3 minute read
Role of Housestaff
Pastoral Care
Tutors and Contact
Your child will be allocated a tutor from the eleven tutors for the coming academic year. In practice this means the supervision of academic progress, extra-curricular involvement and general pastoral needs. There are organised group tutorials once a week, from 8.30am to 9.00am. Tutors will also liaise regularly on a one-to-one tutorial with their tutee. In the first place it is your child’s tutor who deals with academic or extra-curricular matters arising and you may wish to contact your child’s tutor directly on these matters by leaving a message with the School Secretary (01225 734200) or by letter, or email (email addresses given on page 3).
Otherwise, please regard me as the first point of contact on all matters regarding your child’s life in school and I shall take up any issues arising with the appropriate member of staff as necessary. My telephone numbers are as listed, and I am happy to speak to you any time between 7.30am and 9.00pm. During the day I will be teaching and if you are unable to reach me, please leave a message with the School Secretary (01225 734200) who will pass the message on to me that day if it is before 4.30pm. You may also e-mail me if you do not require an immediate response.
Our Year 13 boarders will be under the supervision of the Summerhill staff when boarding; this will be during evenings and weekends. This supervision will be provided by the Senior Houseparent and Assistant House staff. A member of staff is available to the girls 24 hours a day in case of emergency. A member of the House staff is available in the House with the girls from the end of prep until bedtime on a weekday. At weekends there is daytime as well as evening contact with House staff.
House Staff
Senior Houseparent: Mrs Sarah Musgrove Mrs Musgrove teaches Geography (smusgrove@kingswood.bath.sch.uk)
Assistant Houseparent: Miss Rosie Bond Miss Bond teaches Modern Languages (rbond@kingswood.bath.sch.uk)
Additional Tutors
Mrs Sarah Herlinger
Mrs Herlinger is the Co-Head of Middle School and teaches History. sherlinger@kingswood.bath.sch.uk
Mrs Sophie Andell
Mrs Andell teaches Modern Languages. sandell@kingswood.bath.sch.uk
Ms Jo Brayton
Ms Brayton is the Head of Drama. jbrayton@kingswood.bath.sch.uk
Mrs Emma Prowse
Mrs Prowse is in the Learning Support department. eprowse@kingswood.bath.sch.uk
Miss Sam Page
Miss Page teaches English. spage@kingswood.bath.sch.uk
Dr Jenny Wood
Dr Wood teaches Chemistry and is Head of Science. jwood@kingswood.bath.sch.uk
Mrs Sarah Dakin
Mrs Dakin teaches Latin and Greek and is Head of Classics. sdakin@kingswood.bath.sch.uk
Miss Charlotte Evans
Miss Evans is Head of German. cevans@kingswood.bath.sch.uk
Ms Najat Taibi
Ms Taibi is Head of French ntaibi@kingswood.bath.sch.uk
Additional Support for Pupils
There are a range of services at Kingswood designed to offer pupils support. Their tutor and houseparent are the initial points of support, but a pupil can communicate with any member of staff they feel comfortable talking to. This could include speaking with the Deputy Head Pastoral/Designated Safeguard Lead or any of the other Deputy Safeguard Leads. The additional support systems in place include the School Counsellor, the Medical Centre and independent listeners such as Off the Record, Childline, Frank, the Riverside Clinic and the Office of the Children’s Commissioner. The contact details for all these services are displayed in the school and on the House notice board.
Role of House Prefects
We have a team of House Prefects in the Upper Sixth who are elected each year. They help the House staff run the House and play an active role in the pastoral care of others. They assist in organising House teams, competitions and social events as well as initiating charity work.
The House Prefect team is managed by the Head of House and assisted by her Deputy:
Head of House: Georgie T
Deputy Head of House: Olivia M
Head of Boarding: Christine L
Senior Prefects: Tilly B
Anouk C
Jess I
Zenzele O-O
Joni U
Deputy Head of School: Lily S
Diversity Inclusion: Nisha L W
Year 12 Prefect Liaison: Grace C
House Prefects
Upper Sixth pupils will be invited to be House Prefects in September.
All pupils new to the house are allocated a buddy who is responsible for looking out for them and ensuring they find their way around the school in the first couple of weeks. In addition to this a ‘Big Sister’ system operates in School House with an U6 pupil allocated to a Year 10 pupil and a L6 pupil allocated to a Year 9 pupil in order to help and support them throughout their first year in the Senior House.