Graphic Designer
Kirsty Alderson +44(0)7854859728 BA (Hons) Graphic Design Leeds College of Art
iPod Retro
Promotional project for the ‘design product for print’ module for my university course. Design, name and promote the new limited edition iPod retro. Realistically the back of the bag and writing on the evolution poster would be foil blocked. Outcomes: iPod packaging Paper bag 3 x promotional bus stop posters 1 x limited edition poster
YCN: Fedrigoni
Submission for the YCN student awards 2012 in which I collaborated with Charlotte Bourke to promote the Imaginative Colours tool for Fedrigoni. Charlotte and I decided to propose an exhibition in which creative students all over the country would be invited to submit work that has been created using the paper included within the imaginative colours tool. Professionals would then be invited to this exhibition in order to show them the capabilities that the Imaginative Colours tool and stock has. In keeping with the original name we decided to name the exhibition ‘Imaginative Colour’. Each guest would recieve an invitation and once at the event, a sample swatch booklet. Outcomes: Swatch booklet Lasercut invitation Proposal of the exhibition
Final project for my image module for my university course. We had to take one of the briefs we’d previously completed from the module and make it our own by choosing a subject area we are particularly interested in. I chose the best of British because this subject is relevent with the Queen’s jubilee coming up. My outcomes are based on type as image. I created a survey full of things that are seen as British and took the top 6 from this to be the subject for each of my prints. Outcomes: 6 x A2 prints
D&AD Eric Kessels
Cometition brief for the ‘Image’ module for my university course. This brief was set by Eric Kessels through D&AD and the brief stated that we had to communicate to visitors of the UK why so much rain is attractive. I came up with the concept that rain is romantic and played on the saying ‘love birds’ to create quite a fun, positive A2 print. Outcomes: A2 print
Little White Lies
Little White Lies self initiated brief for the product, range and distribution module for my university course. Promote Little White Lies magazine to a wider target audience using mainstream films by creating a limited edition range of products. I took the top 12 films of 2011 to create my list of films and illustrated a portrait for each film to use across the products. Each film would consist of a range made up of the products listed below. Products; Magazine cover, T-shirt, Postcard, Print, Packaging I printed one set of products as an example as the whole range is quite large. This is for the film Tangled.