WHAT WILL I LEARN? Mathematics is a subject which trains you to think both abstractly and creatively and come up with logical and irrefutable solutions. Throughout the course, you will develop analytical skills and learn to solve complex problems by breaking them down into smaller steps. You will develop the ability to accurately model and interpret results and to communicate your conclusions clearly and succinctly. You will become proficient in written and mental numerical calculations, handling and interpreting data and in the language of algebra. You will be given the opportunity to master all the tools required to take Mathematics to A Level.
WHICH SKILLS AND KNOWLEDGE MUST I HAVE BEFORE EMBARKING ON THIS COURSE? A secure grasp of the course content found within the Key Stage 3 National Curriculum.
HOW IS THE WHOLE COURSE STRUCTURED AND ASSESSED? IGCSE Mathematics is split into two tiers of entry (Higher and Foundation). Each tier has specific course content, and the grades awarded within each tier reflect the degree of difficulty therein. Pupils studying Foundation can access grades 1 to 5; at Higher tier, pupils can access grades 3 to 9. In the past we have had some pupils study for the Foundation Tier, but in recent years all pupils have taken the Higher tier course in Mathematics. Regardless of tier of entry, assessment consists of two examinations (i.e. there is no coursework element).
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