3 minute read
Princess Royal Hospital Appeal
Afund raising campaign has been launched to make sure NHS Staff at BSUH NHS Trust have the resources and support they need to fight coronavirus whilst remaining healthy, energised and well-rested. This includes our 4 hospitals in Brighton, Hove and Mid Sussex including The Princess Royal Hospital in Haywards Heath.
Our teams are working around the clock to make sure we're ready for what may come in regards to coronavirus. They are preparing, ensuring patients receive the care they need.
They will be stretched. They will be tested. They will be magnificent. They have years of medical, clinical and management training that they will utilise to look after our mums, grandfathers, neighbours, friends, and our families.
We want to ensure these same staff have whatever they need, now and in the months to come, to be healthy, supported and well-rested.
Funds raised here will be used to specifically support the dedicated NHS staff working to tackle Covid-19 in areas like the Intensive Care Unit, special isolation wards, and all other areas that are impacted by the pandemic.
Your donation will provide practical help for things like food delivery during long shifts and care boxes (so the nurses, doctors, porters, health care assistants, cleaners and other staff can always get a cup of tea, coffee, and some snacks).
Please donate today and help us make a difference at The Princess Royal Hospital.
Let's support the NHS staff who are going above and beyond for us. To donate, please visit www.justgiving.com/campaign/helpbsuh
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Courses. Alternatively, it may be a result of discussions behind the scene with MSDC and as such it is important to review the representations made during the recent consultation to see if anything has been identified that would lead to MSDC adding new sites to the “draft list”. CONTINUED FROM PAGE 13
The Development A local developer, Fairfax, propose to acquire 100 acres of land comprising Haywards Heath Golf Club (HHGC) and have indicated previously they will help relocate the Golf Club to an extended and improved Lindfield Golf Club.
A planning application has been submitted for 725 new homes in phase 1 of the development, as recently detailed in a leaflet circulated by Fairfax.
Concerns • Loss of of Beautiful Lindfield Countrside Haywards Heath Golf Course has numerous public footpaths offering the chance to enjoy the beautiful setting. This would undoubtedly be affected by any new development.
It also sets a dangerous precedent that developers could exploit leading to further losses of precious countryside.
Green spaces has been shown to have a positive effect on mental health: www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment25682368 • Pressure on local services Pressure on local services such as doctor's surgeries, hospital, train services, car parking, school places etc. • Traffic / Highways issues Increased traffic and concerns over road safety. High Beech Lane is already a very busy road. • Disruption Approximately 10 years of a vast building site and associated disruption and noise. • Flood risk Inceased flooding risks - this is a photo taken in May 2018 following heavy rainfall at the junction of High Beech Lane and By Sunte. • Scale and size Size & density of development - similar scale to that of Bolnore village in Haywards Heath.
What can you do? 1. Newsletter - sign-up & keep informed Go to the contact page of our website and enter your email address 2. Sign our petition opposing the development. The petition will be sent to Mid Sussex District Council at the end of the ongoing public consultation period for the planning application. Stop The Golf Course Development can be emailed at stopgolfcoursedevelopment@gmail.com or visit: www.stophaywardsheathgolfclub development.co.uk