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Further Mathematics
Any pupil applying to study a degree in a STEM subject should also consider taking Further Mathematics to at least AS Level alongside A Level Mathematics. Further Mathematics is considered as a separate A Level in its own right. In some cases a qualification in Mathematics or Further Mathematics will reduce the grades required for entry to a degree course in a related subject. Further Mathematics A Level may be taken only in addition to Mathematics A Level.
A Level Further Mathematics is desirable for a wide range of degree courses including Economics, Computing, Physics, Engineering and Mathematics.
Core Pure Mathematics (50%) Proof, complex numbers, matrices, further algebra and functions, further calculus, further vectors, polar coordinates, hyperbolic functions, differential equations. Further Pure Mathematics 1 (25%)
Further Trigonometry, Further Calculus (including Taylor Series, Leibnitz’s Theorem, L’Hospital’s Rule, The Weierstrass substitution for Integration), Further Differential Equations, Co-ordinate Systems (including Conics), Further Vectors, Further Numerical Methods and Inequalities.
Mechanics (25%) Momentum and impulse, work, power and energy, elastic strings and springs, elastic collisions, circular motion, centres of mass, further dynamics and kinematics, simple harmonic motion.
At the end of the 2 year course, pupils sit 4 papers:
Core Pure Mathematics 1 Core Pure Mathematics 2 Further Mathematics Statistics 1 Further Mathematics Mechanics 1