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House Routines
House Daily Routine
The House daily routine follows the school routine and includes the following: a) 8.25am morning registration takes place in the library for all year groups. b) Day pupils in Years 9 to 11 leaving at the end of prep should sign out with the member of staff on duty. Sixth form day pupils may leave the school premises after lessons finish at 4.20pm.
Storage Arrangements for Day Pupils and Padlocks
Every pupil in Years 9 to 11 will receive a large double locker requiring 2 padlocks. In Years 9 and 10 the lockers will be in a House area. In Year 11 they will share an area specifically for Year 11 girls. The lockers will be large enough to store their Games Kit Bag, hockey stick, and books. The lockers can be securely locked and it is important that the pupils use only their locker to store their belongings effectively. Pupils are asked to supply their own padlocks. Spare keys can be given to Mrs Musgrove in an envelope that is clearly labelled. Alternatively, a combination lock can be used. To help locate missing Games Kit is vital that all clothes and equipment is clearly labelled.
Day Pupil Absence
If your child is due to be absent or late (i.e., arrive after the 8.25am registration) due to illness, an appointment or another eventuality, please telephone the Senior Houseparent (01225 734415) or the School Secretary (01225 734200) before 8.25am if possible. If it is a planned absence, it is most helpful to receive a letter or e-mail before the absence occurs.
Kingswood School is required by law to keep detailed and accurate registers and documentary evidence is required from parents to cover every period of absence.
Your help and co-operation especially in ensuring your child arrives in time for the 8.25am registration is much appreciated.
Day Pupil Prep
If you would like your child to stay for supper and prep, please email the Senior Houseparent. If this is to be a regular event you will be sent a form to complete which will advise the Finance Office. For day pupils not staying for prep, the earliest departure time for pupils in Years 9, 10 and 11 is 5.30pm. If for any reason, your child has to leave before this time on a certain day, notification from parents/guardians is required in the form of an email.
Often day pupils need to stay for prep, drama and music rehearsals etc. A letter of notification is helpful on these occasions, but it is quite acceptable for your child to inform the Senior Houseparent at the 8.25am registration so that an extra meal can be ordered, and the required charge made for Supper and Prep.
School Meals
All pupils are expected to attend lunch.
If pupils want to stay for supper and/or prep, they should sign in with their house staff during morning registration. The House kitchen is for sixth form use only.
Any pupil bringing medication into school should hand it into the Medical Centre
Name Labels
All clothing worn at School should be clearly named.
A Guest is someone who is not a member of School House.
i. Pupils from other Houses ii. Boys are welcome but the above rules apply. If a boy visits, the host should introduce him to the House staff on arrival.
The guidelines are one guest per person. The Host signs in the Guest on the Guest Sheet and is responsible for their Guest’s behaviour.