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Introduction to School House
The House system at Kingswood was set up in 1895. School House was so called because it was over what was the “Senior Schoolroom” until the Ferens was built in 1926. School House becomes a day house this year, having been a girls’ boarding house since September 1992 when the Kingswood house structure changed into three senior boys’ and three senior girls’ houses.
The House aims to be a place where the pupils can grow with a sense of responsibility for themselves and others; learn to co-operate and support one another as members of a community; and develop intellectually and socially in a Christian environment.
• From September 2022
School House will be a Day house for girls in Years 9 to U6
• September 1992 to June 2000
Boarding and Day girls for Years 9 to U6
• September 2000 to June 2003
Entirely Day girls
• September 2003 to present
Boarding for Sixth Form Day girls for Years 9 to U6
House symbols dating way back are a Bullfrog called ‘Bulf’ and a Tulip.