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Sleep Easy
Sleep: the science
We all know how valuable a good night’s sleep is… or rather, how bad we feel when we don’t get one!
The value of rest is recognisable in the fact we spend a third of our lives in bed. And sure enough, most of us can reel off a good number of the benefits of sleep – sharpness, mood enhancement, the fending off of low moods, a lowering of blood pressure, better immunisation, improved memory, stress reduction and even maintaining of body weight.
The environment
First, consider what’s around you. Studies have shown that smartphones and device usage is on the increase and it’s the ‘blue light’ emissions from these that can delay the release of sleep-inducing melatonin, as well as resetting the body’s internal clock (circadian rhythm).
Moving away from screens earlier – scientists recommend at least an hour before you plan on going to sleep – will limit the bouts of LCD exposure which excite brain stimulators, therefore helping you maximise sleep efficiency.
Remember as well the need to moderate room temperature, as well dimming lighting and removing excess noise around you. And while the act of sleeping is more important than anything you may consume in the lead-up to it, it goes without saying there are certain food and drink items that will hamper effective rest.
While alcohol may enable you to drop off quicker, it’s disruptive to your sleep in the second half of the night, not least if you are in a state of dehydration.
Consider as well the impact sugar, carbonated drinks and caffeine might have on the body at a time when it is trying to wind down. An old favourites such as Horlicks, with a soothing malt content, has been scientifically proven to aid rest.
The routine… and a plan
Scientific studies have shown that regularity and repetition is the important where sleep is concerned. Your body feeds off continuity and structure in its waking hours, so why should things be any different when it comes to sleep?
Sleep doctors have begun recommending a trial week of ‘regular as clockwork’ bedtimes, with long rests and the adoption of healthy habits.
They then invite people to see if they feel improved in all those physical and psychological aspects. In many cases, the results have gone to show why getting your head down may be the best thing you can do not just for your health and wellbeing, but your sanity too.