Salut Welcome to our programme and our end of year handbook, which highlights the joys, accolades and dedication that forms part of the experience of the BA (Hons) Printed Textiles & Surface Pattern Design cohort. Documented and assembled in March, we seek to provide you dear reader; a snapshot of our experiences and journeys. It is a visual narrative that seeks to summarise our passion, our creativity, our curiosity and our professionalism. As a team, indeed a tribe, of printers, dyers, illustrators, stylists, colourists, makers and creators in the widest sense, we have shared values, ideas and amused ourselves with the joy that is design. We are incredibly proud of our efforts here, for three years we’ve toiled, laboured and just occasionally partied our way to creating a reputation. A reputation for success, based on innovation, ardour, commitment and camaderie. Within this yearbook, you’ll see more than just a ‘business card’ of each individual, we aim to offer you insights to events and experiences that underpin our whole programme philosophy, how we work and importantly, why we are ready for the wider world of employment, enterprise and creative ventures. This book then is both an introduction to us and a fond farewell to our graduating cohort. Whether you be a prospective student, employer or friend, we invite you to join us in toasting what has been another vintage year. The guys and gals have worked their socks off, an excellent gang indeed and we are incredibly proud of our success. Team Textiles
Salut Welcome to our programme and our end of year handbook, which highlights the joys, accolades and dedication that forms part of the experience of the BA (Hons) Printed Textiles & Surface Pattern Design cohort. Documented and assembled in March, we seek to provide you dear reader; a snapshot of our experiences and journeys. It is a visual narrative that seeks to summarise our passion, our creativity, our curiosity and our professionalism.
As a team, indeed a tribe, of printers, dyers, illustrators, stylists, colourists, makers and creators in the widest sense, we have shared values, ideas and amused ourselves with the joy that is design. We are incredibly proud of our efforts here, for three years we’ve toiled, laboured and just occasionally partied our way to creating a reputation. A reputation for success, based on innovation, ardour, commitment and camaderie.
Within this yearbook, you’ll see more than just a ‘business card’ of each individual, we aim to offer you insights to events and experiences that underpin our whole programme philosophy, how we work and importantly, why we are ready for the wider world of employment, enterprise and creative ventures. This book then is both an introduction to us and a fond farewell to our graduating cohort. Whether you be a prospective student, employer or friend, we invite you to join us in toasting what has been another vintage year. The guys and gals have worked their socks off, an excellent gang indeed and we are incredibly proud of our success. Team Textiles
Salut Welcome to our programme and our end of year handbook, which highlights the joys, accolades and dedication that forms part of the experience of the BA (Hons) Printed Textiles & Surface Pattern Design cohort. Documented and assembled in March, we seek to provide you dear reader; a snapshot of our experiences and journeys. It is a visual narrative that seeks to summarise our passion, our creativity, our curiosity and our professionalism.
As a team, indeed a tribe, of printers, dyers, illustrators, stylists, colourists, makers and creators in the widest sense, we have shared values, ideas and amused ourselves with the joy that is design. We are incredibly proud of our efforts here, for three years we’ve toiled, laboured and just occasionally partied our way to creating a reputation. A reputation for success, based on innovation, ardour, commitment and camaderie.
Within this yearbook, you’ll see more than just a ‘business card’ of each individual, we aim to offer you insights to events and experiences that underpin our whole programme philosophy, how we work and importantly, why we are ready for the wider world of employment, enterprise and creative ventures. This book then is both an introduction to us and a fond farewell to our graduating cohort. Whether you be a prospective student, employer or friend, we invite you to join us in toasting what has been another vintage year. The guys and gals have worked their socks off, an excellent gang indeed and we are incredibly proud of our success. Team Textiles
Salut Welcome to our programme and our end of year handbook, which highlights the joys, accolades and dedication that forms part of the experience of the BA (Hons) Printed Textiles & Surface Pattern Design cohort. Documented and assembled in March, we seek to provide you dear reader; a snapshot of our experiences and journeys. It is a visual narrative that seeks to summarise our passion, our creativity, our curiosity and our professionalism. As a team, indeed a tribe, of printers, dyers, illustrators, stylists, colourists, makers and creators in the widest sense, we have shared values, ideas and amused ourselves with the joy that is design. We are incredibly proud of our efforts here, for three years we’ve toiled, laboured and just occasionally partied our way to creating a reputation. A reputation for success, based on innovation, ardour, commitment and camaderie.
Within this yearbook, you’ll see more than just a ‘business card’ of each individual, we aim to offer you insights to events and experiences that underpin our whole programme philosophy, how we work and importantly, why we are ready for the wider world of employment, enterprise and creative ventures. This book then is both an introduction to us and a fond farewell to our graduating cohort. Whether you be a prospective student, employer or friend, we invite you to join us in toasting what has been another vintage year. The guys and gals have worked their socks off, an excellent gang indeed and we are incredibly proud of our success. Team Textiles
Salut Welcome to our programme and our end of year handbook, which highlights the joys, accolades and dedication that forms part of the experience of the BA (Hons) Printed Textiles & Surface Pattern Design cohort. Documented and assembled in March, we seek to provide you dear reader; a snapshot of our experiences and journeys. It is a visual narrative that seeks to summarise our passion, our creativity, our curiosity and our professionalism. As a team, indeed a tribe, of printers, dyers, illustrators, stylists, colourists, makers and creators in the widest sense, we have shared values, ideas and amused ourselves with the joy that is design. We are incredibly proud of our efforts here, for three years we’ve toiled, laboured and just occasionally partied our way to creating a reputation. A reputation for success, based on innovation, ardour, commitment and camaderie. Within this yearbook, you’ll see more than just a ‘business card’ of each individual, we aim to offer you insights to events and experiences that underpin our whole programme philosophy, how we work and importantly, why we are ready for the wider world of employment, enterprise and creative ventures. This book then is both an introduction to us and a fond farewell to our graduating cohort. Whether you be a prospective student, employer or friend, we invite you to join us in toasting what has been another vintage year. The guys and gals have worked their socks off, an excellent gang indeed and we are incredibly proud of our success. Team Textiles
Salut Welcome to our programme and our end of year handbook, which highlights the joys, accolades and dedication that forms part of the experience of the BA (Hons) Printed Textiles & Surface Pattern Design cohort. Documented and assembled in March, we seek to provide you dear reader; a snapshot of our experiences and journeys. It is a visual narrative that seeks to summarise our passion, our creativity, our curiosity and our professionalism. As a team, indeed a tribe, of printers, dyers, illustrators, stylists, colourists, makers and creators in the widest sense, we have shared values, ideas and amused ourselves with the joy that is design. We are incredibly proud of our efforts here, for three years we’ve toiled, laboured and just occasionally partied our way to creating a reputation. A reputation for success, based on innovation, ardour, commitment and camaderie. Within this yearbook, you’ll see more than just a ‘business card’ of each individual, we aim to offer you insights to events and experiences that underpin our whole programme philosophy, how we work and importantly, why we are ready for the wider world of employment, enterprise and creative ventures. This book then is both an introduction to us and a fond farewell to our graduating cohort. Whether you be a prospective student, employer or friend, we invite you to join us in toasting what has been another vintage year. The guys and gals have worked their socks off, an excellent gang indeed and we are incredibly proud of our success. Team Textiles
Salut Welcome to our programme and our end of year handbook, which highlights the joys, accolades and dedication that forms part of the experience of the BA (Hons) Printed Textiles & Surface Pattern Design cohort. Documented and assembled in March, we seek to provide you dear reader; a snapshot of our experiences and journeys. It is a visual narrative that seeks to summarise our passion, our creativity, our curiosity and our professionalism. As a team, indeed a tribe, of printers, dyers, illustrators, stylists, colourists, makers and creators in the widest sense, we have shared values, ideas and amused ourselves with the joy that is design. We are incredibly proud of our efforts here, for three years we’ve toiled, laboured and just occasionally partied our way to creating a reputation. A reputation for success, based on innovation, ardour, commitment and camaderie.
Within this yearbook, you’ll see more than just a ‘business card’ of each individual, we aim to offer you insights to events and experiences that underpin our whole programme philosophy, how we work and importantly, why we are ready for the wider world of employment, enterprise and creative ventures. This book then is both an introduction to us and a fond farewell to our graduating cohort. Whether you be a prospective student, employer or friend, we invite you to join us in toasting what has been another vintage year. The guys and gals have worked their socks off, an excellent gang indeed and we are incredibly proud of our success. Team Textiles
Salut Welcome to our programme and our end of year handbook, which highlights the joys, accolades and dedication that forms part of the experience of the BA (Hons) Printed Textiles & Surface Pattern Design cohort. Documented and assembled in March, we seek to provide you dear reader; a snapshot of our experiences and journeys. It is a visual narrative that seeks to summarise our passion, our creativity, our curiosity and our professionalism. As a team, indeed a tribe, of printers, dyers, illustrators, stylists, colourists, makers and creators in the widest sense, we have shared values, ideas and amused ourselves with the joy that is design. We are incredibly proud of our efforts here, for three years we’ve toiled, laboured and just occasionally partied our way to creating a reputation. A reputation for success, based on innovation, ardour, commitment and camaderie. Within this yearbook, you’ll see more than just a ‘business card’ of each individual, we aim to offer you insights to events and experiences that underpin our whole programme philosophy, how we work and importantly, why we are ready for the wider world of employment, enterprise and creative ventures. This book then is both an introduction to us and a fond farewell to our graduating cohort. Whether you be a prospective student, employer or friend, we invite you to join us in toasting what has been another vintage year. The guys and gals have worked their socks off, an excellent gang indeed and we are incredibly proud of our success. Team Textiles
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t Team Tex
Salut Welcome to our programme and our end of year handbook, which highlights the joys, accolades and dedication that forms part of the experience of the BA (Hons) Printed Textiles & Surface Pattern Design cohort. Documented and assembled in March, we seek to provide you dear reader; a snapshot of our experiences and journeys. It is a visual narrative that seeks to summarise our passion, our creativity, our curiosity and our professionalism. As a team, indeed a tribe, of printers, dyers, illustrators, stylists, colourists, makers and creators in the widest sense, we have shared values, ideas and amused ourselves with the joy that is design. We are incredibly proud of our efforts here, for three years we’ve toiled, laboured and just occasionally partied our way to creating a reputation. A reputation for success, based on innovation, ardour, commitment and camaderie. Within this yearbook, you’ll see more than just a ‘business card’ of each individual, we aim to offer you insights to events and experiences that underpin our whole programme philosophy, how we work and importantly, why we are ready for the wider world of employment, enterprise and creative ventures. This book then is both an introduction to us and a fond farewell to our graduating cohort. Whether you be a prospective student, employer or friend, we invite you to join us in toasting what has been another vintage year. The guys and gals have worked their socks off, an excellent gang indeed and we are incredibly proud of our success. Team Textiles