16 minute read
House Daily Routine
The daily and weekend pattern for boarders is clearly set out on the main house notice boards. Pupils are expected to turn up promptly for all meals (attendance at meals is compulsory) to show good eating habits, to be organised for lessons, and be prompt for registration, assemblies and lessons.
7.00am Boarders wake up
7.25am Boarders complete chores, if relevant
7.30am Boarders go to breakfast accompanied by one resident member of staff
8.10am Boarders downstairs
8.25am Registration for all pupils
8.40am School routine begins
5.30pm Boarders head to supper
6.10pm Boarders head to New Building, with all their books, to complete prep accompanied by 2 member(s) of staff and two prefects. (Please note Friday prep takes place in the House)
6.15pm Prep begins after registration
7.15pm Music Practice accompanied by prefect (return at 7 45pm to Westwood)
7.30pm Back to Westwood for showers, tuck (twice a week) and down time
8.30pm Evening Meeting (8 45pm in the summer term)
Registration and collection of all devices which are locked away overnight under supervision of prefect
8 35pm Boarders complete chores, if relevant
9.00pm All boarders in beds reading
9.15pm Lights-out/Prefects leave (9.30pm in the summer term)
8.00am Boarders get up
8.25am Boarders complete chores, if relevant
8.30am Breakfast in House
Pupils go to matches as recorded on team sheet and liaise with duty staff
10.00am Boarders’ registration & explanation about plans for the weekend.
10 15am Activity – sport or creative/cooking
12.15pm Boarders go to lunch accompanied by one resident member of staff
1.00pm Meeting with prefects – registration and pocket money dispensed
1 15pm Town leave with prefects (slight change in summer term)
4.00 – 4.30pm Pupils sign back in (5.00pm in the summer term)
5.30pm Boarders head to supper with second wave of prefects
6.20pm Evening meeting/registration
7.15pm House film (family time/digital detox)
8.15pm Snacks
9.15pm Boarders complete chores, if relevant
9.30pm Final register taken by staff. Collection of all devices which are locked away overnight
9.20pm All boarders in beds reading having brushed teeth.
9.30pm Lights out/Prefects leave. (9.45pm in the summer term.)
8.00am House staff wake up boarders
8.25am Boarders complete chores, if relevant
8 30 – 9 30am Breakfast in the Westwood Kitchen
9.00 - 10.00am Boarders’ registration & explanation about plans for the weekend.
10.15am Activity in the sports hall
11 00am Boarders head to Brunch accompanied by one resident member of staff
12:00 – 1.00pm Depart on trip by minibus or coach after meeting to dispense money and registration
4.30 – 5.00pm Approximate return from trip. Two prefects arrive to do duty with staff.
5.30pm Boarders go to supper with prefects
6.20pm Evening meeting/registration
6 30pm Quiet hour – do prep, tidy dorms, get ready for new school week (we sometimes do this in the morning if our trip comes back later)
7.25pm Boarders’ Swimming
8 30pm Showers, snacks and down time
8.30pm Evening Meeting (8 45pm in the summer term)
Registration and collection of all devices which are locked away overnight
8 35pm Boarders complete chores, if relevant
9.00pm All boarders in beds reading
9.15pm Lights-out/Prefects leave (9.30pm in the summer term)
Signing In and Out of the House
It is possible for boarders to go to town in groups and with prefects on Saturday afternoons. There is more freedom for Year 8 pupils. Year 7 pupils gain more freedom in the summer term. Pupils must make sure they speak to the member of staff on duty before leaving the house and a register is kept at the weekend. Pupils must sign in with the member of staff on their return. In the Summer term, if pupils want to play outside after prep, they must seek the permission of the member of staff on duty.
Parents and/or guardians are welcome to visit Westwood. Any parent/guardian/visitor must sign in on the table in the Westwood Foyer on the ground floor. Parents may only enter dormitories under guidance from boarding staff on first and final days of the School year. There is a visitor’s toilet on the ground floor.
Weekend Arrangements
Activities are provided every weekend for boarders, but since these may include trips out of Westwood it is essential to know if boarders are not going to be in the House at the weekend. Weekend arrangements should be confirmed by email by Tuesday morning All boarders are expected to represent the School in weekend matches. Any late notification may result in costs being incurred. It should be noted that weekly boarders should not arrive back before the times specified as there may well be no one in the House if boarders are on a trip. We are usually back by 5.00pm from trips. Prefects are usually available from 4.30pm. The weekly email from Mr Duke will remind parents about return times on Sundays. If in doubt, always call the House mobile 07436 152347
Boarders’ Trips
Most full boarder trips take place on a Sunday afternoon and might typically include: professional sports matches, the cinema, laser tag, outdoor pursuits, the theatre, Segway, ten pin bowling, Outlet shopping, Crazy Golf etc.
If there is space on coach for such a trip, there may be an opportunity for other boarders to join. Once a term we go on a whole day trip to a theme park or an outdoor activities centre. The cost of all these trips throughout the year should not exceed £300 in total We may explore the possibility of a PGL style trip in the summer term 2023 at a larger extra cost.
Please note there are sometimes extra consent forms required by outdoor activity centres which must be completed and signed by parents or guardians. All the Sunday trips are heavily subsidised by the school but do have cost implications for parents.
We will occasionally plan for more expensive trips e.g. Thorpe Park. To help us plan efficiently, we do need advance notice if any boarders will be away from School for the weekend
Boarders Visiting Day Pupils
If you would like to allow your child to visit a friend’s home, please email Mr Duke by the Thursday morning preceding the weekend to confirm arrangements (proposed times of collection and return and any names of hosts/drivers). I will also need an email from the host parents if your child is visiting a friend. I remind you that team or other school responsibilities must come first, and pupils must ensure that nothing is missed.
Prep Arrangements
Prep time takes place after supper from 6 15pm –7 30pm. Boarders are allowed to do their prep in house on Friday and Sunday evenings and in the New Building opposite Westwood between Monday and Thursday, supervised by prefects and a member of staff. Staff will check what prep is set on Firefly and are always happy to answer queries, as can prefects and fellow boarders. Westwood boarders are expected to do their prep to the best of their ability and to submit it on time. Boarders have access to laptops and tablets. Westwood boarders are always very good at helping casual boarders or day pupils, who stay to do prep, with the usual routines.
Music Practice
Boarders who receive individual music tuition must go the Music School on the allocated days (weekly information is sent out by the Music Secretary regarding the times of these). This information is posted in the House, too. Pupils are escorted there and back by a prefect to evening practice; please note there is a simple practice room in Westwood with a piano which pupils are encouraged to use at the weekends when the Music School is closed.
Medical Centre
Westwood pupils should note the arrangements on the main Westwood notice board for visiting the Medical Centre. A list is posted each morning on the whiteboard in the entrance hall with the names of pupils (day and boarders) who must visit the Medical Centre that day.
If Westwood boarders are taken ill overnight they should seek out the member of staff on duty (pupils know the rota and shown the door bells) and the Medical Centre may be contacted. If a boarder requires overnight care they may be accommodated in the Medical Centre for treatment and parents will be informed if necessary.
There is a lockable cupboard which holds first aid, general medicines and pupil specific medicines. Boarders are not permitted to keep any medicines or supplements in the dormitories without the express permission of the Medical Centre. All medication is recorded on the School’s admin system called ISAMS. Staff liaise with Medical Centre about any concerns.
Westwood Chores
Westwood boarders take it in turns each half-term to carry out small chores to help the smooth running of the house first thing in the morning and shortly before lights out. These are decided at the start of each halfterm and posted in the boarding area. This system encourages pupils to take some responsibility for communal areas.
Holiday and Travel Arrangements
Please indicate your child’s holiday arrangements for the coming year or term, by completing the pro-forma that will be sent to you by the School office. It should contain details of the person picking up, precise dates and times, and methods of travel. The School dates are pre-published and should be adhered to where possible. If, due to exceptional circumstances, your child needs to miss School to travel home or to a guardian etc. please contact the Headmaster to obtain permission via headmaster@kingswood.bath.sch.uk
Dormitory and Bathroom Areas
Boys and girls have their own dormitories and bathroom areas. On NO occasion should boys visit the girls’ dormitories or bathroom areas or girls visit the boys’ dormitories or bathroom areas.
There are separate toilets for visitors and Staff on the ground floor and second floor that should not be used by pupils.
The water in the bathrooms is drinking water.
Each pupil will have the following items provided by the School:
• A single wardrobe (please think carefully how much clothing your child really needs!)
• A single bed and mattress
• A desk and chair
• A small plastic tuck box for food – pupils do not have extra space to store more and can regularly purchase tuck items at the weekends.
• A drawer under the bed for casual clothing
• A plastic box kept under the bed for games clothing
Each boarder has access to a locker on the ground or first floor and lockable space in the dormitory; this must be used for precious items and no more than £5 in cash Due to this provision, the School is not liable if items go missing.
Each Westwood boarder has a pin board by their bed and are encouraged to personalise areas in the dormitories using drawing pins and Blu-tack to decorate with photographs and suitable posters. Personal photographs may also be kept on desks. During the year we sometimes change the dorm plans to improve friendships. Same sex siblings will not always be together in the same dorm.
A full list of required clothing is provided. In addition, all boarders need a wash bag which is kept in the wardrobe. Individual items are not to be left out in the dormitories. Please use sew-in labels for all clothing as marker pen wears off!
Electrical equipment can be dangerous and must be checked by the School Maintenance Department. This is usually undertaken in September. Overseas boarders, please ensure you comply with the BSA safety regulations for electrical appliances. Make sure you have plugs, not adaptors and label them.
Casual Clothing
Boarders will need casual clothing but, as space is limited, boarders should not bring too many items to School. If trainers are dirty, they should be cleaned before taking them up to the dormitories. If clothes are wet, pupils should ask the Housekeepers dry them. They should not be left in the dormitories. Westwood boarders will clean their shoes outside on Sunday evenings and should have black polish and the necessary equipment to do this.
PE and Games
We sincerely hope that Westwood boarders will have many opportunities during the week for physical exercise. This can be done either within the school curriculum or during the activity sessions, some of which will take place early in the morning e.g. cricket coaching, swimming and tennis in the summer term. Having an alarm is useful (not on a phone). Boarding staff will show the Westwood boarders how to take care of their equipment and kit in the first few weeks and it is hoped your son or daughter will quickly learn these routines. They must not leave bags lying around the school.
There are sports fixtures every weekend and Westwood boarders are often involved. If you live quite close to school, please feel free to come and support your son or daughter. The team sheets are put up in Westwood and along with the school calendar an updated fixture list is in the weekly school newsletter published on Thursdays and website with relevant phone numbers in case of emergencies. Please contact the PE staff if there are any problems with availability or general queries.
Swimming and Clothing
Over the weekend there are often opportunities to swim. On returning to Westwood, wet clothes should be placed in the basket below the Boarders' notice board. Boarders must also do this after swimming in games lessons. Some Sunday trips may also include swimming.
Bed linen is changed once a fortnight (usually on a Tuesday). Boarders change their own beds and put the dirty linen in the large white bags outside the dormitories.
Each boarder must have their own laundry bag near their bed area. On Tuesday and Thursday evenings, dirty laundry must be placed in the big white named laundry bags. It is important that all dirty clothes are handed in and that clothes are changed daily.
Westwood staff will check this happens. Westwood House does have spare items if sports kit gets very dirty and there is a washing machine in Westwood which can be operated by House staff and the Housekeepers when a problem arises.
Personal monies and articles of considerable value pose security problems. Boarders in Westwood are free to bring electronic devices. Lap-top computers and tablets are also a major part of ‘everyday’ equipment, as are mobile phones; while Westwood boarders are free to bring the above equipment with them, borrowing and lending is strongly discouraged, and the owner must be entirely responsible for his own property.
Every pupil has a lockable space. Expensive items can be locked in the Westwood safe and staff & prefects collect in all gadgets at the end of each day. Money, passports, biometric cards/important documents and air tickets MUST BE KEPT in the House safe. These will be signed in and out by pupils and are always collected in at the start of term/half-term. Pupils must not keep more than £5 in the dormitories in their wallets.
All Westwood boarders must ensure that all their possessions are named and kept in the correct places. This might be a locked trunk or school book locker or locked wardrobe. Valuable possessions (cameras, laptops, etc.) must be handed in to House Staff. All valuables must be insured as the House cannot accept responsibility for these items.
Most pupils may have their own bank account with a cash card; these cards should be kept in a locked place. Westwood House staff can dispense pocket money which is stored carefully in the Westwood safe. It can be obtained at the weekend and prior to a school event, if necessary. It is very helpful if this money is broken into £5 and £10 notes because shops are not delighted to give change for £50 notes, and this is an awful lot of money for pupils to carry. It is helpful if parents specify how much a child should be allowed to spend each weekend. Unless a pupil is topping up a mobile phone, £10 a week ought to be enough.
All electronic devices are collected in between 8.20pm - 8.30pm. They must be turned off and will NOT be charged overnight. They are locked away in a locker. Boarders have time before and after supper and prep to charge them. Gadgets are available from 8 am Monday to Friday and about 9 am at the weekends.
Storage of Equipment
Each pupil in Westwood has their own locker for storing books, usually in their tutor area. Games kit should be kept in a single named sports bag and stored on the games bag racks on the ground floor. All games equipment must be named. Musical instruments are stored in the Music School and not in Westwood. Boarders can store books on their desks and in their lockers on the ground or first floor. Each boarder also has a lockable space the dormitories. Boarders should not have craft knives in a pencil case.
Lost Property
All property should be named. Lost property (if lost in Westwood) can be found in the lost property box on the ground floor. This should be checked first if property goes missing or is mislaid. There is also a central lost property office in main school. All pupils are discouraged from bringing in valuable items.
Damage to Property
We hope that all pupils will respect the building and facilities. In the event of something being broken or damaged it should be reported to the member of Staff on duty or a member of housekeeping team who will add the repair to the online maintenance system, if necessary, naming the child to be charged. If appropriate, a sanction may also be applied.
Use of Dormitories
Dormitories are for the sole use of boarders and weekly/flexi boarders. Boarders are not allowed to go up to the dormitories without permission from a member of staff or a housekeeper from after breakfast until 5.00pm. from Monday to Friday. These rules are relaxed at the weekend
The Use of Other Rooms in Westwood
The lounge is available in the evenings for watching television/DVDs in free time. It is a mobile phone free zone. It has Switch, Wii and PS4 consoles which are always very popular.
The games rooms, including two top quality pool tables, are available for boarders each evening and at weekends. The outdoor table tennis/patio area is available if the weather is good. Having a table tennis bat may be useful. Boarders may need to ask House staff for the equipment.
Westwood House is shared with a number of families and some areas are clearly marked as private and therefore out of bounds.
Post for Westwood pupils is delivered to the foyer and parcels to the boarding office. If pupils wish to send letters, they should have stamps.
Kingswood provides regular, balanced meals for all boarders. Most meals are eaten in the School Dining Hall. Staff are vigilant at mealtimes ensuring pupils eat healthily and in a balanced fashion. At the weekend, breakfast is taken in the House between 8 30 am - 9 30 am. Please note given the proximity of breakfast to brunch on a Sunday, breakfast is not compulsory on Sundays (unless on a long day trip), but brunch, like all other meals, is.
On a Saturday evening a snack is provided. Each evening after prep, food for boarders (e.g. Toast, spreads etc.) is available. Pupils must not use the toaster without supervision. Boarders must make sure that any food they purchase themselves is kept appropriately in their tuck box (provided by the House). ALL TUCK MUST BE NUT FREE!
Food should only be consumed in kitchen to ensure other areas of the House are kept clean! Pupils can replenish their tuck supplies in town at the weekend.
Toast is available every evening, but boarders are only permitted to consume noodles on FRIDAYS. The tuck box is deliberately small to control the amount of food being consumed and there is NO EXTRA SPACE to store excess food. Tuck is permitted midweek TWICE We review our policy on tuck to encourage healthier eating habits so may well make changes during the year and value your support.
Term Time Birthdays
We celebrate all term time birthdays in the House. Boarders with term-time birthdays will receive a card, a modest edible gift and simple fairy cakes baked by Mrs Duke. We encourage parents to send weekly boarders in with cakes, or for cakes to be ordered and sent to Westwood on the occasion of the pupil’s birthday so your child can celebrate with friends. It may be that there is also cake for your child’s day friends, too. Pupils often share sweets with friends to mark birthdays. Some parents have arranged for pizzas to be delivered for 7.30pm on the day of a birthday. If you are sending a cake or pizzas, please liaise with house staff in advance and ensure that is nut free. Please look at the House Instagram feed to see past celebrations.
Summer Term Exchange with Kingswood College, Grahamstown, South Africa
In the first half of the summer term, we have often welcomed four Year 8 pupils from our sister school in South Africa. These carefully selected pupils have joined us in Westwood boarding for the last 30 years and Westwood boarders look forward to their arrival and are excellent at making them feel at home. We hope this exchange can re-start post pandemic. This programme has been open to both Year 8 boarding and day pupils.
House Fund
The House facilities include two HD televisions, a DVD player, pool table, six computers and a well-equipped kitchen. The School provides each House with a small allowance to help towards the cost of these, but I also have to apply a small annual House levy, which helps to fund House entertainment, which is added to the School account: £10.00 per Boarder per term.
Award System in Westwood
To encourage considerate, positive and good behaviour there are to awards which are given out weekly. The Housekeepers’ Award is for the tidiest area in the dormitories and is chosen by Mrs Harrington-Wills.
There are also Kindness Pins awarded each week by resident staff for random acts of kindness. Small edible prizes are also added to these awards and the winners are mentioned in the weekly boarding update which goes to all boarders’ parents and guardians.
A record of weekly winners is kept to encourage praise to be spread widely. All pupils are expected to behave courteously at all times, but when they go the extra mile
Out of Bounds
The Kingswood campus is very extensive and boarders should familiarise themselves with those areas which are out of bounds. All boarders must not go into the woods without supervision, or to the Sports Hall or Swimming Pool. Boarders will be given a map of this and it will be clearly explained as part of the first day induction.
Boarders’ Voice
In addition to the School Council and Boarders’ Meetings, Westwood boarders have opportunities to feedback on all aspects of how the House runs during some Sunday evening meetings. These minutes are recorded by the Captains of Boarding and staff then take these issues further with the aim of giving the boarders the best possible experience. A number of significant changes have taken place since September 2017. For a list of these, please ask resident staff.