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Community Information Board
HAYWARDS HEATH Community Information Board
Adventurers Art Club We welcome artists of all abilities, from absolute beginners to professional artists. www.adventurersart.co.uk
AFC Haywards Est. in 2010 by a group of mates. 8 years later, 2 teams, 12 trophies, 10 cup finals, 18 divisions of promotions and a bagful of memories! www.twitter.com/afchaywards
Clair Parkrun 5km run every Saturday at 9:00am. www.parkrun.org.uk/clair
Cuckfield Archers Our shooting sessions are every Sunday afternoon at Warden Park Academy, Cuckfield and we hope to be adding a weekday outdoor evening session next season. In Summer we shoot on the playing field with beautiful views of the South Downs and in Winter we shoot indoors in the school gym. contact cuckfield.archers@gmail.com www.cuckfieldarchers.org.uk
Cuckfield & Lindfield Probus Club. Part of the Probus Club network locally and nationally we welcome retired men from all walks of life. We meet every month at the Lindfield Golf course for lunch and generally a specialist presentation. Contact the Secretary; Ken Watts at kjdwatts@btinternet.com
Haywards Heath & Beech Hurst Bowls Club The Haywards Heath & Beech Hurst Bowls Club extends a warm welcome to new and experienced bowlers. Email: hhbhbc@hotmail.com.uk
Haywards Heath & District Fishing Club A Fishing club in Sussex and Founded over 100 years ago in 1912, Haywards Heath and District Angling Society has grown to become one of the leading angling clubs in Sussex. Contact: info@hhdas.com www.hhdas.com
Haywards Heath District & Business Association The Haywards Heath District and Business Association promotes co-operation between businesses in the area. It has free social networking events to enable you to meet and share ideas and experiences with other businesses in Haywards Heath. Call us on: 01444 882381 or email enquiries@blackmanterry.co.uk www.blackmanterry.co.uk
Haywards Heath & District Probus Club The Club, whose members are retired and semi-retired men whose career was in business, the professions, civil service, local government or similar occupations, is friendly and convivial, and welcomes enquiries from prospective members please contact Brian Bridges on 01273 400686 or email rojofar@btinternet.com
Haywards Heath Chess Club The Club has been established in the community for over a century. Our playing season runs from mid-September to the end of April. We are a friendly crowd, and welcome members of all ages and abilities. www.haywardsheathchessclub.wordpress.com
Haywards Heath Concert Band We are a friendly group of approximately 25 adults who meet on a Tuesday evening from 8-9.30pm in the hall behind the United Reform Church in South Road, Haywards Heath. www.hhcb.org.uk
Haywards Heath Cricket Club Situated in the heart of Mid Sussex, Haywards Heath CC was founded in 1897 and is arguably one of the best cricket grounds in the county. For more information about Haywards Heath Cricket Club then please contact Gary on Garyhoneysett@hotmail.com or telephone 07736 926693. www.haywardsheath.play-cricket.com
Haywards Heath Girl Guiding Offers Rainbows, Brownies and Guides units including the surrounding villages. For more information look at the Website If you live in one of our districts and you or your daughter would like to join us, please register her/yourself on our main girlguiding website www.girlguiding.org.uk/get-involved or email ccgirlguidingsussexcentral@gmail.com
Haywards Heath Lions Club The Haywards Heath Lions Club's Swimarathon is an annual charity fundraising event held at the Dolphin Leisure Centre on Good Friday. Teams of six swimmers are invited to swim in a 55-minute-long relay to raise money for a good cause of their own choice and for the Lions' selected good cause. Please email swim@hhlionsswim.co.uk or telephone 01444 451157. www.hhlionsswim.co.uk
Haywards Heath District Table Tennis League League Practice occurs most Sundays through the season which runs September April. Email: enquiries@haywardsheathttl.co.uk www.haywardsheathttl.org.uk
Haywards Heath Harriers We are the largest athletics club in Mid Sussex with around 300 members. From county or elite athletes to those just beginning to run, we pride ourselves on helping everyone. membership@haywardsheathharriers.co.uk www.haywardsheathharriers.co.uk
Haywards Heath Horticultural Society The Haywards Heath Horticultural Society holds evening meetings on the third Thursday of each month, from September to May, with illustrated talks, films demonstrations etc, on a wide variety of horticultural and associated subjects. Email: alan.colgate@talktalk.net www.hhhs.org.uk
Haywards Heath Junior Parkrun It is a 2k event for juniors only (4-14 year olds). It is held every Sunday at 9:00am. haywardsheath-juniors@parkrun.com www.parkrun.org.uk/haywardsheath-juniors
Haywards Heath Movie Makers Whether you're interested in making movies using a digital camcorder, a DSLR or an iPhone, Haywards Heath Movie Makers are here to help. www.haywardsheathmoviemakers.org.uk
Mid Sussex Marlins Formed in 2007 following the merger of Burgess Hill SC and Haywards Heath SC, Mid Sussex Marlins now has over 900 active
swimmers, of all ages (from 5 to 80) and all abilities. Contact info@midsussexmarlins.org www.midsussexmarlins.org
Harlequin Bridge Club Sessions are on Wednesdays at Haywards Heath Town Hall. Play begins at 7.15 p.m. Email andrew@harlequinbridge.co.uk www.bridgewebs.com/harlequin
Haywards Heath Music Society For over 75 years the Society has brought the best of new professional musical talent, plus more established performers, from around the world to Mid Sussex. www.haywardsheathmusicsociety.org.uk
Haywards Heath RFC We welcome players of all ages and all levels of experience. Our senior squad trains on Tuesday and Thursdays from 7pm and all youth teams train or play on Sundays. All ages and levels of experience welcome. For more information email rugby@hhrfc.co.uk www.hhrfc.co.uk
Haywards Heath Rotary We meet twice a month on the first and third Mondays evenings (except Bank Holidays) at 18:00 for 18;30, Birch Hotel, Lewes Road, Haywards Heath. www.rotary-ribi.org
Haywards Heath Tennis Club We are a small and friendly Club who offer a warm welcome to players of all ages and standards. For Information on facilities, membership, coaching etc. please contact our Membership Secretary, Lynda on 01444 450883 for a friendly and welcoming chat or email her at lynda.jeyes@sky.com
Haywards Heath Tuesday Club Held the second Tuesday of every month. Interesting talks and demonstrations for all. New members welcome: 10am -12pm - tea/coffree & biscuits £2.00 Ladies only but all welcome. Haywards Heath Town Hall, 40 Boltro Road, Haywards Heath.
Haywards Heath U3A Join over 1,000 like-minded members who enjoy being able to participate in new hobbies, learn new things and develop friendships by being part of this vibrant organisation. www.haywardsheathu3a.org.uk
Lindfield Badminton Club The friendly badminton club in Haywards Heath, Mid Sussex, for women and men, offering competitive badminton club nights and matches in local leagues. Club night is at the Dolphin Leisure Centre, Haywards Heath on Monday nights 8pm-10pm. www.lindfieldbadmintonclubs.co.uk
Mid Sussex Choir Mid Sussex Choir has existed for over 70 years. Come along any Wednesday evening at 7.45 pm, at the Methodist Church, Perrymount Road, Haywards Heath RH16 3DN between September and May. Email: contact@midsussexchoir.org.uk www.midsussexchoir.org.uk
Mid Sussex District Scouts Offers Beavers, Cubs and Scouts at various locations – look at the Website for information and contact details www.midsussexdistrictscouts.com
Mid Sussex Ramblers We offer a varied programme of walks throughout the year to suit all ages and walking abilities. Walks are arranged on most Saturdays and Sundays, Tuesdays and Bank Holidays, with half day walks of 3 to 6 miles and, for the more energetic, all day walks of 10 to 12 miles. During summer months members enjoy Wednesday evening walks of 3 to 5 miles. www.midsussexramblers.co.uk
Mumpreneurs Networking Club Business networking events for entrepreneurial women, business parents and those that want to reach them. 01273 681484 info@mumpreneursnetworkingclub.co.uk www.mumpreneursnetworkingclub.co.uk
Relax with Colouring Adult Relax with Colouring Sessions at the Haywards Heath Library - Every 2nd Wednesday of the month from 2.00-3pm, just dop-in (all materials provided). Haywards Heath Library, 34 Boltro Road, RH16 1BN. Tel 01444 255444.
Sussex Mineral & Lapidary Society Meetings are normally held on the first Friday of the month in the Methodist Church in Perrymount Road, Haywards Heath RH16 3DN from 7.30 - 10.30 p.m. www.smls.online
Sussex Mountaineering Federation We meet on the first Wednesday of each month at the Swan in Falmer at 8pm. Please come along and meet us. info2@sussexmountaineeringfederation.org.uk www.sussexmountaineeringfederation.org.uk
Sussex Pathfinders We usually have an all-day circular walk, typically of 9 - 11 miles, every Sunday all year round and shorter half day walks on most summer Saturdays and some winter Saturdays. Tel: 07842 792962 www.sussex-pathfinders.co.uk
The Art Society Mid Sussex Our membership fee is currently £38 per annum for which it is possible to enjoy 10 lectures with coffee and biscuits beforehand. Visits and Special Interest Days are also available at a separate charge. info@theartssocietymidsussex.org.uk www.theartssocietymidsussex.org.uk
The Group A club for unattached men and women aged 50+. Loads of events: walks, lunches & dinners, golf, theatre, quizzes, holidays. Meet in Burgess Hill on the 2nd Monday of the month. Take a look. www.thegroup.org.uk
Citizens Advice Bureau 0844 4771171 MSDC 01444 458166 Out of Hours 01444 257298 Pest & Control07762 239847 Parking Office 01444 257298 NHS Direct 0845 4647 Princess Royal Hospital 01444 441881 Sussex Police 101 Gas Leaks 0800 111999 Travel Line 0870 6082608 Help Point 01444 247726 Haywards Heath Town Council 455694
If you would like your club, society or association to be included in these listings, please email details to editor@carnahpublications.com
orking togethW COVID-19 er to support Haywards Heath AIDUK MUTUAL

Hello neighbour,
Are you unable to leave your home because of Covid 19/Coronavirus? We’re here for you.
I We, a group of local residents, would ensure that nobody is left isolated. W KHOSLQJ HDFK RWKHU LQ D WLPH RI GLI¿FX d like to support the community that we live e don’t ask for anything in return, we just OW\ in and believe in
the We are your local neighbours and no council. t a professional body but are supported by


tsApp on e can help If you would like to speak to us, or w a the number below or email haywards nt to ask for help, please text, call or Wha sneedhelp@gmail com and let’s see how wthenumberbeloworemailhaywardssneedhelp@gmail.comandlet sseehowwecanhelp.

014444 635002
If you would like to support the com m organising group to coordinate suppo join the group or call the number abo unity and join in, we can add you to the WhatsApp rt. Please email haywardsvolunteers@gmail.com to ve.
We want all of our community to feel safe a l i t l ith ll 07930 241112 nd hope to provide a service that delivers this but if you have a il h d dh l @ ilcomplaint please either call07930241112 or emailhaywardsneedhelp@gmail.com.