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Sport (BTEC
This course is for pupils passionate about sport, exercise, health and fitness. The units studied are a mixture of theory and practical, and pupils need to show a willingness to work on the practical aspects of the units outside of the classroom environment.
Pupils must be able to communicate with others and be willing to learn many skills which cannot be examined in a formal sense.
Pupils should appreciate the need to understand their body, the way it works and responds to exercise. A good pass in science is a great advantage in this area of study. An inquisitive mind to research modern trends in the fitness industry is also to be encouraged.
Psychology, physiotherapy, journalism, sports marketing, coaching, teaching, sport administration, personal fitness instructor, outdoor pursuits instructor, sports events, groundsman, nutritionist, sports analyst.
Lower Sixth Year
Unit 1: Anatomy and Physiology Unit 5: Application of Fitness Testing
Upper Sixth Year
Unit 2: Fitness Training and Programming for Health, Sport and Well-being Unit 3: Professional Development in the Sports Industry
Assignments will include: practical led teaching, interviews, questionnaires, presentations, written reports, posters and booklets. Assignments will be awarded a pass, merit or distinction status according to the individual units.