Proposal introducing new products names for Premium, A Goodhope Company.
Client: Goodhope Asia Holdings Ltd. Products: - Cost Effective Ice Cream Emulsion Fats - Cost Effective Confectionary Moulding Fats - Ice Cream Coating Fats - Center Filling Fats Proposal for: Introducing new product names Date: 17th June 2015
BACKGROUND Premium Vegetable Oils (PVO) is a specialty fats manufacturing company with a history of more than 25 years. The company pioneered in manufacturing specialty fats from Palm Oil and Coconut Oil in Malaysia. Currently PVO exports to more than 55 countries and the product brands are well known among the current customers. With an advent of a new innovation strategy, the company has embarked on an aggressive new product development drive to capture lost and new markets. PVO competes with some of the most technically advance players in the oils & fats industry. Although current brands are strong and well known, PVO intends to develop several new brands to capture lost and new markets.
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CURRENT PORTFOLIO Currently the portfolio consists of following key B2B product lines. 1. N’CHOX - The range denotes the chocolate and confectionary fats that can be categorized as Cocoa Butter Substitutes. The letter “N” denotes the first letter of the original owners of PVO, almost 20 years ago. The letter “chox” refers to chocolate (broadly the category of foods). 2. N’COTE - Similar to above. The word “COTE” denotes that the range is for coating of chocolates. However, the product has a much wider use and hence the name limits the use. 3. P’COTE - The letter “P” refers to “Premium” in PVO. The word “coat” denotes that it is for coating purposes. However, the product can also be used for wider variety of other uses. 4. N’ICE - The letter “N” is for “Nalin”, the previous owners and ICE denotes that the range is for Ice creams and related products. 5. INFAT - This name is a go-to name where, any product that does not specifically come under any of the above definitions can be parked under this heading. 6. P’CHOX - Refers to a range of Premium chocolate fats going for chocolate industry. The product range is different in its constitutions to the Nchox range. Apart from the above, there are 15 other brand names representing different applications.
04 Proposal by 365 DEGREES. 17th June 2015.
NOTE In line with the Guidelines set out in the Branding Brief, the following names have been developed with the intention to primarily create a link between the product, its brand and the relevant food application category. The names also try to create a sense of excitement in the product, by focusing on not just its application, but also the experience of eating that these products will ultimately lead to. In this sense also, the name denote a shift away from the previous ownership inferred in the name, but signal instead, a product-oriented exciting new name created through a new focus on diverse new products. The names are also created through wordplay that would easily accommodate extensions and additions as new products are introduced, while remaining stylistically similar both in terms of the visual and the semantics.
05 Proposal by 365 DEGREES. 17th June 2015.
FIVE APPROACHES PROPOSED IN THIS DOCUMENT Disclaimer: A gradual migration of some current product names is suggested. 5 approaches proposed in this document;
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APPROACH 01 - EXISTING STYLE This naming style approach is based on the existing product name styles in order to maintain consistency throughout the existing product portfolio and naming convention of Premium. Keeping this in mind the following individual product names are proposed. There are many products varying from cost effective products, premium products to high-end niche products when taking into consideration the total product portfolio of (PVO). Therefore, these products have been strategically categorized in the following manner. 1. N - “Niche” Product Range. E.g.: N’Fill (A high-end center filling fat) 2. P - “Premium” Product Range. E.g.: P’Mold (A premium molding fat) 3. V - “Value” product range. E.g.: V’Ice (A cost effective ice cream emulsion fat)
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Cost Effective Ice Cream Emulsion Fats: P’Ice | V’Ice
Rationale: TThe existing names in the range carry the letter “P” for a Premium (Premium range) product. Considering that “Ice Cream Emulsion Fats” being a Premium product the letter “P” and the relevant food category “ICE” taken into consideration, “P’Ice” can been proposed as a new product name. Since this product is a “Cost Effective” Ice Cream Emulsion Fat, it could be named as V’Ice as explained above.
Cost Effective Confectionary Moulding Fats: P’Mold | V’Mold
Rationale: The existing names in the range carry the letter “P” for a Premium (Premium range) product. Considering that “Confectionary Moulding Fats” being a premium product the letter “P” and the relevant food category “Moulding” taken into consideration, “P’Mold” can been proposed as a new product name. Since this product is a “Cost Effective” Confectionary Moulding Fat, it could be named as V’Mold as explained above.
Ice Cream Coating Fats: Option 01 - P’Icy Cote | P’Cote
Rationale: The existing names in the range carry the letter “P” for a Premium (Premium range) product. With “Ice Cream Coating Fats” being a premium product the letter “P” and the relevant food category “Ice Coating” taken into consideration, “P’Icy Cote” has been proposed as new product names.
Ice Cream Coating Fats: Option 02 - N’Cote | N’Icy Cote
Rationale: Considering “Ice Cream Coating Fats” as a Niche product the letter “N” and the relevant food category “Coating”, taken into consideration, “N’Cote” and “N’Icy Cote” has been proposed as a new product name.
Center Filling Fats: Option 01 - P’Fill
Rationale: The existing names in the range carry the letter “P” for a Premium (Premium range) product. With “Center Filling Fats” being a premium product the letter “P” and the relevant food category “Filling” taken into consideration, “P’Fill” has been proposed as new product names.
Center Filling Fats: Option 02 - N’Fill
Rationale: Considering “Center Filling Fats” as a Niche product the letter “N” and the relevant food category “Filling”, taken into consideration, “N’Fill” has been proposed as a new product name.
08 Proposal by 365 DEGREES. 17th June 2015.
APPROACH 02 - EXCITEMENT The thought behind creating a style of this nature is to create a sense of excitement in the product, by focusing on not just its application, but also the experience of eating these products will ultimately lead to.
09 Proposal by 365 DEGREES. 17th June 2015.
Cost Effective Ice Cream Emulsion Fats: Crème-Ice
Rationale: The play is on the word ‘cream’ here, given that this type of fat goes into the body of the ice cream. Crème is also associated with and heightens the idea of an ‘emulsion.’ It is also a catchy name that signifies an appealing eating experience.
Cost Effective Confectionary Moulding Fats: Mould-Dèlice (or Mold- Dèlice) | Melt-Dèlice
Rationale:The play here is on the word ‘delicious,’ ‘delight’ and ‘deliquesce’ (which in a different context means to melt). The focus here could be either on the product (moulding fats) or how it will be used (melting). The option of spelling preferences is also available.
Ice Cream Coating Fats: Glacè-Ice
Rationale: The play here is both on the idea of the product category, which is ice cream coating, and also the idea of the shiny popsicle/imagery of coating in the word glacè.
Center Filling Fats: Fill-Dèlice | Centre-Dèlice
Rationale: The use of the word ‘dèlice’ here is a stylistic repetition of a word so that it has clear product-oriented connections. The word is also is indicative of the sensory consuming experience of filed chocolate, with a focus on the product itself (center filling fats).
10 Proposal by 365 DEGREES. 17th June 2015.
APPROACH 03 - THE BLEND OPTION 01 The thought behind creating this naming style is mainly focused on the product category and its function. The names under approach 3 are a blend between the product function and the category. E.g.: Ice (Food category) + Blend (Function) = IceBlend.
11 Proposal by 365 DEGREES. 17th June 2015.
Cost Effective Ice Cream Emulsion Fats: IceBlend | IcyBlend
Rationale: The play is on the words ‘Ice’ and ‘emulsion (blend)”. The name is a combination of Ice (Food category) and Blend (Function). Hence, IceBlend/ IcyBlend.
Cost Effective Confectionary Moulding Fats: ChocoMold | ChocMold
Rationale: The play is on the words ‘Choc’ and ‘Mold”. The name is a combination of Choco (Food category) and Mold (Function). Hence, ChocoMold/ ChocMold.
Ice Cream Coating Fats: IcyCote | IceCote
Rationale: The play is on the words ‘Ice’ and ‘Cote”. The name is a combination of Ice (Food category) and Cote (Function). Hence, IcyCote/ IceCote.
Center Filling Fats: ChocoFill | CenterFill
Rationale: The play is on the words ‘Chocolate’, ‘Center’ and ‘Mold”. The name is a combination of Choco, Center (Food category) and Fill (Function). Hence, ChocoFill/ CenterFill.
12 Proposal by 365 DEGREES. 17th June 2015.
APPROACH 04 - THE BLEND OPTION 01 - ABBREVIATED VERSION The thought behind creating this naming style is mainly focused on the product category and its function as in approach 03. The names under approach 4 are a blend between the product function and the category. E.g.: i for Ice (Food category) + Emulsion (Function) = i.Emulsion.
13 Proposal by 365 DEGREES. 17th June 2015.
Cost Effective Ice Cream Emulsion Fats: i.Emulsion | i.Blend Cost Effective Confectionary Moulding Fats: c.Molding | c.Mold Ice Cream Coating Fats: i.Cote Center Filling Fats: c.Fill
14 Proposal by 365 DEGREES. 17th June 2015.
APPROACH 05 - INITIALIZER/ IDENTIFIER This naming style was created with the intention of incorporating all initials of the product name’s individual words. E.g.: Ice Cream Emulsion Fats (I.C.E.F). This style has more of a scientific and product specific approach compared to other options. This style of naming approach is generally appropriate for B2B products. E.g.: C.F.F.20 (A 20% Center Filling Fat). E.g.: C.F.F.80 (A 80% Center Filling Fat).
15 Proposal by 365 DEGREES. 17th June 2015.
Cost Effective Ice Cream Emulsion Fats: I.C.E, I.C.E.F Cost Effective Confectionary Moulding Fats: C.M, C.M.F Ice Cream Coating Fats: I.C.C, I.C.C.F Center Filling Fats: C.F, C.F.F
16 Proposal by 365 DEGREES. 17th June 2015.
Cr�me-Ice The most cost effective ice cream emulsion fats range Proposal by 365 DEGREES. 17th June 2015.
IcyCote The most cost effective ice cream emulsion fats range
Proposal by 365 DEGREES. 17th June 2015.
The richest filling ingredient
Proposal by 365 DEGREES. 17th June 2015.
Ice Cream Coating Fats
Proposal by 365 DEGREES. 17th June 2015.
1245a, Rajamalwatte Road, Battaramulla. 17th June 2015.