Statement of intent.

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Module Code


Module Title



Outcomes 1


Rationale An investigation of branding and image based design for a purpose through the use of print. I plan to extend my knowledge of branding and how a brand can be applied across a vast range of products and then also how this would be distributed to the intended audience. I will incorporate the image based side of practice within this branding element too but it will not always be applicable depending on the brief I am working with. I want to have a real focus on developing my image based design skills both digitally and hand rendered and apply the term ‘design for an audience, not yourself’. I aim to have an ongoing exploration of my image based skills in order to keep up a standard throughout my final major project, certain briefs will help me achieve this. I’m going to touch on design for screen in order to show I also have a certain understanding of this area too. Subjects / Themes Consumerism Retail Advertising and promotion Corporate identity The beauty industry Greetings cards industry Collectives Print production Food industry Fashion industry Surface pattern Art

Design Disciplines / Creative Development Design for print Design for screen Design for retail Advertising Image making

Practical Skills / Workshops – what, why and when? Paper craft; possibility of using the laser cutting machine for briefs such as the greetings cards depending on the direction the work is going to take. Hand rendering; applicable to many of my briefs I need to make sure this skill is up to scratch in order to provide the best possible outcomes visually. Digital image design; touching upon this skill last module proved ability but what more can I learn in order from the software to improve the visuals I create? Logo design; if I want to get into this area of the industry I need to show a range of different logos for a range of different companies, clients and purposes. Many of my briefs offer me the opportunity to do this. Photoshop; enhancing and editing particular imagery that will be used throughout my briefs if need be. Illustrator; for creating much of my designs and artwork for each of the briefs I have proposed. Design for screen; to create digital elements such as websites if applicable to a brief or for the advertising elements that some of the briefs require. I need to learn more about this area of design as there hasnʼt been much focus. Packaging design; to ensure everything is done to the highest quality as quite a few of my briefs will require packaging. Collaboration; to capitalize on the existing skill I have within this area and further show that I can work well as part of a team.

Brief 1: Fudge Kitchen.

Deadline 10/5/13

Rationale: A print based investigation of branding predominantly through the use of packaging. Rebrand and promote the ‘new look’ Fudge Kitchen. Brief 2: Printed textiles and surface pattern design Deadline TBC yearbook. Rationale: A digital based investigation of the surface pattern design course through the use of type, image and layout. Design the Printed textiles and surface pattern design yearbook for the end of year show 2013. Brief 3: Tigerprint Colour Deadline 10/5/13 Rationale: A print based investigation of product range through the use of surface pattern design and application. Create a colour pallet and pattern based on a colour trend for 2013/14 and apply this to a range of stationery products. Brief 4: Nail Varnish. Deadline 19/5/13 Rationale: A print based investigation of retail design through the use of packaging and promotion. Brand, package and promote a new range of nail varnish. Brief 5: YCN: UK Greetings. Deadline 20/5/13

Rationale: An image based investigation of print through the use of greetings range design. Design a gift range based on a single theme. Contextual references / Designers / Studios / Companies (specific) Chris Jevons Love Young Dan Heron Dinosaur Creative Foundry BellyTimber Ian Rich Tigerprint Touch Agency Wolff Olins Paul Windle

RESEARCH ACTIVITY: Fedrigoni ‘Acroprint White Lies’ Deadline 31/1/13 launch. The launch of a limited edition book at Leeds Art Gallery demonstrating the print ability of the Fedrigoni Acroprint range. This will be an opportunity to explore print based design and see what is current within Graphic Design at the moment, a chance to speak to professionals and make some contacts that may prove useful in the future and will also capitalise on any previous understanding of how a creative event is put together and what encourages people to attend, which links to the collective brief. RESEARCH ACTIVITY: Manchester. Deadline 8/2/13 Manchester is such a large place and well known for the range of shops it offers to the consumer market. I want to visit Manchester and catalogue a range of different brands we walk by on a regular basis through the use of photography. This is so I can gain a clear understanding of how different types of shop/brand utilise branding from both the front of their shop and inside. I also want to see if particular brands are drawn to a certain style of branding so that when it comes to creating my own brands throughout my briefs, I am using an apropriate style. RESEARCH ACTIVITY: Young and Love studio visits. Deadline 8/2/13 Whilst visiting Manchester for branding research I hope to visit two design studios (yet to be confirmed). Young are an animation and illustration design studio and Love are a branding studio. This is to not only inform my personal and professional development but to gain and understanding of what it is to be within the industries I am currently designing work for within my briefs. I’d like to see if I can gain any expert feedback on the current ideas I have for my briefs and just ask for any general tips when getting into that sector of the industry. RESEARCH ACTIVITY: Fudge Kitchen visit. Deadline TBC For this particular brief I am going to visit the Fudge Kitchen in York in order to gather some primary research by purchasing various products to see how they can be capitalised upon and so that when it comes to photographing the project, I can make it as realistic as possible. If possible I am going to take some photographs of the shop in order to inform my research and put into context what I will be applying my designs to and creating elements for. If there is anything I can pick up in store to extend my product range then this will also be useful. Although I have a pretty good understanding of the shop already, I am sure to find out things I didn’t previously know. RESEARCH ACTIVITY: Pressision print visit. Deadline 25/1/13 Visit Pressision printers in Leeds in order to refresh the knowledge learnt during the second year of print based design and the process various print elements go through. This will also build a new professional contact that may be useful in the future when I am a designer.

BIBLIOGRAPHY BOOKS / TEXTS - (Harvard Referenced) Albers, J. (1975) Interaction of Colour, Singapore, CS Graphics. Ambrose, G. and Harris, P. (2011) Packaging the brand: the relationship between packaging design and brand identity, Switzerland, AVA Publishing SA. Davis, M. (2009) The Fundamentals of Branding, Switzerland, AVA Publishing SA. Stewart, C. (2006) Superbrands: an insight into some of Britainʼs strongest brands 2006/07, London, Superbrands. MAGAZINES / JOURNALS / ARTICLES – (include publication date and details) Creative Review Computer Arts Look More Cosmopolitan ONLINE REFERENCES / WEBSITES / ARTICLES (include specific urls) OTHER REFERENCE MATERIAL (Films, events, exhibitions, conferences) Fedrigoni ‘Acroprint White Lies’ launch at Leeds Art Gallery. Leeds College of Art visiting professional lectures.

ACTION PLAN – use this section to identify specific tasks that you need to complete in order to resolve the brief. Brief What do you need to do? Fudge Kitchen Research 1 Branding Packaging design Promotion Website design Print Mock up products Photograph Design boards





Printed textiles brief is to be confirmed via discussion with the relevant tutor(s).

Deadline 3/2/13 10/2/13 17/3/13 31/3/13 14/4/13 19/4/13 28/4/13 3/5/13 10/5/13 Inc. weekends TBC

Tigerprint Colour Research Trend board and colour pallet Pattern design Further pattern design development Product design Print Mock up products Photograph Design boards

3/2/13 10/2/13 10/2/13 17/3/13 7/4/13 19/4/13 26/4/13 3/5/13 10/5/13

Nail Varnish Research Branding Packaging design Bottle design Point of sale design Promotion Print and mock up products Photograph Design boards

24/2/13 10/3/13 24/3/13 24/3/13 7/4/13 21/4/13 3/5/13 10/5/13 19/5/13

YCN: UK Greetings Research Concept Illustrations Branding Greetings card design development YCN submission boards Extension of brief: product design Print and mock up products Photograph Design boards

3/2/13 10/2/13 3/3/13 3/3/13 10/3/13 14/3/13 7/4/13 19/4/13 10/5/13 20/5/13






Additional brief: Geek Table Collective Branding ideas and ideas for briefs Branding development First brief Second brief Third brief Fourth brief Fifth brief Print Exhibition Sixth brief Print Photograph and design boards

26/1/13 2/2/13 23/2/13 9/3/13 23/3/13 6/4/13 20/4/13 20/4/13 TBC 3/5/13 11/5/13 18/5/13

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