Commem illustrated the strength of our school community & the quality in all that we do at King's Headmaster The King's Bruton Commemoration Service is one of our three key whole school events, along with the Carol Service and Prizegiving. Obviously, we have not been able to undertake our Commemoration Service since 2019, due to the pandemic, but there was no drop in quality or ceremony after a two year gap. The School should be very proud of how they all behaved and performed in such a high profile event. The procession was sensible and graceful, all the pupils looked smart, but relaxed, in No 1 uniform, while the Choir was outstanding.
Commemoration Day Service
Ian Wilmshurst
Few schools can match our history, or the significance and longevity of our Commemoration Day and, yet again, Commem illustrated the strength of our school community and the quality in all that we do at King's Bruton.