Haunted by the past and terrorized by the present

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"Haunted by the past and terrorized by the present" On the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture, the Jiyan Foundation for Human Rights calls for more support for survivors of torture and terror in Iraq.

Kirkuk, 26 June 2015 – On the occasion of the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture, the Jiyan Foundation for Human Rights strongly condemns acts of torture committed by the terrorists of the "Islamic State (IS)" and other armed groups. Perpetrators must be held responsible for their crimes and survivors must have access to public rehabilitation services. "The terrorists are just 50 km away from our city, and this affects our clients' psychological health," says Yousif Abdulmuhsin Salih, local director in Kirkuk. "Our patients are haunted by past memories and terrorized by the idea that they could re-­‐experience their traumas at the hands of the so-­‐called 'IS'. We have seen people struggle with the mental and physical consequences of torture, and we have succeeded in soothing their sufferings through medical treatment and psychotherapy. Yet, it is impossible for one organization alone to make up for an entire state's failure to act and to adequately assist victims." There are a total number of 1.5 million internally displaced persons currently living in the northern provinces of Iraq. Since 2005, the Jiyan Foundation has treated 20,000 survivors of human rights abuses, but the presence of the "IS" terrorists only increases demand. Its therapists not only have to deal with more new patients seeking help, but also observe a higher number of long-­‐term patients returning for treatment. So far, the Jiyan Foundation is the only organization offering specialized treatment for survivors of torture and terror in Kirkuk. Jîyan is the Kurdish word for "life." The Jiyan Foundation supports survivors of human rights violations, promotes democratic values and defends fundamental freedoms in Kurdistan-­‐Iraq. The Jiyan Foundation is supported by the German Foreign Office, the European Union, the United Nations, the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, and private donors.

Press Contact Salah Ahmad President

Berlin: +49 (0)177 17 57 977 Iraq: +964 (0)770 1222 999 press@jiyan-­‐foundation.org

Jiyan Foundation for Human Rights Turmstr. 21 10559 Berlin Germany www.jiyan-­‐foundation.org info@jiyan-­‐foundation.org Bank für Sozialwirtschaft IBAN DE41100205000003139600 BIC BFSWDE33BER

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