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Biology A Level teaching is split over two years, where pupils will develop a more in depth understanding of concepts covered at GCSE, as well as learning new cellular and biochemical components of the course. There is also a Practical Endorsement element, where pupils are assessed on a series of Required Practical experiments over the two year period.
Pupils who have an interest in exploring Biology to a more complex and cellular level. The course will be a mixture of independent and group study, therefore pupils must be selfmotivated to ensure consolidation is carried out in study periods and prep times, outside of lessons. Biology would suit pupils who have a passion for science and who enjoyed the subject for GCSE, but also pupils who are focused and motivated to work hard.
Grade 7 or above in GCSE Science (Triple award) is advised.
The specification is divided into main topic areas, each covering different key concepts of Biology:
Year 1
Biological molecules Cell structure and division, cell membranes, immunity Exchange surfaces and transport in animals and plants DNA, RNA and protein synthesis, diversity and selection, classification.
Year 2
Photosynthesis and respiration, energy transfer and nutrient cycles, stimuli and responses, nervous coordination, homeostasis Genetics, populations and evolution, populations and ecosystems gene expression, genome projects and gene technologies In addition, at least 12 'Required Practical' experiments will be carried out in lesson time over the two years.
Teacher assessed Practical Endorsement throughout the course. The practical skills form a component of the three externally assessed written examinations, sat at the end of the
second year of study which assess both years’ work.