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Westwood House – Boarding Rules

In addition to the School Community Code and Westwood Day House ethos, the following are rules specific to Westwood boarding, or are a reiteration of School rules that are particularly important.

1. Boarders are expected to behave with good sense, good manners and good will at all times.

2. Friendliness, helpfulness and sensitivity to others is expected of all boarders.

3. The boarders are expected to co-operate with the prefects and staff as they carry out their duties.

4. During prep, boarders work silently and may only listen to music from 7.00pm

5. All boarders should observe the times to be back in the House, in their bedrooms and should be quiet after lights out. Nobody should be out of bed after lights out except to visit the toilet, or in an emergency.

6. All boarders are responsible for doing their own washing up. Pupils who do kitchen chores are simply expected to do a final tidy and not to do other pupils’ washing up.

7. Food should be eaten with a plate and may only be consumed in the kitchen. Everyone should ensure that rubbish is put in the correct recycling bins.

8. Only boys are allowed in boys’ dormitories and girls in girls’ dormitories.

9. Everyone is responsible for making their own bed in the morning and keeping their area of the room tidy.

10. Only 12 certificate films and games are to be watched/played by boarders in the House.

11. Applications for weekend exeats (leave), together with an accompanying email, must be made by the Thursday preceding the relevant weekend.

12. Boarders are expected to be sensitive in their use of the House phone. Nobody should get calls after their bed times (after 9.00pm).

13. Tablet and Lap-top computers should not be used after lights out and should be used sensibly at all times. Boarders’ phones are collected in each evening by the relevant staff and prefects.

14. Items of value and sums of money over £5 should be deposited in the Westwood safe.

15. Boarders are expected to support House events and competitions, in addition to school events whenever possible.

16. Smoking or bringing alcohol into the House are considered very serious breaches of trust and will be dealt in line with school policy


We hope that all Westwood boarders will want to contribute positively to the community and to support the smooth running of the House. We hope they will also support our desire to educate pupils in the safe and appropriate use of internet.

The community code aims to create a friendly and supportive, well-structured House. It is essential that all the Westwood boarders use prep time productively, keep their areas reasonably tidy, are on time for House meetings, are considerate and polite at all times and get plenty of sleep hence why phones are collected in every evening. However, if a pupil misbehaves the following series of sanctions using a traffic light system will be used. Pupils are to be silent after lights out.

If Year 7 pupils return from town to the House in the company of Year 8 pupils all pupils in that group will lose town leave the following week and Year 8 pupils not in a group of three or more on their return will also face the same sanction. Failure to return on time from town will also result in town leave privilege being removed for a week. Failure to attend school meals will result in the loss of tuck box for a period of time. If such cases occur parents will be informed by email.

Repeated anti-social behaviour and failure to abide by House rules will lead to a formal meeting between Westwood Houseparent and Head of Boarding or Deputy Head. These serious offences follow the School policy and the correct sanction is given; this can mean loss of more free time, loss of town leave privilege, more community service, withdrawal from a boarding event or a full House gating.

For sanctions regarding consumption and storage of food in dormitories, please see food section earlier in document.

All such sanctions are recorded in the sanctions’ spreadsheet which is counter-signed at the end of each term by the Head of Boarding.

First Offence

• Verbal warning and recorded in sanctions’ spreadsheet

Second Offence

• 15 minute community chore overseen by duty staff & recorded in sanctions’ spreadsheet

• Failure to attend a school meal would result in tuck box being removed for 24 hours, but bread and cereal available

• Second Lateness to meeting results in gadgets being confiscated for a period of time, but house phone made available

Third Offence

• 30 minute community chore overseen by Houseparent (could be after Music) recorded in sanctions’ spreadsheet

• Failure to attend a second school meal would result in tuck box being removed for 48 hours, but bread and cereal available

• Repeated Lateness to meeting results in gadgets being confiscated for a longer period of time, but house phone made available.

• A third offence will always result in parents being informed. Nature

Poor focus in prep

Late to prep

Forgetting equipment

Lateness to House meetings

Late to Breakfast (school sanctions applied/weekend meals (highly unlikely as staff and pupils attend together)

Uncooperative at bed time and not ready by 9 15 pm

Out of bed at talking after 10 pm in dorms*

Reading after lights out at 10 pm

Possession and use of gadget after lights out

Gadget confiscated Kept in boarding office for up to 24 hours. Pupils may call home from office phone. Parents emailed.

Gadget confiscated Kept in boarding office for up to 24 hours. Pupils may call home from office phone. 15 minute detention and parents emailed

Gadget confiscated. Kept in boarding office for up to 24 hours. Pupils may call home from office phone. 30 minute detention and parents emailed.

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