Our concept ‘Promote the imaginative colours tool by Fedrigoni’ Design an appropriate response for the UK design industry using print. Promote and brand a proposed event / exhibition that showcases the relationship between colour ink on colour stock to generate interest in the new product. The exhibition will consist of work created by those who enter a proposed competition. The result has to be tactile and made using Fedrigoni stock. The audience have to be able to interact with the products. The competition brief (left) would welcome students from all over the country to showcase their creative talents using the stock from the Fedrigoni Imaginative Colours Tool. The brief is very open in the sense that those who enter can produce anything under the one constraint that it could be replicated at least thirty times. This constraint would be put in place in so that all the work showcased can be interacted with and then be replaced if need be. The idea is that professionals invited to the event can literally get a feel for the stock and what it is capable of. The exhibition would be an ‘invitation only’ event and professionals throughout the UK design industry would be invited to attend as well as the winners and parents of the winners of the competition.
Charlotte Bourke & Kirsty Alderson BA (Hons) Graphic Design Leeds College of Art
Venue location: East London Arches, Shoreditch, London. This would be the venue in which the exhibition would be held. The location is ideal for an exhibition because the space is large so can hold a significant amount of people that would be invited to this event. The overall look of the venue is also appropriate because it works well with the sophstication a high quality of the stock being showcased and could create an ideal atmosphere. The lighting within the venue also adds to this atmosphere and will create a good backdrop for the exhibition.
Charlotte Bourke & Kirsty Alderson BA (Hons) Graphic Design Leeds College of Art
KEY: Center piece
‘Box’ tables
Based on the floor plan we located for the venue, we created a basic layout for the exhibition so that it creates an idea of what would be involved and how we are utilising the space there is. The layout of the exhibition itself is quite simplistic so professionals will not miss any part of the exhibition. We have also considered a few ways in which work can be displayed depending on what has been submitted. The competition could have various different submissions so we made sure the layout would accommodate for all possible outcomes. The work also has to be at a level it can be interacted with by the guests. All work will be displayed on boards. These boards will be covered in white paper for added effect to the tactile nature of the exhibition. 1. Built in cove with lighting. 2. Bulldog clips mounted. 3. Clear string for hanging. 4. Wooden platforms.
Tables Display boards
Charlotte Bourke & Kirsty Alderson BA (Hons) Graphic Design Leeds College of Art
1. Limited edition ‘glow in the dark’ poster to be given to guests. 2. Gradients for the front of the invitations. 3. Logo for the exhibition.
Charlotte Bourke & Kirsty Alderson BA (Hons) Graphic Design Leeds College of Art
1. Swatch booklet The swatch booklet is business card size and would contain seven samples of Fedrigoni paper from the imaginative colours tool. Each booklet would vary in it’s range of colours. The name and gsm of each sample would be included. Guests would choose which swatch booklets they would like to take away depending on colours they are interested in. 2. Invitation This would be sent out to professionals within the UK design industry in order to encourage them to attend the event. The gradient on the front of invitation would vary to showcase all the colours that can be found within the Imaginative Colours Tool.
ativ eC n ex olou plor r’ stoc ation 21s k an of t tM d co he re ay, Eas lour la t Lo ink. tionsh ndo ip b nA etw rche een s, S colo hore ur ditc h, 7 pm nt a
Charlotte Bourke & Kirsty Alderson BA (Hons) Graphic Design Leeds College of Art