Vision 2030 booklet

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In 1995, Deb and I moved to London to lead

require a massive team effort, faithful and

a small, struggling church which met in a

consistent service, and huge financial

run-down building in Catford. At that time

sacrifice once again.

we could not have imagined the grace, mercy and favour King’s would experience

By the time 2030 is upon us, I expect my

over the following years. What an amazing

time leading King’s will be drawing to an end.

God we serve.

However, over the coming decade we have the rare opportunity to be involved in major

We are grateful for every person saved, every life transformed over the last 23 years. But as we look to the

Kingdom extension. Together we can reach, restore and resource many people.

past and give thanks, we also feel compelled to look ahead

What an opportunity, what a

and seek God again, asking Him

responsibility! I therefore ask

for another move of His power

each of you to read this Vision

among us. We are trusting and

2030 booklet prayerfully and come

believing that what we have seen so

prepared to commit with your heart,

far is just the foundation for an even greater

your prayers, your gifts and your money, as

work of God – for our city, the UK, the nations

we move into this exciting new season.

and ultimately His glory! I believe we have a God-given call to build a church that can serve many thousands in our city and be a blessing to hundreds of

Steve Tibbert (Senior Pastor)

churches in this nation and beyond. It will



The Story Begins

1878 Catford Hill Baptist Church starts in 1878, led by a pastor in his early 20s. The church plant was part of Charles Spurgeon’s vision to reach London. 1985 Catford Hill and Allerford Chapel come together to become King’s Church Catford.

Early Days

Small Steps



Steve and Deb Tibbert arrive to lead King’s, a

King’s starts to grow and King’s Centre 2000, a

church of around 200 people.

major extension of the building, is completed.



We begin to run the Alpha course which has run

The Jericho Road Project, our mercy ministry to

each term since, seeing hundreds of lives changed

the homeless and disadvantaged, is launched, and

as a result.

South Lee Christian Church joins King’s. 2004 Over 500 people are now coming to King’s. To accommodate this surge in growth, a further extension to the auditorium is completed.

Move to Multiple Meetings

Move to Multiple Sites



As the number of people joining continues to rise,

We purchase a new building in Lee which will go on

we become a church with multiple meetings – a

to house a new site and our offices.

second meeting starts in 2005 and a third in 2008. 2011 2008

King’s becomes a multi-site church as Downham

The Gracism series helps us take intentional steps

Family Church joins us and we launch the Lee site.

in building a diverse church.

We are now one church meeting on three sites in Catford, Downham and Lee, with over 1,000 people attending each Sunday.

The Story Continues



Since we are no longer based only in Catford,

We explore the issues around diversity further in

we change our name to King’s Church London to

our Invited series. To serve our growing team, we

reflect our wider vision and reach.

move the offices to fantastic new facilities on our Lee site.

2014 The newly refurbished Lee auditorium opens,


accommodating 500 people.

King’s gathers over 1,500 each Sunday. We launch Vision 2030 and a fourth site opens in Beckenham.

Inspired by Scripture. The church in Antioch, which we read about in the book of Acts, is both an encouragement and a challenge to us at King’s. Like us, they were a large church in a strategic city, socially and ethnically diverse, with a desire to serve the poor, strengthen the worldwide church, and reach the nations. Their example of gracious courage and Spirit-led generosity has a lot to teach us as we look to imitate them in being a church that will reach, restore and resource.

Reach And the hand of the Lord was with them, and a great number who believed turned to the Lord. Acts 11:21

Restore When [Barnabas] came and saw the grace of God, he was glad, and he exhorted them all to remain faithful to the Lord with steadfast purpose. Acts 11:23

Resource Then after fasting and praying they laid their hands on them and sent them off. Acts 13:3

Reach And a great many people were added to the Lord. Acts 11:24

Restore So the disciples determined, every one according to his ability, to send relief to the brothers living in Judea. Acts 11:29

Resource And when they arrived and gathered the church together, they declared all that God had done with them, and how he had opened a door of faith to the Gentiles. Acts 14:27

Prophetically led. We believe that God speaks today, often through prophetic individuals who know the church well. Over the last decade, three words in particular have encouraged us to believe God for greater things, and shaped the way we

King’s is like Niagara Falls, strong

see our future.

about King’s...

and secure. You do not need to worry

...but I am calling you to be like Victoria Falls, a church whose reach goes much further, a wider calling.

Given to Steve in Zimbabwe in 2013

Time to see 5000, it’s time to see God’s best, It’s not just growth or buildings, money and the cost, It’s Catford, London, UK too, to reach the millions lost.

Guy Miller – April 2010

You took the step, you paid the price, to be in this room tonight. Now comes the harvest. This night marks the beginning of a whole new season – a season of favour, a season of harvest, a season of amazing miracles. And I think that what’s coming is now a season of seeing just what God can do.

Steve Nicholson – September 2014

I believe we have a God-given call to build a church that can serve many thousands in our city and be a blessing to hundreds of churches in the UK and beyond. Steve Tibbert

Reach. Restore. Resource.

Reach. The atmosphere of the New Testament is one of mission empowered by the Holy Spirit and the proclamation of the Gospel. The church in Antioch was born out of the scattering of believers under persecution (Acts 11:20-1). We believe that the next season of the King’s story will be an intentional and rapid expansion towards proclaiming the Gospel and building a church of 5,000.


“Come and See”


“Go and Tell”

We believe God is calling us to build a church of

We want each of us at King’s to play our part in

5,000 believers, each of them known by Jesus and

fulfilling Jesus’ Great Commission to His church:

precious to Him. We will continue to encourage

to “go and make disciples of all nations”.

everyone at King’s to invite friends, family and neighbours to Sunday meetings, especially at key

We believe this is a call to the many not the

moments such as Christmas and Easter. Hundreds

few! With that in mind, we will seek to equip

of people have already visited King’s in direct

every believer to be able to share their faith.

response to an invitation to “come and see” Jesus

We will encourage people to reach out in their

for themselves; for many this has been the first

communities, families and workplaces, to initiate

step in their own journey to faith.

other outreach activities, and to take every opportunity to invite people to “come and see”.

Over the last 20 years, King’s has seen consistent growth. As the number of people attending

We also believe God is calling us to be involved

the church has continued to increase, we have

in spreading the Gospel not just in London and

extended our facilities, moved to multiple meetings

the UK, but in the nations beyond. King’s and its

and opened new sites – a growing family needs

members already have links with churches in other

more rooms!

nations, including Romania, China, DRC, South Africa and Zimbabwe.

As more people come to faith and the church grows, we will need yet more places to meet. We

In addition to our support of certain specific

envision starting many new sites across south east

overseas churches and projects, we want to

London – from Croydon and Bromley in the south,

encourage individuals and groups to get involved

right up to the Thames in the north, Lambeth in

in short- and long-term overseas mission, both to

the west and Bexley in the east – with multiple

provide opportunities for personal growth, and to

meetings at most of our venues.

advance the Gospel in the nations.

Restore. The church is a place of restoration. Partly, this is because the Gospel restores people as we become believers and find new purpose, wholeness and life. But it is also because we see things that we cannot simply walk past. There are needs and injustices all around us. Biblical churches restore communities, not just individuals, and if we ever “shut up shop� as a church, the local community should miss us and the positive impact we have on the area.





Over the years, King’s has seen thousands

We have contributed towards restoration in our

of people who have come through our doors

local community through the Jericho Road Project,

experience healing and restoration. Many have

which we want to continue. However, we want

come to faith here, and as we have grown

to broaden what we do in the local community

as disciples, we have had our lives radically

so that our work is not only amongst the most

transformed by meeting Jesus in the midst of His

disadvantaged, as vital as that is, but affects other

people. We want this to multiply and to deepen in

sections of society as well.

the future. Some of these projects will be initiated, financed There are a number of ways we currently express

and overseen through the leadership of the church,

the Gospel that have been particularly powerful in

whether they are expressed at all sites (like Big

seeing lives change. Obviously this includes our

Red Box) or only one site. This will include working

Sunday meetings, but also settings like Alpha, our

with young people on the margins of society who

groups, and courses such as The Marriage Course,

are endangered by the threat of serious youth

Restored Lives (for anyone separated or divorced)

violence. We will partner with charities that have

and Freedom in Christ.

particular expertise, such as the mentoring scheme for children run by Transforming Lives for Good.

However, we want to extend and develop these to help bring restoration in new areas. This will

In addition, we hope to see many “mini restore

include parenting, helping people find freedom

projects” develop, led by individuals from King’s,

from addictions such as pornography, and

supported by their group. As people sense a call to

numerous other courses.

do something to serve the local community, they will discover others in the church who have the same vision, and then, with the encouragement of the site they attend, begin a group focused on that issue. This will encourage initiatives and enable us to bring increasing restoration in our community.

Resource. Our vision as a church does not stop at the M25. “Resource” refers to the ways in which King’s can best serve and equip the wider body of Christ, both nationally and internationally. We have lots to learn from the church at Antioch here. They recognised that their role was not just to make disciples in their own city, but to serve the global church with resources – people, expertise, money, and practical and theological help (Acts 11:27-30, 13:1-3, etc).





We believe King’s has an important role to play in

The Gospel crosses international boundaries, and

the UK. Some of this comes from the fact that we

so does our responsibility as a church. Again,

are a large, urban and diverse church, and we can

some of the ways in which we work this out will be

therefore help other churches with our example

very specific. The Newfrontiers family connects us

and our experience (even as we continue to learn

with 1,500 churches worldwide, and we will serve

ourselves!). Our resources – Sunday teaching,

many of them with practical, theological, financial

material for groups, courses, articles, books, videos

and leadership resources. We are also developing

and the like – already reach widely, and we expect

a closer relationship with River of Life Church in

this to increase.

Harare, led by Scott Marques and his team. We have a number of things in common with this

We also have a part to play in the wider

church – size, influence, urban context, diversity,

Newfrontiers family we are part of. This includes

apostolic base, focus on mercy ministry among the

the leadership given by Steve Tibbert, our Senior

poor, and so on – as well as many historic links

Pastor, and the theological influence of Andrew

with Harare and the Ebenezer Project.

Wilson, our Teaching Pastor. We believe it goes well beyond this, however, and will include

Yet we want to look beyond this. Our calling is not

coaching pastors, hosting conferences, training

just to the UK, or even our family of churches, but

interns, providing financial support, sharing best

to the nations, and the commission Jesus gave His

practice, strengthening churches, and so on.

church to go into all the world and make disciples. At times this will mean sending missionaries,

We believe that the gifts God has given us are

teachers, money and skills overseas, without losing

there for the benefit of the church nationally, and

sight of our local church in London. The Antioch

we want to use them wisely.

church in Acts is a great encouragement here. They were hugely effective at reaching their own city – but they also preached the Gospel, served the poor and planted churches thousands of miles away. May we follow their example.

Turning Vision into Reality. Each of us who calls King’s home has a part to play in turning this vision into reality. It will involve our time and our talents, our prayers and our pounds. King’s is a remarkably generous church, with hundreds of people giving generously, regularly and sacrificially. The growth and impact we have seen thus far would not have happened without it, and future growth and Kingdom impact won’t happen without it either.

An annual faith target.

RESTORE – Provide £50,000 to fund new Restore

Up to now we’ve generally set an annual budget

projects as well as existing ones like our Jericho

and provided termly updates on the giving against

Road Project.

budget. Going forward, however, we will set a more defined faith target each year, a target for us all to

RESOURCE – Provide £150,000 to give away

participate in achieving. It will be split between two

beyond King’s through gifts and ministry.

funds – King’s and Vision 2030 – which will help us turn this vision into reality.

BUILDING DEVELOPMENTS – Provide £150,000 for developing our existing facilities.

King’s Giving to King’s covers all our day-to-day ministries

Reducing debt.

and running costs. This includes all our work with

As part of a recent strategic review we will make

children and young people, running Sundays,

a one-off debt repayment of £550,000 to reduce

developing disciples, and all our worship, outreach

the outstanding debt of the Lee building from

and pastoral care. This will replace our historic

£2.15 million to £1.6 million, refinancing this over

Revenue (General) Fund.

15 years. We will continue to pay off our debt at £150,000 a year from both King’s and Vision 2030.

Vision 2030 Giving to Vision 2030 will enable us to extend

A faith target of £2 million.

further, seeing new sites launched, reaching more

Our faith target for the current year, from September

people, launching many projects to impact our

2018 to the end of August 2019, is £2 MILLION.

community and increasingly being a resource to King’s

£1.6 million

Vision 2030


This year’s giving to Vision 2030 will allow us to:



REACH – Provide £50,000 of seed funding for the

Our targets in the subsequent two years will be

new Beckenham site, to enable us to reach more

£2.1 million and then £2.2 million, an uplift of

people with the Gospel.

£100,000 each year.

other churches.

The invitation. We are inviting everyone at King’s to participate in making Vision 2030 become a reality. For some it will be relatively small amounts; for others it may be tens of thousands of pounds. We encourage everyone to seek God and to give generously in accordance with the resources with which He has blessed you.

Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 2 Corinthians 9:7

Each playing our part.

Give out of what you have

In light of this new vision, we will have an annual

We recognise that your personal circumstances will

commitment moment each autumn so we can

affect how you are able to give. If this is a difficult

all play our part in achieving Vision 2030. This

time for you financially, please do not feel under

replaces the Annual Giving Review we have usually

any obligation – we believe you should only give

done each summer.

out of what you have. Feel free to ask for prayer on a Sunday or in your group, or to talk to a leader if

We are asking everyone who calls King’s home

you are struggling financially or with debt.

prayerfully to consider two things: how you can give towards this year’s faith target, and what

Gift Aid – An extra 25% for free

up-front gift you can make at our Vision 2030 Gift

If you are a UK taxpayer we are able to claim an

Days on 11 and 18 November.

extra £2.50 from the Inland Revenue for every £10

Commitment for this year.

you give, at no cost to you, from the tax you have paid or will pay. Please fill in the Gift Aid section

There is space on the Commitment & Gift Card to

of the Commitment & Gift card if you are a UK

let us know if you are planning on giving to King’s

taxpayer and have not done so before.

and towards Vision 2030 over the coming year. You do not need to tell us the amounts, but please indicate your commitment.

Up-front Vision 2030 gifts. We would love to see a significant start to Vision 2030 at our November Vision 2030 Gift Days. Please seek God for the part you can play through an initial gift. Please prayerfully complete the Commitment & Gift card and come ready to give on 11 or 18 November.

Find out more To understand more about our approach to giving and the different ways you can give, ask at the Welcome Desk on a Sunday, speak to a Pastor or visit

FAQs 1.


Do you want me to split my giving equally

Will any pastoral staff know what I am giving?

between King’s and Vision 2030? It is our intention for none of the pastoral staff to No, please commit to your regular giving to King’s

know what you give. The staff in our Finance Team

first and then give anything over and above that to

are solely responsible for counting and processing

Vision 2030.

gifts and keeping records.



I am already giving towards the Revenue

How often will we have Gift Days to give towards

(General) Fund. What should I do?

Vision 2030?

Our Revenue (General) Fund is being replaced

We will take up our regular King’s offering each

by new accounts for giving to King’s. If relevant

week as part of our Sunday worship. In addition

for your site, please set up a new Standing Order

there will be a monthly Vision 2030 offering

or online payment using the bank details on the

starting with our Gift Days on Sundays 11 and 18

Commitment & Gift Card.

November 2018.



I am already giving into the Multi-Site Fund.

What if I’m reading this booklet after the

What should I do?

November 2018 Gift Days?

The Vision 2030 Fund replaces the Multi-Site

Don’t worry – everyone can play their part at any

Fund. If relevant for your site, please transfer your

stage. The November Gift Days are simply the

existing Multi-Site giving to Vision 2030 using the

initial moment we’re asking everyone who calls

bank details listed on the Commitment & Gift Card.

King’s home to consider their giving for the coming year. Please feel free at any point in the year to complete and return the Commitment & Gift Card.


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