King'20 accelerator Lookbook 2017

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Entrepreneurship Institute

Contents 04 Welcome to King’s20 Demo Day 07 About King’s20 accelerator 07 Agenda 08 Venture overviews 26 Thanks to 28 About the Entrepreneurship Institute 03

Welcome to King’s20 Demo Day For almost 200 years, King’s College London has been striving to improve the world. King’s has been bursting with talented innovative and entrepreneurial people since 1829, solving problems and identifying new opportunities.

We are delighted to introduce you to the very best of our early stage, high-potential entrepreneurs selected from amongst the talented students, alumni and staff at King’s College London. Our first cohort includes early-stage ventures from health, technology, consumer products, education and more. 50% of the entrepreneurs are undergraduate, master’s or PhD students at King’s, 40% are recent alumni of King’s and 10% are staff. Our entrepreneurs come from 22 countries and 25% of our founders are female. King’s College London has supported its first cohort of 20 ventures with a full, free programme of acceleration including 200+ hours of mentorship with our Experts in Residence, £99,000 of grants to support scaling, six fully-funded interns and more. Our accelerator is unique in two important ways: i) we focus heavily on the entrepreneur, ahead of their idea, and support their development as leaders.

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More than 70% of our entrepreneurs improved their leadership skills during their time with us; and ii) by tracking ventures’ impact on society (through job creation, wealth creation and impact), the programme reflects King’s wider purpose to act ‘in the service of society’.

Entrepreneurial minds at King’s have influenced many of the advances that shape modern life: • the discovery of the structure of DNA • research that led to the development of radio, television, mobile phones and radar.

Our support has helped to move important ideas to the next level where they have clear plans to deliver and to sustain. 75% of them have already raised funding, three of our entrepreneurs have won prestigious external prizes and 20 jobs have been created along with six internships during their time with us. King’s College London has supported the ventures that you will see today completely free of charge; each venture that you see is 100% in control of its own intellectual property.

What will entrepreneurial thinking at King’s produce next? We hope that you enjoy our lookbook and the ventures and entrepreneurs that you will see today. If you like what you see and you would like to support our entrepreneurs, please email

King’s College London will continue to develop its support for entrepreneurs and has chosen to place entrepreneurship at the heart of its new business school which launches at Bush House in September 2017.

My very special thanks to the skilled and hard-working team at the Entrepreneurship Institute who always work ‘in the service of society’. Our thanks and very best wishes. Julie Devonshire OBE

Director, The Entrepreneurship Institute 05

About the King’s20 accelerator


King’s20 accelerator is a 12-month programme to support 20 of the best King’s ventures to reach their potential.

15.30 Registration and high tea 16.00 Welcome – Professor Evelyn Welch



Experts in residence Workshops and events












16.20 Pitches (part 1)



16.10 Keynote speech – HRH Prince Andrew, The Duke of York 17.00 Interval with tea and coffee 17.10 Pitches (part 2) 1. Problem/solution fit 2. Product/market fit Customer Insights Market Research Establish company and team

Build and test MVP Validate/pivot idea Establish committed team

3. Business model/market fit Launch products and secure customers Build operations for launch/growth Prepare to raise investment

Entrepreneur | Technologist | Coaches | Investor | Creative | Growth Hacker

Induction and bootcamp

Customer development

Rapid prototyping


Growth hacking

Raising investment




This is a new programme to support and house 20 of the university’s highestpotential ventures at the prestigious Bush House building on Strand Campus. We give ventures transformational experiences – through expert mentoring, leadership coaching, inspiring workspace, learning resources, investment readiness support, and the grant funding to help them fly. Most of all, we want to develop their skills as entrepreneurial leaders for whatever challenges lie ahead. The programme offers £30,000 worth of support, including:

18.10 Closing remarks – Professor Evelyn Welch 18.15 Networking drinks and venture demo stands 19.30 End

We are using the hashtag #Kings20 throughout the event. Please include this on any posts you share via social media. We will also be using Glisser, a web app that lets you interact with the pitches throughout the event. You be able to see a live version of the slides in the palm, ‘Like’ slides, make notes, Tweet about the pitches, and ask the entrepreneurs questions. You will also be able to vote for the best pitch, and most investable idea. We will follow up after the event by introducing you to any entrepreneur you have asked questions. We will brief you at the start of the event on how Glisser works.

1. Access to our community: free office space for up to four team members in

our amazing coworking space in Bush House; networking and social events; and membership of our community of entrepreneurs and partners. 2. Expert mentorship: weekly one-to-ones with experts in Tech, Investment, Leadership Coaching, Creativity; and Growth Hacking; workshops on subjects such as sales, customer development, financial modelling, investment readiness, networking, pitching and more. 3. Leadership development: the chance to develop leadership skills required for future success, whether as an entrepreneur or beyond, through coaching, formative feedback and a leadership retreat to the UK Defence Academy. 4. Funding: the chance to compete for a share of £100,000 grant funding; entry into prize and funding competitions throughout the year; and the opportunity to pitch to a room of investors at Demo Day.

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C the Signs


C the Signs is a digital platform designed to help doctors detect cancer at the earliest and most curable stage of the disease.

hackajob is a data-driven and engaging recruitment platform that matches top technical talent with exciting companies.

The ask: Looking for £150,000 SEIS funding, mentorship, and advisory board members.

The ask: We are looking for strategic partners who can accelerate hackajob’s growth.

King’s Team Leaders: Dr Bhavagaya Bakshi King’s Alumni, Faculty of Life Sciences & Medicine

King’s Team Leaders: Razvan Creanga, Mark Chaffey King’s Alumni, Faculty of Social Science & Public Policy

Additional co-founders: 1

Employees: 14





By 2020, one in two people will be diagnosed with cancer in the UK in their lifetime. Currently over 50% of patients are diagnosed late, costing 50,000 lives and the NHS £210 million per year.

Cancer currently costs the NHS £9 billion per year with the costs expect to continue to rise to over £13 billion in 2020. Early diagnosis is expected to save £210 million per year.

Finding technical talent is expensive, time-consuming and immensely difficult.

More than £7 billion is spent on recruitment fees every year in the UK





C the Signs is a multi-platform digital tool designed to help doctors detect any cancer at the earliest stage, using AI to map the latest research and recommending what tests, investigations or referrals a patient needs in 30 seconds.

Raised £10,000 grants, won Allesch-Taylor Scholarship for 2016, finalist at Tech4Good Digital Health Award 2017. Piloting with two NHS Clinical Commissioning Groups in Q3 and 4 2017.

We have created hackajob to solve this pain point by bridging the gap between startups, SMEs or corporates and technical talent through strengths-based matching.

Clients include 35,000+ candidates and 500+ companies (including MarketInvoice, Monzo, Apple, Cisco). £1 million raised so far. Featured in The Telegraph in Jan 2017.

Get in touch: | | @CtheSignsTool

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Get in touch: | | @hackajob_co 09



PixSure uses powerful technology to radically enhance media targeting for marketing and advertising clients.

Teech is an app that allows school students to ask any question and receive a live video call from a tutor in under 30 seconds.

The ask: Looking for £150,000 investment at a pre-money valuation of £1 million, as well as mentors, clients and partners in advertising/marketing sectors.

The ask: Mentors and partners with influence in the education sector and experience with live video services and/or AI.

King’s Team Leader: Bright Boahen King’s Undergraduate Student, Faculty of Natural & Mathematical Sciences

King’s Team Leader: Neil Saada King’s Undergraduate Student, Faculty of Natural & Mathematical Sciences

Additional co-founders: 1

Additional co-founders: 2 Employees: 3





Brands are not currently able to unlock the massive marketing potential in their image libraries without laborious manual work.

Medium to large advertising agencies who work with multiple brands. UK digital advertising industry worth £20 billion.

The tutoring market in the UK is estimated to be over £7 billion. In London 40% of students have used a private tutor.



Instant help for students is currently only available through the internet, and tutoring is a very rigid, sporadic and expensive way to learn.

PixSure analyses the images shared by brands followers, which are then processed through image recognition software, categorised and used to help brands create highly-targeted ads.

Launching Q4 2017. Finalists in the Babatunde Soyoye Tech Innovation Prize 2017. Current Semi Finalists in 2017 Santander Entrepreneurship Competition.


20,000 downloads and £4,000 revenue since April 2017. Raised £520,000. Featured in The Guardian and Le Point Magazine, Kings Idea Box Winner, Oxford Tri-innovate finalists.

Get in touch:

10 King’s20 accelerator Lookbook June 2017

Teech’s app allows students to get help instantly as soon as they feel they are struggling. They receive an explanation in under 30 seconds from a top university student.


Get in touch: | | @teechglobal 11


Roomor Proptech

Memento uses crowd-sourced photography to capture events in VR, so you can relive the moment, again and again.

Roomor is a ‘smart home as a service’ platform which empowers landlords to provide a better service to their tenants, improving people’s lifestyles.

The ask: Looking for £100,000 investment (SEIS), as well as mentors, board members and partners

The ask: Raising £300,000 investment; looking for board members.

King’s Team Leaders: Dr Michael Truong King’s alumni, Faculty of Life Sciences & Medicine

King’s Team Leader: Jose Mora King’s Alumni, Faculty of Social Science & Public Policy

Other King’s co-founders: Olga Kravchenko





People want to capture the moment so they can share and relive their experiences. Photos are expensive and increasingly outdated. VR will soon become the norm.

UK weddings (300,000 annually, each spending circa £2,400 to capture the moment). Then expand into Europe and US (four million weddings equalling a £4.4 billion market). Secondary markets include corporate events, parties and festivals.

Rental costs are increasing, but landlords are struggling to keep tenants satisfied. The smart home industry struggles to integrate gadgets with property management services.

250,000 houses and £29 billion a year industry. 2,300 property developers are in the UK where the top 50 companies put out an average of 30,000 homes a year.


Solution A combination of Internet of Things and AI that provides the tenant with a great smart home experience, from face recognition door opening to contactless bill payments.

Launching in early 2018. Raised £5,000 grants and won Allesch-Taylor Scholarship for 2016. Interest & Letter of Intent for a pilot from major property development company in London.

Solution Memento is an innovative, state-ofthe-art platform that utilises crowdsourced photography to build a virtual reconstruction of events as they unfold which can be shared and replayed through immersive VR media.

Launching in August 2017. Trials in place with two major events management companies. Winner of King’s Cultural Hack Award. Piloted in June 2017 and launching in August 2017.

Get in touch: | | @mementoVR

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Get in touch: | | @RoomorApp 13



Trarvel is an integrated tour guide to allow tourists to familiarise themselves with unfamiliar surroundings using augmented reality.

Oslr exists to disrupt and revolutionise the access to and delivery of education in healthcare training. The ask: Investment and mentorship in financial sustainability and internal operations to help reach significant potential.

The ask: Looking for £100,000 investment, mentors with expertise in marketing and sales, and partners to provide raw data and e-commerce facilities to be embedded into our app. King’s Team Leader: Clarence Ji King’s Student, Faculty of Natural & Mathematical Sciences

King’s Team Leader: Tom Simpson King’s Staff and King’s Taught Postgraduate Student, Faculty of Life Sciences & Medicine and King’s Learning Institute

Other King’s co-founders: Philip To

Additional co-founders: 2 Employees: 1





Information for tourists is fragmented, impractical and often expensive, detracting from the enjoyment of a leisure visit to a new city.

18-34 year-old tourists with data-enabled iPhone. With hundreds of pounds being spent on tours and guide books, we aim to integrate these resources into one low-cost app with no initial download cost.

The delivery of education in the clinical environment is impaired by unprecedented pressures, and the use of smartphone technology in medical education is untapped.

Medical students and junior doctors (who spend around £17,000 of their own money on post-graduate training resources). Across training for all health professions, billions of pounds are spent in the UK every year.




Beta launch summer 2017. Recognised as top-10 entrepreneur U30 in London 2016. Mentions in Evening Standard and Forbes, and two-time Apple Worldwide Developer Conference.

A platform to bring teachers, learners and patients together in the clinical environment, while integrating resources to improve training effectiveness.

500+ beta users, £20,000 investment raised, £52,000 grants received; partnerships with BMJ, Oxford University Press, Kortext, Pastest. Winners of Allesch-Taylor Scholarship for Entrepreneurship 2016.

Solution A low-cost app integrating tourist info across APIs including Google, TfL, Yelp and others, with AR letting users interact with the tourist hotspots around them.

Get in touch: | | @trarvel

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Get in touch: | | @oslrapp 15



Cycl is an award-winning startup that designs and retails innovative cycling products, starting with WingLights, direction indicators for bicycles.

GripBeats is a wearable technology which allows users to create, edit and perform professional-sounding music simply through hand movements and gestures.

The ask: We are looking for a small company with good products in the cycling industry to potentially merge with, and help us raise money, build a stronger brand and scale up.

The ask: £150,000 SEIS investment for inventory, patent applications, continued R&D, and marketing. Also seeking board members and partnerships. King’s Team Leaders: Agostino Stilli King’s Alumni, Faculty of Natural & Mathematical Sciencess

King’s Team Leader: David Wexler King’s Undergraduate Student, Faculty of Arts & Humanities

Additional co-founders: 1

Employees: 5

Employees: 2





Cycling is dangerous, every year around 19,000 cyclists are injured on UK roads, with 75% of the accidents accuring at a junction.

Cycl’s market includes any cyclist in any city.

Current musical instruments and lessons are expensive, inaccessible and out of touch with tech progress.

UK children aged 5 to 17 (11 million). UK parents spend up to £2,400 on music lessons and £500 on toys per child per year.



GripBeats is a low-cost wearable technology which offers musical creativity through modern technology and at a low cost, redefining what it is to be a musician.

Launching Q4 2017. Awarded £15,500 in grants, Soyoye Prize for Technology Innovation and Allesch-Taylor Scholarship for Entrepreneurship. Won Hong Kong Science & Technology Park scholarship.

Solution WingLights are direction indicators for bicycles that make sure that you are seen when it is most needed, when turning and changing lane, in all lights and weather conditions.

Traction Currently profitable and have sold more then 22,000 units. Were on the Sirius programme, received investment on Dragons Den, and won the Santander enterprise competition.

Get in touch: | | @cyclbike

16 King’s20 accelerator Lookbook June 2017

Get in touch: | | @grip_beats 17


First Result

DroneID offers maximum accessibility and proof of compliance for drones in restricted airspaces using AI and Blockchain technologies.

First Result is a data-driven video marketing start up. We create and market video content iteratively to enhance marketing ROI. The ask: Looking for £150,000 in SEIS funding, as well as mentorship, board members, and clients.

The ask: Seeking £200,000 SEIS for recruitment, cloud server rentals and marketing. Also looking for partners, new clients and mentorship from experts in the drone industry. King’s Team Leader: Dr Shaswar Baban King’s Alumni, Faculty of Natural & Mathematical Sciences

King’s Team Leader: Ross Lindgren King’s Alumni, Faculty of Social Science & Public Policy Additional co-founders: 1 Employees: 2

Additional co-founders: 1





Legal and compliant operation of commercial drones in city airspaces is restricted by airports and other stakeholders, and getting a permit is costly and may take days.

Drone identification market estimated at $2.72 billion by 2020. Customers range from various commercial drone operators to airspace stakeholders (eg airports, prisons) and regulatory agencies (eg CAA in the UK).

Video content is the most cost-effective method of online marketing. However, most companies don’t have the capabilities to constantly produce and test effective content.

We target B2C consumer brands who constantly need to reach their audience with engaging content and whose social media campaign ROI is easily measured by increased sales.




A data-driven approach to video production and marketing. We create and execute monthly programs of content creation and promotion, adjusted and iterated constantly using customer analytics.

Approx £60,000 revenue booked. Raised £7,500 grant funding. Stefan Allesch-Taylor Scholarship winner. Lion’s Den Challenge ‘Best Pitch’ winner.

Solution DroneID connects airspace stakeholders and commercial drone operators using a dynamic system based on AI and Blockchain that unlocks flight restrictions in seconds. It also offers increased safety for the public and proof of compliance for drone pilots.

Launching in Q4 2017. Civil Aviation Authority is interested in our technology to manage commercial drone operator flight licences. Have won a place in Deep Science Ventures incubator July 2017.

Get in touch: | | @drone_ID

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Get in touch: | 19

Bahati Books


Bahati Books is an African literature publisher that publishes e-books by talented African writers.

HealthMakeSpace is a professional networking platform connecting startups with healthcare experts to identify and accelerate health innovations.

The ask: Mentors and partners in the publishing and editorial world (especially The Times and Guardian); low-cost office space.

The ask: Looking for healthcare students and professionals interested in collaborating with startups; investment opportunities; and industry partnerships. King’s Team Leader: Barbara Njau

King’s Team Leader: Dr Faheem Ahmed King’s Alumni, Faculty of Life Sciences & Medicine

King’s Taught Postgraduate Student, Faculty of Social Science & Public Policy

Additional co-founders: 2

Additional co-founders: 1





There is a lack of diverse African writers published by mainstream publishing companies.

Customers are Kindle readers. The market for e-books globally is £538 million according to research by The Publishers Association.

Clinicians and startups are struggling to get their life-saving innovations adopted into frontline care due to ineffective communication between industry and health systems.

NHS organisations adopting and accelerate health tech innovation (ie AHSNs). Our revenue target for the upcoming 12 months is circa £500,000.


£36,000 revenue since 2016, 200+ current clients, £15,000 investment raised. Platform membership trebled in four months. Currently developing first NHS platform for accrediting healthcare innovation.

Solution We publish, in e-book format, African writers with strong and captivating manuscripts.

Traction £16,000 grants received. Winners of King’s College London Lion’s Den Challenge and Stefan Allesch-Taylor scholarship in 2016.

Get in touch: | | @BahatiBooks

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HealthMakeSpace connects start-ups, healthcare providers and other organisations with the right experts to consult, collaborate and partner with.


Get in touch: | | @HealthMakeSpace 21



Moovr empowers poor farmers in Africa by giving them access to the technology and information they need to lift themselves out of poverty.

Orcai uses the latest artificial intelligence technology to dynamically manage project resources. The ask: Looking for £150,000 SEIS investment, as well partners and clients to pilot Orcai and grow into other industries.

The ask: £150,000 Investment, as well as mentors, board members and partners with expertise in agriculture, logistics and development in Africa. King’s Team Leaders: Lauren Kienzle King’s Taught Postgraduate Student, Faculty of Social Science & Public Policy

King’s Team Leader: Dr Ehsan Ghoreishi King’s Alumni, Faculty of Natural & Mathematical Sciences

Other King’s co-founders: James Middleton, Dima Alazzi, Olivia Spaethe, Jon Campbell

Additional co-founders: 2





A lack of information and choice in agricultural transport across Africa results in farmers walking produce to markets costing time, reducing quality and creating an inefficient supply chain.

Pastoralists in rural Kenya, transport operators and buyers at market. Almost 10 million farmers undertake around five transactions a year, with transport costing approximately £10 per animal.

IT project failures cost EU companies more than £123 billion, primarily because of inaccurate resource management, ineffective communication and employee disengagement.

20,000 active video game companies in the UK. The online project management software market generates revenue of £1.2 billion.




Moovr provides market information to producers, and lets them book transport and make direct sales, increasing their choice and market power while driving efficiencies in the sales process.

£4,000 grants received; signed letter of intent with KLMC to collaborate on pilot program; partnership agreement with Juhudi Kilimo, ILRI, Esoko; article in The Economist.

An intelligent project coordinator chatbot that prioritises stakeholders to determine how to engage with them, and assigns tasks to the appropriately skilled personnel.

Launching July 2017 following successful pilot, with initial focus on the game development industry. Finalist at Soyoye Prize for Tech Innovation.

Get in touch: | | @moovr_

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Get in touch: | 23

Attollo Lingerie

The Medic App

Attollo is a D+ lingerie brand, for sizes 28D-34GG, co-designed with customers to create lingerie that is beautiful, with unrivalled uplift!

The Medic App improves patient outcomes and carer oversight by using smart optimised medication scheduling and tracking.

The ask: £200,000 investment to continue product development into second range. Investment will also fund marketing, a growing team of staff and overheads.

The ask: £150,000 SEIS investment to spend on expanding team, marketing and technical infrastructure. Also seeking mentorship, board members, and partners in healthcare industry. King’s Team Leader: Fares Alaboud King’s Alumni, Faculty of Natural & Mahematical Sciences

King’s Team Leaders: Fleurette Mulcahy, Alice Holden King’s Taught Postgraduate Student, Faculty of Social Science & Public Policy

Additional co-founders: Joshua Simpson Employees: 7





Over 9.1 million women in the UK are D+ but lingerie available for fuller-bust women women is frumpy, beige and matronly, making these women feel self-conscious and unstylish.

UK lingerie sector is estimated at £3.9 billion, growing on average 5.1% per annum. Currently, 9.1 million UK women are D+. Our target market shop twice a year for two lingerie sets, spending £189.

Over one billion prescriptions were issued in 2015, and 40% of chronic patients do not take their medication properly.

30 million+ repeat prescription users in UK. We plan on charging a minimal subscription fee for using our premium services, such as carer tracking and AI-enabled scheduling.



Attollo’s range is co-designed with customers, giving D+ women lingerie that they are finally excited to wear. Tailored to our small band, large cup niche, our bras give unrivalled uplift!

Launching Summer 2017. Secured prelaunch reservations worth £15,000. Raised £170,000 investment. Featured in Vogue, Cosmopolitan, Tatler, GQ & Huffington Post.

Get in touch: | | @AttolloLingerie

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Solution A smartphone app that allows users to schedule medication reminders and track adherance for themselves and their loved ones. The app will use AI to optimise medication's impact on a user according to their daily routines.

Traction Publicly launched beta campaign in June, 120 beta signups overnight. App launching July 2017. Received £30,000 grants, including Allesch-Taylor Scholarship and Babatunde Soyoye Innovation Award. Selected as part of UK Government’s Global Entrepreneur Programme.

Get in touch: | | @TheMedicApp 25

Thanks to... We’d like to thank our partners and supporters within our entrepreneurial family whose generosity, commitment and expertise have helped make this programme such a success. We’d particularly like to extend our gratitude to: • Professor Stefan Allesch-Taylor CBE • Babatunde Soyoye • Professor Bill Aulet • Amazon Web Services • Experts in Residence Gilly Wiscarson, Alex Sleigh, Toks Majek, Farhan Lajli, and Yo Percale • Workshop facilitators Emma Sexton, Richard Zaltzman, David Shriver, and Ben Hayman

• Defence Academy of the United Kingdom • The Entrepreneurship Institute team, who work tirelessly each day to give anyone at King’s access to inspiring and unique opportunities in entrepreneurship, whatever their background, interests or entrepreneurial idea.

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26 King’s20 accelerator Lookbook July 2017

About the Entrepreneurship Institute

The Entrepreneurship Institute at King’s College London serves as the university’s flagship, extra-curricular entrepreneurial hub. We support students, staff and alumni by introducing the concept of entrepreneurialism, helping them to meet inspiring, entrepreneurial people; developing their leadership and entrepreneurial skills; offering the chance to launch and scale entrepreneurial ideas and creating a community where experiences are shared and enhanced.

Contact @InnovateKings @KingsEntrepreneurship @kingsentrepreneurship

DESIGN: Day 1, Approved by, June 2017

The Institute is student-led, and we cocreate our activities with our communities. We focus on diversity, inclusiveness and being a collective and on first and foremost developing entrepreneurial leaders with skills like self-efficacy, resilience, creativity, collaboration and purpose. Like King’s, we aim to work ‘in the service of society’, with a commitment to up-skilling our students, enhacing their experiences, boosting their future prospects, contributing to societal progress and adding value to our national and gloabl economy.

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