzz that helped make Occupy Wall Street a reality. Originally created by Adbusters Media Foundation, an anticonsumerist network of artists, activists, and writers, the promotional poster became an artistic sensation around the world and given rise to a multitude of interpretations. The poster displays a dancer atop of the Wall Street’s Charging Bull, the symbol of the capitalist vitality of Wall Street, with protesters emerging from a cloud of tear gas. Clearly written in bold near the top of the poster is, “What is our one demand?� and the words, “Occupy Wall Street. Bring tent,� near the bottom. Kalle Lasn, editor of Adbusters offered a few days ago his original intent behind the iconic image. By essentially juxtaposing the dynamism of the bull, the quiet, serene, Zen stillness of the ballerina and the protesters in the background, he ˆ # /
‰ dreamlike quality� –a signature of Adbuster’s advertisements. world shown by the protesting masses in the background and a clear agenda for the change evidenced by the calm focus of the ballerina. However, the tear gas “creates just a surreal enough atmosphere to allow anyone to have their own interpretations about the movement�. Lasn encouraged individuals to view every work of art “with a personal eye�, for every viewer brings the artwork to life with their personal experiences. “There is never really an absolute method on how to interpret a work of art�, he continued. “It’s similar to how you always notice something in movies the second time around, there is always something new about an artwork that catches my eye�.
Happy spring at King’s Academy!
Courtesy of Marah Al Ju’Beh
forced to go through.
The Pact by Jodi Picoult
The themes are so powerful and the action is very intense. The characters make you want to jump into the book and hug them until they feel better.
Looking For Alaska and Paper Towns by John Green
Greenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s characters are completely rel8 < = %> @ Q [ \) ] ' % evant, seemingly average yet original. He doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t use a big plot to hide behind, Chbosky his skill shines through the themes of his writing and the way his words string Its plot is relatable, because itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s presented with a new twist that can capture together with careless brilliance. the attention of any reader, especially The Hunger Games series by Suzanne people around our age, since the main Collins character is a high school student.
Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s addictive, because the plot is not only original but also offered through different viewpoints that make your heart shatter over the unfairness of the situations that no one should ever be
Ę&#x2014; Songs of
Les Miserables by Victor Hugo This book has such an interesting story line and each characterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s background is amazingly described, you get attached to every character.
the Issue Ę&#x2014;
By ZEIN SAâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;DEDIN â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;14 LION CUB
Toxicity â&#x20AC;&#x201C; System of a Down Hey Ya- Outcast Gangsterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Pararadise â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Coolio Clint Eastwood â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Gorillaz (Recommended by Faisal Nimry â&#x20AC;&#x2122;13) Sooner or later- Mat Kearney (Recommended by Marah Jubeh â&#x20AC;&#x2122;13) Autostrad â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Estanna Shwai (Recommended by Mr. Matt Westman) Pyro â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Kings of Leon Family â&#x20AC;&#x201C; The Cast of Cheers Caravan â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Passenger Love Buzz - Nirvana If youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d like to recommend other songs for the next issue just e-mail me! Enjoy listening! -
April 2012
Page 11
Mr. Jay Bozziâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Favorite Game November 2, 2002, Varsity Football Choate 6, DeerďŹ eld 0 BY MR. JAY BOZZI CONTRIBUTING WRITER
As a fan, my favorite sports moment was watching my younger brother represent my alama mater, Choate Rosemary Hall, in the 2002 football game against On a particularly blustery day in November of 2002 Choate had the pleasure of hosting archrival
Â&#x201E; Â&#x201A; who had imported nearly a dozen post-graduates in hopes of building a championship team, was playing for an undefeated season and a place in the coveted New England Championship game.
% # moved the ball down to within the Choate 20-yard line, but the Choate defense was able to force a fumble and take control of the ball. Throughout the game the Choate offense was easily outmatched, but ! #
ed, continued to make mental mistakes that kept the wily Choate team alive. Throughout the game, Deer # * Â&#x201A; # managed to keep the game within reach. Halfway through the fourth quarter, the game was still score Â&#x2020; ! pass that Choate intercepted and returned to just in {}Â&#x160; Â&#x201A; Â&#x160; 7 #
of the game with just under three minutes remain \ to do. They had never even been behind in a game all year; they had no idea how to face such adversity. With a renewed sense of vigor the Choate defense ! in their tracks. After securing the ball, Choate ran ! celebrating their 6-0 victory over previously unbeaten [# the season, everyone knew that Choateâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 1-7 was far * Â&#x2039;Â&#x160;| Â&#x201A; * Â&#x152;}}Â&#x152; #
# as one of my favorite game because it always reminds me of the importance of hard work and persistence and the dangers of hubris.
Courtesy of The DeerďŹ eld Scroll
DeerďŹ eld academy football
Go Play a Sport! we feel after an exciting game or workout, we canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t help but smile and feel good about ourselves. A shower feels especially relaxing once your muscles SPORTS SUB-EDITOR are cramped, your body is covered in sweat and you feel like sleeping as the # ! # ! warm water rains down on you. Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve heard over and over about how sports can help your metabolism Â&#x2030; Not only are they fun to do but fun to watch as well. Many people spend @ their free time watching their favorite team pull off amazing plays and \
- # ance our work and our play. In our hectic daily lives at Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Academy, we times have you seen streets empty because most people are at home, resall need a refresher from our school work, tests and projects. Sports, in all taurants or in clubs watching the latest Barcelona vs. Real Madrid match? of its forms, give us a change of pace, a chance to unwind and a way to live Our lives are made easier if we exercise sports, not to please people by one of our guiding principles, an integrated life. % Most importantly, sports are fun! Despite how tired and exhausted short, go play a sport. BY JUMAN TABBALAT â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;12
Page 12
The Rexonian
Is Basketball the New Soccer? Or is it just a trend that will come and go? BY JUMAN TABBALAT â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;12 SPORTS SUB-EDITOR
Basketball has not only captivated people worldwide, but has also taken a major role in instilling Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Academy spirit. But why has basketball become a chief sport in Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Academy alongside soccer? What made it the conversation on many dining hall tables? And what is it about this sport that managed to bring together a vast number of * @ Basketball caters to people from all different cultures and economic backgrounds. Whether you come from the streets or have grown up in a palace, basketball is a sport ! of life. Some of the best players actually come from poor backgrounds and have played on bad kept courts under the burning sun, dreaming of their big break. Basketball is a fast paced game that builds excitement from the beginning till the end. Spectators are always waiting for the three-pointer that will tip the scales, that play that beats the opposing teamâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s defense, momentum shifts ! Â&#x2030;Â&#x2030; game. With point after point being scored on both sides, basketball is a sport that never ceases to amaze and electrify the audience. These are just some of the many things that have made basketball such a worldwide accepted sport. With many thrills in every play, shot and fast break, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s no wonder Courtesy of Communications that the spirit of basketball carried its way into the Lionâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Girls varsity basketball poses with their trophy after winning the tournament in Beirut court. A History of Dead2Red in Numb3rs
Time Time per km Speed
2010 FACULTY TEAM (Chicken & Rice)
2011 STUDENT TEAM 1 (Supersonic Lions!)
2011 STUDENT TEAM 2 (Dead to Bed)
2011 FACULTY TEAM 1 (Chicken & Rice 2)
2011 FACULTY TEAM 2 (The Disappointments)
2012 FACULTY TEAM (Chicken & Rice 3D)
18 hrs, 53 min
15 hrs, 53 min
16 hrs, 43 min
18 hrs, 58 min
20 hrs, 26 min
19 hrs, 40 min
4 min, 41 sec
3 min, 56 sec
4 min, 8 sec
4 min, 42 sec
5 min, 4 sec
4 min, 51 sec
12.81 km/hr
15.23 km/hr
14.48 km/hr
12.76 km/hr
11.84 km/hr
12.31 km/hr
Courtesy of Andrew Poulin
The Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Academy faculty after a tiring race. Left to right: Back Row: Bowman Dickson, Darien Tontar-Mitchell, Jay Bozzi, John Wolff, Andrew Poulin, Melissa Guzman. Front Row: Moamer Khalayleh, Mia DeSimone, Emily Haug, Katie Morison, Sarah Bozzi
Dead2Red 2012 242 Km of blood, sweat, and tears! BY BOWMAN DICKSON FACULTY ADVISOR st
On March 1 , while a raging rainstorm ravaged campus a group of 10 intrepid faculty runners, along with four drivers, ventured down to the Dead Sea to run the Dead2Red race. Dead2Red is a 242 km race from the Dead Sea to the Red Sea, more than halfway across the entire country. The race is not an individual race, but rather a relay race. The rule is that one person has to be running at all times. The rest of the group waits in the cars and when itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s time to switch, a car stops to let someone new out to grab the baton and take up the running. Most teams have the runners do 0.5 km shifts so each runner runs about once every 25 minutes, but only for between 2 and 3 minutes. This means that each runner logs a total of 24 km over the course of the race. The race takes almost an entire day â&#x20AC;&#x201C; it starts in the evening on a Thursday at the Dead Sea and ends mid-day on a Friday in Aqaba. Only one team from Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Academy was able to par
The team this year ran the race in 19 hours and 40 minutes, respectable, though a bit slower than teams in years past. Here are ther things that we could have done in the time that it took us to run the Dead2Red race: Watch all eight Harry Potter movies (19 hours, 38 minutes) Fly from Los Angeles to India (20 horus, 10 minutes) Take one class for almost half of a term (22 hours, 30 minutes) Attend normal school meetings for the whole year (about 24 hours) Listen to Justin Bieberâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;&#x153;Never Say Neverâ&#x20AC;? 300 times (about 19 hours) Blink 200,000 times (18 hours, 30 minutes) Bill Gates could earn four million dollars (18 hours, 20 minutes).