Relishing a strawberry cake with juicy garnishing Among the many delicious desserts available all over the world, the strawberry cake has been the most popular one. The cake itself is a delicious amalgamation of strawberries, one of the juiciest and sweetest fruits on this planet as well as cream, cheese and many more. The best thing about such a cake is that it could be made using a variety of ways and recipes and the taste only gets better since the basic ingredient is strawberry which is in itself a very tasty fruit. So it is advisable that the juiciest strawberries are chosen from and then handpicked to make them a part of a delicious dessert. While the name has a fancy ring to it, making a strawberry cake is fairly easy. Apart from the obvious strawberries, cake flour, baking powder, butter, sugar, eggs and a bit of vanilla essence are the ingredients that are normally put in an ordinary strawberry cake. Something called a strawberry glaze is also put on top of the cake and the glaze consists of made of crushed strawberries, powdered sugar, butter and vanilla. It is a sort of a topping, which is spread on top of the cake once it has been baked and ready to be served. Over the years, the techniques of making a strawberry cake have become different from what it used to be in different regions of the world. Desserts have become more open to experimentation today and hence various other ingredients are being added to the traditional strawberry cake to ensure that it looks different, tastes different and feels different to whoever is eating it. Whipped cream is now often used while making such a cake because whipped cream increases the taste. Even decorating the cake has become a different experimentation now as different decorations have been welcomed. A strawberry cake has ceased to become a standalone cake now since it is constantly becoming a strawberry cream cake which is rich in creamy layers as well as layers of strawberries not only on the top but in between the creamy layers as well. As delicious as the description sounds, making it is not as easy as making a regular strawberry cake but undoubtedly the end result is satisfying to both the appetite as well as the senses. A strawberry cupcake is also a very satisfying mini dessert of sorts because one whole could be popped into the mouth and the taste of a juicy strawberry right on the top is not something any dessert lover would dare to miss. A strawberry cake is no longer only a large cake served with raw strawberries on the top because the taste of strawberry has a global appeal and hence strawberry cakes are attempting to reach out in various forms, sizes, shapes and recipes, though the core ingredient obviously remains the same. Strawberry cream rolls are also a form of the strawberry cake without the garnishing. So keep an eye out for such strawberry cakes and sit down to satisfy your taste buds the moment you come across one.