Welcome to the Headlines at the end of this unusual but busy term. I thoroughly enjoyed dropping in to many different remote lessons during lockdown, and I was impressed with the positivity of the pupils and the professionalism of the teachers throughout. The King's Spirit was a weekly highlight for many across the King's community, and I was particularly delighted that so many Old Brutonians contributed with memories, anecdotes and old photographs. It was wonderful to welcome pupils and staff back in to school on March 8th and restart more normal school life. The Online Inter-House Music Competition has now been complemented by live Inter-House Chess and Cross Country, while we all hope that the summer term will be busier than ever. Work is nearly completed on restructuring Wellesley and work will start over Easter on Lyon to increase capacity for boys. Please do make use of the excellent interactive links throughout this edition of the Headlines, so as to give you an even better picture of what makes King's Bruton such a dynamic school community. Best wishes for a safe and relaxing Easter. New House Ensemble Inside Out Michael Sweeney
Dylan - New House The Sacrifice Michael Nyman
Arion House Ensemble Dream A Little Dream The Mamas and Papas
Amelia Priory House Skye Boat Song
Lily - Priory House O Mio Babbino Caro Puccini
Jack Blackford House See You Again
Ian Wilmshurst - Headmaster.
King's Spirit
The Online Inter-House Music Festival was a great success with impressive entries coming in from across the Houses. Our esteemed adjudicator was Lt Gen (Ret’d) Anthony Palmer CB CBE, a former Senior Warden at King's and an excellent musician. 1st New House, 2nd Arion House and 3rd Priory House.
Unboxing Easter - Chapel videos concluded this term with pupils thinking through the good news of Jesus’ death and resurrection.
Pupils enjoyed the Inter-House Cross Country. This year, the course featured a brand new water jump.
The Queen Elizabeth Music School...
News from the Theatre...
It was super to hear live music again and see the music rooms being used for lessons and practice in The Queen Elizabeth Music School.
We livestreamed the Sixth Form Concert which showcased a wide range of talents.
Rehearsals have continued virtually this term, focusing on refining scripts and characterisation in preparation for exam performances in the Summer Term. It has been great to put the finishing touches to the Sixth Form Radio Play, Arsenic and Old Lace, which we hope to share soon.
CCF, Outdoors & Adventure...
Pupils have been glad to get back to CCF training and have enjoyed taking part in the weekly sessions in their year group bubbles.
The Dolphin Editorial Team have been busy clearing and planting the allotment.
Sports News... It was great to see so many pupils, parents, staff and Old Brutonians engage with the sport and physical activity challenges set by the Sports Department during the period of remote learning. The remote Inter-House Running and Cycling competitions saw the King's community run an impressive 4689km and cycle 4832km in total, whilst six teams completed the difficult ‘Collect Mr Wilmshurst’s Rugby Kit Running and Cycling Challenge’. On returning to school for the final three weeks of term, it was fantastic to see the pupils’ level of engagement, enjoyment and delight at being back on the sports pitches with their friends, a sight which was very much missed for the most part of the term, and we are optimistic and excited by the prospect of a full term of summer sport.
Supporting Charity & Community...
Photograph courtesy of Atlantic Campaigns
Old Brutonian Association
Mufti Day in aid of our chosen school charity this year, School in a Bag.
King's Bruton donated Chromebooks to local primary schools to help them with their remote learning.
Old Brutonian, Alex Soskin (pictured on the right) and crew, successfully rowed across the Atlantic for mental health charities.
Join the King's Bruton Community, a site dedicated to Old Brutonians. If you have news of engagements, weddings, births or more please email oba@kingsbruton. com by 5th April for inclusion in the Old Brutonian Magazine 2021.
Exciting Developments...
There has been ongoing work by our Estates team in Wellesley to create extra girls’ accommodation, along with an external path to the new Housemistress accommodation and an adjoining new staff flat. The new pedestrian crossings at the crest of Plox, beside the Health Centre, coupled with the traffic calming outside the New/Blackford school entrance will provide increased pedestrian safety for us all.
Academic & Pastoral Enrichment King's Bruton
Virtual Open Day
@KingsBruton /KingsBruton @KingsBruton /KingsBruton1519
w w w. ki ng s b ru ton .c o m Remote learning breakaway from screen time - Biology lesson gill dissection.
Remote L6th Form Geography lesson making a pop-up drainage basin.
Remote learning Kenyan style.
To arrange a visit to have a personal tour of King's with the Headmaster, contact the School Registrar, Gilly Bunday on
U6th Form Philosophy - A fantastic piece of prep on Functionalism.
The Prefects gave an Assembly about International Women’s Day.
Blackford House won the Inter-House Chess Tournament.
There were over 100 entries in the Inter-House Photography Competition. The quality was high from all the Houses.
Life in the Houses...
After the isolation of Lockdown 3.0, pupils were so happy to be back together in their Houses. There have been many birthday celebrations which they have been able to enjoy with friends in their year group bubbles.