Re-written briefs for OUGD303.

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BA (Hons.) GRAPHIC DESIGN Module Code OUGD30 Module Title


Semester Doc. Code OUGD30


Brief/Session/Document Title: Fudge Kitchen


Rebrand and promote the ʻnew lookʼ Fudge Kitchen.

Background / Considerations

The Fudge Kitchen first started making fudge under the name ʻJim Garrahyʼs Fudge Kitchenʼ back in 1983. They now have shops within Bath, York, Cambridge, Canterbury, Windsor, Edinburgh and Oxford. The fudge is also available to buy online in various different forms depending on what you require. The company not only sell fudge in slab form but as a drink and a sauce. The fact the fudge itself comes in various different forms and with these products gives an opportunity to explore various different types of packaging and application of a logo. The online presence of the brand is also just as important as the in store so how can this be changed in order to co-inside with the ʻnew lookʼ brand. How can the current logo design and packaging be capitalized on in order to refresh the brand? Is there any competition as the brand stands currently? Remember who the target audience is, who is likely to buy it and for what purpose. Is there anything that the company currently donʼt have that could be useful to them? For example, a business card.

Mandatory Requirements


Donʼt completely change the brand and the values they currently have, use these to your advantage. Make sure a substantial amount of research is undergone to fully understand the brand and target market. Make sure elements such as the logo are applied in different contexts to show where they would exist.

Logo. Fudge gift packaging with two different size options. Fudge slab packaging including wrapping and stickers to seal it. Drinking fudge packaging. Drinking fudge mug gift set packaging. Fudge sauce labels. Fudge sauce gift set packaging. Paper/carrier bags. Staff uniform re-brand. Shop signage. Website.

Studio Deadline 24th May 2013

Module Deadline 29th May 2013

This brief should be read in conjunction with the module brief. Please refer to module information at E-STUDIO for module brief, submission deadline, graded outcomes and further reading.

BA (Hons.) GRAPHIC DESIGN Module Code OUGD303 Module Title


Semester Doc. Code OUGD303


Brief/Session/Document Title: Geek Table collective.


Create and brand a collective with seven other members.

Background / Considerations Personally, throughout this brief I would like to capitalize on my existing collaboration skills and fully understand what goes into creating an event and what can be gained from this. This brief is very much about people skills and how they can be used to your advantage to both promote yourself and gain new contacts. The collective will need a brand to be recognized by others and make it an ofďŹ cial group. What collectives are already existing and what can we do as a group to be different from this? Everyone within the collective has completely different skills so how can we communicate this through the collective and the brand. What roles will each person have in order to make the collective successful and run smoothly? As there a so many people within the collective, there should be a large body of work produced and a range to suit all tastes with each member having different design interests. With the work produced we are going to put on an exhibition in order to further promote ourselves within the industry. This is hopefully going to be held at the White Cloth gallery in Leeds. The theme of the exhibition will utilise our individual graphic design skills.

Mandatory Requirements


Each member of the collective must produce an Branding equal and substantial amount of work to Online presence contribute. An exhibition Promotional material Minimum of four pieces of work each for the exhibition.

Studio Deadline

Module Deadline

Exhibtion: 10th May 2013 (TBC) 29th May 2013

29th May 2013

This brief should be read in conjunction with the module brief. Please refer to module information at E-STUDIO for module brief, submission deadline, graded outcomes and further reading.

BA (Hons.) GRAPHIC DESIGN Module Code OUGD303 Module Title


Semester Doc. Code OUGD303


Brief/Session/Document Title: Nail varnish


Brand, package and promote a new range of nail varnish.

Background / Considerations The nail varnish industry is huge and very popular currently. The bottles come in a range of different sizes and shapes and the price range for such a product is vast. How can the product I design ďŹ t into this market but at the same time stand out from everything thats already existing? Will the product be upmarket or average? How large will the range be or how large does it need to be to sell and make it more appealing? How could the range be extended amongst other beauty products if it were to become successful? Who is the target market eg, the younger generation or the more mature woman? Use personal knowledge of the product to make the best design decisions. Consider how the range could be extended via the use of other products.

Mandatory Requirements


Speak to the target market about why they Logo choose a particular brand and what makes this Bottle design brand stand out to them. Use this information to Packaging make design decisions. Research the existing Range sample market and use this to make own decisions even Point of Sale better. Promotional material eg. vouchers

Studio Deadline

Module Deadline

17th May 2013

29th May 2013

This brief should be read in conjunction with the module brief. Please refer to module information at E-STUDIO for module brief, submission deadline, graded outcomes and further reading.

BA (Hons.) GRAPHIC DESIGN Module Code OUGD303 Module Title


Semester Doc. Code OUGD303


Brief/Session/Document Title: Printed Textiles and Surface Pattern yearbook.


Design the Printed Textiles and Surface Pattern yearbook 2013.

Background / Considerations

(TBC after the ďŹ rst meeting with the programme tutors)

Mandatory Requirements



PDF yearbook (TBC)

Studio Deadline

Module Deadline


29th May 2013

This brief should be read in conjunction with the module brief. Please refer to module information at E-STUDIO for module brief, submission deadline, graded outcomes and further reading.

BA (Hons.) GRAPHIC DESIGN Module Code OUGD303 Module Title


Semester Doc. Code OUGD303


Brief/Session/Document Title: YCN: UK Greetings.


Design a range of animal themed greetings cards for YCN and then extend the brief via a gift range using the same designs. The greetings card industry is a very competitive market. We are constantly looking for ways to stand out from the crowd, whether this be through an exciting card format, interesting use of finishes (emboss, foil, glitter, varnish, gems, googly eyes, printed card attachments, bespoke attachments, buttons etc), or simply stunning designs that stand out from the competition. This brief is an opportunity to be creative and have fun in order to extend on existing hand rendered image making skills.

Background / Considerations

Imagine seeing your card designs on the shelves of Tesco, Sainsburyʼs, Waterstones, Paperchase, Clintons and independent card shops, and on window sills across the country. UK Greetings are the UKʼs market leading direct-to-retailer publisher, and manufacturer of greetings cards. Based in West Yorkshire, we supply to the major supermarkets, high street specialists and independent retailers in the UK and internationally. UKG have several established sub-brands, each priding itself on delivering something unique, giving UK Greetings a distinctive edge and sound reputation for diverse and eclectic product. Think about the sending situation. Why would you be sending them a card? What is the occasion? Birthday card to a friend or to a family relation? Something to say good luck, get well? Congratulations? Youʼre getting married? Simply ʻI love youʼ or ʻI miss youʼ? Who is the recipient? At what stage in their lives are they? Single, married, with children, off to college/university, passing their driving test, losing someone close to them?Remember who you are targeting. Who is going to be actually buying the card for the recipient? Is the card design-led or copy-led (could be a quote, just a ʻhelloʼ or a longer message)?

Mandatory Requirements


You must design at least four greetings cards which will include, front page designs, designs for the inside of the cards, a range name and logo to be printed on the back page, remember to think about the envelope colour or design. Suggested card sizes are, 159mm x 159mm, 121mm x 184mm, 137mm x 159mm, 110mm x 210mm but donʼt let that restrict you. Add 3mm bleed to all artwork supplied.

4 x greetings cards x envelopes x wrapping paper x gift bags x gift tags x gift boxes

Studio Deadline

Module Deadline

14th March 2013 and 17th May 2013

29th May 2013

x tissue paper

This brief should be read in conjunction with the module brief. Please refer to module information at E-STUDIO for module brief, submission deadline, graded outcomes and further reading.

BA (Hons.) GRAPHIC DESIGN Module Code OUGD303 Module Title


Semester Doc. Code OUGD303


Brief/Session/Document Title: Tigerprint: Colour.


The aim of this month's brief comes in two complementary parts. Firstly we want you to create your very own colour palette based on a trend for Spring/Summer 2014. The second part of the brief is that we want you to show it off to its fullest potential by creating a show stopping surface pattern design.This brief will then be extended to create a themed product range aimed at a male target audience using the surface pattern designs created for the original competition brief.

Background / Considerations

Firstly do your research and find your inspiration! Create a board of ideas for your trend including colour references which will help you pull together your final colour palette. Remember inspiration can come from anywhere and everywhere so keep your eyes peeled in those unexpected places! This brief is all about colour so really think about how this works hand in hand with new trends i.e look at how the colour blocking trend influenced fashion and packaging a few years back, the influence of which can still be felt even now. In addition the past 12 –18 months has seen a real focus on a subtle palette of nudes, roses and metallics which perfectly compliments the trend of lace and laser cutting but what's going to come next? Once you have your trend board and your colour palette (using pantone reference where possible) pulled together you are then ready to develop your surface pattern. Men won’t necessarily buy into the same products as women so what different products can be utilised to further target a male audience? Research should inform the product selection.

Mandatory Requirements


Your trend research should have uncovered key A trend Board/ Colour Palette (N.B Please icons and motifs, techniques and colour include reference links where possible). combinations for S/S14 so use these in your A surface pattern. This should be Spring/ development. Remember this brief is primarily about colour so think how you can cleverly use Summer 2014 focused and could be aimed at key motifs and icons with colour to create some either a male or female recipient and could be used across a range of products including; gift spectacular patterns. For example do you reinvent the stripe for males but with some clever bags, wrapping paper, stationery products and greetings cards. colour optical illusions! Diary, Photo album, Pencil case, Pens, Pencils, Folder, Wallet, Photo frame, Phone case.

Studio Deadline

Module Deadline

10th February 2013 submission deadline 10th May 2013

29th May 2013

This brief should be read in conjunction with the module brief. Please refer to module information at E-STUDIO for module brief, submission deadline, graded outcomes and further reading.

BA (Hons.) GRAPHIC DESIGN Module Code OUGD303 Module Title


Semester Doc. Code OUGD303


Brief/Session/Document Title: Branding: Emily Ward.


Brand Emily Ward as part of her curating and professional practice so she has elements that she is able to give to customers and other professionals in order to promote and develop contacts.

Background / Considerations

Emily is a student on BA (Hons) Fine art with an ambition to become a curator. She needs some branded stationery in order to promote herself as she is going to start stocking her work within a shop and also is taking part in the organization of an arts event during the summer so has been advised to have business cards as this may lead to further opportunities. Branded stationery is usually seen as a very corporate element so I need to consider what I can do in order to link this back to her personal practice and still have the fine art edge about it. How can Emilyʼs current work be used within the branding of the stationery in order to make it very personal to her? Which elements of a stationery range can be adapted for the clients needs?

Mandatory Requirements


Make sure I am constantly feeding back to the Logo/identity client so that they approve of the elements that Business cards are being designed and have always been part ofCompliments slips the decision making. Letterhead Email signature Website banner

Studio Deadline

Module Deadline

23rd March 2013

29th May 2013

This brief should be read in conjunction with the module brief. Please refer to module information at E-STUDIO for module brief, submission deadline, graded outcomes and further reading.

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