!"#$%&" Welcome and thank you for your interest in Tamatea High School. At the time of printing this prospectus the Board of Trustees was busy looking to appoint our next Principal. This school offers students a wide range of opportunities and looks to offer the very best in education. Tamatea High School focuses on individual pathways and is responsive to each student’s needs. The small size of the school means that students retain their own personal identity and are not lost in the crowd. The co-educational environment reflects that of the wider community and, as such, for many students is a more natural learning environment. Students attending this school benefit in a number of ways. The students are well known to each other and to the staff. This safe environment is a lot less daunting, certainly for younger students entering secondary school education for the first time. To assist with this transition to secondary school, Year 9 classes will be of 25 students or less. The Junior Diploma which operates at Year 9 and Year 10 encourages students to work to their full potential and rewards them for their successes. It allows students to gain credits for their achievements and work towards an end of year Diploma. This reflects the assessment methods of the National Certificate in Educational Achievement (NCEA) in the senior school. The Junior Diploma encourages and challenges by offering Merit and Excellence awards for those students excelling in any particular unit of work. There is also the opportunity to gain a Merit or Excellence Diploma for outstanding performance across the curriculum. The school offers excellent facilities. Our well-equipped Library gives students a modern information centre that features internet access, video conferencing, discussion and audio visual rooms. There is an ongoing refurbishment of classrooms to provide modern learning environments. Tamatea High School provides and receives learning by Video Conference. This means that our students can enjoy a wide range of subjects from throughout the country. It is the aim of Tamatea High School to be a community school: to develop relationships with our community, to be welcoming and inclusive of parents and to build our relationship with local organisations and businesses. At Tamatea High School our young people are given a great many opportunities to develop and pursue their interests and passions. Please contact the school to arrange an appointment and discuss the many opportunities available at Tamatea High School. W E Pearson Chairperson Tamatea High School Board of Trustees
Nigel Groom Deputy Principal
Merrill Graham Deputy Principal
A school environment that recognises the individual needs of students
A commitment to class sizes of 25 or less at Year 9
A Junior Diploma that rewards each individual student’s efforts and prepares him/her for the senior school
A co-educational setting preparing boys and girls for the world beyond school
A focus on personal excellence in all activities
An extensive range of facilities and buildings that are well maintained and presented
Firm school and classroom learning expectations clearly stated throughout the school (Responsibilities, Rights and Rules).
A high standard of teaching practice which provides a quality learning environment
A relevant and flexible curriculum designed to meet individual student needs and provide a wide range of individual choices
An appreciation of the importance of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) as an educational learning tool
Video Conference Learning that allows our students to access a wide range of subjects that would not otherwise be available to them
A commitment to providing ‘learning support’ to better meet the needs of the individual, including extension, remedial, disability, behavioural and vocational support, plus an extensive guidance and career network.
A strong emphasis on maintaining a culture of inclusion and consideration for all, resulting in the establishment of a warm, safe and supportive learning environment
Opportunities for student leadership
A strong peer support network
Consistent regional achievement in the Performing Arts disciplines of Drama, Kapa Haka, Music, Debating and Dance
A partnership in TeamTamatea; “An innovative learning community of educational organisations within the Tamatea area, collectively working towards a seamless education from early childhood through to secondary school.”
.2",3%+04, %-,.0/(.""(, 5*(*%6 Our school is a community learning centre that develops individual pathways for students in order to encourage and support them to achieve personal standards of excellence in a caring environment.
&*((*%6, (.+."&"6. Tamatea High School aims to be the school of first choice
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To promote the Junior Diploma to prepare students for success in the National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA).
To lift the National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA) pass rates in Levels 1, 2 and 3 to above the national average.
To celebrate cultural diversity through inclusiveness.
To develop school pride through extra-curricula activities that enhance a holistic approach to education.
!2+.,.2",(./4"6.(,(+9 Codee Wilkins - Year: 9 • Peer Support was fun and we met some really nice senior students. We still see them in the grounds during breaks. • House Group time is fun. We have House Competitions including activities like “Brain Teasers”. • Our House Group teacher is nice and we talk to her if we have any problems and she helps to sort it out. • I have made many new friends and I like getting to know people better. • I enjoy playing Netball and Basketball.
Caleb Hoare - Year: 9 • There are a lot of new opportunities at Tamatea High School and you feel safe. • The timetable was easy to get used to. The House Group teacher and older students help you. • Peer Support was cool. The seniors did lots of fun things with us and we got to know the school and some seniors better. • Art is my favourite subject. The teacher helps us to develop our individual ideas artistically. • The Junior Diploma is good as it gives us something to work towards and to achieve.
Samantha Hunt - Year: 10 • Tamatea High School is a friendly school. There are always plenty of people to talk to. • There is extra support to help you with your learning in the classroom. Also some of us have one-to-one help with reading. • We can use the computers in the library to do some of our school work. There are lots of good books to read and to help with projects. • I like my English classroom. It is colourful and warm. • The Real Game helps us to choose careers we are interested in. This will help us when we make our subject choices for Year 11, NCEA Level 1.
Trent Ngawaka - Year: 10 • Golden Ferns make us want to do more good things to earn points for our House. • I am in Tawa House and I like the House System because you get to know more students from different year groups. • I enjoy the school activity days such as Tabloid Sports, Cross Country and Athletics. • There are heaps of sports you can play like Basketball and Touch. • I like the way our school supports events like the CanTeen Bandanna Day, Youth Week and Anzac Day.
Micah Malaitai - Year: 11 • There a lot of opportunities and things to do. • I have made some cool friends from different classes. • Golden Ferns show you how good you are in class – achievement, attitude and behaviour. I am in Rata House and it is good to get points for Rata. • At break times I like to play sports with my friends. We also play a variety of different games for “House Wars”.
!2+.,.2",(./4"6.(,(+9 Rosie Crawley - Year: 11 • The teachers are supportive and help you when you are stuck on something. • You form good relationships with teachers and they give you a lot of attention and help you achieve academically. • Being a smaller school allows our staff to have more time to assist students individually and give them support to reach their goals.
Sonja Murray - Year: 12 • • • • •
I like all the sports that you can play as well as the fun sports days. The library is great and it provides very good resources. I like the small classes as it is easier to learn There are a wide range of classes to cater for a variety of interests. There are many opportunities available whether they involve sports, languages or just basic classes. There is always something you can gain. • Tamatea High School is a friendly, multicultural environment with a dedicated staff and supportive peers. • School systems are uncomplicated and easy to follow.
Daniel VongPhaChanh - Year: 12 • The school is friendly and you get to know your teachers well and you recognise everyone’s face. • The learning environment is positive and, as there are small numbers, the teachers can spend quality time with individuals. • House spirit is built up with weekly House Challenges and the House Haka Competition. • There are opportunities for personal growth- sports, cultural and academic- for you to take up if you want to.
Matthew Gray - Year 13 • Tamatea High School provides an easy environment to learn and develop skills • A small community school has benefits such as being able to know most students. • There are good chances of receiving individual help from teachers. • Distance learning facilities allow students to take a subject not normally available. • Smaller classes help to improve learning capabilities. • There are lots of opportunities in academic and sporting areas. • Extra activities such as House sport competitions provide a source of healthy/friendly challenges.
Stevie Ashby- Year 13 • A great aspect of Tamatea High School is getting to know different people, make friends and learn about other cultures. • Each student can find their place at Tamatea High School whether it is in sport, music, academics or Kapa Haka. • The Peer Support Programme helps the Year 9 students to settle into our school environment. • Playing sport is a great way to make new friends and build relationships between different year levels. I am in the soccer team. • The teachers encourage students to be involved in a variety of outside of school activities. I am a member of the Napier Youth Council which is a great way of representing the school and community.
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Compulsory for Year 9 and 10 students
Based on NCEA, students can earn credits throughout the year
Credits contribute to earning a Diploma at the end of the year
Merit and Excellence Diplomas can be earned for above average or outstanding performance
Students are able to familiarise themselves with standards based assessment and how to operate in a credit earning environment thus preparing them for senior school and NCEA
Students are motivated to accumulate credits over a range of curricular and extra-curricular areas
Individual student progress towards attaining the Diploma is reported on regularly to parents/caregivers
7%#4"6,-"06,+!+04( The Golden Fern Award is a parallel programme that rewards good performance in self-management in each subject. This is done each term on a points basis. The points are awarded on a zero to four scale for: • Organisation • Social Responsibility • Attitude towards learning • Attendance Golden Fern Awards are presented at assemblies, with the Gold Awards presented at the end of the year prizegiving. In addition, there are trophies for the top junior and senior students. The Golden Fern Cup is awarded to the student who gains the greatest number of Golden Ferns over the year.
$/00*$/#/& Year 9 students are offered a broad based programme with emphasis on the essential learning areas of the National Curriculum. These areas are: Arts, English, Mathematics, Physical Education and Health, Science, Social Studies and Technology. Some flexibility and student choice is provided for within the Arts and Language courses. In Year 10 the essential learning areas remain the basis for programmes with students being given some choice in selecting specialist subjects to carry through into the senior school. Year 10 students also complete a Junior Diploma. Senior students (Years 11, 12 and 13) are able to choose any combination from the courses provided and study towards NCEA at Level I, 2 or 3. Students are assessed against either Achievement Standards or Unit Standards to gain credits. At each level 80 credits must be gained in order to qualify for the National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA), which at Level 1 includes a minimum literacy and numeracy requirement. In addition, our Career Education Department provides an extensive range of individualised programmes for our senior students. Gateway offers a key individualised programme to each student that allows them to explore possible future career options. Students participate in work experience while gaining credits towards industry qualifications.
$/#./0+#,+$.*5*.*"( Students take every advantage of cultural opportunities within the school and are strongly encouraged to do so. The Performing Arts area, in particular, is where students are very keen to participate and where our students are traditionally very successful.
Drama courses are available at Year 9 and 10 and for NCEA Levels I and 2.
The school has developed a tradition of participation in annual events including shows like Stage Challenge, productions and ‘mini’ performances.
Students have the opportunity to attend shows and film productions.
Maori Performing Arts (MPA) courses are available at Year 9 and 10 and for NCEA Levels I and 2.
The school’s Kapa Haka group participates and competes annually in the regional Kapa Haka Festival and in the Super 14.
Students are well supported by their peers and by staff.
The Kapa Haka group pohiri manuhiri and lead the school in cultural performances.
We have a purpose-built Music suite with superb teaching and practice facilities.
We offer both full academic and performance programmes from Years 9 to 13.
Tuition is available for all mainstream musical instruments.
There are many opportunities to perform and participate in competitions, school events and assemblies.
We actively encourage international languages within the curriculum , with French and Japanese taught at each level.
We host students from all over the world.
We have approximately 15 international fee paying students. These students come from Asia, South America and the Middle East. We are currently developing links with European countries.
We regularly have a number of exchange students participating in one of the many exchange programmes available.
We actively encourage our students to travel overseas on a variety of exchange programmes.
We celebrate International Languages Week.
()%0. Tamatea High School recognises the importance of providing sporting opportunities for students while at secondary school and the benefits of team involvement. We offer an extensive range of sports played at local secondary school competition level. In the last 12 months a growing participation rate and an increasing number of school teams has been noted and is encouraging. Every effort is made to accommodate student interests, and codes are introduced and/or maintained by student demand. Tamatea High School, in conjunction with Taradale High School and William Colenso College, participate in a sports development initiative. The aim of this programme is to have a greater number of students actively involved in sport and recreation. Teams participate in the following sports:
Tennis Cricket Volleyball Soccer Swimming
Badminton Basketball Hockey Cross Country Squash
Netball Rugby Canoe Polo Athletics Triathlon
The Director of Sport manages and leads sports development within the school and is ably assisted by the Sports Co-ordinator who is responsible for the administration associated with sport.
Student Council includes Sports Prefects who lead the Sports Sub-Committee where they are joined by eight House Prefects and staff.
The school has signed the “Fair Play” Charter and actively promotes its philosophy.
The school encourages high levels of participation by subsidising sports costs for students.
Students involved in team sport are expected to be fully committed, and a very high level of attendance at practices and games is expected.
Interhouse sports are held regularly to encourage participation and competition.
The school is developing links with local clubs to complement school sports and to ease the transition to club sport after leaving school.
A keenly contested inter-house sports programme is maintained throughout the year.
(./4"6.,#"+4"0(2*) We believe students are capable of producing innovative ideas, developing effective solutions to problems and taking on leadership roles within the school. STUDENT LEADERSHIP Our students are actively encouraged to take on leadership roles and many activities are organised almost entirely by students (for example Stage Challenge). Senior students attend a leadership camp at the beginning of the school year. Prefects attend the Young Leadersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Day in Wellington. Junior leadership is also encouraged with ten Year 10 students undertaking the Spirit of Adventure Challenge each year.
STUDENT COUNCIL Senior students lead the Student Council. This group comprises of the Head Boy and Head Girl, Deputy Head Boy and Deputy Head Girl, Cultural, Pastoral, Academic, Sports and House Prefects, plus the Student Board of Trustees Representative. They meet regularly with the Principal to discuss student led initiatives in the school.
STUDENT FORUM Forum is made up of representatives from each form class and is chaired by the Head Boy and Head Girl. Forum meets regularly and is encouraged to contribute to school management by raising issues of student concern. It also develops student awareness of issues as appropriate, and takes a service role within the wider community. The Principal places a great deal of importance on Forum requests. In addition, a number of our students are trained as Peer Mediators, Peer Support Leaders and Sexual Harassment contact people. Some students serve on staff committees.
HOUSE EVENTS The school houses are: Kauri, Miro, Rata and Tawa. Each house is led by two student Prefects. Our house system is designed to foster team spirit and co-operative attitudes while at the same time developing a level of competitiveness which enhances performance. House activities include both sporting and cultural events.
PEER SUPPORT Some senior students are trained as Peer Support Leaders who work with Year 9 students assisting them to settle in to life at secondary school.
OUTDOOR EDUCATION Senior students, including members of the Student Council, Peer Support Leaders and senior Physical Education classes, take a key role in our Junior Outdoor Education programmes. All Year 9 and 10 students are encouraged to participate in an annual camp where they are joined by seniors who provide support and encouragement and take leadership roles working alongside staff. Year 9 camps are usually held in Term One and Year 10 camps in Term Four.
Stevie Ashby HEAD GIRL
Matthew Gray HEAD BOY
7/*4+6$" While teaching and learning is our core business the school recognises the need to help students develop skills in relating to others by giving opportunities for personal growth and development. Our Guidance structure helps achieve these aims and guide students to reach their full potential.
Every student is placed in a Form Class.
A Form Teacher monitors each studentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s progress, attendance and well-being.
Each year level has a Dean responsible for student welfare.
Additionally, the school has a Whanau Dean who assists the Year Level Deans in their work.
Deans and Form Teachers encourage contact from parents to discuss progress or concerns.
Every student has access to the Guidance Counsellor who is trained and experienced in helping students to deal with school and personal issues.
Our School Attendance Officer provides a critical link between school and home. Attending school is key to a successful learning outcome.
A Careers Team advises and interviews students at all levels of the school on careers and training opportunities.
#"+06*67,(/))%0. The school aims to maximise learning opportunities by providing a range of learning support measures. Extension and Remedial Programmes for individual students are provided in Year 9 and/or Year 10. Special Education pathways are provided for students with medium to high level physical and intellectual disabilities. Fairhaven Satellite School is located on site and provides a secondary school environment for students with some mainstream opportunities. Te Waka Awhina provides a house room environment for students requiring support. Staff work with students and parents to set and achieve appropriate goals. Students are reintegrated into main stream classes as they are ready. Additionally, we provide support for students with specific behavioural needs. The support available includes: learning support and alternative and individualised programmes. The Dean, Resource Teacher: Learning and Behaviour (RTLB), Home Liaison Whanau Support person, senior staff and external agencies all work together to provide support for the individual to gain success and to achieve.
$%&&/6*.9,($2%%# Any school is part of a community. We believe that the school has a responsibility to forge and maintain a partnership with its community, particularly its caregivers.
To this end, the school places great emphasis on: •
Being available for caregivers to contact and meet
Staffroom with parents and caregivers on a variety of issues
Communicating with parents via weekly newsletters
Providing a welcoming reception area for visitors
Providing the community with up-to-date and relevant educational programmes for adults
Making available the school facilities, such as the auditorium and gymnasium, for public use Developing relationships with community groups, organisations and local businesses
Consultation The school community is consulted concerning the direction of the school. This consultation is by way of meetings, target groups, surveys and newsletters. Specific target groups, such as Maori or Pacific Island, meet to discuss the school direction.
Newsletter A weekly newsletter is produced to inform families of the school’s news.
Website The school website, www.tamatea.school.nz has a wide range of school information. The School Canteen The canteen provides a range of food and beverages at Break 1 and Break 2 and is monitored by the Board of Trustees. Increasingly the canteen is committed to providing healthy and economical food for students with the menu changing regularly in response to student, parent and staff feedback. The Stationery and Uniform Shop Located on site, the shop is open Mon/ Wed/Fri 1.30 – 2.15pm for the first two weeks of each term and then Fridays only for the rest of the Term. Extra openings are arranged at the start of the year and prior to the commencement of each term. The shop: -
Sells new and secondhand (on behalf) uniforms.
Sells stationery.
(Classroom and learning expectations)
Listen silently to the teacher
Be prepared for work
Respect others and the learning environment
Be on time to class
Follow instructions the first time they are given
Recently Tamatea High School has embraced Restorative Practices. These practices are a dynamic and innovative way of dealing with conflict in our school. They promote understanding and repairing conflict situations rather then assigning blame or dispensing punishment. We have noticed that using restorative practices has improved the quality of school life through conflict resolution and assists all students to develop active citizenship skills, good self-esteem, open communication and team work skills.
Launched in 2002 this initiative represents the coming together of the educational providers in the Tamatea area. TeamTamatea is an ‘innovative learning community’ and is focused on the development of improved learning opportunities and the creation of a seamless curriculum for our young people from early childhood through to 18 years.
."+&.+&+."+, )+0.6"0(,+0"G • Tamatea High School
• Tamatea Intermediate
• Tamatea Primary School
• Porritt Primary School
• Tamatea Kindergarten
• Wharerangi Kindergarten
• Tamatea Playcentre
• Chipmunks Day Care
• Fairhaven Special School
3+9#*6H Tamatea High School works collaboratively with Napier Girls’ High School, Hastings Girls’ High School, Taradale High School and Central Hawkes Bay College to develop models of best practice for learning and teaching.