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Doc. Code OUGD301tut01

Name Kirsty Alderson Blog.



Dissertation How has Coca-Cola used branding and advertising to become top of the soft drinks industry? Title Dissertation Jenny Hutton Tutor Rationale (200 words) During this module I hope to really push myself so that I can full fill my potential in the areas that I am interested in. I am going to work on briefs that will allow me to capitalise on both my image and branding skills, and also extend my knowledge of branding as a whole. The briefs will be about subjects from personal interest to keep me motivated throughout and make them enjoyable. I’d like to develop my hand rendering skills throughout each of my briefs so that I have a unique and neat style. I’d also like to make the most of collaboration projects so that I can capitalise on this skill and work with new people. I feel that I need to experiment and take more risks within my work as this will make me a more confident designer and means I can really have some fun within my briefs. Finally, I would like to have a greater understanding of print processes if I my focus is going to be in being a print based designer. As part of this understanding print processes I would also like to experiment more with stock so that I am finding samples appropriate to each of my briefs depending on the outcome I am working with.

Statement of Intent (SOI) - (400 words) Week one: 08/10/12 1. Research pattern, create initial ideas, develop the pattern and finalise and submit to tigerprint. 2. Research children’s book illustration and illustrators. 3. Research into illustrative type and film imagery and create initial ideas. 4. Research into Coca-Cola, previous designs and how they advertise. Also research a theme for my limited edition Coca-Cola bottle series. Week two; 15/10/12 1. Research products and existing examples of repeat patterns. Begin applying pattern in context. 2. Create initial ideas for the book cover including type, image and colour. 3. Create imagery that can be merged with the type. Develop illustrative typefaces for each of the chosen films. 4. Continue to research Coca-Cola and develop initial ideas for the bottle designs. Week three; 22/10/12 1. Finalise pattern in context and design the products to be printed. 2. Develop initial ideas and explore layout. 3. Develop ideas further and finalise. 4. Develop bottle design ideas and finalise the top three. Week four; 29/10/12 - Dissertation week; a chance to catch up on anything that may have gone wrong or still needs resolving. Week five 05/11/12 1. Experiment with stock and print test samples. 2. Finalise book cover and begin ideas for promotional material using the same imagery. 3. Experiment with layout across the whole product range. 4. Research packaging. Create and experiment with packaging for bottles and finalise. Week six 12/11/12 1. Finalise pieces to be printed, print and mock-up. 2. Develop ideas and finalise ready for print across the range. 3. Order mugs, print the t-shirt range and make key rings. 4. Create and experiment with advertising elements. Week seven 19/11/12 1. Resolve any mistakes if applicable. 2. Experiment with stock and print test pieces. 3. Experiment with stock. 4. Finalise all elements to be printed and experiment with stock. Week eight 26/11/12 1. Photograph work and create submission boards. - Resolve any mistakes if applicable and print. x 3 Week nine 3/12/12 1. Check and print submission boards. - Photograph work. Create and print submission boards. x 3 Week ten 10/12/12 - Review all work and submit.


Brief 1 (Title) Black & White print. I am going to create a repeat pattern using black and white that can be applied across a large range of stationary products because this will allow me to explore product range, capitalise on my hand rendering skills, and gain more knowledge of print processes. I will create notebooks, pencil cases, pens, pencils, storage boxes, gift bags, wrapping paper, cards, gift tags and postcards. 3. Brief 2 (Title) Penguin Design Award 2013. I am going to re-launch and promote ‘The Wind in the Willows’ with a new look book cover in order to reinvent this classic book to a new generation of readers because this will give me experience in a new area of design, publishing and editorial and allow me to capitalise on my image and layout skills. I will create a book cover (digital and print), a window display, posters, bookmarks, shelf advertisements, prints and a magazine ad. 4. Brief 3 (Title) Illustrative type. I am going to create and brand a film memorabilia company that specialise in illustrative type based products. Come up with three different examples of illustrative typefaces based on popular films and apply them to various products in order to show the range the company will offer because this will allow me to capitalise on my hand rendering skills, explore branding and type conventions. I will create three illustrative typefaces, t-shirts, prints, posters, postcards, mugs, key rings and name signs. 5. Brief 4 (Title) Coca-Cola. I am going to design and promote a limited edition bottle range for Coca-Cola to be released next year because this will allow me to explore branding and promotion and advertising as well as linking to my dissertation. I will create a range of three bottle designs, posters, bus stop advertising, billboards, packaging, shelf advertising, floor stickers, shelf wobblers, web advertising and magazine spreads. ADDITIONAL BRIEFS

TUTOR’S Signature STUDENT’S Signature

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