BA (Hons.) GRAPHIC DESIGN Module Code OUGD303 Module Title
Semester Doc. Code OUGD303
Brief/Session/Document Title: Branding: Emily Ward.
Brief Brand Emily Ward as part of her curating and professional practice so she has elements that she is able to give to customers and other professionals in order to promote and develop contacts.
Background / Considerations Emily is a student on BA (Hons) Fine art with an ambition to become a curator. She needs some branded stationery in order to promote herself as she is going to start stocking her work within a shop and also is taking part in the organization of an arts event during the summer so has been advised to have business cards as this may lead to further opportunities. Branded stationery is usually seen as a very corporate element so I need to consider what I can do in order to link this back to her personal practice and still have the fine art edge about it. How can Emily始s current work be used within the branding of the stationery in order to make it very personal to her? Which elements of a stationery range can be adapted for the clients needs?
Mandatory Requirements
Make sure I am constantly feeding back to the Logo/identity client so that they approve of the elements that Business cards are being designed and have always been part ofCompliments slips the decision making. Letterhead Email signature Website banner
Studio Deadline
Module Deadline
29th May 2013
This brief should be read in conjunction with the module brief. Please refer to module information at E-STUDIO for module brief, submission deadline, graded outcomes and further reading.