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Quiroga Villalba, Jorge Alejandro You Too! 5 Workbook / Jorge Alejandro Quiroga Villalba, -Bogo ta : Greenwich ELT, 2010, 56 p, : iI. , fot. ; 28 cm , ISBN 978-958-45-2118-7 I, Ing les - En seiianza secundaria 2. Ingles Ensefianza secu ndaria - Libros de actividades 1. TIt. 428,07 cd 21 ed, A1227169 CEP-Banco de la Republica-Biblioteca Luis Ange l ,-\rango

Workbook Authors Marcela Isabel Alfonso Caro Jorge Alejandro Quiroga Villalba Yuly Andrea Gonzalez Sarmiento Astrid Nunez Pardo Marfa Fernanda Tellez Tellez This volume by Jorge Alejandro Qui

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Jorge Alejandro Quiroga Villalba Has been a full-time teacher of English at Centro Colombo Americano in Bogota, Colombia. He holds a BA degree in philology and languages from Universidad Nacional de Colombia. He has been a translator, proofreader and editor for different publishing houses. He has been a member of curricular and research groups for the teaching of English to teenagers and adults. He has been a teacher trainer at Centro Colombo Americano and an interpreter and lecturer on the international level.

Consulting Reviewer

Randall Barfield BA in English, Georgia State University, USA. MA in Education, University of Alabama , USA. Freelance teacher of English and editorial consultant Market Research Adriana Reveiz Cristina Villamil

First impression, 2009 Third impression, 2011 Copyright Š 2010 Editorial Norma SA Apartado Aereo 53550, Bogota, Colombia This publication is protected by Copyright and no reproduction of any part may take place without the written permission of the publishers. Printed by Cargraphics SA Km 54 Via Cali-Popayan January 2011 Printed in Colombia. Impreso en Colombia.

Editorial Director, Ana Maria Rojas F Editor, Miguel Ignacio Rodriguez Molano Assistant Editor, Amparo Carvajal Sinisterra Proofreaders, Andrea Pena, Marco Guzman Art Director, Wilson Ardila D. Cover Illustrator, Leonardo Rivas A. Picture Editor, Leonardo Rivas A. Designers, Leonardo Rivas A., Jhon Jairo Alvarez V., Alexandra Romero Cortina Illustrators, Alejandro Moreno, Edwin Cruz, Luis Fernando Torres, Gisela BoMrquez, John Joven Cartagena, Luisa Uribe, Miguel Martinez, Vein Barreto. Photography, ShutterstockÂŽ, Graphic File Editorial Norma S.A. Deposito legal ISBN volume 978-958-45-2118-7

M O duJ leen Unit 1 -

Successful People

Unit 2 -

• Influential people in the business world: Bill Gates, Frank Robinson , Dan Wieden , Carlos Slim; Julio Mario SantoDomingo • Multiple intelligences • Famous people with clearly distinctive intelligences • Great logos and slogans • Advertising • Einstein • Business projects




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Intelli~ence World Heroes

• Actions of a business or a business person • Henry Ford and Thomas Alva Edison • Fictional characters: Spider-Man , Captain America , Superman, Wonder Woman , Kaliman • TV shows: Ugly Betty and its creator, Fernando Gaitan • Famous people's profiles: Miley Cyrus, Juan Luis Guerra, Anna Kournikova, Kaka

Giving accounts of past actions Describing personality Expressing opinion Identifying topic and supporting sentences in a written text Advertising a product or service

Vocabulary related to occupations Vocabulary related to businesses Vocabulary related to the brain Vocabulary related to business actions Vocabulary related to people's personality Using suffixes to create descriptive words

• • • • •

Establish ing the price of your product or service Giving accounts of past events Narrating actions Providing arguments Talking about businesses' missions and visions

• • • • • • •

Vocabulary related to business actions Vocabulary related to finance Vocabulary related to Henry Ford's life and achievements Vocabulary related to comic strips about heroes Vocabulary related to TV productions: Ugly Betty Vocabulary related to famous people's profiles Using hyphenated words

• Review of tenses: the Simple Present, the Simple Past and the Present Perfect tenses in affirmative, negative and interrogative sentences • Time expressions for different grammatical tenses • Creating questions

• Review of tenses: the Simple Past, the Past Progressive, the Past Perfect tenses in affirmative, negative and interrogative sentences • Time expressions for different grammatical tenses • Creating questions



• Activating previous knowledge, Understanding detailed information. Identifying main and secondary ideas. Writing: • Using lead-in sentences and ordering details in a profile paragraph. Using hyphenated words . Vocabulary: Using suffixes. Associating words with visual imagery. Associating words with their definitions.

• Activating previous knowledge. Identifying cohesion elements in a text. Identifying topic and supporting sentences . Identifying details. Associating words with their definitions. Using graphic organizers to establish relationships among the pieces of information in a passage. Previewing by sequencing pictures . Writing: • Using connectors to establish relationships among pieces of information: sequence, introduction, development, conclusion. Organizing a paragraph by categorizing the type of information each statement presents. Vocabulary: • Using suffixes. Using context clues to identify meaning , Relating words to images.


Workbook 5

MOduJ ~nolllleo~e is rOlller! Unit 3 -

• • • •


c: o





• • • •


Unit 4 -

The 20 th Century

The film industry The process of producing animated movies Famous sports people The history of the Olympic Games Sports actions Guinness Book of World Records The encyclopedia

• Turning points in the history of the 20th century cloning , the creation of the Internet, the outer space race , the invention of the telephone • Political and economic changes in the 20th century : colonialism , the superpowers, the atomic bomb, Nazism, the creation of Israe l, poverty in Europe and in the USA • The threat against the environment

Giving accounts of past actions Sequencing events Describing processes Expressing facts Paraphrasing

• • • •

• Vocabulary related Vocabulary related • Vocabulary related • Vocabulary related • Vocabulary related Using synonyms

Talking about change Expressing emphasis Expressing consequence Reporting past events Ii Describing people and events .:.; Establishing relationships between cause and effect

to movies and movie production to sports to world records to sports actions to the history of the Olympic Games




• Passive vs. Active voice • Gerund, infinitive and object plus infinitive • Sentence structure




Vocabulary related Vocabulary related Vocabulary related Vocabulary related

to history to politics and economics to political and economic phenomena to the environment

• Expressing emphasis with so + adjective + that ... and such a + adjective + noun + that ... Expressing agreement with somebody and opinion by using So do I and Neither do I. • Using intensifiers such as so many (few) + plural noun + that and so much (little) + singular noun + that

Previewing a text. Identifying detailed information. Asking questions about details in a paragraph . Using graphic organizers to establish relationships among the pieces of information in a passage. • Using connectors to establish relationships among pieces of information: examples, features , origin. Organizing a paragraph by categorizing the type of information each statement presents. Using bold , italics and underlining to show emphasis in a text. Relating words to images. Using words in a context (recombining) . Using imagery.





Workbook 5

• Noticing the structure of a text. Identifying different types of paragraphs. Identifying different types of statements. Identifying the purpose of different types of statements. • Creating a concluding paragraph. Using controling ideas, supporting details, connectors , concluding sentences and thesis statements. • Writing a thesis statement and giving facts and opinions to support it. Recombining . Repeating words in different contexts. Associating words with their definitions. Associating words with their synonyms. Playing word games.

~euiew ~nit In the Beginning 1. Match the pictures in columns A and B to complete the sentences correctly. ColumnA


Neo had talked to the Oracle

2. Change these questions from the movie into indirect questions. a. What is The Matrix?

Can you tell me what The Matrix is

? b. Why do my eyes hurt? ----------------------------------? c. Did you hear that, Mr. Anderson? ----------------~~~------------? d. How do you define rear ----------------------------------? e. Are you sure this line is clean? f. What did the Oracle tell you? 6

Column B

3. Correct the mistakes. There is one in each sentence. a. If I can fly like Neo, I would help the police.

If I could fly like Neo, I would help the police.

b. I have see the The Matrix more than 10 times. c. If I were Neo, I will save Trinity. d. Hollywood haven't produced another movie in The Matrix saga. e. I am try to find a Matrix video game.

4. Play the game.

Correct. It's a sunny day in lima. No, it's not. It's a foggy day.

Choose. Answer. What is the best place you have ever seen?


Unscramble. is { bilingual {a { beautiful I city { big { Montreal

Choose. Since 2006, Madonna 2 children. had adopted

Correct. If I would have more free time, I could study another language.

a u Reeves e Matrix some years ago.

Answer. What is something you should have done when you were a child?

If war didn't exist,



had starred

adopted has adopted

Complete. If superheroes were real, our lives

Unscramble. are { of I houses { in I big { lots I old { Europe { there I

1~uccessful reo~le


Multiple Intelligences 1. Complete the words. Use -ie, -ive, -fuf. Then, classify the words in the chart below.

Donald John Trump is an Oprah Winfrey is one of the 路ful American magnate. When most infiuential women on strategic he was a teenager, he TV around the world . She proved to be strateg~. has bUilt an empire based He helped his father to on how systemat_ _ earn 6 million dollars in and imaginat_ _ she one project. He always is. Being talkat_ _ has solves financial problems because he is resource __ . In 1997, been very useful for her because she uses her talent to he had some econom _ _ difficulties but he found a way to put lead a success_ _ talk show. Her audience includes both an end to them by designing and promoting more creat_ _ thought_ _ and superficial people. Her econom __ success ideas. He built fantast _ _ hotels and towers in New York. made her the richest African American in the 20th century.

2. Complete and match. Use the words from the previous chart. b. This

a. This creative man wrote fan f as


- - - - - - -- -

stories about an imaginary land.

-5 - - - - - - - - woman won the Nobel Prize for physics twice. She discovered radioactivity.


c. This



__ -B __

man has become the image of companies like Coca-Cola and IBM. Frida Kahlo

d. This

- - - S - .1l - - - - -

man wrote th __ S ..l2l. __ _ reflections about life and the ideal state. 8 _ __

e. This

f. This

_ _ .1.1._.1.. __ _


woman has made a lot of money as a result of her

woman painted about her life full of pain and

___ .1.. .!L _ ..Q __ _

_ _ .Q _ _

work and fame.


m __

Grammar andVoca bula~ 3. Play the game on your own or with a partner.

Complete. Coca-Cola has __ created great slogans. a. always b. every day c. ever


Complete. Colgate hasn't designed a new logo _ __ a. already b.ever c. yet


Answer. How did Donald Trump solve his economic difficulties in 1997?

Answer. What characteristics made Oprah Winfrey successful?

Choose. BMW _ a new logo. a. have designed b. designed c. designs


Choose. Donald Trump _ __ solves problems in his companies. a. already b. always c. ever


Check. A synonym of the word in bold is ... Mr. Trump always convinces his employees to work extra hours. a. tells . b. agrees c. persuades


Choose. Pepsi has had some difficulties _ _ __ a. for some years b. some time ago c.last week


Answer. What did Marie Curie discover?


Correct the mistal<e. Oprah solves a serious problem last week. os

~ Answer. What characteristics made Donald Trump successful?

Choose. MTV designed a great




a. for some years b. already c. some years ago

. a. one year ago b. always c. for one year

Answer. What has Donald Trump built in New York?


Intelligent Ideas 1. Complete the three mini-dialogs using the Simple Present, Present Perfect, and Simple Past tenses. I:

Today we are interviewing a famous British advertiser, David Ogilvy. Mr. Ogilvy, do you feel happy making logos and slogan for many companies





M.O.: Yes, I do. I make logos and slogans for many companies because I love that job. And in your opinion, _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ I:







- -- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- ? M.O.: To become successful? Let me think. I guess a logo needs to be the result of research and creativity. I call that BIG IDEAS. OK. Now let's talk about your experience. _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _

- -- - - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - ? M.O.: Yes, I have. I have come up with BIG IDEAS; for example, the advertising campaign for Dove. I: And what is the best campaign _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ? M.O.: I think the best campaign I have ever made was a campaign to persuade people to visit Puerto Rico. The slogan was: Pablo Casals is coming home- to Puerto Rico.


To finish this interview, let's speak of your best jobs. When _ _ _ _ _ _ __

- -- -- - - - -- - - -- -- - - -- - - - - ----?

M.O.: I worked for the Gallup Organization between 1938 and 1948. It is the most important advertising company but I learned the best idea was to be an independent worker. I: So, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ ? M.O.: Yes, I did. I had my own business and I provided my customers and my workers with ideas to do a good lob. I: Wow. And did you want to be so famous? M.O.: No, never. I: Well, thanks for your time, Mr. Ogilvy. M.O.: Thank you for the Invitation.

2. Complete. Use the Word Bank. Then, match the questions with the answers.

What's an unusual product you've

What _ __ the Pepsi logo represent initially?



one for my dad's office.

It represented a drugstore by Caleb Bradham.



use peanuts as business cards.

saw designed ever does owned seen Yes, my uncle. He ___ __ books around the world.


Grammar and Vocabulary 3. Write logical questions and answers. Use the clues. The items with an asterisk should be in the Simple Past tense.

Frank Robinson came up with the Coca-Cola script letters in 1885.

. / coca-Cola FranK ROb\nS~~ome up wit\l script letters I~SS5) 路t路 n) \ t / (reCOgnl 10 {\ slogan / genera e , 2. V (the company s en 3. (\ logo / repres goals) g\I MicrosO!\ / do * 4 Bill Gates / t\lro.u ~or customers) . .de solutIons / (prOIiI me * 5. Carlos Slim / start /lel )(./

* ~.


. Identify and correct two mistakes in each sentence. a.@ ulio Mario SantoDoming~any companies in Colombia? Does have

b. Why has Chinese people be so successful with MP3 and MP4 ;atches? es Pepsi designs their first logo in 1890?

scramble the words to make questions.

d. Have General Motors has difficulties with the world financial crisis?

e. When did Carlos Slim came up of the idea of creating Telmex? f. What have Microsoft does for its customers in the last few years? _ _ _ __



=c I own / Colonel Sanders / does / ?

.Joes Colonel Sanders own KFC? , :3 f a / Nike / slogan / did / good / ? .-

\s I did / Nokia / up / when / come / logo / ?

- I its / provided / how / LG / has / clients / for / ? 'Q U I company

/ ever / a / have / ?

Use your hand to remember how to ask a question in English .


Unlimited Brainpower 1. Guess the order in which the following events, related to Albert Einstein, occurred.

a, He solved difficult math exercises.

b, He passed away on April 18,1955.

c, Scientists discovered his parietal was wider than normal.

d. He learned to talk.

2. After the reading, come back and compare your guesses. Write the correct number in the squares,

3. Read the text and number the paragraphs in the right order.



e failed the exam at the National Polytechnic in Zurich to start his university studies because he lacked knowledge of French. Besides that, he was too young to enter college. But his knowledge in mathematics and physics impressed the college professor to the point that he decided to invite Albert to attend his lectures even before he became a regular student. After a year and a half of French lessons he passed the exam and started formal studies there. He was autonomous, creative, curious and had an extraordinary concentration capacity but he did not adapt easily to social situations. So his brain showed great intelligence for many things but not for others,


hen he passed away on April 18, 1955, Dr. Thomas Harvey, the pathologist that conducted the autopsy, decided Einstein's brain should be studied to find answers about what intelligence is. He removed it and dissected it into 240 pieces. In the first study, a scientist suggested Einstein's brain had more glioceLls than normal. These cells supply nutrients to neurons and help conduct impulses faster. Such would be the cause of Einstein's intelligence. However, other scientists belonging to the same group later confirmed

that the initial study was incomplete. Researchers discovered, in a second study at McMaster University in Canada, that the two sides of the brain related to mathematical and visual-spatial reasoning (tbe inferior parietal region) were 15% wider than normal in Einstein's brain. It seems that more neurons in this region established connections among each other and worked together better. The rest of Einstein's brain had the normal weight and measurements. According to those scientists, this confirms that general brain dimensions are not an indicator of intelligence, but neuronal connections -which also result from "he experiences we go through - appear to be the key.


hen you talk about brain power, the first name that comes to mind is Albert Einstein. What was his brain like? Could he do anything he wanted? He was one of the best students in elementary school and at age 13 he understood complex math concepts. At age 26, the same year he got his doctoral degree, he wrote a couple of scientific articles that showed he was a genius. In spite of these facts, it is also true that he had some difficulties. His speech was delayed so he staJted speaking later than the average child. Furthermore, he did not become a fluent language user until he was nine years old.

Reading and Writing

SiMi@t.!!,t.• 4. Read the following paraphrases of some sentences in the previous reading and mark them T.S. (topic sentence) or S.S. (supporting sentence).


a. Dr. Thomas Harvey wanted to know what defines intelligence by studying Einstein's brain. b. A study suggested that Einstein's brain had more cells to supply nutrients to neurons. c. Einstein failed a French exam.

d. Einstein had special capabilities for some areas of knowledge, not for all. e. Einstein wrote smart articles about difficult topics.

f. Einstein was not able to speak well until he was nine years old.

7. Complete the following mind map about the text.

5. Match the words from the reading with their definitions. []] a. delay

1. cells in the body that transport

D c. remove D d. dissect D e. gliocells D f. measurements

2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Db. lack

substances dimensions of something to cut something into pieces absence of something to eliminate something (to cause something) to be late

6. Write T (true) or F (false).

!Il a. D b. D c. D d. D e.

When Einstein was a teenager, he had problems with mathematics. Einstein earned a Ph.D. before he was 30. Two groups of scientists studied Einstein's brain . French was Einstein's mother tongue. Einstein could concentrate easily.

If you need some help with your school classes, we have the best teachers. Don't worry about the price because we offer cheaper lessons than any other learning center. Remember that you can learn right when your teacher is bright. Just read our posters all over the school.

Tired of so much paper at home? We buy your garbage to recycle it. We pay more than other recycling companies. Besides that, we pick up everything at your own door. Save the planet and make some money. Call us and present this flyer. You will get 5% more money.

Advantages over the competition 1. The best teachers

Advantages over the competition

2. Advertising strategy 1.




1. Advertising strategy


9. Think of a possible business project and complete the information. Advantages over the competition

Advertising strategy





10. Write a paragraph to present one of the previous business projects in a competition. Add your own ideas and include some connectors. My business idea is to offer some private classes for the students that need

some help with school subjects . Our business is good because ...

(advantages over the competition)

(advertising strategy)

I ful Note • Remember to begin with your topic sentence, follow with supporting sentences and finish with your concluding sentence. • Connectors for supporting sentences: First ofall, Second of all, Besides that, • Connectors to present concluding sentences: In summary,

In brief. (own extra ideas)

C1B§iW O',t.•

• Use short, simple sentences and separate them with periods.

11 . Evaluate your writing by using the following checklist. • I added my own ideas. • I used different connectors to organize my paragraph. • I used short, simple sentences. • I separated my sentences with periods.


Reflect on Your Learning Process 1. Check (

V )the option that best describes your performance.

Using words related to intelligences and personality


Using suffixes to create new words



14. 15

Using vocabulary related to slogans

9 10

3 1.2


Using expressions to give opinions



Using different tenses: The Simple Present tense. the Simple Past tense, the Present Perfect tense




E Asking questions in different tenses: The Simple

E ~


Present tense, the Simple Past tense, the Present Perfect tense

10 11

1,2 3,4, 5

Giving accounts of past actions


Identifying key words to find main ideas



Using context clues to identify the meaning of new words



Thinking critically to infer ideas



Using topic and supporting sentences


8, 9

Planning a text



Using short, simple sentences and separating them with periods



16 19



:e IV






:t:i '':




Writing notes



Predicting information you will hear



Recombining known elements in a new way


Talking about intelligences


Talking about logos and slogans


c ~



~ IV




2. Choose the strategies you will use to improve your learning process. What?

c=> c=> c=> c=> c==> <==> c=>


Investigating things I did not understand well

Refer to the grammar charts; ask my teacher for extra exercises.

Asking for clarification whenever I do not understand something

Take risks and ask my teacher.

Paying more attention in class

Follow my teacher and do not talk to my partners when I should not.

Looking for situations to use English

Join or form an English club at school.

Creating my own study schedule

Assign a specific time to study English at home.

Revising my progress periodically

Monitor my work continually.

Avoiding rivalry and competitiveness with my classmates

~ Helping those partners who need my help

Be nice and sympathetic to my classmates. Offer my help when I notice that a classmate does not understand.


~ llior\~ ~eroes


ADream Comes True 1. Complete with words from the Word Search. Follow the first letter as a clue.

a. Henry Ford came up with a careful (inv)


before he

started producing his cars.

b. By 1918, Ford had already become (inv) s and 50% of all cars in the U.S. were his Model T.

c. The economic i to create Ford Motor Company in 1903 was US $ 28,000. d. Ford reduced the company's (inv) e by lowering costs as much as possible.

b (t






























e. Ford Motor Company has produced millions of dollars in since its creation. 9.


e e



a p












2. Match the word with its definition.

a. b. c. d.



1. amounts of products sold by a company



2. interested in doing something

mission determine

e. willing f.


g. sales h. customer i.




3. the quantity of money paid for something 4. the probability that something will happen

5. a person who buys something 6. money that a company doesn't make

7. the purpose of a company 8. an image of the future condition of a company

9. to establish something 10. activities used to persuade people to buy products

3. Complete. Use some of the words from the previous exercise.


f you want to



of a product , you need to keep in mi.nd the

relationship between your investment and your expen ses. That is why you need to prepare a budget. In

this way your gains will be big. Additionally, you need to find out how much your _ _ _ _ __ _ are _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to pay. This is how entrepreneurs estimate the If you do that, your company will not have

of their businesses.

and it will fulfill its _ _ _ _ _ __

Grammar and Vocabulary 4. Complete the paragraph about Henry Ford's life using the Simple Past tense and the Past Perfect tense.

Henry Ford


I(be) a genius that I


I(change) the history of the 20th century. When


l(open' the comQan'f in ~ 903, he \ his first gasoline motor. Before that invention, he I

\ ~\I~~~'J \

he (

became Edison's chief engineer. Ford was a man of vision. He


) \\"~~m\)

I(meet) Thomas Alva Edison. In fact, in 1893 Ford I(think) he could change his society and

the world with his cars. So he tried really hard to come up with a car that poor people could buy. He knew how much customers

I (be) willing to pay. Then, he carefully I

I(estimate) the expenses and defined


the costs. In 1913, he


I(make) his dream come true by using the assembly line to produce his Model T

car. He j . he


masses. Henry Ford


I(invent) this model before, in 1908. But the main reason he became successful was that I(set) realistic prices and planned to recover the investment by selling thousands of cars to the


Ialready I

I(teach) future generations that achieving dreams was possible. By 1930, cars I(transform) small towns into big cities with paved streets and a really

different type of architecture. The cities we know today, with their cars and highways, are certainly the result of Henry Ford's dream.

5. Order the pictures about Henry Ford's life. Then, following this order, write sentences to describe the scenes using the Simple Past tense.

Model T

Small towns

Gasoline motor

Hen ry Ford met Thomas Alva

Edison ot his factory.


Role Models 1. Complete the story with the Past Perfect, the Simple Past or the Past Progressive tenses of the verbs in the Word Bank. Some people _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (3) a campaign for their freedom . Superman and Wonder Woman already _ _ _ _ (4) other fellow citizens free. While the people _ _ __ _ _ _ _ (5) for equal rights, the criminals came.

My friends (6) their call. They came to help but one of the criminals (7) some kryptonite. Wonder Woman noticed it but it was too late because Superman already _ _ _ _ (8) to the ground .

We thought they had destroyed us but Wonder Woman used her mental powers to ask for help.

fall detect fight (2) attack set bring work carry out hear

Grammar and Vocabulary 2. Write the verbs in past. Then, match the sentences. 1. The first comic strip magazine of Kaliman

2. The series 3. In 2008 some became (become) Mexican so successful that


4. His name (mean) intelligent man so

6. Kaliman _ _ _ __ (be) a radio program

a. he _ _ __


While Kaliman was talking to Solin, a tiger attacked him.

(use) his intelligence to defeat his enemies.

b. _ _ _ __ (appear) in Mexico in 1965.

c. two movies were

e. because he

f. radio stations g. and he _ _ _(be) still broadcasting the (teach) program. Solin how to use them, too.

___ (be) an example of values like freedom and hard work.

4. Describe the story. Use the Past Progressive and the Simple Past tenses.

filmed in India after 1970.

d. before it _ _ _,(turn) into a comic strip magazine.

3. Choose the best option to complete the sentence. a. When South Americans started reading Kaliman, the comic strips in Mexico.


1. was already appear 2. had already appeared 3. already appeared

b. Solin, Kaliman's disciple, finally _ _----',,........,.~~ the same powers as his teacher.


1. had learn 2. learned 3. were learning c. Before Kaliman returned to his land, he _ _ _ _ __ in teaching Solin about freedom, honesty and responsibility.

ยง ยง

1. had succeeded 2. was succeeding I 3. succeed d. Often while Kaliman _ _ _ _ _ , Solin called the police. 1. had fought 2. was fighting 3. fight e. When the comic strip disappeared in 2005, it _ _ __ more than a billion copies over 40 years.


1. sold 2. was selling 3. had sold

The thief (rob) Solin when Kaliman _ _ _ _ Uump) on him.


Latin American GenilIS" 1. Match the information about Betty /a fea. j


1. Betty Toons has been produced.

a. The show has been

D b. The ratings of the soap opera D c. The producer in the US was D d. Because of its success, an animated series called

D e. The show has inspired

2. a new Halloween costume in the US. 3. have been historic in every country. 4. broadcast in more than 60 countries. 5. Salma Hayek.

@;i¼t.Ii,[.• 2. Read the text and answer the questions after each paragraph.


Latin American Success Fernando Gaitan is a successful Colombian TV scriptwriter. He has written successful TV shows. Although his biggest success is Betty La lea (Ugly Betty). by 1994 Gaitan's fellow country men had already enjoyed another soap opera that had reached the highest position in the ratings. It was called Caje con aroma de mujer. and it was very popular in many countries all over Latin America. Some years before, Gaitan had also succeeded with one more TV series about life on sugar cane

plantations. That series was AZltcar. Gaitan came up with Ugly Berry in 1999. Many countries around the world liked this soap opera and Gaitan had to travel to those places to help produce the new versions of the program. It became a phenomenon in more than 60 countries on the 5 continents including China - Ugly without Rival, USA - Ugly Betty . Mexico -La l ea mCls bel/a, Russia -Born Ugly, and India - There Is No One Like jussi.

Write the name of the show for each country.



Betty La Fea

y 2002. Ugly Betty had already set a record in the ratings of the countries where the program was broadcast. In China, for instance. 73 million Mandarin speakers watched the first episode presented by Televisa. Thi s number is a historic record in the cOl1ntry if we consider that, according to Nielsen ratings. the average number of viewers for this type of programs is around 30 million. For example , II million watch CSI every week and 14 million watch Desperate HOllsewives. Although Gaitan's genius is unquestionable. it is not a satisfactory explanation for the program's success. What, then, explains this phenomenon? In the case of Colombia, we could talk

about the advertising campaign calTied out by the producers. They also carefully calculated all the details from expense, and gains to investment and selling strategies. In oth e~ countries , there was also lots of advertising. Additionall~. the script showed a very uncommon TV situation. For the first time a soap opera star was unattractive. In fact , Bett:', way to success was a fight for equal rights that did no; depend on the superficial idea of physical beauty, but 0 , her intelligence. Finally, there was one more ingredient tha: helped to have this good result. All the actors, not only tn _ main ones , did a great job in their interpretations.

What TV program has the second number of viewers'?


Reading and Writing T h e funny side of the soap opera helped to get the incredible ratings as well. Betty used to laugh at her own ugliness. While she was working with her best friend , she even made jokes about it. There was a group of hilarious secretaries called " the ugly girls headquarters ." The mailman often made funny comments. Many characters, especially the fashion designer, assumed a comic attitude.

The dialogs also included hilarious remarks . In fact, the show was so funny for the people in the US that they created a Halloween costume. All in all, different aspects contributed to make this soap opera a great world success.

Which of these professionals did not appear depicted in the soap opera?

To understand the main idea of a text, find repetitive ideas, check big categories that contain smaller details, and

a. The main idea in the first paragraph is:

d. Before Ugly Betty, Gaitan had already set records

D Gaitan wrote many theater plays. D Only a few of Gaitan's productions have been successful.

D Gaitan has worked in many countries. b. The main idea in the second paragraph is :

D Publicity is important for a soap opera. D Betty succeeded because of the publicity, story, and cast. D The actors and actresses made the soap opera successfu l. c. The main idea in the third paragraph is:

e. Who studied the ratings in China?

D Fernando Gaitan D Televisa D Nielsen

f. Record is to the highest rating as:

D People enjoyed watching the soap opera.

D ugly is to ugliness. D joke is to laugh.

D The actors were very funny.


D on Colombian television. D in all of Latin America . D allover the world.

Humor also made Ugly Betty successful.

4. Check M(Main idea) or S (Secondary idea). Write the number of the paragraph where you find it.


1. The funny side of the soap opera helped to get the incredible records as well. 2. Although Gaitan's genius is unquestionable, it is not a for the ram's success.


in 1999.

7. By 2002 , Ugly Betty had already set a record in the ratings of the countries where the m had been broadcast.

3. 73 million Mandarin speakers watched the first

8. Fernando Gaitan is a successful Colombian TV scri i r.

4. In fact, the show was so funny for the people in the US , that created a Halloween costume.

9. The mailman often made fun

5. There was one more ingredient that helped the show have this good result.


10. In other countries, there was also lots of advertising . 21

4·'$i·Uwun ,,t._ 5. Describe the pictures using hyphenated words. The singer Miley Cyrus was born in 1992. (1) She is famous for her role as Hannah Montana. She is the producer of two albums. (2) She also starred in one movie and has received important awards like the Golden Globes. In 2008, Time magazine said she wore the best clothes among teenagers in the US. (3) She is a role model for many teenagers because she behaves well (4) and said she believes in God. The singer and composer Juan Luis Guerra was born in 1957. (1) He has sold more than 14 million records around the world and has won 18 Grammy awards. (2) Juan Luis Guerra always produces the best music albums in the Dominican Republic. (3) He is now a role model because he promotes values such as honesty, freedom, justice and hard work. He writes the lyrics of his songs very well , (4) trying to propagate these values.

1. Miley Cyrus is a 17-year-old singer. 2. 3. 4.


2. 3. 4.

6. Classify the sentences into A (Anna Kournikova) or K (Kaka). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

That's why he points to the sky when he scores a goal. Through this organization, he has helped many poor people. Besides her sports talent, her beauty has also made her famous. Undoubtedly, his big talent has made him famous. Besides that, he has also become a role model for many people because he honors God for his success.


0 0 0 0

First of all, she is an 18 times WTA tournament winner. A number of reasons have made her well known. Presently he belongs to an organization called Athletes for Christ. 9. For example, the magazine People has chosen her among the 50 prettiest women in the world. 10. In fact, Enrique Iglesias fell in love with this beautiful woman in 2002.

6. 7. 8.

7. Choose one of the previous characters. Decide the order of the sentences, write your own lead-in sentences, and write a complete paragraph below.

8. Evaluate your writing by using the following checklist. • I followed a sequence. • I used hyphenated words. • I wrote my own lead-in sentence. 22

B 0 0 0

Reflect on Your Learning Process 1. Check ( V ) the option that best describes your performance.



Talking about business mission and vision



to U


Using vocabulary related to business


Establishing the price of your product or service


Describing past events

17 19

Describing actions

16 18

Identifying main and secondary ideas in a text



Giving arguments


tn c :p

Using hyphenated words



Using lead-in sentences









25 5 2,3,4





:0 to









路c ~ ::::i tn



Listening to something several times to confirm information and understand details


Following and replacing models


Expressing success and failure





2. Choose the strategies you will use to improve your learning process. What?

C:) C:)

Investigating things I did not understand well

Use the Internet to find activities to practice.

Taking notes effectively

Develop my own system of abbreviations and key words.

~ Preparing my lessons in advance


Looking for situations to use English

~ Creating my own study schedule



Reviewing systematically

Check new vocabulary in a dictionary. Form study groups with partners . Plan my activities and follow a schedule. Use a notebook to file information.

~ Cooperating with my classmates

Help those who do not understand.

~ Using the models presented in the book

Pay attention to the information contained in the lessons.





The Movie World 1. Figure out each word and fill in the crossword puzzle. Follow the example.



7. 2.


M + t.,If ...••fI' .. ~,- S N + ... 11"

AW +



• - GU

1~;::41 - MPAS +TUMES CJ. '

- L+ NMENf

2. Complete the text with words from the previous exercise. Hollywood , the capital of the (

entertainment ) world, has produced thousands of important movies, but a few years ago Wa'lt Disney

Productions distributed an animated movie that made people dream , It was called The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe and it was extremely successful because hundreds of hours were invested in drawing the imaginative ( Furthermore, it used professional cosmetics for the


director wanted them to be, In fact, the film won an Oscar


in that category, The (

The Chronicles of Namia, written originally by C,S, Lewis,


the characters because computers made that unnecessary, The


lot of (

) included new ) when they see this movie,


) is one of ) weren't used to give life to


Andrew Adamson, The (

) the characters wore.

in order to transform the characters' faces into whatever the

for the movie was written by Ann Peacock and

and actresses that are now famous, People have a

Grammar and Vocabulary 3. Complete the following texts. Use the Passive Voice in different tenses. Then, number the steps in the process of creating a movie from 1 to 4.

D The last details, such as music and other type of special effects , ~


(add, simple present). This process _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (follow, present perfect) at Pixar Studios since 1995. They have become the best studio and their animated movies never _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (neg. top . present perfect) by Disney Animated Studios.


Artists at Pixar record provisional voices for the story. Next, the characters' voices _ _ (record, simple present) by professional actors. The dialogs _ _ __ (read , simple present) in many different ways, and the best reading finally (animate, simple present). Occasionally, provisional voices are great and they (neg. change , simple present). In fact, many new artists _ _ _ _ (give, present perfect) the opportunity to record at Pixar in the last few years. Although , traditionally, scale models _ _ (employ, simple past), in Toy Story, three dimensional special effects _ _ _ __ _ _ _ (implement simple past) for the first time. Since then , new techniques _ _ _ _ (apply, present perfect) to produce animated movies. Then , the scenes are animated. A special animation software _ _ _ _ _ __ (use, simple present) by Pixar employees.

D People at Pixar Studios spend about five years making an animated movie. They make the movie in four stages . First, an idea _ _ (present, present simple) with the help of visual aids. Then , the script ~_ _ _____ (write, simple present). Generally these steps _ _ _ _ _ _ (neg. modify, simple present). But in the case of Finding Nemo, the script _ ________ (write, past simple) before pre-production because the producer had started planning the movie in 1992.

D Then , several series of comic strips ___ __ __

_ (draw, present simple). They are a print version of the movie and serve as a plan for the actual scenes and dialogs, which are recorded afterwards. In Toy Story, for example, some amusing characters (choose , simple past) after looking at the pictures print version.

4. Change the following sentences from Active to Passive Voice. Then write the number of the paragraph (in the previous exercise) that corresponds to each stage.


a. In the development stage, they create the storyline .

The storyline is created in the development stage.


b. In the pre-production stage, they calculate the technical challenges.

5. Go back to 3 and ask questions about the bold parts in the sentences in italics. a. Since when has this process heen followed of


Pixar Studios? c. In the production stage, they make the film.

d. In the post-production stage, they check mistakes and details.


c. d.



The Sports World 1. Match the statements with the pictures. Then, complete the synonym box with the words in bold.

@] I enjoy participating in different

D Some people say I perform

championships, but my biggest objective is to classify for the World Cup with my national team.

better tricks than Ronaldinho, but my purpose is not to compete with him.

D I have always encouraged my sister to win the various



My fans like the type of clothing I wear, but I want them to focus only on my skills, not on my outfit. The sport I practice means everything to me.

D If you attempt to do amazing stunts with a ball like I

tournaments she has participated in. I try to help her because we are a loving family.

1. clothing


used to do, I suggest practicing long hours every day. Practice stands for improvement in any sport.

3. ______________ 4. ___________

5. ______~ ______ 6. ______---' _ _ __

7. _____________________

8. ___________ __________

2. Unscramble the words. Then, circle the correct option. a. Tevez has led his team to achieve their ouprpes


/ istcrk


b. The right tptamet

/ titofu

_______ helps to play sports comfortably.

d. Hockey players tptamet _______ / natsd rof _ ______________ to hit a ball into a goal. e. The ryt / ovecjteib ________ of skateboarding is to perform tsnuts __________ / titofu _ _ _ _ __

c. Playing soccer well doesn't tsnut _ _ _ _ __ name

doing stunts.

3. Complete the text. Use the Word Bank, use gerunds, infinitives or objects + infinitives. Lance Armstrong is a role model athlete. He has celebrated winn ing the Tour ~ France seven times, a world record. Since he was a teenager he felt like a world champion, so he decided in triathlon competitions. Hewon many times, . and he chose on cycling because he was really good at it. However, in 1996 doctors told him practiCing sports because he had testicular cancer that had extended to his lungs, abdomen and brain. Still he fought hard and defeated his disease. After that, he set the record for the Tour de France from 1999 to 2005. He also agreed to the competitions in 2009. He is encouraging people is a world problem. For more information , visit his website.

return participc::e focus win

4. Playa game. Fill in the blanks, then check and add up your total score.

Write a sentence.

Write a sentence.

(lead /the Bulls I win)

(talent I make her I successful)

Write a sentence. (Navratilova I teach Sharapova)

In 1995, Mich ael Jordan led the Bulls to win.

Write a sentence.

Write a sentence.

Write a sentence.

(choose I drive I good at it)

(enjoy I practice I long hours)

(encourage I each other I play well)

Write a sentence.


(start I race I 5 years old)

Messi is interested in becoming the best soccer player. (want)


Paraphrase. rpose was to win the Formula 1 eight times. (attempt)

Write a sentence.

Write a sentence.

(He I decide I quit I Formula 1/2006 )





World Records 0

1. Preview the text. Look for the following numbers in the reading and match them with what they refer to in the second column. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

@] a. 9.69


b. 1968

c. 12 d. 10,000 e. 19 f. 56 g. 8

• t

number of centuries in a row the Olympic games were held in Greece. number of gold medals Phelps got in Beijing 2008. ~:-\ number of years that it took to break down the 100m men's race record. current world record for the 100m men's race. century when Pierre de Coubertin decided to organize the games again. one of the most important racing competitions in the Olympics. year when Jim Hines brought down the 100m men's race to less than 10 sees.

" r~




-i ¼'."" .•


J' ('


2. Read the text Create questions after each paragraph that can be answered with the iniormation presQntQd in thQ paragraph and underline the corresponding answer.

C=>ly..---, p i c= ~



he first Olympic Games were celebrated in Greece around the 9th century Be. They were held every four years for more than 12 centuries. However, in the 4th century AD, they were suspended by the Roman emperor Theodosius I. By the end of the 19th century, Pierre de Coubertin decided to organize the games once again. He was actually attempting to promote peace by getting different countries together in one event. Athens was chosen to hold the re-opening of the Olympic Games because of its tradition.

Where were the first Olympic Games held? ( Where - first Olympic games - hold) There are many reasons for the Olympic Games to be important, but from the perspective of human challenges, perhaps the most im.portant reason is the possibility of breaking and setting new records. A world sports record is a top mark in a discipline. Although not all records are broken in the Olympics, many are. The most important competitions are the 10 ,000m and the 100m men's race. When we look at the records broken in the 100m men's race, we see how hard it is for humans to overcome limits. In 1912, the record for this competition was over 10 seconds (established by Maurice Greene) and it took 56 years to bring it down to 9.95. The new record was set by the North American athlete Jim Hines in 1968. This record was broken by Carl Lewis in 1991. Then in 1999 Maurice Greene broke the record again. At present the Jamaican athlete Usain Bolt holds the world record, which is 9.69. These numbers definitely show that setting a new record is a challenge that implies lots of work and discipline.


(what - present record - be) (what - setting a record - imply) From the Olympics we can learn that technology has gi\'p us the possibility to do things we thought were impossi b . The barrier of 10 seconds was an unbreakable barrier ( more than live decades but the use of technology for traini = has helped athletes break the record and improve their ti rr . in more than 5 occasions over the last 3 decades. It seems that determination and technology can bring about wonderful results. One more example is the case of swimmer Michael Phelps. A previous gold medal swimmer, Ian Thorpe, had predicted that Phelps would not reach the record of winning 8 gold medals in the same competition. Phelps trained hard to prove Thorpe wrong. He used the best technology available and everybody knows the rest of the story. r

What - technology - give us How many - Phelps - conquer - Beijing 2008

Reading and Writing

3. Play the game and create questions for the following answers.

A top mark in some kind of discipline.

In Greece.

than five decades.

How hard it is for humans to

where the games were

They show that setting a new record is a challenge that implies lots of work and


4. Complete the time lines.


He said that Phelps would not reach the record of winning 8 gold medals in the same ""n'nQI,I,,,n

History of the Olympic Games IV Century

XIX Century


First Olympic Games were celebrated

• History of world record in 100m men's race





Maurice Greene

Carl Lewis

9.69 29

5. Match the following definitions with the corresponding concepts.

a. This piece of information explains what something is b. This piece of 'information relates to devices and outfits required for an activity c. This piece of information tells when something initiated d. This piece of information illustrates an idea e. These resources help to show emphasis

o 1. example o 2. bold and italics [EJ 3. definition o 4. equipment o

6. Match columns A with B.


Then write sentences for each part of an

~ First jumps England January 1, 1979

o elastic cords, harness.



A.J. Hacke!: 2005, 233m. John Kockleman: 1989, 670m. Extreme sport in which people jump from a tall structure using a big rubber band .

7. Search the web and write sentences about a sport you are Interested in.

3. Equipment



8. Write a complete encyclopedia entry. Use italics for the equipment and bold for the concept you are defining.


After writing 9. Evaluate your text.


• I stated a clear definition of the concept. • I added details and examples. • I used italics and bold to show emphasis.

Reflect on Your Learning Process 1. Check (

V )the option that best describes your performance.

Using vocabulary related to movie production



Using vocabulary related to sports



Talking about historical accounts and recent events



Expressing a sequence of events



Describing processes




Expressing facts

24 25

5 5


USing pictures to activate previous knowledge


Creating questions about different sections to guide your reading




Looking for chronological order




Using bold, italics and underlining to show emphasiS and get your reader's attention




Using models to provide a structure for your text







E E I!










c c ~


Focusing attention on signal expressions such as "to begin with"

41 , 42


Adding ideas when participating in a panel discussion


Stating general facts


2. Choose the strategies you will use to improve your learning process. What?



Paying more attention in class

Focus my mind on what the teacher and my partners are saying.


Using an effective system to remember vocabulary

Create my own vocabulary notebook.


Setting my own objectives

Write down some specific aims I want to achieve in a few weeks.


Determining a way to reach my objectives

State specific actions and times to be able to measure my real progress.

~ Reviewing systematically

Use a notebook to file information.


Helping my classmates

Pair up with weaker classmates to aid them.


Using other resources

Make a list of websites or extra books I can resort to in order to reinforce my knowledge.


~ I~B l~t~ ~Bntur~


Breakthroughs 1. Match the names of the shows with the descriptions below.

o The moon landing was a moment of


At 7:00 PM, discover why cloning was a significant development. This amazing documentary shows how it changed the whole history of bio-science.

change because humans surpassed their limits. It was a huge leap for humanity. Tonight at 10:00, watch ...

o Stunning pictures of celestial bodies

o The creation of the Internet was an

reveal the Earth is in danger. Watch this program at 9:00 and get to know about asteroids that may ...

important event in technology because it transformed the history of communications. At 8:00, you will see ...

D Some cultures have been simply amazing.

o These men's trips are a leap into the

Join us at 5:00. You will see how the Mayans built their pyramids and ...

future because their ideas are helping scientists imitate nature when inventing new machines.

2. Match column A with column B to create sentences that give reasons according to the texts above. Column A a. b. c. d. e. f.

Column B

The moon landing was a turning point because Cloning was a breakthrough in medicine because We know the Earth is in danger because The Internet is an outstanding milestone because The Mayans are stunning because of Discovery journeys are a leap into the future because

e 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

the way in which they made their constructions. it showed how we can overcome our limits. it transformed the way people communicate. they help scientists with ideas to use nature in a more creative wa f we have photographiC evidence. it changed the whole history of bio-science.

3. Unscramble the words. Then, circle the right definition.


a. nosilmete b. gtnunins

c. inugrtn topni d. rtehta

milestone possible risk / very important event

b. significant development / quite impressive

c. time of a change / quite impressive

d. very important event / possible risk


4. Change the words in italics for words in the previous exercise. Bell was such an impressive stunning inventor that he transformed communications. The big change was the invention of the phone. It was so successful that it was considered a significant event . He had such amazing ideas that most of his inventions were a potential danger to the economic interests of other inventors of his time.

Grammar and Vocabulary 5, Follow the instructions in the sa.uare you land on and take a trip throu9h history.

Beginning of World War I

Circle. The Jewish Holocaust is a very short I versatile I sensitive subject.

Circle. A: My computer is so cool. It has lots of games to play. I love it. : Neither do II So do I.

Very important invention: the TV

Alexander Fleming discovers penicillin.

Spanish Civil War. Circle. Versatile means easy I skillful I amazing.

Useful invention: the pencil

Circle. The Peart Harbor attack was a breakthrough I threat to the security of the U,S.

Atomic bomb explosion

Gandhi leads India to freedom from the British without weapons.

Circle. e CD is so I such I such a _rsaWe that it can be used to store anything.

Circle. The moon landing was a threat I turning point fOT humans.

En of war between :: land and Argentina

Circle. The Fall of Communism was a threat I milestone for the 20th century.

Foundation of Israel

Circle. A: I don't have a Walkman anymore. B: So do II Neither do I. They're really old.

Correct. The Internet is so versatile then it became popular all around the world. _ _ __

Invention of the sateilite. Choose. Striking means great I noticeable I horrible.

Correct. The attack against Pope John Paul II was such striking event that the news spread around

the world.


Cars fly and robots clean homes. CONGRATULATIONS!



Political and Economic Chan es 1. Read the text and complete the sentences below. We all know the 20th century had lots of changes. In Africa, colonialism was abolished because very few European countries had power after World War II. It all began when extreme ideas were accepted as a result of the hunger and poverty that some countries were experiencing in the 20s and 30s. Canada and the US went from emerging countries to superpowers as a result of all their inventions. In fact, the invention of the atomic bomb was the origin of that big change. So many of their people died in Hitler's concentration camps that the Jewish were compensated with land in the Middle East to form their new country after almost 2000 years of not having one. Because of it, another confrontation, Israel against Pa(esflhe, began. a. There was so much poverty in Europe in the 20s and 30s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ b. So many Jews _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ - _ _ _ _ that they were compensated with land to form their own country. c. The US and Canada became _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ as a result of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

d. There _ _ _ _ so _ _ _ _ _ powerful countries in Europe after WWII that _ _ _ _=-___ in Africa ended .

2. Write sentences about events in the 20th century.

uch hun er

There was so m f L f Americans starte . that mil/ions 0 a In errca Am ml ratin into the USA.

A V e路



a. Hunger in Central and

1. extreme political ideas were accepted and war started 2. millions of Latin Americans started migrating into the USA. 3. the new superpowers were the European Union (EU) and China. 4. Nelson Mandela was put in prison.

South America b. Poverty in Europe was so high c. Political and economic changes in the XX century d. Discrimination in South Africa

. Central and South In


e ~==-----====


3. Choose the two words that best complete each sentence. ~--,-p_o_ lit_ic_a_'__ changes in the 20th century were so _ _ _ _ _ _ _ that a new world order emerged. hunger litical



2. poverty 5. extreme



big level of in Africa was exactly the opposite to the big level of prosperity of the _ _ _ _ _ __

D 1.

3. discrimination 6. superpowers

During World War II, the against the Jewish led to the creation of concentration camps. There they suffered _ _ _ _ __ _

D 1.


hunger political



2. poverty 5. extreme


3. discrimination 6. superpowers

4. Write the word from the previous exercise for each definition below. a. Strong need to eat b. Dominant countries c. The state of having few possessions d. At the highest / lowest degree e. Mistreatment due to race or gender 34




2. poverty 5. extreme


3. discrimination 6. superpowers

-scramble the sentences.




of I in , that' May' students' started' to , protest


so many extreme political ideas in France _ __

Grammar and Vocabulary

much' movement' that I women's' discrimination I the' liberation' so ,

Women experienced _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ in the 20th century _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

~==::::;;====~ii:ii-iiiiiiiii~=====~:::::=- emerged.

pIe I that' freedom 'little I embraced I governments

_ _ __ _ _ _ gave _ __ _ _ __ ___ __ _ _ _ _ _ ____ ~_______ they - --~

_ --:-============:-:::----:-_ democracy.

Union' political' so , the' Soviet' that I superpowers' much The USA and had _ _ _ _ __ _ __ ___ inftuence on the whole world _ _ __ they became _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

- the cause and the consequence. Then, use intensifiers to write sentences. b. political changes in Europe

'ch discrimination in the US that black people embraced Martin Luther King"s ideas.



Solutions to aMega-Disaster :' ----


1. Match the words with their synonym or definition.


a. issues b. embracing awareness


d. lack e. carpooling






0 3. 0 4.

D 5.

2. Take a quick look at the text below and choose the right option. a. The text is about travelRng by car



companies environmental problems


b. Which is NOT an environmental problem?

o smog




global warming

3. Match the type of statement with its purpose. Then, write I (introduction), B (body) or C (conclusion) according to the type of paragraph each type of statement might appear in. Type of Statement a. b. c. d. e. f.

g. h.

thesis statement challenge to the reader explanation statement summary of the thesis statement interesting fact statistics and examples topic sentence connector

Type of Paragraph




1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

8 o o o D

provide details of ideas presented attract the reader's attention illustrate and support the arguments present the main argument of the text present logic relations in the text remind the reader of the main argument present the main idea of a paragraph invite the reader to act upon the information presented

Body paragraph

4. Read and label the parts of the text with Introduction, Body and Conclusion. Then, label the sections in italics in each paragraph with the Types of Statements from the previous chart.

You Can Help Too Introduction


The consumption o/paper injust one country (the USA) evelY year is so big that it implies cutting down 850 million trees. If you think of it in terms of distance, it would be like going to the moon and coming back to the Earth more than 120.000 times. As a result of how terribly we treat our planet, G lobal other types of environmental rease over the last few years . quite shocking and make you tbl~.,~nnc)t do anything to help the planet. rn other ~:,~rij~I~I~Jple, they will take action on a daizv



_ __ _ _ """""'--_ _ _ _ _ _ _~_

First of all , people need to learn two important truths. The first one is that environmental problems are a serious matter. A good argument to show t/rem could be 'hal {he illIalion i so complicaled that in the future counlries mighl go Tn war because of environmental issues such as lack of drinking water. The second thing that has to be explained is which environmental problems exist. A simple idea could be making posters with pictures that show how human actions have had devastating consequences on the Earth. You might show the threat presented by global warming, deforestation. contamination and smog. Another option is to use videos. YOli COUld use, f or example, an excellent documentary that was produced by Al Gore. It is called An Inconvenient Truth. These are good teaching tools because they open people 's eyes more than just using words.


Reading and Writing


p~s::~ J

addition, your idM how 10 he proeliea!. Expl,;" s;mpl, "t;ons th't PCOPI'} ,mb"e, ;n th,;, d,;ly hves. Acoocd;ng to th, UN, mare Ihan 40% oj Ih' environmenlal problems can disappear by doing easy things like recycling. Besides hat, people also need to learn about carpooling. It simply means that friends decide to In b,;ef, in","c!.ion is Ihe hope of", ' general ion 10 save ollr environmelll. " use one carta go to work instead of each one using his/her own vehicle . Consequently, there will be an important reduction in the levels of smog. In fact, using fewer cars and more bikes or walking is just one more action that can be embraced by most people. The last idea you might want to encourage is to consume carefully. When people consume too much, they waste natural resources unnecessarily. Educating people to implement these ideas will surely help our planet.

the questions we need to ans\\er arE : Whal are YOU doing 10 help rhe Earl', . Who are you leaching? Are you a\\ ar-: that we all have to do someth ing? If \ _ do not care about the planet, it might stop caring about us .

5. Choose the right answer. a. The author uses numbers in the introductory paragraph

D 1. D 2.

because they are shocking. to show many trees are destroyed. ~ 3. to show an increase of environmental problems.

b. We can infer from the first body paragraph that

D 1. D 2.


there is not enough water in the world. not all countries have good access to drinking water. 3. water might cause wars in the future.


The author mentions carpooling because 1. he thinks cars contaminate more than any other machine. 2. it helps to reduce contamination. 3. people need to walk and be healthy.



d. The author suggests using pictures and a video because 1. people will not be bored when you talk to them. 2. they are effective media to show that the environmental threat is a serious matter. 3. they are simple ideas.



After reading 6. Match the connector with its synonyms and label the categories with words from the Word Bank. Connector

a.ln fact


I c 1. furthermore, additionally, besides that, moreover, as well

b. However

2. In brief, to conclude, in summary, in short, to sum up

c. In addltion

3. as a matter of fact, indeed, certainly

d. Consequently

4. to illustrate. for instance

e. To begin with

5 nevertheless, despite this, even though, nonetheless, all the same

f. For example

6. for a start. first of all, secondly, third

g. In conclusion

7. as a result, hence, therefore. thus



conclusion emphasis order exemplification contrast addition consequence

7. Complete the paragraph with connectors from the previous chart. Taking care of our planet is so importantthatsooneror later everybody will have to do something about it. In fact , all governments are coming up with new rules to force or stimulate people to help our environment. , China has promised tax reductions for the companies that stop polluting water. , the UN has decided to spend hundreds of millions of dollars to encourage

countries to protect the environment. . more anc more countries have begun to do something about this problem. ______ , there are still some countries that are not doino much. Perhaps they are not aware of the serious environmenta threat. , many countries are beginning to take actions, but others still have much to learn.


8. Which of the following is a good thesis statement?

o a. The environment needs help immediately. o h. The environment is suffering because people are not careful enough.

o c. The environment is in trouble because of pollution, contamination and deforestation. 9. Add one controlling idea to the sentences in order to make them good thesis statements.

A thesis statement presents an opinion and adds some specific ideas (called controlling ideas) to focus the development of the text on.

The best ways to keep the environment healthy are Humans have to be careful with nuclear issues because In order to avoid climate change we have to Some actions that government can promote to protect the environment are


Helpful Note

10. Choose one of the previous thesis statements and add some supporting details in the mind map. Supporting detail 1 Thesis Statement

Controlling ideas subdivide into supporting details or arguments. They are usually joined with connectors, and develop the logic of the thesis statement.

Helpful No

SUpportIng detalt 3

Concluding sentence A good way to finish a paragraph is by challenging the reader to do something with the information that has been presented.

11. Write a paragraph with the previous information. Add connectors and a concluding sentence.

After writing

12. Evaluate your paragraph by using the following checklist • I wrote a thesis statement with a controlling idea. • I included supporting details. • I used appropriate connectors. • I wrote a challenging concluding sentence.

Reflect on Your Learning Process 1. Check (


V) the option that best describes your performance.

Talking about change




lJÂŤ.\I'l';;j 'I'\)"o\)\j\o'i'Y \e\o\eQ \'\) 'fj'\)\\\\"d\ dl'lQ


economic changes






Expressing emphasis "-


E E Expressing consequence L!


36 37

2 3,4


Reporting past events

34 35

Noticing the structure of a text: introduction, body and conclusion



54, 55

Understanding the statements in an introductory paragraph




Relating text ideas to graphic organizers



Using definitions to activate vocabulary


Using discourse markers





:0 10 GI





;:; -.:





c '2

... QI

Focusing on key words to get general ideas


Preparing ideas to structure interaction



:.::i ~


~ 10 QI



2. Choose the strategies you will use to improve your learning process. What?


~ Investigating what I did not understand well

Use the Internet to find activities to practice.


Enriching my vocabulary

Read graded readers according to my level.

Identifying pronunciation patterns

Study different spelling-pronunciation patterns.

Looking for situations to use English

Form study groups with partners.


Identifying the structure of a paragraph when I read

Analyze the purpose of different statements.


Reviewing systematically

Use a notebook to file information.


Monitoring my production

Remember and use the rules I have learned while you are speaking.

c==::> c==>

~ Cooperating with my classmates

Help those who do not understand.




Teen Concerns 1. Unscramble the conversation.


You're not going to believe this but Josh told me he is dating" Mary. ( I)


Mary's like that. We were all disappointed in Josh , but she always believed in him. ( 9 ) --Yeah, I felt scared of him when I was not with my cliqued • ( )


I'm amazed at how much Mary has helped him. ( 7) --Yes, he probably felt ashamed of something. ( )

I know. He told me, too. I'm proud of him . He used to be so rude to people. He was always bullyinif' l ather kids, and he put a lot of peer pressurec on them. ( ) --I'm glad she did. Now, Josh is so different that young kids are reliant on him to cross the street and get their bus back home. ( 10)

I .

Me too . But Josh is friendly to others now. He just had problems fitting into groups". ( )

r He told me the reason was that he didn't know

I how to deal with his physical appearance!. (


We should learn from Mary. We could help others and we would never be sorry about it. ( 8 )

2. Match the previ s expressions in italics (a.~ with the pictures.

o 3. Unscramble the words in parentheses and match the parts in columns A and B. Follow the clues. ColumnA [2] The lady felt (sryor) ~....Q ....L ....L -X. and decided to her to deal with his physical appearance, he could be a prince again . The frog was now relying [IJ Once upon a time, a young lady felt (zeamad) ______ at The lady was (erdu) _ _ _ _ other people with difficulties to (itt) ___ into 5 He said he was a prince but had lost his beauty because She didn't understand that and she didn't care either. The frog said he [1] One day she was walking by a lake and found a frog In fact, she was ruder when the frog said he felt very





o[1J I]J

o o o

o[IJ [2]

Column B to the animal, but he was nice to her. that was (rpudo) _ _ _ _ _ of being ugly because he knew a secret. groups so he could form a (qilceu) _ _____ . He promised she wouldn't be disappointed. (rsyro) _ _ ___ that she only saw his physical appearance. on others and he needed to find he used to spend time (ylgbluni) ________ ugly people . her own beauty because she was really pretty. was interested in (gtanid) _____ _ her because if he taught help the frog.

Grammar and Vocabulary 4. This is the ending of the story in the previous exercise. Use the Word Bank to complete it. Word Bank ashamed friendly

disappointed fitting

amazed bullying

proud dating

- {)use-squirrel and -= ':oman cannot be together...

- . Correct the mistakes in the letter the frog sent to his friends. )oor frieV'\ds, :. hG\ve loorV'\t sCXV'\ethiY"19 reO'\I~ iVVlporlC\V'\t iV'\ VVI~ few ~eC\rs. \tie should V'\ever .::::€ I~e ...I+h C\V'\~bcxi~. "If ~ou do tho.t, people will feel o.t ~ou or th~ will .-:..!. be frieV'\dl~ o.bout ~ou either. \tIheV'\ ~ou C\re 0. rude persOV'\, ~ou C\re IASl..{C\II~ - wt'V'\9 sCXV'\ethiY"19 is wr0Y"l9' PerhC\ps ~ou C\re V'\ot pleC\sed o.t sOVVlethiV'\9 iV'\ ~Ov((' : e, tA.-rt it deem't VVlOOV'\ ~ou hC\ve to \'Y\ people feel tri9hteV'\ed with ~ou. YOv((' -', ?{'\ds will C\lso teel bored o.bout ~ou it ~ou C\re riACie. Here's two wC\~s to be V'\ice ?€op le. Virs+ o.f 0.11, loorV'\ to teel excited o.f ~Ov((' selt C\V'\d ~Ov((' lite. SecOV'\dl} doV'\ 't :'-:- depeV'\deV'\t o.f ~Ov((' pOIrtV'\ers' opiV'\ioV'\s. "It ~ou loorV'\ to teel so.tis.fted OV'\ ~Ov(('selt, -: ,I wi :1 hG\ve 0. str0Y"19 tOUV'\ootioV'\ towC\rd beiV'\9 tri€V'\dl~.



rude to

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. _ _ _ __ 41


Dating 1. In the Word Search, find the word closest in meaning to the word in bold.


al and Rick made a ve~ nice oouple. Rick began to have a strong romantic affection towards 1 Pat while they were rehearsing for a play. It seems they didn't begin2 as friends . Rick started to seduce 3 Pat and she responded soon after. Their romantic engagement4 happened too fast and later they had problems because Rick was not a hardworking man. So, Pat decided to abandons Rick. Apparently, she had felt miserable 6 for a while. But she's OK now. Nobody knows exactly what happened but one thing is true: relationships require maturity and commitment.

u g b

P 0





e a


e c d

9 I a a






a s m p n

d s









k u


b 0




x u



u s n v w a I k w

w h g f x

0 0





s c


2. Complete the conversation with words from the Word Search. Then, add the right tag question. - Today our guest for the advice interview is psychologist Rochi Pinzon. Hello Rochi.

- Hello Nelly. I'm happy to be on your program.

- Why do Hollywood actors and actresses

- I think it's because they don't ______ _______ as friends.

break up with their partners so easily? - They don't take their time, _ _ _ _?

- Exactly. is a difficult issue and people have to be careful or they will suffer in the end.

- In other words, they will feel _ _ _ _ __

- That's right. It isn't very smart, _______?

- Definitely not. But, what can you do when you have a someone?

- Go slow. You have to learn to control your feelings. You should also talk to your parents.They will surely help you, ?

- They will. Our parents should be our best friends . I guess you have also helped lots of parents,

- Sure. Last year some parents asked me to give a lecture about why girls _________ _____ boys more now than in the past.

- -- - - - - - - - ? - I bet parents were satisfied with the information they received,

----------? - I'm sure you have some other ideas about that,

---------------? - Yes, I agree.

- Yes. I told them today our society teaches girls different values in comparison to the past. - I do. The most important thing is to find out why a girl would do that. She probably feels lonely. - We talked about that on our previous program,

--------? - Yes, we did. But let's talk a little more about this after our commercial break, shall we?

-All right.


w t d



z a h s j k e s a


Gramma,r and Vocabulary 3. Choose the right option. a. Teens __ always be careful who they date with .


D should have

[tif should


b. Mike broke up with Rose, _

D doesn't he? D have they?


D didn't he?

did he?


hasn't she?

haven't they?

d. George and Sandy __ problems before they broke up.

D may have D

D should f. We _


c. Many teens have had a crush on Megan Fox, _?


e. Rob and Terry _ _ started out as friends,

should have had

D must have had



should have

never feel happy about bullying

should have




was she?


wasn't she?



aren't you?


don't you?

He shouldn't flirt with many girls at the same time.

Ruth decided to break up with Giovanni because he was rude to her. Advice: (shouldn't have)


Sandra wanted to start out as friends with Oscar but he didn't like the idea. Advice: (should have)


Alexandra's boyfriend is not interested in seeing her anymore. She spends a lot of time crying, but when they were together she was rude to him. Advice: (shouldn't have) Zac knew he had a crush on Zulma but he also liked Erica , so he dated both girls. He ended up heartbroken. Advice: (shouldn't have)


Paris flirted with Menelaus'S wife, Helena. Advice: (shouldn't have)


Paris kidnapped Helena. Advice: (shouldn't have)


Pocahontas defended John Smith, the conqueror, from her own people. Advice: (shouldn't have)


The Montescos hated the Capuletos. Advice: (shouldn't have)

D does she?

h. So, Pierre, you will always be friendly to your fans, _?

Jim always flirts with many girls at the same time. Advice: (shouldn't)

D must have

g. Ashley Tisdale wasn't dating Zac, _ _ ?

4. Read the following situations and provide advice. Use the verb form in parentheses.


D must had

D won't you?


Need Your Help ••$i.Uji¥t.ii,t.. 1. Guess the correct definition. Match Column A with Column B. Column B

ColumnA a. b. c. d. e. f.

@J put into practice

seek knowledge ponder apply sympathize wisdom

o capacity to use o

o o o

knowledge correctly understand and care ask for information evaluate or reflect on

44+ t.II&_ 2. Read the text and use the Reading Strategy to confirm your guesses. Complete or circle the answers.

Need Help? •

Is it possible for anyone to never need help? Absolutely not! Many times throughout life we have to ask for help with our problems. Very often that help takes the form of advice. But the other side of the story is also true . At times we will be the ones giving advice to someone. In other words, we wiJJ play the role either of a psychologist or a patient. Since most of us are not real psychologists, we should all learn a little about giving and seeking advice so we know what to do next time we request or give that kind of help. • The word seeking is in the context of giving and asking for advice. • Therefore, its most logical meaning is

to look for / to ask for To begin with, let us point out some ideas about asking for advice. The first thing you need to keep in mind is that not everybody is a good advisor. Teens usually resort to their friends for counsel. However, their partners may be just as inexperienced. Turning to the wrong advisor is probably more dangerolls than not seeking advice at all. Authority is the key to know who is a good counselor. But generally that is the result of experience and knowledge. Another important aspect to consider is what you should do with the advice you receive. Always ponder what you can do with . the recommendations you hear. You are the only one who can actually decide


meaning of unknown words. you can a. find similarities with Spanish, b. break words into components, c. check the grammatical function or d. refer to the words around the unknown word .

what to do and what not to do. Additionally, you should be willing to apply some of the advice you are given. Many people req uest help but they only want to do what they have previously decided to do. That kind of approach does not produce good results. • The word knowledge comes from the word . Therefore, ~~~~~~~~--------'

• Considering its position in the sentence, the word ponder is a(n) noun / verb / adjective. • Considering the sentence that follows in the text, the most logical meaning of ponder is Iv is similar to the Spanish verb . By addin the sutnx -alion, we form the noun which is even more simil:"" a-r -to- tr:-h-e-same noun in Spanish. Now let us talk about giving advice. If a friend of yours asks for help, consider these suggestions: First, the key w understanding the situation is to put yourself in her / his shoes; in other words, make Sllre you sympathize with him / her. But

Reading and Writing identifying with your friend is not enough. Besides that, the key to giving good advice is wisdom . You need to evaluate and see if you really have something use ful to say. If so, speak. Otherwise, it is better to remain quiet. , If help is asked for in writing, use the following model for your response letter: greet the person, present your advice and show what would probably happen if he I she followed the advice . Don't forget to finish your letter by wishing the person good luck.

• The word sympathize is presented as the key action to your friend. Therefore, its most logical meaning is --=--~=;=::::::;:--

the adjective

advisors need more than experience, sympathy and D Good knowledge. they need professional training to learn how to D Secondly, listen and ask questions. They also need to learn how to guide the person requesting D advice.


Moreover, they have to learn to change their behavior or the way people feel towards some behavior.


'-----------------------' you can say. Helpful Note

5. Circle Tfor true or Ffor false. Correct the false statement. a. Experience and knowledge are the only requirements T F to be a good advisor.

b. Professional training is necessary to help a person requesting advice.

To begin with, previous experience can make counselors subjective.

Finally, although people have to ponder the advice and D decide what to do, they may also need constant guidance

into the

noun . In the context, the author connects wisdom with some-

3. Complete the flow chart with some of the key words in exercise 1 to reconstruct part of the advice process. Use the Helpful Note.

4. Put the sentences in order to organize a paragraph.

to change

• The word wisdom uses the suffix


The second and third paragraphs deal with the same aspect of the topic.



and support in their evaluation and decision-making process.


6. Match the columns. You may go back to the text and see how punctuation IS used.


a. A semicolon is used to

b. A comma is used

c. An exclamation mark is used to

d. A period is used to


To read critically, think about different perspectives.

1. separate independent clauses. 2. show strong feelings. 3. end a sentence. 4. after connectors or for items in a series.


Untitled - Message (HTML) Options

Text format


Cclpy Format Copy



.y . . ,A.

~ ~ ~

./ Note book

Ba9,c taxl

Check nam e


Anach element





~ f OIlC:-ing


~ermission ...

High Importance Low importance


~ ... Check

Spelling Spelll1l9

Before writing 7. Add the punctuation marks in the following e-mail. Hi Auntie Carol My name's Carol and I'm 17 My problem is I like a guy who IS nice to me but has a girlfriend I know I should not go out with him but he is always flirting with me and I just don't know what to do Furthermore I think I will feel heartbroken if he stops being nice to me I think I should simply wait until the day he breaks up with his girlfriend so we can probably date or just start out as friends I think he also has a crush on me but he is confused He is charming friendly handsome and very smart I really like thi s guy What can I do? Thanks for your help, Carol

8. Complete the response letter with information from the box. Then, complete the labeling using the last paragraph of the text. _ _ _ Carol I read your letter many times to make sure I understood what you are feeling. I think you know what you should do. It is clear that _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ If he was as smart as you say, he would know what he was doing, but to me he is not reliable. Go on with your life. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _______ but that Is much better than dreaming of a guy who does not love you. Even more, if you ever start dating him, _ _ _ _ _ _ __


_ _ _ best,

You may feel heartbroken for a few days Dear you can be sure he'll flirt with other girls again you should forget about this guy Very

Auntie Carol

9. Read Paul's problem and write a letter to him. Dear Paul, Iwentover _____________________________ I think you _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ As a result, _____________________________ Wish _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,

CiB§d'W,t.. luate your letter by using the following checklist. • I introduced my letter appropriately. • I used different punctuation marks. • I finished my letter appropriately. I gave wise advice.

Paul is really smart and friendly. His friends keep teasing him because he doesn't have a girlfriend yet. He has told them he is not interested in a relationship until he starts college but his friends' comments make him feel uncomfortable. There is a girl he likes but he still wants to concentrate on his studies first.

Reflect on Your Learning Process 1. Check ( V ) the option that best describes your performance.



Using words related to teen issues


Using vocabulary related to dating



Talking about dating and being overweight




66, 68




g ~


E E Asking for and giving advice I!!



68. 69

Expressing regrets




Identifying the parts of a letter




Using contextual clues to understand the meaning of unknown words


Using punctuation correctly

45 46

6 7


Labeling the components in a letter




Writing an advice letter






c: ~




t:n c: +I






Using key words, short phrases and symbols to take notes while listening


c: :i:

Expanding conversations by providing extra information to show interest


l In

Following models to discuss topics in groups



:::i til IV

2. Choose the strategies you will use to improve your learning process. What? ~


Reviewing new vocabulary

Do the glossary activities at the end of the Students' Book. Develop my own system of abbreviations and key words.

.... 0 -

: ",..: _-sc;

cc lance

= s

Check the grammar topiC to prepare questions for my teacher. Go online and chat with friends in English.


Ask questions and say interesting things. Make a list of things I have to remember from previous lessons. Help those who do not understand.

- . : 'CO'::: "'; : - : _ book

Pay attention to the information contained in the lessons.

~ l~e ~alue of life


Nothlnq like Succes 1. Replace the words in parentheses. Use the Word Bank.

strive overcome

or blame

confront (2) pretend


When he was a child he had to (subdue) overcome the limitations he had when he spoke. As an adult, he became a great speaker and writer. In 1953, he was granted the Noble Prize for Literature for his brilliant oratory and his books on history. He decided to (oppose) Hitler's ideology, so he fought hard to achieve victory in World War II. He is considered as one of the greatest men of the 20th century. This man had to (struggle) to reach his goals. He was poor and grew up without his real mother. He couldn't go to school but worked hard and became a lawyer. He had to try several times before he became president of the US. He was determined to become the president of the US because he wanted to (defeat) slavery, a very difficult social Issue. He is considered one of the greatest men in the history of the United States. He lived a short life and loved everybody. He knew human beings had problems but did not (accuse) it on them. He never tried to (feign) to be modest, as he knew that those who were humble would inherit the Kingdom of God. He simply decided to die on a cross to be an example of sacrifice. He has been the inspiration for millions of people such as Mother Teresa of Calcutta, Gandhi, Martin Luther King, C. S. Lewis, and others. He is, for many, the greatest man ever.

2. Complete with words from the previous exercise. a. Stephen Hawking hasn't been able to (1) .Q J:.. ~..!.. ~.Q. m J!... his paralysis. b. Stevie Wonder didn't (2) _____ .!l. _ he was able to see. He decided to (3) ___ L _ _ _ _ his situation and become a famous singer. c. Franklin Roosevelt had to (4) _...L ____ to walk because he'd had polio. d. Beethoven didn't (5) _ 1. ___ his hearing problems on anyone. He worked hard to compose the best symphonies he could.

3. Circle the right option.

Some people have had to struggle to achieve success. They have had tc<f!!b1uj) / pretend lots of limitations because they had physical disabilities or because they had to face other types of challenges. But the fact that they never blamed / opposed their difficulties on other people and instead decided to strive / overcome for success teaches us a great lesson . We must learn to confront / strive obstacles because the only way to overcome / feign problems is to work hard and never quit. After Winston Churchill helped to win WWII, he was invited to give a conference at his former school. Since he had subdued / strived so many challenges, everybody was very interested in what he had to say. Besides that, he was an eloquent speaker. He stood up and repeated the same three words four times: "Never give up." Then, he left. Everybody was surprised and they understood: why he had been able to confront / strive Hitler and defeat him. The secret to success is to never quit.

Helpful Note Create mind maps to organize and remember information. Use pictures, colors, and symbols.

Grammar and Vocabulary 4. Complete the mind map with information from the previous exercises. Then, write your own examples. Example

Definition Bring under control or subjugate

They subdued their enemy with the help of their soldiers.

Definition exet1 _ _ _ __


. .•






b. Strive ~ sth I

a. Subdue sth I sb




- - - - c. Opposes sb I sth

e. Overcome sth

""'...... ............ Example

d. Confront sth I sb ""'............ .




e Inltlon Come face to face with something


erb to help these people express their wishes.


6. Complete with the right verb form. Then, answer the question. a. What is a talent you wish you



b. What do you wish your friends

c. What is something you wish

d. What do you wish your English teacher

a. Nhat is something you wish your parents

? (have)

you on your next birthday? (give)

different at your school? (be)

more often in class? (do)

next Christmas? (buy)

... Example

I wish the world were /


E~oying '---


1. Read the text and complDihe definitions. Music is a powelful form of art. Through songs, people communicate feelings and experiences. In fact, if music didn't exist, people would not be able to communicate their ideas so effectively. Some songs help to cast aside won路ies. They relax the mind, produce peace and help you slow down. Others are useful for cherishing the moment. They are an inspiration in special times such as on romantic dates or in emotional situations. Not everybody is conscious of the power of music. If people understood how much music helped to relieve their stress, they would play more songs. We could also use music to accomplish our goals because songs can provide inspiration and energy to keep working. If we had the opportunity to listen to more music , we could manage our hectic times in a better way and we would enjoy life more.

a. b. c. d. e. f.

3. WrIte C (condition) or R (result). Then, write sentences with the correct verb form. a. [R] science (change) completely [I] astronauts (find) life in space

If astronauts fou nd liFe in space, science would change completely

b.D a big comet (hit) the Earth

o the planet (disappear)


D politicians (spend) more time with their families


politicians (not have) hectic lives


we (be) sure to always accomplish our goals we (relieve) ourselves of most of our stress

[Qj WW[Q] [illJ I.R1 [I] [JJ GJ [EJ : achieve or complete

DDDDDw :very busy D D GJ D D D [JJ D D :discard or put away D D D D D D em :remove or diminish DDD[;j DD[;j D : be less tense D [EJ D D [JJ DO: value and regard highly


2, Read and fill in the gaps with words from the previous exercise. Then, circle the right option. a. If busy professionals learn 19 to slow down a bit, they could be even more productive. b. We would every minute of our lives, if we were I would be aware of how fast time passes. c. If we knew I know how to our objetives without getting stressed, we wouldn't get sick. d. If psychologists could I can discover the perfect formula to worries, they'd be rich. e. If sports people didn't I don 't know how to stress. they wouldn't be able to compete.

4. Read the situations. Write your own ideas. a. Some people think we should always cast aside our worries and be happy.

If we always cast aside our worries and were hapP!! b. We should always slow down and relax .

c. Some people believe that we should accomplish all our goals.

d. Everybody should have much more free time.



would never take things



Grammar and Vocabulary 5. Play bingo by following the instructions in each square.



Pick the odd one out.


Match the synonyms.

What would you do if you won the lottery?

Beethoven strove to blame his physical disabilities.


President Roosevelt didn't wish he a different person .


Beethoven strove to overcome

strive enjoy confront struggle overcome

accuse simulate reduce

1. pretend

2. relieve 3. blame

his physical disabilities.





Where did you go if you had money to travel anywhere you wanted?

they / their goals, / their / If people / value / wouldn't / didn't / reach / strive to / achievements /

Where would your parents go if they had lots of free time?

If I my life again, I would not try to be so perfect.





Borges said we should learn to share . e moment to enjoy ' 2 more.

time 1if 1do 1more 1you 1would 1had 1 you 1free 1what 1?

Choose the wrong one.

Today some people can't find effective ways to their stress.

Who would you choose if you could go out with a celebrity?

Pick the odd one out.


Choose the wrong one. Even though (1) Einstein spent (2) lots of time with his family, he wished (3) he would have (4) more free time. No. D

If successful people always cast (1) aside their worries, they wouldn't (2) never really strive (3) to overcome (4) their difficulties. No. D

'" - plete. w

-=." -: ~re time with ::.



What historic moment would you be present in if you could travel back in time?

If I didn't able to relieve my stress, I would get sick.

o hectic D D D D

stress relax busy worries

moment 1if 1we 1the 1more 1would 1life 1 cherished / we / enjoy


Need vour Help vanity worth

workaholic happiness

1. Complete the cartoon with words from the Word Bank. I spend hours in front of the mirror admiring my beauty. Some people say that's _ __ Do you agree with that?

I'm not a workaholic but this is a job that is _ _ _ _ __ doing many hours a week because of the well-being it produces.

Richness doesn't bring _ _ _ __ Having many friends does, because some friends cause happiness wherever they go; others, whenever they go. Oscar Wilde (adaptation)

2. Read the text and match the picture to the paragraph that has the same topic. Then, write the word that is being defined.

nd a poet said, "Speak to us ofBeauty"I Those who suffer hold, "Beauty is gentle .. .1 it is like a young mother"l The tired hold, "beauty is made of soft whispers I At noon the workaholics hold, "we have seen her walking towards the earth from the sunset" l In Winter, some hold, "She will come with the Spring"l All these things have you said of beautyl Yet, in truth, you spoke not of her but of needs unsatisfied, and beauty is not a need I It is not a thirsty mouth but an ecstasy ... an enchanted heart I It is a garden forever in flowers , and a group of angels forever in flight. (Beauty XXV Khalil Gibran Adapted)

Picture No.


Gentle l 'd3entl! ad). Not severe, considerate disposition. 2. Not strong. Synon. Delicate. At the ceremony, he gave her a gentle kiss. _ __ _ _ _ _ / 'wIsp~r/ n. Something said very softly. Synan. susurration. The teacher heard some whispers during the exam.

t seems, as one becomes older, tbat the past has another perspective, and stops being only a sequence I The moments of happiness are not the ones that produce a sense of well-being: Satisfaction, security, or affection, or even a very good dinner I Suddenly we understand that we had the experience but didn ' t get the meaning I Thinking about the meaning renovates the experience and redefines the real meaning of happiness I We cannot forget something that is probably quite inexpressible .. .1 Time the destroyer is time the preserver! Time is like the river with its richness: the old rock in the agitated waters, the currents wash over it, fogs conceal it; but in the darkness or the sudden fury, it is what it always was. (Th e Dry Salvages T.S. Eliot Adapted)

Picture No. ,


I k;m'sill v. To prevent from being discovered. 2. to hide Synon. cover. I wasl7 i able to conceal my anget; so George noticed it and got ang/y, faa.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ / 'SAd~nJ adj. Done quickly and without waming . 2. All of a sudden: happening unexpectedly or abruptly. adv. suddenly. --------------~

Reading and Writing uccess is sweeter for those who never succeed / To savor a nectar requires the most painful need I Not one of all the victorious multitude who had the flag today I Can tell the definition of victory as clearly as he, deteated and dying, I on whose forbidden ear I The distant strains of triumph sound, I agonized and clear! (Emily Dickinson Adapted.)

Picture No.


_ _ _ _ ___ I'stremsl 11. music esp. il1 plural sounds. 2. tune They celebrated their victory to the strains of drums and trumpets.

_______ If;;)r'bldnl adj./p.l. afverbforbid. Not allowed. Synan. Playing in the gardell is forhidden.

prohib it~d .

3. Complete the poem about the wind with the dictionary entries from the previous exercise. Iheara


thattells me how great life is / It's the music

of nature, the

of an invisible guitar that dances with

tree leaves and butterflies / It plays with my hair in a touch / and all of a

I realize I've never been

aware of its beauty / Its shape is

to our eyes but

its power reminds us of its presence.

4. Match the figures and the examples from the poems. Figure


Example 1. The tired hold ... The workaholics hold .. .

a. A simile is a way to describe by comparing two things using the words like or as.

m b. Repetition is the constant use of a word or

2. Beauty is a garden forever in flowers, and a group of angels forever in flight.


D c. Personification is giving human

3. Time is like the river with its richness.

characteristics to animals, things or places.


4. We have seen beauty walking towards the earth.

d. A metaphor is a way of describing by comparing how two things are similar in one or more respects.

Helpful Note

Com plete and choose to understand the poems. a. Some images used in Beauty XXV are a mother, whispers, w a happy heart, flowers and Q. -..n .-9 ~ ~ .2.....

.L!2. -.l ~ ~, a thirsty

m -E. ~ --.!.. ~,

alii Gibran used those elements to express that beauty is _ a necessity.

D a group of flowers.

D a sensation of admiration.

e elements mentioned in The Dry Salvages are satisfaction, a good dinner, .L ___ , L ___ L . presents a connection between 2. ___ experiences and their meaning . :

=: ~

To understand a poem, notice the imagery used and the connections among elements.

-: used the images and the relationship between them to express that happiness is only real when generates we ll-being.

. =:-

D you can understand the meaning of experiences.

'ckinson the ones who can better appreciate the flavor of victory are ' ~l6 e who succeed .

D those who suffer.

D those who fail.

D you think about the past.




6. label the phrases in bold. Use the Word Bank. You can use each word as many times as necessary. /p ersonll!cafton



WATER The origin of life and still so many times


Forgotten ;

For "h er lIre is worfh Qur own c.""j S !CDCe

Mysterious, powerful, and to many poor, forbidden. IHer voice can be 2soft like a whisper or a 3 roar like a lion. I say we need 'her gentle touch every morning, But many don't appreciate 5her presence. I say one day we might all suffer 6her absence; Our 'lack of love for her wi II bring us trouble. 81 say "Let us slow down and confront our carelessness before it is too late." Why should we miss the 9 strains of her music in the mountains. Or IOher freshness in our homes?

III say "stop your hectic routine and take care of her." Let us all strive to keep 14her Do not let 15her disappear Let us sl w down and confr ot our carelessness Stop your hectic routine and take care of her Before it is too late. Wby should we miss 16the straw of her music in the mountains or her freshness in our homes? I say I'we should protect her like a mother cares for her baby For "her life is worth our own existence.

IIWe should love her lIke a mother cares for her




7. Brainstorm some images you can associate with the picture.

--Describe sounds you hear - - - - - - ----;---7- ::--::--;:-Write feelings you have _

..!.-_ _ _ _~~'____.:;-~'_'___

8. Complete the figures for the images you just came up with. Write a simile I metaphor: ________________ _ _ _ _______________

Repetition: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

9. Write the poem.


10. Evaluate your poem by using the following checklist. • I used interesting images. • I employed literary figures. • I used different kinds of words. • I wrote several lines.



Reflect on Your Learning Process 1. Check ( V )the option that best describes your performance.

Talking about success




Using vocabulary related to the joy of living




Talking about hypothetical situations




Describing wishes





Using the Second Conditional

48 49




Using a dictionary

50 51



Understanding figurative language


Using figurative language



.... ~ E E ~ ....


~ ~







c c


Using previous knowledge to help you understand


Asking additional questions to keep a conversation going




ose the strategies you will use to improve your learning process. What?


Investigating what I did not understand well

Use the Internet to find activities to practice,

~ak ln g

Develop my own system of abbreviations and key words.

notes effectively

: -=-:- =c- ~';2 my lessons in advance ~ 2 " _<IS

to use English

s:udy schedule -___-_~

~ ::~-na!ically




-: ~ : : resented in the book

Check new vocabulary in a dictionary. Form study groups with partners. Plan my activities and follow a schedule. Use a notebook to file information. Help those who do not understand. Pay attention to the information contained in the lessons.


You Tool

is a six-level English program for secondary students from the elementary to pre-intermediate level. The program features: • an eclectic approach that takes advantage of the most recent methodological developments in EFL: content-based approach, task-based approach, student-centered approach, the multiple intelligences theory and cooperative learning, all carefully interweaved within a communicative framework. a modular syllabus based on the Common European Framework standards. enjoyable and challenging projects developed throughout each module to consolidate both language and content knowledge. • learning strategies to enhance the development of language skills as well as cognitive, meta-cognitive and academic competences. a Reflect on Values section to stimulate social awareness. • a Test Training section to prepare students for international examinations. • well-known rock and pop songs with lyrics in a glamorous design at the end of each book. Each level COnsists of: • Student's Book with an audio CD • Workbook • Teacher's Guide with two audio CDs Forthcoming: Online materials (

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