KIPP MA Annual Report 2012

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Annual Report 2012


Kristal Morfa Providence College student and KIPP Academy Lynn Founding Class of 2012


Who we are In the Words of Our Executive Director

Dear Team and Family, In under a decade, KIPP Academy Lynn has transformed from one class of 77 kids and families to a region of three schools in Lynn and Boston, serving over 660 students and families. On the national level, KIPP now serves students at 125 schools across the country in 20 states and the District of Columbia. Our growth, in size and scope, speaks to the hard work of our students, families, and staff, who work every day toward a common goal: better life outcomes for 100% of our kids. As we look toward a future where KIPP Massachusetts will serve 2,100 students in five schools by 2020, we celebrate the accomplishments of our KIPPsters in 2012. •

In August, 90 High Rock became the new home for KIPP Academy Lynn Middle and Collegiate High Schools. Although a building doesn’t make school, we are proud to have built a beautiful school on time and under budget.

• Two thousand and twelve also represents another strong year for student retention with over 95% of our students returning to KIPP. This is testament to strong school culture, relationship building, and outreach to families.

Caleb Dolan Executive Director KIPP Massachusetts

• Our KIPPsters are continuing to progress academically; 2012 saw our fifth graders achieve the highest science scores of any KAL class thus far with a 30% jump from 2011, and 85% of our founding high school freshman scored proficient or better on the Biology MCAS – a test typically taken in the 10th grade. • This year in Boston, a new set of KIPPsters and their families are commencing their journeys at KIPP Academy Boston. The student body is 100% African American or Latino, 90% of students are eligible for free or reduced lunch, and 21% of students receive special education services. • Most importantly, 85% of our Founding Class of 2012 is now attending twoor four-year colleges. The Class of 2012 will be the first of many that KIPP MA sends off to college, but they along with their families deserve special recognition for the grit it took to believe in a school that did not yet exist, and trust that a system which worked for students thousands of miles away in Houston, Texas could work in Lynn, Massachusetts. We understand that there is still much work ahead of us, and the climb will not always be easy for our KIPPsters. However, we will determinately continue to work toward better outcomes for our KIPPsters, their families, and the communities we serve. Thank you for helping to make our progress possible. Many thanks, much love,

Caleb Dolan Executive Director KIPP Massachusetts


Who we are KIPP Massachusetts is part of a national network of 125 free, open-enrollment public charter schools serving over 39,000 students in 20 states and the District of Columbia. We currently operate two campuses in the Greater Boston area: our High Rock Campus in Lynn, home to our KIPP Academy Lynn Middle and High School, and KIPP Academy Boston Middle School serving Mattapan and surrounding communities. Today, we serve 664 students and employ 108 staff.

What we do Our program is based on: a longer school day and year, academic and character development, a relentless focus on student outcomes and college completion, intensive professional development for teachers and staff, and a comprehensive K-16 continuum of services for students, alumni, and families. Our mission at KIPP Massachusetts is to create an environment where students develop the academic skills, character strengths, and intellectual habits necessary to maximize their potential in high school, in college, and in life.

Why it matters Nationwide, just 8% of students from low-income communities graduate from college, compared to the 82% college graduation rate of their affluent peers. Preparing our students to be successful, not only to but through college, drives the work of KIPP’s school leaders, teachers, and staff. Nationally, KIPP students’ college completion rate is four times that of their low-income peers.

How we are doing Ensuring better life outcomes for 100% of our students is a challenging goal, and succeeding requires a holistic approach. In order to reach this goal, we consistently measure both short and long term results and nimbly adjust to best serve our students and families. KIPP has identified Six Essential Questions to measure student outcomes, teachers’ performance, and the health of our schools while remaining focused as we grow. (Please see page 19)

Our plan for the future By 2020, KIPP Massachusetts will serve more than 2,100 students and their families at five schools in Lynn and Boston, and each of our five schools will be 95% sustainable on public funding (based on current funding levels). Nationwide, the KIPP network will serve more than 55,000 students by 2015. 3

Who we are A National Network

KIPP Massachusetts is part of the Knowledge Is Power Program (KIPP), a national network of high-performing public charter schools with a history of success in underserved communities.

125 KIPP Schools 20 states plus the District of Columbia, serving 39,000 students. As part of a national network, KIPP Massachusetts has access to: Research and development The KIPP Foundation offers access to data from thousands of KIPP students so we can evaluate and learn from their successes and challenges.

Continued support for KIPP MA alumni through college The national KIPP Through College (KTC) program allows students who leave the area for college to utilize the support systems offered within the KIPP community and externally through partner colleges and universities that have teamed with KIPP.

Effective national advocacy efforts KIPP believes that fostering a collaborative teaching community is an important part of creating a path to better life outcomes for all students – not only those who are receiving a KIPP education. Our work as a national organization is to advocate for a stronger education system and to, with others who are passionate about education reform, raise the bar for what students and families expect from an urban public school education. As the largest charter school organization in the nation, we are committed to being both a thought leader, and a convener of leaders with a common goal.

Unparalleled professional and leadership development programs The KIPP School Leadership Programs (KSLP) offers a portfolio of programs including the Fisher Fellowship Program and the Teacher-Leader Program that prepare educators of all levels for leadership.

A shared knowledge base In 1997, KIPP consisted of two schools in two states. Today, the reach of the KIPP network extends to 125 schools in 20 states and the District of Columbia. KIPP MA benefitted from the lessons and best practices of 26 KIPP regions growing before us. We have successfully scaled locally from 77 students in one school to 664 in three schools on our path to five schools and 2,100 students by 2020.


Who we are An Overview

KIPP Massachusetts Region is... 3 Schools

KIPP Academy Lynn (KAL) Middle School Founded 2004

KIPP Academy Lynn Collegiate (KALC) High School Founded 2011

KIPP Academy Boston (KAB) Middle School Founded 2012

5th-10th Grades

664 students

96% of students

300+ alumni

currently served by KIPP Massachusetts

currently served by KIPP Massachusetts

who stay with us from year to year

we currently support in high school and college

85% of students are

83% of students

16% of students

African American or Latino

qualify for free or reduced-price lunch

receive special education services

200+ parents & community members we serve through our Adult Education and Community Outreach Program

By 2020, KIPP Massachusetts will be‌


2,100 students

1,000+ alumni

95% sustainable

served by five schools

on their way through college

on public funding (based on current rates of funding)

Who we are Our Schools

“Beginning on the first day of fifth grade, we focus on both academic readiness and character strengths. From the first t-shirt our KIPPsters earn to evaluating interim testing, we believe the middle school years are critical to setting our kids up for success.” Anna Breen, School Leader

“Founding KALC required a great deal of grit and zest on the part of our students, teachers, and staff. Our kids are held accountable for their personal efforts and results during these transitional years.” Drea DeAngelo, Founding School Leader

“In Boston, KIPP has an excellent opportunity to serve the students who need us most. 100% of our KIPPsters are African American or Latino, and 57% of them come from homes where another language is spoken. We are honored to serve such a diverse group of kids and families in Boston.” Christine Barford, Founding School Leader

Founded: August 2004

Students: 410

Teachers: 43

Student Demographics




Latino or African American

eligible for free/ reduced price meals

receives special education services

Founded: August 2011

Students: 182

Teachers: 21

Student Demographics




Latino or African American

eligible for free/ reduced price meals

receives special education services

Founded: August 2012

Students: 72

Teachers: 9

Student Demographics 100%



Latino or African American

eligible for free/ reduced price meals

receives special education services


The KIPP Massachusetts approach includes: Academic readiness A focus on building character strengths More time with our students College knowledge and social skills Professional development


What we do Academic Readiness

At the center of our work as teachers, as an organization, and as a national movement are outcomes for our students. We believe that academic readiness is achieved when schools build strong culture, solid aligned curriculum, and a continual cycle of assessment, analysis, planning, and action. Developing our teachers and honing their craft is a critical piece of helping our students achieve strong academic outcomes; therefore, we invest in our teachers through an intensive professional development program (see page 16).

With Deliberate practice, I can constantly become better.

Data and curriculum resources also play a vital role. Our students take the nationally normed MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) assessment which provides individualized growth goals for every student and allows teachers to target instruction to individual needs. We also administer interim exams to track student progress throughout the year so we maximize opportunities to re-teach, remediate, and challenge students. At KIPP Academy Boston, students shift into flex blocks three times a day so every student can receive a mix of small group reading instruction and web-based reading and math at his or her level. All our teachers have access to KIPP Share, a national site for sharing curriculum and high quality instructional resources.

Teacher Zachery Lindemann and KIPPster

KIPP ACADEMY LYNN COLLEGIATE HIGH SCHOOL NINTH GRADE BIOLOGY In the 2011-2012 school year, KIPP ACADEMY Lynn COLLEGIATE opened to its founding class of 96 ninth grade KIPPsters. Biology Teacher Zachary Lindemann believes that big ideas are fuel for thought. “Giving my students something they can connect to, that they find interesting, leads them to be more engaged in the learning process.” His instincts were spoton. Eighty-nine percent (89%) of Lindemann’s ninth grade Biology students scored advanced or proficient on the Science MCAS exam; a test traditionally taken in the tenth grade.


What we do Character Strengths

DIFFERENCES among people exist and are a source of strength.

Recently, the link between character development and academic success has been a topic of frequent discussion among educational leaders around the country. The connection between strong character and successful life outcomes has been the backbone of KIPP since its inception in 1995. KIPP has identified seven specific character strengths, based on the work of Dr. Martin Seligman and Dr. Chris Peterson, that we believe most influence a student’s ability to succeed: zest, grit, self-control, optimism, gratitude, social intelligence, and curiosity. At KIPP, we explicitly create opportunities to continually enhance and recognize the character strengths within our students. An example of this is the weekly “paycheck” system we utilize that places accountability for behavior and performance directly on the student. At KIPP Academy Lynn Collegiate, students who exemplify and embody these character strengths are recognized by school leaders and peers at monthly assemblies. Kickboard Jessica Charles 10/01/2012 - 10/07/2012 Date

This week you earned dollars for:

Mon 10/01

Gets to work right away rather than wasting time (GRIT) +$1 (HYB in Music class! - Rayner) Completing zesty zebras (ZEST) +$1 (Russell)

This week you lost dollars for:

Paycheck $42.00

Tue 10/02

Challenging him/herself with new experiences (BRAVERY) +$1 (Thanks for volunteering to sing in front of the whole class! You are a rockstar! Rayner) Completing zesty zebras (ZEST) +$1 (Russell) Gets to work right away rather than wasting time (GRIT) +$1 (HYB All-Star during Flex C. Used your time wisely to complete your work. - Radley)


Wed 10/03

Pays attention and resists distractions (SELFAWARENESS) +$1 (Radley) Models passion by digging deeper (ZEST) +$1 (Outstanding reading and thoughtful comments about your leader. - Radley)


Thu 10/04

Completing zesty zebras (ZEST) +$1 (You completed the debate zesty zebra. Way to pursue your interests and learn about things happening in the world around you! - Radley)


Fri 10/05

Actively participates (PRIDE) +$1 (Weaver)


Sat 10/06

Actively participates (PRIDE) +$1 (Russell) Gets to work right away rather than wasting time (GRIT) +$1 (Russell) Sticks with problems and tasks that are challenging (GRIT) +$1 (Great work on the interim. - Russell)


Sun 10/07

Tells the truth, even when it’s difficult (BRAVERY) +$2 (Thank you for sharing and helping Brianna! Barford) Gets to work right away rather than wasting time (GRIT) +$1 (Gwitimah) Gets to work right away rather than wasting time (GRIT) +$1 (Morning Work - Gwitimah)


Reflection & Goals

Complete this section with quality effort and complete sentences. 1. What was one thing you did well last week? (Pick one choice you earned dollars for.) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. What was one thing you need to work on this week? (Pick one choice you lost dollars for.) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5 of 18



“Character strengths go so far beyond the classroom. Our students understand that qualities such as zest, grit and perseverance can be applied to almost every situation in or out of school.” Lauren Estebanell, KALC Counselor

10/7/12 5:32 PM





social intelligence


What we do More Time

At KIPP Massachusetts, More Time is a series of programs and philosophies designed to help students develop the academic skills and character strengths they need to live independent lives of choice. By receiving support from their first days at school to beyond their high school years (our K-16 continuum of support), KIPPsters remain engaged in learning and accountable for their own success as they persevere to and through college.

More Time includes: • More time in the classroom spent on core subjects such as math, reading, and science • A ten hour school day which includes co-curricular activities such as music, art, or athletics as well as group studies or tutoring • A three week summer school session to reduce academic backslide and get a jump on upcoming curriculum • An “Ethos of Earning” that rewards hard work with educational field lessons and college tours to places like New York City or Washington, D.C. • Advisory sessions where groups of 10-12 students build peer relationships, leading to stronger retention • Alumni support (the KIPP Through College program) • Parent and adult education for the community

Sample Class Schedule KIPP Academy Lynn Middle School

Sample Class Schedule KIPP Academy Boston Middle School

7:20 a.m. Breakfast

6:55 a.m. Breakfast

7:20 a.m. Breakfast

8:00 Math

7:30 Morning Work

8:00 Algebra or Geometry

9:00 P.E.

8:00 Advisory

8:53 Biology

10:00 Reading

8:30 Reading

9:46 English

11:00 Lunch & Recess

9:30 Social Studies

10:39 Small Group Study

12:00 p.m. Science

10:30 Flex Block

11:30 Lunch & Advisory

1:00 Social Studies

12:00 p.m. Writing

12:35 p.m. Co-Curriculars (2x/week)

2:00 Tutoring

1:00 Lunch & Recess

2:09 Speech

3:00 Writing

1:45 Math

3:02 History

4:00 Co-Curriculars

2:45 Science

3:55 Spanish

5:00 Dismissal,

4:00 Flex Block

4:45 Dismissal

4:30 Dismissal

Homework help

Sample Class Schedule KIPP Academy Lynn Collegiate High School


What we do Adult Education and Community Outreach in Lynn

Our Adult Education and Community Outreach program in Lynn offers the following free, ongoing classes to KIPP parents, families, and other community members: • Book Clubs

• English as a Second Language

• Citizenship

• GED Workshops (in English and Spanish)

• Community Social Gatherings (such as potlucks and movie screenings)

• Parenting Workshops • Financial Literacy

• Computer Literacy By offering these resources, we are not only increasing the positive impact of our work with our kids, but we are also helping to empower families and community members to develop the tools and skills they need to achieve their goals.


“Taking classes changed my life. I didn’t know grammar before, and I could speak English, but not that well. Now, I feel more confident speaking English to my teacher and to anyone.” JOsephina Martinez, English student and KIPP parent

What we do College Knowledge and Social Skills

The future matters; so does every moment between now and then.

KIPP Massachusetts’

oldest alumni matriculated to college in September 2012. Our KIPP Through College (KTC) program is one of the key reasons for this success. KTC offers support: To College…

…and Through College

From day one in a KIPP school, college is the focus. Because we are committed to supporting KIPPsters to and through college, KTC begins tracking students upon successful eighth grade completion to ensure our students have the necessary supports to persist, including:

KTC not only supports students on their journey to college, but also directly supports them through college graduation by:

• Academic tutoring

• Mentoring alumni • Assisting with college course selection and advisement on majors • Providing social and emotional support

• Financial aid literacy • Workshops for developing college knowledge and social skills

• Offering financial aid guidance • Assisting with career planning

• High school placement

• Helping students prepare and build a resume

• Social and emotional support

• Connecting alumni with other KIPPsters in college throughout the country

• Internships • SAT/ACT preparation classes and support

• Parent workshops

• College tours, applications & placement • Work study scholarship programs

Nationally, 36% of students who attend KIPP graduate from college

more than 4x

the rate of their low-income peers.


What we do

Our Goal is

College knowledge and social skills

75% college completion for KIPP Massachusetts students.

92% 83%

85% 75%

69% 59%

High School Graduation

College Matriculation

KIPP Academy Lynn Founding Class of 2012 Lynn Public School Students (2011) MA Students (2011)


“I was able to develop many good academic habits in high school, but I learned them at KIPP. When other middle schoolers were rushing aimlessly through their school days, I was learning how to be an alert, active student who takes great pride in his work. I often find myself “tracking” in class though other students aren’t paying attention, or checking over my homework one more time so I don’t get an IHW. Of course, these rules and penalties don’t exist here in college, but they are great habits that will continue to help me get the most out of my education.” Khalil Flemming, Amherst College Student and Founding Class of 2012

“The motto, ‘There are no excuses’ has become a lifestyle for me. There’s no point in not doing the work and trying to come up with an excuse to give your professor. In the end, it’s up to you to put in the work towards your education because what you put in is what you get out. KIPP really did teach me valuable life lessons, and as I grow and mature, KIPP’s values still help me work towards becoming a better person and a better citizen.” Natalia Rosa, Lesley University Student and Founding Class of 2012

“What I learned at KIPP is beyond the scientific method and algebra equations; KIPP has helped me to develop a work ethic and mindset that have enabled me to succeed academically through high school and now college. KIPP allows students to see the bigger picture, to see that if you want something great out of life or if you don’t want your parents to struggle, you have to work hard at it. There are people who want to see you fail, but there are also people like KIPP that will do anything they can to show you that you can win and be the best that you can be.” Chyna hope, College of the Holy Cross Student and Founding Class of 2012


What we do Professional Development

ALL children WILL learn.

Because we at KIPP believe learning is a lifelong process, we offer opportunities for our teachers to learn from their peers within our schools and across the national KIPP network. We develop our teachers through regular observation, planning, and data conferences to ensure every student receives the extra support or challenge that he or she needs to grow and thrive. In order to ensure great teaching and learning in every classroom, we provide:

Intensive Coaching • Teachers are observed 15-20 times per year by their coach • Each teacher meets weekly to debrief observations, plan future lessons and analyze student assessments

Student Data and Curriculum Resources • Teachers have access to KIPP Share, a national site for sharing curriculum instructional resources • Student data is gathered through internal methods and national tests to allow teachers to customize their teaching and hone their techniques

Constant Opportunities for Learning • Teachers participate in weekly group development sessions led by principals and fellow teachers • At KALC weekly professional development sessions are differentiated so veteran teachers have the opportunity to be pushed while newer teachers are grounded in strong planning and classroom culture practices • Teachers can participate in KIPP’s national retreats, communities of practice, and the KIPP School Summit

“Professional development at KIPP allows for teachers to continually grow and improve the same way that we expect our students to grow and develop. At KIPP I have a personal coach who observes me, gives critical feedback, and holds me accountable – it addition to the whole staff PD that we have every week. It is what has turned me from a science major into a science teacher!” Jessica Nakajima KIPP Academy Lynn Science teacher


Why it matters College Graduation: A National Impact

The economic gap imposed on the United States by the

8% college graduation rate of low-income students is the equivalent of a

permanent national recession.* Increasing the national college graduation rates of low-income students from 8% to 30% would add between $400 billion and $650 billion to our annual GDP.* 94% 84% 70%



8% High School Graduation KIPP Nationwide

College Matriculation

College Graduation

Low-Income Students Nationwide

Nationally, KIPP’s college success rate is greater than the average U.S. college graduation rate, 31 percent, and far exceeds the national rate of low-income students who earn a bachelor’s degree. *According to a 2009 report by McKinsey & Company: The Economic Impact of the Achievement Gap in America’s Schools Nationally, 36% of students who attend KIPP graduate from college – More than 4x the rate of their low-income peers.


Credo: When there are

Why it matters

problems, we look for solutions. When there is a better way, we find it. When a teammate needs help, we give. When we need help, we ask.


For the past eight years, students at KIPP Massachusetts have consistently

outperformed their peers in Lynn and Massachusetts as a whole.

2012 MCAS RESULTS Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System KIPP Academy Lynn (KAL) students as compared to their own earlier scores and compared to their peers in Lynn and Massachusetts.


84 81 59




30 30


4th grade (Pre-KIPP)

8th grade

5th grade

9th grade Science

MATH KIPP Academy Lynn



Lynn Public Schools


In Lynn, there are nearly 300 students vying for approximately 96, 5th grade seats available each school year. By 2020, KIPP MA will serve 10% of the Lynn public school population. In 2012, 14,700 students applied for the 5,600 charter school seats available in Boston. By 2020, KIPP, with other innovative schools, will serve nearly 20% of the Boston public school population.

Our goal is to raise the bar for what all parents and families expect from a public school education. 18

How we are doing The Six Essential Questions

Question 1

Are we serving the children who need us? Our goal is to provide a college-preparatory education to underserved young people in Lynn and Boston. Last year, we served 84% students of color in our two Lynn schools. Eighty-four percent (84%) qualified for free/reduced price meals, and 13% received Special Education services. Our new middle school in Boston has a student body that is 100% Latino or African American, 92% of KIPP Academy Boston students receive free/reduced price lunches and 21% receive Special Education services. Overall, we are pleased to be serving the kids that need us most.

Question 2

Are our children staying with us? We remain actively engaged with our students & families to foster long term relationships that keep our kids with us. For the past three years, KIPP Academy Lynn Middle School has achieved a retention rate of 96% or higher, which exceeds most other charter schools and is the highest in the KIPP national network.

Question 3

Are our children progressing and achieving academically? Our mission at KIPP MA is to make sure our students are on track to college and career readiness which is assessed in a variety of ways including the MCAS. Eighty-six percent of our ninth graders scored advanced or proficient in Biology, which is traditionally a tenth grade subject. Fifth grade science grew 30 points and 5th grade reading grew significantly. For the areas in which our students did not show improvement we have implemented strategies to get them back on a path of achievement and growth including frequent review of student assessment data to better individualize, re-teach, and remediate, as well as providing more intensive coaching for all teachers.

Question 4

Are our alumni climbing the mountain to and through college? This fall, KIPP sent its first class of students to college. Eighty-six percent (86%) of KIPP Lynn Middle School’s original class 2012 began college at many great schools including Simmons College, Keene State College and Manhattanville College. To help them persist to and through college, the KIPP Through College Program will provide social and emotional support to our college-enrolled alumni, as well as assistance in finding summer internships.

Question 5

Are we building a sustainable people model? Our teachers & staff are our greatest assets. In order to cultivate, support, and ultimately retain them from year to year, KIPP Massachusetts places a strong emphasis on professional development, coaching, and leadership training. In Fiscal Year 2012, we retained 96% of our teaching staff.

Question 6

Are we building a sustainable financial model? In order to keep serving Boston-area students for years to come, we must make sure KIPP MA is financially stable. When our five projected schools reach full enrollment in 2020, KIPP MA will be 9597% sustainable on public funding (based on current funding rates). Our beautiful new school facility in Lynn was built for 40% less money than a new high school building in a neighboring North Shore community. As we progress toward full growth and a primarily publicly funded model, we will keep a sharp eye on how our finances affect our future. 19

Our plan for the future 2,100 Students at Five Schools

By Fiscal Year 2020, KIPP Massachusetts will serve more than

2,100 students at 5 schools

in Lynn and Boston

2,160 Students 5 Schools

1,071 Students 4 Schools

664 Students 3 Schools

469 Students 2 Schools

370 Students 1 School



Middle School Grades 5th-8th 21


Elementary School Grades K-4th


High School Grades 9th-12th


Our plan for the future Sustainability

All five schools

in the KIPP Massachusetts network will reach

95% sustainability on public funding by FY20.





$24.8M $20.1M $16.1M $11.9M $8.7M










Fy2012- Fy2020 Total Revenue Public Funding

Private Funding

“KIPP MA is building financial sustainability. We are demonstrating that high quality schools can grow to reach sustainable scale – where cost per student is reasonable, finances are sound, and private funding investments in growth position the organization to then sustain itself primarily on well – spent public funding while providing the extended learning time and support required for great outcomes.” John Kalafatas, Chief Operating Officer, KIPP MA


Our plan for the future The Road to Sustainability: Growth Capital Campaign

Accountability starts and ends with me.

In Fiscal Year 2012, KIPP MA began the quiet phase of a five year, 10M Growth Capital Campaign to support the growth necessary to serve more kids and families in Massachusetts. Investors in the campaign will help us provide: • School Start-Up Funds: To subsidize early growth of each new school for several years until that business unit reaches full enrollment and public tuition funds (plus a smaller amount of private annual funds) cover the annual operating budget. • Regional Headquarters/Programs: Up front, private investment in the management talent, capacities, and systems to support a larger network of schools, along with investment in programming (special education, alumni support, ELL) that supports our region-wide to and through college outcomes. • A Strengthened Balance Sheet: to improve working capital and support a growing budget and operating reserves as risk mitigation against unexpected changes in public revenue.

“The growth capital fund will enable us to build the infrastructure necessary to scale, and ultimately provide the sustainable K-12 education and Alumni support program our kids need to be successful through college completion.” Michael Kendall, KIPP MA Board Chair


Fiscal Year 2012 Financials Statement of Activity July 1, 2011 – June 30, 2012

In Fiscal Year 2012, we completed construction on our new 68,000-square-foot facility on High Rock Street in Lynn, which opened in August 2012. Assets Current Assets Cash and Cash Equivalents


Restricted Current Assets


Accounts Receivable


Current Portion of Pledges Receivable


Prepaid Expenses and Inventory



$ 4,101,994 180,281

Restricted Non-Current Assets Pledges Receivable, net of current portion Long Term Investments

25,009,167 1,398,878 401

Building Acquisition, Financing Costs, and Deferred Expenses



$ 53,630,687

Liabilities and Net Assets Liabilities Current Liabilities


Accounts Payable and Accrued Expenses


Non-current Liabilities Notes Payable


Bonds Payable


$ 46,449,186

Net Assets Investment in Capital Assets (net of related debt)


Temporary Restricted


Unrestricted (non-capital)



$ 7,181,501


$ 53,630,687


Fiscal Year 2012 Financials Expenses and Revenue July 1, 2011 – June 30, 2012


Operating Revenue and Expenses Operating Revenue Per-pupil Tuition and Government Grants


Private Grants and Contributions


Program Fees


Interest Income - notes receivable



82% State and Federal Entitlements

> 1% OTHER 17% Private Grants and Contributions

$ 9,639,772

Operating Expenses Instructional Services Salaries and Benefits-Administration


Operation and Plant Maintenance


Non-operating Capital Facilities Costs


TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES Change in Net Assets before General Revenue

Private Fundraising Sources


$ 8,658,192 $ 981,580

5% Corporations

68% 28% Foundations Individuals

General Revenue (Expenses) Capital Grants Interest and other


Asset management Fee



$ 671,783

Change in Net Assets after General Revenue

$ 1,653,363

Net Assets: Beginning of Year

$ 5,527,737

Net Assets: End of Year



$ 7,181,100


82% Instructional and Pupil Services

7% Operation and Plant Maintenance

21% Administration

Our Supporters July 1, 2011 – June 30, 2012

We are a team & family. We teach and work in schools and communities, not just in classrooms.

Annual Fund FY12 $50,000 or more Ms. Barbara Goldman The Sally Foss and James Scott Hill Foundation Ms. Elinor Svenson $10,000 to $49,999 Abrams Foundation Bain Capital Eastern Bank Charitable Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Robert and Evelyn Rothbard Wellington Management Foundation

$5,000 to $9,999 Mr. and Mrs. Skip and Rebecca Besthoff Ms. Katherine Bradley General Electric Company Mr. Skip McKee and Mrs. Meg Reynolds McKee Mr. and Mrs. Rick and Joanne Spillane The Ramsey McCluskey Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Marc and Robin Wolpow

$1,000 to $4,999 Mr. John Arata and Ms. Nancy Perkins Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Block and Jennifer Beylson Block Ms. Danielle Boudreau and Mr. Patrick Moriarty Mr. Jeffrey Boyer Mr. and Mrs. Shawn and Kathleen Bragdon Mr. and Mrs. Bill and Kim Dadasis Mr. and Mrs. Michael and Barbara Eisenson Mr. and Mrs. Matt and Katie Fates Mr. and Mrs. Thomas and Susan Fredell Ledgeways Charitable Trust Mrs. Jane Lee Mr. and Mrs. Rob and Gail Mazzarese Mr. and Mrs. Richard and Barbara Moore Mr. and Mrs. Thomas and Jill Pappas Mr. and Mrs. Jon and Beth Payson Mr. Ernest Pusateri Mr. and Mrs. Scott and Susan Sarazen Mr. and Mrs. Arthur and Linda Schwartz Mr. Peter Schwarzenbach Mr. and Mrs. Scott and Amanda Seider Mr. and Mrs. Sherif and Mary Nada The Egan Family Foundation The Sunflower Foundation Mr. John Thorndike and Ms. Kathryn Price TIFF Advisory Services

up to $999 Mr. and Mrs. Joel and Mary Abramson Bank Of America Matching Gift Program Ms. Mary Lou Forster Barry Mr. Arthur Berman Mr. and Mrs. George and Nancy Bolln Mr. and Mrs. Andy and Jennifer Borggaard Mr. Raymond E. Briggs Mr. Derek Clark and Ms. Monica Bruno Mr. Herbert Cohn Ms. Helena D’Angelo Ms. Jennifer Davis Mr. Anthony DeAngelo Mr. and Mrs. Christopher and Kimberly Ebeling Mrs. M. Hollis Ehlig Dr. Ralph Epstein Mr. and Mrs. Phil and Jenny Evans Mr. Donald Feldman Mr. and Mrs. Thomas and Shelia Fitzgerald Mr. and Mrs. Ted and Lauren FitzPatrick

Mr. and Mrs. Tom and Carla Fortmann Mr. and Mrs. John and Lila Foster Mr. and Mrs. Joe and Anne Francis Mr. and Mrs. Alan and Lyn Freeman Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert and Barbara Goldenberg Mr. Steve Goldman Mr. and Mrs. Don and Catherine Grace Mr. Buck Grader Mr. and Mrs. Gordon and Linda Hall Mr. and Mrs. David and Laurie Hark Ms. Sue Harris Mr. and Mrs. Jeff and Beth Harvey Heritage Wholesalers Mr. and Mrs. David and Kathy Hoffman Ms. Jennifer Holleran Mr. John Hudson Mr. and Mrs. Christopher and Kimberly Hutchinson J&J Sales and Marketing Mr. David Johnson Ms. Caroline Kane Mr. Matthew Kane Ms. Joyce Kaplan Mr. Paul Konnersman and Ms. Diane Jensen Ms. Sergei and Helen Lemberg Ms. Marilyn Lorelli Mr. and Mrs. Chuck and Peggy Louden Mr. and Mrs. Deke and Divya Mathieu Ms. Frances McLaughlin Mr and Mrs. Melvin and Sylvia Mizner Ms. Katherine Moore Mr. and Mrs. Don and Louisa Morgan Ms. Margery Munro Mr. Curt Myers National Center On Time and Learning Noble High School Professional Development Center Mr. and Mrs. Ed and Bodil Ohlsson Mr. and Mrs. Brian and Laura Plunkett Mr. and Mrs. Scott and Lisa Semple Mr. and Mrs. Jeff and Lynn Shoreman Mr. and Mrs. Dan and Bobbi Smith Mr. and Mrs. Robert and Rachel Smith Mrs. Judith A Strauss Mr. and Mrs. Phil and Nichola Thompson Ms. Helene Turpyn Mr. Todd Washburn Mr. and Mrs. Barry and Nancy Wayne Mr. Harry Weiner Mr. and Mrs. Michael and Roni Widmer Mr. and Mrs. Gaddis and Susan Wittjen Mr. and Mrs. David and Susan Zoia Mr. Frank Zych

Growth Capital Campaign Cumulative through November 1, 2012

Mr. and Mrs. Josh and Anita Bekenstein Mr. Tony Helies Mr. and Mrs. Michael and Alida Kendall The Lovett Woodsum Foundation The Louis Calder Foundation New Schools Venture Fund Mr. Dan Revers and ArcLight Capital Partners Mr. and Mrs. Linda and Arthur Schwartz Mr and Mrs. Scott and Amanda Seider The Walton Foundation

Capital Campaign All gifts Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Joel and Mary Abramson Amelia Peabody Foundation Mr. Bob Baldwin and QROE Development Mr. and Mrs. Andrew and Melora Balson Boston Private Bank and Trust Ms. Danielle Boudreau and Mr. Patrick Moriarty Mr. and Mrs. John and Mollie Byrnes Communities Foundation Of Texas Ms. Jennifer Davis Mr. Joseph Deal The Demakes family and Old Neighborhood Foods Mr. Don Durkee Eastern Bank Charitable Foundation The Egan Family Foundation Dr. Ralph Epstein Mr. and Mrs. Thomas and Susan Fredell Mr. Mark I. Gelfand Ms. Barbara Goldman Mr. and Mrs. Martin and Maxine Goldman Ms. Diane T. Grace Ms. Karen Harvey Mr. Tony Helies Mr. and Mrs. Juleby and Paola Hirsch Mr. and Mrs. John and Susan Kane Mr. and Mrs. Michael and Alida Kendall Mr. Stig Leschly and Ms. Sherri Riva Mr. Chuck Longfield The Lynch Foundation The Lovett Woodsum Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Bruce and Denyse Martin Ms. Frances McLaughlin Mr. and Mrs. Paul and Pat McLaughlin Mr. and Mrs. Morton and Suzanne McPhail Ms. Liz Meehan Mr. Mark Nunnelly and Ms. Denise Dupre Mr. and Mrs. Leopold and Lia O’Donnell Mr. Saul Pannell Ms. Jennifer Parkos Ms. Regina Pisa Mr. Dan Revers and ArcLight Capital Partners Ms. Meg Reynolds and Mr. Skip McKee Ms. Kelly Rigby Mr. and Mrs. Robert and Evelyn Rothbard Mr. and Mrs. Nathan and Erin Sanders Mr. and Mrs. Robert and Ruth Salter Mr. and Mrs. Arthur and Linda Schwartz Mr. and Mrs. Scott and Susan Sarazen Mr. and Mrs. Scott and Amanda Seider Mr. and Mrs. Rick and Susan Settelmeyer Skanska USA Building Mr. Edwin Turk Smith Mr. and Mrs. Eric and Sarah Svenson The Van Otterloo Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Rod and Catherine Walkey Ms. Mary Ann Williams Mr. and Mrs. Clark and Sheila Willmott Mr. and Mrs. David and Susan Zoia


KIPP MA Board of Directors

KIPP MA Regional Leadership Team

Mr. Michael Kendall, Chair

Mr. Caleb Dolan

Partner, Goodwin Proctor LLPMs.

Executive Director, KIPP MA

Ms. Jennifer Davis, Vice Chair

Mr. John Kalafatas

Co-founder and President, Massachusetts 2020

Chief Operating Officer, KIPP MA

Ms. Danielle Boudreau, Secretary

Ms. Jennifer Parkos

Nonprofit Consultant

Chief Development Officer, KIPP MA

Mr. Nathan Sanders, Treasurer

Ms. Alexis Rosado

Director, Bain Capital, LLC

Director of KIPP Through College, KIPP MA

Mr. Skip Besthoff

Ms. Anna Breen

General Partner, Castile Ventures

Mr. John Connors III Co-founder, The Boathouse Group

Mr. Thomas Fredell

Principal, KIPP Academy Lynn Middle School

Ms. Drea DeAngelo Founding Principal, KIPP Academy Lynn Collegiate High School

Co-founder and CEO, ForAllTime, LLC

Ms. Christine Barford

Ms. Barbara Goldman

Founding Principal, KIPP Academy Boston

Consultant, Plan B Ventures; Co-founder, Friends of Yemin Orde

Ms. Frances McLaughlin Chief Operating Officer, Education Pioneers

Mr. Jim Peyser Partner, NewSchools Venture Fund

Mr. Scott Sarazen Managing Director, Ernst & Young

Mrs. Amanda Seider Managing Director for Alumni Affairs, Teach for America - Greater Boston


90 High Rock Street Lynn, Massachusetts 01902

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