Picturesque Central Ostrobothnia

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The regional flower of Central Ostrobothnia is the harebell (Campanula rotundifolia) and the regional bird is the Eurasian skylark (Alauda arvensis).

Picturesque Central Ostrobothnia “When I am asked where I am from, my answer is always:

Ostrobothnian people live their lives and work surrounded by the Gulf

From Central Ostrobothnia. These words sound grand and

of Bothnia, the great rivers, and the ancient cultural landscape. Pictures

trustworthy. The people of Central Ostrobothnia have a

alone cannot show what makes the Central Ostrobothnians so unique and interesting, so let’s do it here. Because first and foremost, the Central

built-in 10-year warranty for the engine and a 20-year

Ostrobothnians are responsible and reliable. They are conciliators and

rustproof warranty for the body. When you hire a Central

peacemakers. Where do these virtues come from? The significance of Central Ostrobothnia, for example, in the political

Ostrobothnian, you know what you are going to get.”

landscape of Finland is greater than its size. Central Ostrobothnia has

CEO, Espoo

always produced important politicians, prime ministers, Speakers, and representatives, such as Oskari Tokoi and Kauno Kleemola. President

As Pretty as a Picture – and Smart!

Kyösti Kallio also grew up in the historical Central Ostrobothnia. For some reason, the Central Ostrobothnian expertise is always held in high

You are holding an illustrated book from Central Ostrobothnia. It shows

regard when the nation faces troublesome times or great changes are on

our region at its best, distinct and as pretty as a picture. The Central

the horizon.



Oskari Tokoi from Kannus was the first social democratic premier in the world and was a tireless defender of the workers’ rights in the countryside as well as the cities.

The freedom to speak! Anders Chydenius made way for the free press with the Freedom of Press Act of 1766.

It is conceivable that the roots of sense of justice and equality lead to Anders Chydenius, a great thinker of the Enlightenment from Kokkola. Or our national philosopher Johan Vilhelm Snellman, who even to this day sits reading on his Kokkokivi stone, ever shaded by a green apple tree. Or Oskari Tokoi, a defender of the rights of the workers. And we cannot forget Lucina Hagman from Kälviä, the establisher of the women’s movement and coeducation and one the of first female members elected to the Finnish parliament. Religion and revivalist movements have also had and continue to have great significance. All of these together have forged the Central Ostrobothnian morality and mentality over time. It was due to Lucina Hagman from Kälviä that boys and girls in Finland were finally able to attend the same coeducational schools!


These properties have taken and continue to take people far. These virtues don’t expire.

Sculptor Pekka Jylhä, born in Toholampi, immortalized Johan Vilhelm Snellman on Kokkokivi, under a green apple tree.

The Importance of Doing the Right Things and Doing Things Right

pared to other regions. The versatile, export-oriented economic struc-

For hundreds of years, tar burning, trade, and shipbuilding brought

ture has increased employment and unemployment has remained below

wealth and expertise to the region and provided an opportunity for in-

the national average. The international large-scale industry operating on

ternational cooperation with the rest of the Nordic countries and Europe.

the coast, has invested in new processes and production lines in recent

Today, success is ensured by first-rate connections both internally and ex-

years. Anticipating education and labor demands is a significant part of

ternally: efficient ports, airport, and three highways, high-class data con-

the region’s competitive ability in the future. The demands of the labor

nections and regional networks. And neither did trade and shipbuilding

market are met by Kokkola University Consortium Chydenius, Centria

disappear, quite the contrary: the operations became global. The region

University of Applied Sciences, and Central Ostrobothnia Adult Educa-

still manufactures a significant portion of all motor and sailboats built

tion Institute that provide specialized and customized education. And of

in Finland and tar burning has become the largest cluster of chemical

course many other instances and businesses in the region. Looking after

industry in Northern Europe.

our competitive ability and, at the same time, each other is smart.

In the 21st century, Central Ostrobothnia has been successful com-


Fiddling Away Culture is a central part of life in Central Ostrobothnia. The significance of culture to the regional identity cannot be denied. Central Ostrobothnia is often called the region of music. Often by other people as Central Ostrobothnians are famous for their modesty. Orchestral activities in the region began in the 18th century at the latest. Kreeta Haapasalo who played the kantele, a traditional Finnish plucked string instrument, was one of the first musical ambassadors of Central Ostrobothnia in the early part of the 19th century, touring around the world. Now her footsteps are followed by hundreds of musicians and groups who learned their trade and absorbed influences here, from the Central Ostrobothnia Chamber Orchestra to Näppäripelimannit, Guardia Nueva, and Wentus Blues Band. The Kaustinen Folk Music Festival is one of the most famous brands in its field. And, as Martin Luther himself said, music drives out the devil and makes people cheerful! When you travel around Central Ostrobothnia, pop into see one of the beautiful wooden churches. Local church-building families built beautiful temples in each parish and beyond. They are also a central piece of the shared Central Ostrobothnian story. Welcome to Central Ostrobothnia! 6




When the city rose from the sea, the sea did not leave the city.”



Next stop Kokkola.”


he train is full. After Pännänen, the most hurried passengers block

The history of the city extends even further. The Kirkonmäki of today

the aisles with their luggage. Idle chitchat fills the air with a mix

rose from the sea in the 9th century and since then, the city has grown,

of Swedish and Finnish. Judging by the dialect, there’s at least one

bit by bit, on the land that has risen from the sea. By the 14th century, the

traveler from Öja. It was a blessing that the good and noble tsar Alexander

area already had a port, a trading house, and a church. The grand stone

II ordered the railway to take a detour to the coast, through Kokkola to

church of Kaarlela was built in the 15th century. The town of Kokkola

Oulu. Things could have gone differently. Kokkola had however earned a

was established by Gustav II Adolf on September 7, 1620. In 1765, Kok-

merit that was respected by the tsar who was known to be a man of honor:

kola was granted staple rights which provided the opportunity to trade

a victory in the so-called Skirmish of Halkokari, a naval battle that took

directly with foreign trading houses. Kokkola became a wealthy town

place during the Crimean War, where a British fleet was soundly defeated

with a thousand sailboats. In practice, this meant that ships from Kokkola

by the town’s defenders. In Russian propaganda, the skirmish was built up

sailed ever-further on the oceans of the world. And when the time came to

to mythical proportions, with the tsar rewarding the heroes of the battle

return home, the ships were filled with ideas and flashy clothes, together

and – when the matter became topical – organizing the blessed railway

with open minds and ever-improving trading skills.

connection that is a main artery to and from the north in Finland. Thus Kokkola was connected to the Grand Duchy of Finland by rail in 1885. A sea route had of course always existed. 10

Today, Kokkola is the capital of Central Ostrobothnia and its active growth center. The population of Kokkola is approaching 50,000.




By plane you would already be in Kokkola, but a train will also deliver you on time. Regular air traffic began in 1960. Kokkola is also located by the side of Finnish national roads 8 and 13.

The all-weather terminal at the Kokkola harbor is the largest of its kind in the world. Ships enter the terminal and cargo is always handled under the roof.



The Lights of the Harbor The history of the ports of Kokkola is exciting. For centuries, the Vanhansatamanlahti bay was a gateway to the oceans of the world. Nowadays it is a highly regarded residential and leisure area right next to the town center. The port has been moved several times, always for the same reason: continental rebound is still making the waterways shallower and making operation harder for the larger ships. The current port, located in the district of Ykspihlaja, is the third largest general port in Finland, with increased traffic. Kokkola is the number one port for the minerals industry in Finland and a significant operator in the Russian transit traffic. The third significant customer group consists of Kokkola’s industry and trade. In the immediate vicinity of the port, is the Kokkola Industrial Park (KIP). It is the largest inorganic chemistry concentration in Northern Europe. The bosun’s whistle may no longer sound and the smell of tar has gone, but loading and ferrying still continues around the clock.





The boat industry is one of the strongest fields of industry in Kokkola. The region is home to several internationally renowned high-class motorboat brands. A strong boatbuilding cluster has been created based on special expertise and boats built in the region are exported to all corners of the world. This success is based on specialization, high quality of work, and design and material expertise. Manual labor still plays a significant role in building high-quality boats.




When necessary, the promenade can turn into a European food market. On summer Wednesdays, the evening market brings people to the market square from around the region.


KOKKOLA – KARLEBY Best-Hall is a pioneer of hall building, and their halls can be found all over the world.

Machine workshops have long traditions in Kokkola. These traditions are continued and improved by the Häggblom workshop, among others.





The lighthouse of Tankar is a popular destination that even landlubbers can visit by boat from the Meripuisto harbor.



The Many Faces of Maritime Kokkola Glancing at a map, it might seem that there are few islands off the Kokkola shore. That is not the case. In the south, the islands of Öja and Lake Luodonjärvi and their surroundings are summertime paradises with good fishing. Near the town center, the shore opens directly onto the sea both in Ykspihlaja’s guest harbor Potti as well as the Meripuisto park. The wider seascape expands from the cape of Trullevi. Traveling north, the islands become more infrequent, but there are still some out there. The island of Krunni, which has been used by fishermen from Kälviä for centuries, can be seen from the Poroluoto recreational area. Further north, at the top of the sandy beaches of Vattaja, awaits Ohtakari. The island, famous for its fish festival and unique nature can also be reached by car. The sea is not visible from the center of Kokkola, but you will soon reach it by walking along the Keskuspuisto park, following the bay of Sunti. The tiny sailors’ houses in Neristan, the Old Town of Kokkola, tell the story of maritime Kokkola for their part. And don’t forget the longboat in the Englanninpuisto park, the prize of war from the Skirmish of Halkokari in 1854 that is, as far as is known, the only royal navy ship ever captured. 24




The housing fair area from 2011 fits nicely into the deepest corner of the old harbor bay. The southern side of the area contains traditional summer house settlement from Kokkola with the Meripuisto park with its beaches and passenger boats on the right.


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