Update O C TO B E R
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King’s is like Niagara Falls, strong and secure.. ...but I am calling you to be like Victoria Falls, a church whose reach goes m Prophetic word given to Steve in Zimbabwe in 2013
Dear Friends, What an exciting and encouraging year it’s been since the launch of Vision 2030 last September – it’s hard to believe a year has passed already! A lot has been happening, and we’d like to take the opportunity to update you on progress made so far in fulfilling our vision to Reach, Restore and Resource many people for God. A CALL TO PRAYER We’ve had a growing conviction My house shall be that in order to see the fruition called a house of prayer of God’s call upon King’s to be a for all the nations… blessing to many, we need to go – Mark 11:17 deeper into God and be persistent in prayer. I believe we need to strengthen our corporate prayer life and respond to God’s call to be ‘…a house of prayer for all the nations’. Therefore, I am asking each of you to join us as we embark on 21 days of prayer and fasting in January 2020. Throughout these three weeks, we will meet for an hour each day at 7pm. Together, we will seek God and petition him to pour out his blessing upon us. I am very excited about these weeks of prayer, and I encourage you to be at as many of the meetings as you can.
STEVE T Senior
.. much further, a wider calling…
FOR ALL THE NATIONS Today, I also shared important news about our call to serve the wider Newfrontiers family. In particular, I told you about the invitation I have received to host and lead the Newfrontiers apostlic fellowship from October 2020. This is a small part of our call to be a resource to many churches in this nation and beyond. It is a huge privilege and responsibility, and I would greatly appreciate your prayers as I prepare to take this on next year. FAITH TARGET Your ongoing generosity allowed us to raise an amazing £2,035,000 last year, exceeding our original target of £2,000,000! Our faith target for this church year is £2,150,000. We are asking for 500 households to increase their giving by at least £10 per month. We also hope to make a strong start towards our Vision 2030 giving and are in faith for £75,000 in November.
King’s, we have a big call upon us! We believe God has called us to fulfil his prophetic word to Reach, Restore and Resource – to serve thousands of people in our city and to be a blessing to hundreds of churches in the UK and beyond. I am excited to see what this next year will bring. Today I am asking you to stand with us in prayer, to join us in 21 days of prayer and fasting in January, and to give generously towards the fulfilment of Vision 2030.
“We believe God is calling us to build a church of 5,000 believers, each of them known by Jesus and precious to him.” Our REACH teaching series last Autumn equipped us to “go and tell” others the Good News of Jesus more effectively. God can use our conversations with friends to change individual lives. We have new people coming to King’s every week, often in response to a friend’s invite to “come and see” Jesus for themselves. King’s is growing and we want to keep making space for more people. Our fourth site in Beckenham has just celebrated its first birthday and continues to flourish, and earlier this year we also launched a third service at 1.30pm on the Catford site. Over the summer our youth team took over 100 of our young people to Newday, where six made first-time commitments to Jesus and another 29 recommitted their lives to Him. Last month 20 people were baptised across our sites.
PLAYING OUR PART Start praying for people you could invite to a Sunday meeting, one of the Christmas carol services or Alpha.
Pray for all those attending and serving on Alpha this term, and particularly for the Alpha Saturday on 16 November.
Listen to the REACH series: kingschurchlondon.org/reach Start a conversation about Jesus with a friend.
“We are radically transformed on the inside when we find hope, purpose and freedom in Christ... The church is a place of restoration and as restored people, when we see need and injustice, we cannot simply walk by.” Our main teaching series this term, RESTORED, will focus on what it means to find Freedom in Christ. King’s has been running the Jericho Road Project since 2001, which continues to do excellent work supporting vulnerable and marginalised people in our local community. King’s Christmas Trees and Big Red Box, our two Christmas projects, help give practical support to individuals and families in need. Since the launch of Vision 2030, we’ve held two RESTORE evenings for anyone with RESTORE project ideas, or with a heart to be involved in the community. Some exciting new initiatives have been started or are in the pipeline.
PLAYING OUR PART Pray for the RESTORED series, that each of us will understand more fully who we are in Christ.
Our next RESTORE evening is on Tuesday 12 November, 7.45pm at the Lee site. kingschurchlondon.org/restore
Pray for the RESTORE projects. Pray that as a church we will play our part in bringing positive change to our community.
“We have a God-given call to build a church that can be a blessing to hundreds of churches in this nation and beyond.” Our relationship with River of Life Church, Zimbabwe continues to flourish. A team from King’s are writing a curriculum in partnership with Crossover, a Christian school in Harare. We have recently sent £50,000 to the DNa family of churches, led by Scott Marques and part of Newfrontiers, to help support the Ebenezer farming project and Crossover. In the last year, material from our INVITED teaching series has been used and adapted by several UK churches wanting to learn about the issue of diversity. The recent Revelation teaching series was listened to by people in over 60 countries via our website and app. Steve and Deb have recently returned from Kenya, where they were speaking at a conference for 500 church leaders from across the nation.
PLAYING OUR PART Please pray for Steve & Deb and all those from the international family of Newfrontiers apostolic leaders.
Pray that King’s would continue to encourage and strengthen the wider body of Christ, both in the UK and internationally.
The Zimbabwe curriculum team need more teachers to join them. Interested? Please contact Yvonne (y.steel@btinternet.com).
Turning Vision into Reality Each of us who calls King’s home has a part to play in turning Vision 2030 into reality. It will involve our time and our talents, our prayers and our pounds. King’s is a remarkably generous church, with hundreds of people giving generously, regularly and sacrificially. The growth and impact we have seen thus far would not have happened without it, and future growth and Kingdom impact won’t happen without it either.
Our faith target for the current year (Sep19 to Aug20) is King’s Vision 2030 TOTAL
£1.75 million £400,000 £2.15 MILLION
Our targets in the subsequent two years will be £2.25 million and then £2.35 million, an uplift of £100,000 each year.
Giving to King’s covers all our day-to-day ministries and running costs. This includes all our work with children and young people, running Sundays, developing disciples, and all our worship, outreach and pastoral care. Giving to Vision 2030 will enable us to extend further, seeing new sites launched, reaching more people, launching many projects to impact our community and increasingly being a resource to other churches.
THIS YEAR’S GIVING TO VISION 2030 WILL ALLOW US TO: REACH – Provide £50,000 to continue supporting the establishment of the Beckenham site to enable us to reach more people with the Gospel. RESTORE – Provide £50,000 to fund new Restore projects as well as existing ones such as our Jericho Road Project. RESOURCE – Provide £150,000 to give away beyond King’s through gifts and ministry, including an additional £25,000 to our friends in Zimbabwe. REDUCING DEBT – Continue the servicing of our debt with £150,000 a year from King’s and Vision 2030.
VISION 2030 was launched in September 2018. We were inspired by the Antioch Church, a New Testament example of a large city church with a desire to reach the nations, serve the poor, and strengthen the worldwide church. If you have joined us since then, we encourage you to pick up the Vision 2030 booklet from the Welcome Desk and to visit kingschurchlondon.org/vision to listen to the sermons and watch other material related to Vision 2030.
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