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Final Major Project
REVISED POSITION STATEMENT AND RATIONALE I’m interested in branding and packaging for retail. I’m interested in image making for a purpose. I’m interested in design for print. THEMES / SUBJECTS What Themes/Subjects will form the basis of your work for the final major project? This should include Theoretical and non design based content and concerns.
GENERAL THEMES: Consumerism Retail Advertising and promotion Branding SPECIFIC SUBJECTS: Corporate identity The beauty industry Greetings cards Collectives Print production Food industry Fashion industry Surface pattern
DESIGN CONTEXT DESIGNERS/STUDIOS: Touch Agency Identify areas of Jeff Josephine designs professional/ creative practices that will Chris Jevons Wolff Olins inform the Tigerprint contextualization of the Form work that you produce. This should include AUDIENCE/CONTEXTS: specific designer始s, Creative industry studios, practitioner始s and Youths products as well as Parents broader creative Males and females disciplines and methods of Fashion consumers Production / Distribution. Fellow creatives Books Promotional campaigns Clothing Prints Cards In print On screen PRODUCTION /DISTRIBUTION METHODS: MASS PRODUCTION INDUSTRY STANDARD PRINTERS HANDMADE DIGITAL ONLINE IN STORE IN PERSON OVER SEAS IN PRINT AT AN EVENT ADVERTISING SOCIAL NETWORKING DESIGN DISCIPLINES Design for print What areas of graphic design Design for screen practice do you intend to Design for retail investigate in relation to the Advertising/promotion practical and conceptual Image making production / distribution of Industry standard printing work in response to selected briefs
DESIGN SKILLS Paper craft: possibility to hand craft the illustrative book idea and What practical design skills also the greetings cards to give them higher value. do you intend to further develop and apply during Hand rendering: give a uniqueness to some of the image work your final major project. What created for various briefs. do you intend to use the skills for. Consider extending Digital imagery design: if hand rendering is not suitable for a the use of skills that you particular brief, use digital design instead to create interesting and already have in order to well executed imagery. deliver work of a professional standard as well as Logo design: a few brief ideas require a logo design so this is a identifying new skills that you chance to capitalize on this skill and learn more about this particular will need to develop. area. Photoshop: enhancing and editing particular imagery that will be used throughout my briefs if need be. Illustrator: for creating much of my designs and artwork for each of the briefs I have proposed. Design for screen: to create digital elements such as websites if applicable to a brief or for the advertising elements that some of the briefs require. Need to learn more about this area of design as there hasn始t been much focus. Industry standard printing: so I know exactly what to say when contacting a printer and how the process works from sending the file to receiving a finished product. Packaging design: to ensure everything is done to the highest quality as quite a few of my briefs will require packaging. Collaboration: to capitalize on the existing skill I have within this area and further show that I can work well as part of a team.
PROPOSED BRIEFS Yearbook proposal List any briefs that you have Create the yearbook for another course within the college. already identified as possible starting points for your Final Emily Ward branding Major Project. You should Create a brand for a client and use it across a range of stationery. include possible competition and Live briefs as well as Tigerprint identifying briefs that will Create your own colour pallet based on a trend for Spring/Summer allow you to develop a 2014 and then show this colour pallet off via a surface pattern significant body of research design. Focus on a male audience and extend via the product and development in relation range. to your stated Themes/ subjects, Design disciplines Nail Varnish and production / distribution Create, brand and promote a new range of nail varnish. methods Fudge Kitchen Re-brand and promote a 驶new look始 for the Fudge Kitchen. This includes a focus on re-designing the packaging for various products the company sell. YCN: UK Greetings Design a range of four greetings cards for YCN and then extend the brief via a full gift product range. Geek Table collective Create and brand a collective with seven other people that will then host a design event. KEY TEXTS. Superbrands List a selected number of Print production manual books, articles and texts that The fundamentals of Graphic Design are central to your proposed The fundamentals of Branding area of practice. These Creative Review should include a combination of design and non-design based books, theoretical texts as well as visual publications.