Usage and Appropriate Fork Size The forks used should always be shorter than the load carried. For example, when handling a 48" pallet, you should use forks that are 42". Using forks shorter than your load prevents damaging of other loads by the forks that are protruding beyond the load. However, if the forks are too short, it can cause instability to the lift truck. The general rule is that the fork should extend two thirds of the distance under the load and should be evenly spaced out towards the sides of the pallet for stability purposes.
Diagram 4.3 Fork Sizing and Fork Distance
In diagram A, the forks are too short for this load which causes instability to the load which may cause it to tip over. Forks must support at least 2/3 of the load
Forks Too Short
In diagram B, the forks are too long and causes damage to the adjacent load by piercing the load with the forks. Forks should never protrude past the load.
Forks Too Long
In diagram C, the forks are the right size at 2/3 of the load which assists in stabilizing the load and refrains from causing any damage to the adjacent load.
The right size
D Too Close In diagram D, the forks are too close together which causes instability to the load and lift truck.
In diagram E, the forks are too close to the edge which causes instability to the load and lift truck.
SAFE-UFT 2 Counterbalance Truck Training Program
In diagram F, the forks are balanced correctly which stabilizes the load and the lift truck.
General GeneralSafety Safety 1. 1. DoDonot notstand standororpass passunder underelevated elevatedforks forksororattachments attachmentsofofa acounterbalance counterbalancetruck, truck,whether whetherloaded loaded ororempty. empty. 2.2. Never Neverliftliftworkers workersononforks forksunless unlessononananapproved approvedplatform. platform. 3.3. When Whentravelling travellingononanangrade, grade,always alwayshave havethe theload loadfacing facingtowards towardsthe thedirection directionofofthe theincline. incline.This This prevents preventsthe theliftlifttruck truckfrom fromtipping tippingover. over.If Iftraveling travelingwithout withouta aload, load,always alwayshave havethe theforks forkspointing pointing downhill. downhill.NoNomatter matterwhat, what,always alwayslook lookininthe thedirection directionofoftravel. travel. 4.4. Wear Weara aseat seatbelt beltatatallalltimes; times;you youare arerequired requiredtotowear 5.5. Untrained Untrainedand anduncertified uncertifiedworkers workersare arenot notpermitted permittedtotooperate operatematerial materialhandling handlingequipment. equipment. 6.6. Head, Head,foot footand andeye eyeprotection protectionshall shallbebeworn wornatatallalltimes timeswhen whenananoperator operatorisisexposed exposedtotoany any possible possiblerisk riskofofinjury injurytotothese theseareas. areas. 7.7. Inspect Inspectthe thecounterbalance counterbalancetruck truckatatleast leastbefore beforeeach eachshift shiftand andcomplete completethe thePre-Operational Pre-Operational Inspection Inspectionchecklist checklistprovided providedbybyyour youremployer employerbefore beforedriving drivinga aliftlifttruck. truck. 8.8. AnAnoperator operatorthat thatis isassigned assignedtotoa atruck truckisisresponsible responsibleforformaking makingsure surethat thatnonoone onebut buta aqualified qualified operator operatordrives drivesororhandles 9.9. Report Reportany anyoperational operationalissues, issues,problems, problems,leaks, leaks,damage, damage,etc. etc.totoa asupervisor supervisorimmediately. immediately. 10. Should 10. Shouldany anyproblem, problem,mechanical mechanicalororoperational operationalissue issuearise ariseduring duringoperation, operation,you youshould shouldstop stopusing using the thecounterbalance counterbalancetruck truckimmediately immediatelyand andreport reportthe theissue issuetotoyour yoursupervisor. supervisor.
T he T heoperator operatorthinks thinksit itis issafe safetotoproceed proceed
Counterbalance Counterbalancetrucks truckshave haveblind blindspots spotsthat thatcan can prevent preventthe theoperator operatorfrom fromseeing seeingpedestrians pedestriansororobjects objects