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Philosophy is enthralling. Are you someone who is curious? Do you enjoy discussing and debating some of the world’s biggest questions and problems with your peers? Do you want to gain skills highly-regarded by universities and employers? If “yes” then Philosophy is the subject for you.
The course will help pupils gain a thorough grounding in key skills of: analysis, evaluation, debate, reason, coherent expression, alongside knowledge of: philosophical concepts, themes, texts and techniques. Universities and employers highly rate an A Level in Philosophy. Those who study Philosophy open up doors to careers in: Law, the Civil Service, Management, Business, Politics, Marketing, Journalism, Stockbroker, Banking and much more.
Philosophy is structured around four of the biggest questions tackled for centuries by the world’s greatest minds: - The question of knowledge (Epistemology). Here we discuss what ‘knowledge’ really is, and ask “How do we know what we know?” We investigate different ideas about the source of knowledge - The question of morality. Here we question the meaning of the words good, bad, right and wrong and ask “How do we make moral decisions?” We explore Utilitarianism, Kant and Aristotle, and question the meaning of ethical language. - The question of God. Here we journey deep into the proposed qualities and characteristics of ‘God’ and ask “Can the existence of God be proved?” We examine the Ontological, Cosmological and Teleological arguments and ask how a good and all-powerful God can preside over a world full of evil, and whether it is even meaningful to talk about God at all. - The question of identity. Here we delve into some of the most profound questions of human identity and ask “Am I my mind, my body or both?” In a treasure trove of ‘isms’ we get to grips with different versions of Dualism, Physicalism, Materialism, and Functionalism as we seek to understand the nature of ‘mental states’.
Two written exams lasting 3 hours each.