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Campaign To Stop Golf Course Development

Stop Haywards Heath Golf Course Development is a group of local residents who want to keep our community informed of a proposal to develop approximately 100 acres of beautiful countryside at Haywards Heath Golf Course


Proposed street scenes.

Background MSDC is currently looking to add or "allocate" sites to their 5 year housing land supply. This is called the Site Allocation process. This is significant because the process allows new sites, not currently allocated (like Haywards Heath Golf Course), to be considered for development.

At the beginning of September 2019 MSDC published a "draft list" (of 22 new sites) which was put forward as part of the Site Allocation Development Plan process to select new residential development sites. Haywards Heath Golf Course was not chosen as one of the 22 sites (that will provide another 1,962 new homes up to the end of 2031). However, this decision is not set in stone until the “final list” is published later in 2020.

Following the release of the new “draft list” of sites, there was a consultation (in planning parlance this is called Regulation 18 – Issues and Options Consultation) period between 9th October and 20th November. This was open to the general public, developers and landowners to make representations . Our campaign engaged in this process and made our views known in support of excluding the Golf Course from future residential development.

MSDC has recently published a summary report on the feedback received during the Regulation 18 consultation period. We are currently reviewing this report to see what it means for our campaign.

See link to MSDC planning information which details the latest information on the Site Allocation Development Plan process: www.midsussex.gov.uk/planningbuilding/development-plan-documents/

Latest News Fairfax, a local developer, have submitted an outline planning application (reference DM/20/0559 - click www.pa.midsussex.gov.uk/online-applications to see application) to build 725 new homes on the golf course land, in what will probably be the first phase of the scheme.

The application has been submitted despite the fact the site has not be allocated for residential development in the recent Site Allocation Development Plan process. This seems a strange strategy but may be driven by the expiry of various options to purchase land at both Haywards Heath and Lindfield Golf

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