2 minute read
This book is the Visual Campaign for the Fashion Brand Management module. The task of marketing myself as a social media influencer has been researched, developed, planned and informed by the Concept Direction and Development module; however, some areas have been adapted and changed in response to the testing stages of my campaign. This is to enable me to create the pathway for a career as a content creator in the fashion industry that will provide a sustainable income. I would consider this campaign the kick-start of my career, my research, development and testing acting as a business plan or life plan for me to build upon and expand in the future. Kit Dickson is an ambassador for genderless fashion, genderless beauty, self-expression, the blurring of masculine and feminine, and the relatable online personality that some could see as a friend or like-minded individual. This legacy is important for me to create as not only will it create a bond with my audience and therefore, a loyal following; but it will also allow me to establish this safe space where escapism can be found, and judgement does not exist. I am using this platform to stand up for what I believe in and to live my life how I want to, to inspire others to do the same or to normalise this behaviour for those parts of the world that are still so restrictive in terms of people’s freedom and lack of ability to experiment or express themselves.
Shoot 1.0
Using my iPhone, natural light and a tripod I was able to achieve a headshot inspired by a still from supermodel Kendall Jenner. This initial shoot was me testing the waters and trying to get a good headshot as a starting point for my social media page. My makeup is minimal to accentuate my features, and my hair is also parted and pushed back so as to not take away from my face. From the reference picture, the inclusion of my hands is self-explanatory, however, I also wanted to include them due to the fact that my nails are a big part of my personality. They are like a piece of armour I wear, and they complete my confident persona. The second reason I decided to include my hands in the shot was due to the way my face is shaped. In the last few pictures, you can see that my face is not symmetrical. I chose to mask this as I feel it gave a purposefully unsymmetrical finish to the photo rather than an accidental one. The biggest thing I learned on this shoot was to check the background! The carrier bags in the background required editing and removal as they ruined the clean look and distracted from the face as it was the only part of the background that wasn’t a plain wall or block colour.