Private Bag 902, Timaru 7940, New Zealand International Phone: +64 3 687 1800
0800 426 725 | | TIMARU | CHRISTCHURCH | ASHBURTON | OAMARU | DUNEDIN Follow us on Facebook
PROGRAMME INFORMATION 2012 Terms and Conditions of Enrolment Aoraki Polytechnic reserves the right to alter training start dates or amend training content as required. Commencement of all training is subject to sufficient enrolments and gaining internal and external approvals. Fees may also be subject to some alterations prior to commencement.
Aoraki community and make a vital and necessary
Failure to Supply Information Students are advised that failure to supply the information requested by the Polytechnic, or the supply of incomplete or false information may result in the Polytechnic declining or cancelling the enrolment.
contribution to the economic, educational, social and
For your enrolment to be confirmed you must:
cultural development of the region.
provide complete, verified documentary evidence of your full legal name, age, residency status and gender;
provide an approved school exemption certificate from the Ministry of Education if you are under 16 years of age;
state your iwi affiliation information if you identified as New Zealand Mäori in the ethnicity section;
provide accurate information about the last secondary school you attended;
provide information regarding your main occupation or activity in New Zealand on 1 October;
pay all fees before the commencement of the programme;
comply with all relevant Aoraki Polytechnic policies and procedures.
Our Vision To be the tertiary education provider of choice in the
Our Values Excellence in academic outcomes, student support and customer service. Connection and Partnership with industry, community, iwi and other providers. Innovation in programme development and delivery. Professionalism through ethical behaviour and standing. Sustainability by ensuring a financially viable organisation and a healthy workplace. Teamwork by working together and celebrating success.
Checklist Have you: •
Completed all sections of the Enrolment Form in full?
Attached verified documentary evidence of your full legal name, date of birth, citizenship and residency status and gender?
Attached verified programme admission or prerequisite documentation?
Read, signed and dated the declaration?
Sent your Enrolment Form to Aoraki Polytechnic in the Freepost envelope?
Guide to Enrolment available on
Welcome from the Chief Executive Welcome to Aoraki Polytechnic Nau mai ki te Kuratini o Aoraki Tena koutou katoa Greetings to you all. I would like to personally welcome you to Aoraki Polytechnic. We are delighted you have chosen to study at Aoraki Polytechnic where we have qualifications and learning support designed to ensure your success. Aoraki Polytechnic offers high quality education and training which is reflected in the excellent employment outcomes of our graduates. The programmes offered by Aoraki Polytechnic are vocationally orientated and have been developed in collaboration with industry. They will equip you well for employment and provide a firm foundation for future study. Our staff are here to provide a service to you and to facilitate your learning. The future is yours and education is your pathway to success. I am confident you will enjoy your studies with us. My staff and I are here to assist you in growing your knowledge and meeting your desired outcome. E tipu e rea. Stretch out and grow. No reira, tena koutou katoa, na. Kay Nelson Chief Executive
6-16 6-18
Timaru Campus
Education Partners
Christchurch Campus
International Qualifications
Ashburton Campus
International Students
Oamaru Campus
Scholarships, School Liaison and STAR
Dunedin Campus
Student Services, Maori Liaison and Access Aoraki 16
Pathways to Degrees
Student Accommodation, Loans and Allowances 17 Enrolment
19-76 19
Diploma in Arts and Media (Level 6)
Certificate in Arts and Media (Level 4)
Diploma in Painting (Level 6)
Beauty and Hairdressing 23 Diploma in Beauty Therapies and Epilation (Level 5)
Certificate in Beauty Therapy (Level 4)
Certificate in Make-up Artistry (Level 3)
Certificate in Beauty Skills (Introductory) (Level 2)
Certificate in Professional Hairdressing (Level 3)
Certificate in Hairdressing (Level 3)
Business and tourism
New Zealand Diploma in Business (Level 6)
Diploma in Applied Business (Level 5)
Certificate in Business Ownership (Level 4)
Diploma in Adventure Tourism (Level 6)*
Certificate in International Tourism (Level 4)
Certificate in Professional Office Management (Level 3)
National Certificate in Business (First Line Management) (Level 4)
National Certificate in Business (First Line Management) (Level 3)
Health and Education
Aoraki Polytechnic Programme Information 2012
National Certificate in Mental Health (Mental Health Support Work) (Level 4)
Diploma in Social Services (Level 5)
Certificate in Health Studies (Level 4)
National Diploma in Science (Food Technology) (Level 5)*
Certificate in Laboratory Technician Skills (Level 3)
National Certificate in Community Support Services (Team Leader) (Level 5)*
National Certificate in Community Support Services (Intellectual Disability) and (Human Services) (Level 3)
National Certificate in Animal Care (Level 2)
Certificate in Life Skills (Level 1)
Diploma in Childbirth Education (Level 5)
National Certificate in Early Childhood Education and Care (Level 5)
Certificate in Early Childhood Studies (Level 3)
Certificate in Parenting and Care of Children (Level 2)
Certificate in Adult Learning and Teaching (Level 5)
National Certificate in Reo MĂŁori (Level 4)*
English as a Second Language (Intensive English)
National Diploma in Hospitality (Operational Management) (Level 5)*
Certificate in Professional Restaurant, Wine and Bar Service (Level 4)
Certificate in CafĂŠ and Barista Skills (Level 2)
Diploma in Professional Cookery (Level 5)*
Certificate in Patisserie (Level 4)
Certificate in Cookery (Level 3)
National Certificate in Baking (Level 2)
NZQA is currently reviewing all qualifications on the New Zealand Qualifications Framework (Levels 1-6). This review is taking place during the period 2011-2014. Qualifications that are currently approved for delivery may change over this time. All qualifications listed in this prospectus are therefore subject to the changes that may result from the NZQA reviews.
0800 426 725
*Programmes subject to approval
Information Technology 49 Diploma in Information and Communications Technology (Level 6)
Diploma in Information Systems Development (Level 5)
Certificate in Information and Communications Technology (Level 4)
National Certificate in Computing (Level 3)
National Certificate in Computing (Level 2)
Diploma in Radio (Level 5)
Certificate in Radio,Television and Presenting (Level 3)
Diploma in Television Production (Level 6)
Certificate in Film and Television (Level 4)
Diploma in Digital Photography (Level 6)
Certificate in Digital Photography (Level 4)
Certificate in Advertising Design (Level 4)
Certificate in Multimedia and Web Design (Level 4)
Certificate in Creative Writing for Publication (Level 6)
Certificate in Creative Writing (Level 5)
Diploma in Journalism (Level 5)
Certificate in Media Communication (Level 4)
Diploma in 3D Animation (Level 6)
Outdoor EDUCATION AND Sport 61 62
Diploma in Outdoor Instruction and Management (Level 5)
Certificate in Outdoor Recreation (Level 4)
Diploma in Sport and Fitness (Level 5)
National Certificate in Construction (Leading Hand) (Level 4)
Certificate in Carpentry (Level 4)
Certificate in Pre Employment Brick, Block and Paving (Level 3)* 67 Certificate in Ecological Building and Design (Introductory) (Level 5)
Certificate in Natural Building (Level 4)
Introduction to Log Home Construction (Level 4)
Introduction to Log Building Techniques (Level 3)
Certificate in General Engineering (Level 2)
Certificate in Pre-Trade Electrical (Level 2)
Certificate in Automotive Heavy Engineering (Level 3)
Certificate in Motor Body Trades (Level 3) (Collision Repair/Refinishing)
Certificate in Motor Industry (Level 3) (Cars/Motorcycles)
Certificate in Automotive Trades (Level 2)
National Certificate in Agriculture (Level 4)*
National Certificate in Farming Skills (Work Ready) (Level 3)
National Certificate in Agriculture (Introductory) (Level 2)
Certificate in Rural Machinery (Level 2)
National Certificate in Horticulture (Level 4)
National Certificate in Horticulture (Level 3)
Aoraki Polytechnic Programme Information 2012
*Programmes subject to approval
0800 426 725
Diploma in Outdoor Education (Level 6)
Trades and Agriculture
Timaru Campus
Frosts Road
Rural Training Centre Sir Basil Arthur Park 102 Racecourse Rd, Washdyke Phone: (03) 688 2493 Email:
Grey Road North Street
Living and studying in Timaru means you are only about a two hour drive from two major cities and even closer to a stunning array of opportunities. There are so many sporting and adventure activities in the Central South Island region that it is impossible to outline them all here. However, to give you an idea of what is available, a few of the major attractions include: adventure tourism, mountain climbing, white-water rafting, snowboarding, skiing, surfing, boating and fishing. Many more activities are available within the Timaru district.
Timaru Campus
Travis Road
Theodosia Street
To Dunedin
QEII Campus
Anzac Drive
Timaru has many cafés and restaurants. There are art galleries, festivals and live theatre. Timaru is a gateway to the Southern Alps and New Zealand’s highest mountain – Aoraki, Mount Cook.
Timaru Campus 32 Arthur Street, Timaru Private Bag 902, Timaru, 7940 Phone: 0800 426 725 or (03) 687 1800 Email:
Arthur Street
There is everything you need to support your studies as well as an amazing range of leisure, cultural, sporting and adventure opportunities in the Timaru region.
Contact us
Main Reception
When you arrive at Aoraki Polytechnic in Timaru you will find yourself in a scenic provincial city where you will be offered a range of quality student services.
To Christchurch
entre City C
Mental Health Social Services Health Studies Laboratory Technician
36 36 37 37
St re et
Bu rli ng to n
HOSPITALITY Front of House Cookery Baking
62 - 63 64
Building and Construction Engineering Electrical Automotive Trades Castle Street 43 Agriculture and Farming Skills 44 - 45 Horticulture 46 - 47 48
INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 49Mortimer Place Information & Communications Technology
St Andrew Street
27 28 - 30 31 32 33 34
Great King St
50 - 51 52
Oama Campu
Aoraki Polytechnic Programme Information 2012
0800 426 725
Christchurch Campus Carpark
Gasson Street
Pilgrim Place
Moorhouse Avenue Science Alive Building
66 - Alford 69 Forest Roa 69 70 Ashburton Campus Carp 70 - 72 72 - 73 74
Madras Street
Business Business Ownership International Tourism Professional Office Management Business (First Line Management)
Digital Photography Outdoor Education Campus Sport and Fitness
Stuart Street
24 - 25 25 26
Manchester Street
Beauty Therapy Make-up Artistry Hairdressing
Hairdressing Training Salon
t tree er S Bak
Science (Food Technology) 37 Community Support Services 38 39 Animal Care 39 Life Skills Childbirth Education 40 40 Childhood Studies Cumberland Street Adult Education 41 Parenting and Care of Children 41 Dunbar Street 42 English as a Second Language Reo Maori 42
t tree ss S Cro
19 20 - 21 22
e ac Pl
Arts and Media Painting
ay or M
To the Octagon
Timaru Programme GUIDE
Christchurch Campus
Waterloo Rd
Sport Campus (temporary) Christchurch Park, 250 Westminster Street PO Box 22 096, Christchurch, 8011 Phone: 0800 426 725 Email: d rs he Ma
Building and Construction
Va ng eli sL n
St Christchurch Park Campus
Ca rri ck Th St or nt on St
We stm ins ter
OUTDOOR EDUCATION & SPORT 61 Sport and Fitness
Ay les fo rd
Westminister Park
Sp ei gh tS t
54 55 58 60
Sq ui re
Radio Film and Television Creative Writing Media Communication
Ar ch er
t kS tric Pa
Ave ton ing ns Ke
24 - 25
all iteh Wh
R es Inn
Aoraki Polytechnic Programme Information 2012
0800 426 725
Christchurch Programme GUIDE
Temporary Campus
There are strong links with coaches from a wide variety of sports. Christchurch also offers STAR courses for secondary school students and a programme of short courses for professionals in the Beauty Therapy industry.
Great Connolly Pl
The two-year Diploma in Sport and Fitness programme challenges you to achieve your sporting goals, whilst developing your sport-specific skills, and gain knowledge and experience in the areas of sports science and fitness. The professional tutors bring a wide range of International experience to the programme.
Buc han ans
e urs co ce Ra
The beauty therapy, hairdressing, film & television, and radio programmes are taught by highly-trained tutors with a wide range of experience in their fields. There is a supportive and friendly atmosphere.
Christchurch Campus (temporary) Media, Beauty and Hairdressing SIT campus, 60 Waterloo Road, Hornby PO Box 22 096, Christchurch, 8142 Buc Phone: 0800 426 725 han ans REmail: d
While our premises are being revamped, our campus is temporarily located at SIT’s new Hornby site, which after the earthquake remained completely undamaged.This brand new facility at SIT provides us with a modern, secure and safe campus.
Contact us
Cr os by
Christchurch is the largest city in the South Island and is alive with colour, atmosphere and world class attractions.
Ashburton Campus Ashburton is a thriving rural town about an hours drive north of Timaru. Aoraki Polytechnic has a busy modern campus that offers programmes of study in Business and Management, Accounting, Human Resources Management, Office Administration, Beauty Therapy, Art and Parenting.
ARTS AND DESIGN Arts and Media Painting
To Dunedin 19
Contact us
Travis Road
Theodosia Street
Ashburton Campus 37 Alford Forest Road, ntre Ashburton, 7700City Ce Phone: 0800 426 725 Email:
To Christchurch
20 - 21 22
39Dunbar Street
Parenting and Care of Children
Alford Forest Road Ashburton Campus
Castle Street
Mortimer Place
Madras Street
Oamaru Campus
Aoraki Polytechnic Programme Information 2012
Christchurch Campus Carpark
Science Alive Building
Gasson Street
Pilgrim Place
Moorhouse Avenue
50 - 51 Manchester Street
Stuart Street
Life Skills
To Timaru
St Andrew Street
34 Cumberland Street
Information & Communications Technology
To the Octagon
St re et
t tree ss S Cro
Business (First Line Management)
Great King St
Hairdressing Training Salon
t tree er S Bak
Business Ownership Professional Office Management
28 - 30
e ac Pl
ay or M
24 - 25
Bu rli ng to n
Beauty Therapy
Bower Avenue
Ashburton Programme GUIDE
QEII Campus
Anzac Drive
Main Reception
Timaru Campus
Arthur Street
North Street
Grey Road
Bower Avenue
Frosts Road
A variety of short courses are also available and these include training in Teacher Aiding, Sign Language, Food Safety and Liquor Licence Control, Barista and Welding.
0800 426 725
To SH1
Bu rli ng to n
Anzac Drive
Great King St
Stuart Street
To Timaru
Madras Street
Manchester Street
Oamaru Campus
Gasson Street
Pilgrim Place
To SH1
Arts and Media
Café and Barista Skills
24 - 25
28 - 30
Parenting and Care of Children
Business Ownership
Professional Office Management
50 - 51
Business (First Line Management)
The Oamaru Campus also works with local secondary schools to offer students STAR programmes. These programmes give young peopleAvenue an Moorhouse opportunity to experience a tertiary environment while at school by Science Alive studying unit standards that complement and enhance their NCEA studies. Building Christchurch Campus
Contact Alfordus Forest Road Campus Oamaru Campus Carpark 44 Humber Street, Oamaru, 9400 Phone: 0800 426 725 Email:
Small and vibrant, Aoraki Polytechnic’s Oamaru Campus prides on its Castleitself Street strong community links and an ability to be responsive to local business needs. Positive working relationships with local employers ensure that graduates are well equipped for their chosen field. Aoraki Polytechnic’s Oamaru campus offers a range of courses including Mortimer Place studies in Business Education, Computing and IT, Art, Airbrushing, Beauty Therapy, Child Care, and Hospitality. It also offers a range of short courses developed for the community.
t tree er S Bak
e ac Pl
St re et
Oamaru continues to grow as a service Hairdressing Training Salon hub for the surrounding districts, is famous Campus for its Historic Precinct, and is home to the Cumberland Street internationally-recognised Oamaru Blue Dunbar Street Penguin Colony.
entre City C
t tree ss S Cro
ay or M
To the Octagon
Oamaru Campus
To Christchurch
FashionContents Design Bower Avenue
Travis Road
Theodosia Street
To Dunedin
QEII Campus (Sport)
St Andrew Street
Main Reception
Arthur Street
North Street
Timaru Campus
Information & Communications
Aoraki Polytechnic Programme Information 2012
0800 426 725
Dunedin Campus Dunedin is the student capital of New Zealand. The campus is centrally located in the heart of the city.
Our Dunedin campus offers a wide range of exciting programmes including our popular and highly-regarded Beauty Therapy and Hairdressing programmes and Make-up Artistry. Our media programmes will develop your skills in Digital Photography, Advertising Design, Multimedia and Web Design, 3D Animation, Creative Writing and Television Production.
Dunedin Programme GUIDE
Bu rli ng to n
Arthur Street
Main Reception
Cumberland Street Dunbar Street
To Timaru
Anzac Drive
Castle Street
Mortimer Place
Madras Street
54 55 56 57 57 58 59 60 60
Stuart Street
Radio Film and Television Digital Photography Advertising Design Multimedia and Web Design Creative Writing Journalism 3D Animation Media Communication
Manchester Street
Great King St
Hairdressing Training Salon
t tree er S Bak
To the Octagon
St re et
23 24 - 25 25 26
Hairdressing Training Dunedin Campus Salon To Christchurch 360 Cumberland Street To Dunedin Theodosia Street Cnr St Andrew Street and Dunedin Great King Street, Dunedin PO Box 943, Dunedin 9054 PO Box 943, Dunedin 9054 Phone: 0800 426 725 Email: Phone: 0800 426 725 Email:
e ac Pl
Beauty Therapy Make-up Artistry Hairdressing
Contact us
ay or M
Timaru Campus
St Andrew Street
Aoraki Polytechnic prides itself on providing high quality programmes that offer you the opportunity to gain practical experience in a range of exciting fields.
Grey Road North Street
Some of our programmes contain a mix of part-time and full-time study options and our tutors are experienced industry experts. The Dunedin campus also offers STAR and Gateway courses for secondary school students and a variety of short courses.
Frosts Road
You will have access to many local facilities to enhance your studies. Our courses are well supported by local industry.
Aoraki Polytechnic Programme Information 2012
0800 426 725
Christchurch Campus Carpark
Science Alive Building
Gasson Street
Pilgrim Place
Moorhouse Avenue Washington
Pathways to Degrees Business Pathways Students who complete their New Zealand Diploma in Business at Aoraki Polytechnic are able to enter a Lincoln University Bachelor of Commerce degree directly at the second year level or alternatively go directly into Otago Polytechnic's and CPIT’s Bachelor of Applied Management.
“Essentially the new arrangement means that students completing, or who have completed, the New Zealand Diploma in Business in Timaru, Ashburton or Oamaru with Aoraki Polytechnic can start their degree in their home district, while actually living at home.”
A fully completed New Zealand Diploma in Business credits towards 1½ years of the Bachelor of Applied Management. The Bachelor of Applied Management has nine majors in which you can complete specific industry-related outcomes.
“Then there’s the educationally significant point that the South Canterbury students will come into the Lincoln University course with some solid study experience behind them and the confidence that comes from having finished a qualification, the business studies diploma. They will be off to a good start as second year degree students at Lincoln University.”
Aoraki Polytechnic’s agreement with these institutions sees Aoraki working closely to ensure people in our region have direct access to Degree level-study upon completion of their studies with us. Lincoln University is New Zealand’s specialist land-based university and is proud to be working with Aoraki Polytechnic to bring university-level study into the South Canterbury region.
Bachelor of Arts and Media NMIT
CPIT is excited to be working closely with Aoraki Polytechnic to provide a pathway for students studying information technology to progress from Aoraki directly into our Bachelor of Information Communications Degree programme (BICT) and gain full credit for successful completion of courses.
Master of Art and Design AUT
Certificate in Early Childhood Studies (Level 3) Aoraki Polytechnic
Certificate in Early Childhood Education (Level 5) Open Polytechnic*
Bachelor of Teaching (Early Childhood Education) Open Polytechnic*
New Zealand Diploma in Business Aoraki Polytechnic
Bachelor of Commerce Lincoln University
Information Technology Pathways
This means that a student who has completed the Diploma in Information Systems Development at Aoraki will receive one year of credit toward the BICT Degree programme.
Diploma in Arts and Media Aoraki Polytechnic
Bachelor of Business Open Polytechnic
Faculty of Commerce
Dr Tony Brien, Senior Lecturer in Business Management in Lincoln University’s
Bachelor of Applied Management CPIT
Diploma in Social Services (Level 5) Aoraki Polytechnic
Bachelor of Social and Community Work Otago University
IT PATHWAY Diploma in Information Systems Development Aoraki Polytechnic
Certificate in Health Studies (Level 4) Aoraki Polytechnic
Bachelor of Information Communications CPIT
Bachelor of Nursing Otago Polytechnic *Not available to International Students
Aoraki Polytechnic Programme Information 2012
0800 426 725
Education Partners Aoraki Polytechnic works jointly with other approved providers to offer a number of targeted programmes to either specific industry sectors or populations. As some6-16 AORAKI INFORMATION of our partners are not based on site at our campuses, training may not always be available within the region.
Business Development Unit Aoraki Education Partners has also developed a dedicated Business Development Unit to provide a focused approach to developing sound partnerships with external commercial and educational stakeholders. Our preference is to hear from your organisation as to how we can tailor in-house staff training packages that best meet your specific training needs. One-on-one specialised training or small group up-skilling allows you to maximise your training budget and maximise benefits received. We seek to add value to our community through offering in conjunction with businesses; Applied research and technology opportunities for our tertiary students
Our Education Partners include:
to benefit local businesses while providing “real life” applications for their study. Targeted short business training forums and workshops
Parents Inc. (parenting)
Formalising educational staircasing arrangements to ensure pathways
providing entry for industry trainees and exit to higher qualifications Stakeholder engagement which seeks to understand local industry
Transfield Services (telecommunications)
requirements. Enquiries to:
Clad Services et al (business ownership online) Peel Forest Outdoor Pursuits Centre (outdoor/adventure skills)
Ann Fitzgerald Business Development Co-ordinator Phone (03) 6871800 ext 884
Agriculture and Horticulture Training Options
National School of Woodturning et al (woodturning) Building, Biology and Ecology Institute (sustainable building and design) MSL (foundation learning) Natural Log Homes and Log Builders Association of NZ (house construction) ProDriver (road transport)
Aoraki Polytechnic currently has partnerships with three Private Training Establishments offering Agriculture, Horticulture and Apiculture training throughout New Zealand. Aoraki Polytechnic and our partners are committed to high levels of qualification completion, student satisfaction and achievement, and industry satisfaction. Our partners employ experienced and committed tutors who are resourced to provide the training in locations where it is needed, and at the times that best meet the needs of our students. Our qualifications on offer include local and national certificates, as well as a small number of short awards to meet specialist needs. They are designed to allow students to progress to higher levels of knowledge and achievement. Agribusiness Training Ltd has a longstanding relationship with Aoraki Polytechnic and delivers training in Agriculture, Horticulture and Apiculture on behalf of Aoraki Polytechnic throughout the South island and in some areas in the North Island. Their clientele includes people in employment, some retired students and importantly a significant group of school students who want to gain qualifications in agriculture for their future career.
Agribusiness Training Ltd Tectra Ltd Agriculture NZ Ltd (agriculture and horticulture) SPELD NZ (teaching teachers for specific learning disabilities)
Agriculture New Zealand is a provider with training sites throughout New Zealand It delivers a range of training courses and is contracted by Aoraki Polytechnic primarily to deliver training which equips students for the agriculture industry. Tectra Ltd specialises in training for the Wool industry and the Dairy industry. Aoraki Polytechnic has contracted Tectra to deliver training for a specialist entry programme in the Dairy industry.
Aoraki Polytechnic Programme Information 2012
0800 426 725
Education Partners SPELD
SPELD NZ is a private training organisation who in partnership with Aoraki Polytechnic delivers a range of training courses and qualifications focused on training students to work in the field of Specific Learning Disabilities.
ProDriver Training Limited is a driver training organisation that works closely with Aoraki Polytechnic and the TranzQual – the Industry Training Organisation responsible for developing the driver training standard for New Zealand’s road transport industry.
With increasing demand for specialist assistance for those who are not realising their educational potential because of specific learning disabilities like dyslexia, there is a growing demand from students looking for formally recognised training such as the SPELD NZ Certificate in Specific Learning Disabilities (Level 5).
The ProDriver team is passionate about providing quality training and promoting the transport industry and road safety with a vision of significantly reducing accidents on our country’s roads.
This Certificate is delivered both online and in a classroom setting, meaning that the training is widely available across the country.
National School of Woodturning
ProDriver offers a range of training courses and qualifications to support those wanting to get into the transport industry or those wishing to develop their existing skills in areas such as: defensive driving, forklift training, load security, dangerous goods and heavy trucks.
internationally recognised qualifications
The craft of woodturning is an integral part of the New Zealand tourism industry with many students focusing on selling their products crafted from native timber to tourist outlets and craft markets.
Aoraki Polytechnic offers International Therapy Examination Council (ITEC) beauty qualifications and City & Guilds for International Tourism and Hospitality/Cookery. These qualifications are recognised internationally and provide great career opportunities for those working in the Beauty, Tourism and Hospitality/Cookery industries.
Aoraki Polytechnic also has partnerships with a number of other organisations who deliver the Certificate in Woodturning in a range of locations across the country.
Aoraki Polytechnic Programme Information 2012
0800 426 725
The National School of Woodturning is a privately owned training organisation that works in partnership with Aoraki Polytechnic to deliver the Certificate in Woodturning. This Certificate is believed to be the only formal qualification in New Zealand, and one of only a few in the world that trains students in the craft of woodturning.
International Students AORAKI INTERNATIONAL Introduction
Accident Insurance
Aoraki Polytechnic welcomes students to study any one of a selection of its highly interesting and rewarding programmes. This prospectus is for domestic students and New Zealand residents. Please refer to the International Prospectus for information about International enrolments, fees and conditions.
The Accident Compensation Corporation provides accident insurance for all New Zealand citizens, residents, and temporary visitors to New Zealand, but you may still be liable for all other medical and related costs.
Aoraki Polytechnic has hosted international students for many years and its graduates recall not only the first-class programmes but also the friendliness, support, smaller classes and facilities. International students will enjoy the advantage of study at a top rate organisation set amongst the spectacular scenery of the region as well as the opportunity to experience world renowned outdoor pursuits.
International students (including group students) must have appropriate and current medical and travel insurance while in New Zealand.
Aoraki Polytechnic, with its wide range of internationally and nationally recognised qualifications, anticipates that your study and life experience here will be memorable and productive.
For a copy of the prospectus or information about enrolling as an international students at Aoraki Polytechnic, contact the Aoraki Polytechnic International Department or download a prospectus online at
Code of Practice Aoraki Polytechnic has agreed to observe and be bound by the Code of Practice for the Pastoral Care of International Students. Copies of the Code are available from the New Zealand Ministry of Education website at
Immigration Full details of immigration requirements, advice on rights to employment in New Zealand while studying, and reporting requirements are available from Immigration New Zealand, and can be viewed on their website at
Further information can be viewed on the ACC website at
Medical and Travel Insurance
Further Information This prospectus is for domestic students and New Zealand residents. Please refer to the International Prospectus for information about international enrolments.
International Department Aoraki Polytechnic 32 Arthur Street Private Bag 902 Timaru 7940 New Zealand Phone: 0800 426 725 International phone: +64 3 687 1800 Fax: +64 3 687 1809
Eligibility for Health Services Most international students are not entitled to publicly funded health services while in New Zealand. If you receive medical treatment during your visit, you may be liable for the full costs of that treatment. Full details on entitlements to publicly funded health services are available through the Ministry of Health, and can be viewed on their website at
Aoraki Polytechnic Programme Information 2012
0800 426 725
Scholarships, School Liaison and STAR SCHOLARSHIPS
STAR/Gateway and other school-funded learning
Aoraki Polytechnic offers scholarships for some programmes. Where a student is selected for a scholarship, they will need to meet all normal entry criteria, be New Zealand residents, and will need to cover any fees required including compulsory course costs, student services levy and the cost of a student ID card.
School Liaison and Recruitment Our School Liaison and Recruitment Co-ordinator is your contact person for Careers Advisors and any information relating to career options and study at Aoraki Polytechnic.
Get started at school Aoraki Polytechnic is committed to providing opportunities for you to start on a career pathway while you are still at school.
Courses at Aoraki Polytechnic A taster course may help you decide which career path is right for you. A 1 - 4 day course you attend at Aoraki Polytechnic allows you to gain skills and qualifications so you can be better prepared for further tertiary study. Ask the Careers Advisor, STAR/Gateway Co-ordinator or a teacher at your school about the courses available to build on your particular pathway choice. NZQA Unit Standards that you gain during a course count towards your NCEA. Any NZQA Unit Standards or Modules you gain that are part of a Tertiary Qualification can be cross credited to that qualification.
Aoraki Polytechnic Programme Information 2012
0800 426 725
Student Services, Maori Liaison and Access Aoraki Student Services
Maori Liaison
Students who enrol at Aoraki Polytechnic pay a Student Service Levy as part of their compulsory fees. This fee varies and is based on the length of your programme.
Aoraki Polytechnic has a Maori Liaison Officer who supports Maori students at each campus and acts as a key link to local marae and the wider Maori community. Students of Maori descent are welcome to seek information on grants, scholarships and study support.
The fee contributes to the cost of a range of student services at each campus including:
A mentoring programme is available for Maori students. The Maori Liaison Officer is available to discuss study or cultural issues pertaining to Maori.
Counselling Hardship grants Literacy support
Access Aoraki
Inclusive Education supports students and staff who have impairments.
Café facilities Vending machines Water coolers
What is Inclusive Education?
It is about providing accessible learning to all students on all of our campuses. Different tutoring strategies may be needed and other human or technological support provided.
Common rooms
There are several other services provided which are not listed here because they are specific to each campus. Aoraki Polytechnic strives to provide quality student services in a thriving student culture that embraces current trends.
Aoraki Polytechnic Programme Information 2012
0800 426 725
Student Accommodation, Loans and Allowances Student Accommodation
Student loans
There are several accommodation options for students including private board, hostels and flats. Flats are available throughout the year and can be obtained through the local newspapers and real estate agents, or by contacting Customer Service Centres at all campuses.
The Student Loan is there to help with study costs.You do have to pay this back. Depending on if you are a full or part-time student you may be able to get a loan to help with your: compulsory fees course-relatated costs
Private Board
living costs.
Students considering private board are able to visit Reception to view the accommodation register.
From 1 January 2011 there are a number of Student Loan policy changes. These include the introduction of a performance measure and a lifetime limit on borrowing. It is important you are aware of these changes. Go to to find out more.
Timaru Girls’ High School Hostel (for female students only). Phone: (03) 688 1122. This hostel is located 5 minutes' walk from Aoraki Polytechnic.
Student allowances
Youth Hostel Association (YHA) – Timaru Backpackers 44 Evans Street, Timaru. Phone: (03) 684 5067.
This is a weekly payment for full-time students to help with day-to-day living expenses.You do not have to pay the Student Allowance back. To get the Student Allowance you generally need to be:
Private accommodation Contact Customer Services Centre 0800 426 725.
studying full-time on a course approved by the Tertiary Education
Car pooling
Commission and,
If you are in Waimate, Pleasant Point, Temuka, or Geraldine and need a lift contact reception.
a New Zealand citizen, permanent resident, refugee or protected person
If you are under 24 years old your parents' income may be taken into account.
University of Canterbury Some accommodation at the University of Canterbury may be available for Aoraki polytechnic students in either Ilam Village Hinau Apartments or Sonoda Christchurch Campus. Please contact Liz McKay, Accommodation Services Manager on Phone: (03) 364 3493 or email
(under the Immigration Act 2009).
From 1 January 2011 there are some changes that may affect you. Go to for more information on these changes.
18 or over (some 16-17 years olds can also get it) and,
Hostel YMCA, 12 Hereford Street, Christchurch. Phone: (03) 359 6647. Private accommodation Please ask at the Christchurch Customer Service Centre for details of any private board available.
Dunedin – Salmond College Salmond College provides a limited number of rooms to out-of-town students at Aoraki’s Dunedin Campus. Further information is available from Bruce Cowan, Salmond College, 19 Knox Street, Dunedin. Phone: (03) 473 0750 or visit
Aoraki Polytechnic Programme Information 2012
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Enrolment Enrolling at aoraki polytechNic Getting advice and support Whatever stage you are at with your learning we will help you plan a pathway to meet your goals. Our student advisors and staff will happily help you plan your study and choose the best programme for you. Phone 0800 426 725 or call in to any of our campuses.
HOW TO ENROL Step One Fill out the enrolment form in the back of this guide, or complete the enrolment form on our website at The Guide to Enrolment will help you complete this step.You can download a copy of the Guide to Enrolment from our website at If you would like to receive a Guide to Enrolment by post phone us on 0800 426 725.
Choosing programmes that are right for you Most programmes have entry criteria to ensure students are well placed to successfully undertake the study. If you do not meet the entry criteria for a programme you are interested in we will help you choose a foundation or bridging programme that may help you gain the skills you will need to study at a higher level, or in an unfamiliar subject, or we can help you choose a programme that is right for you.
You will find the entry requirements for each programme in the Programme Fact Sheets on the Aoraki Polytechnic website at
GAINING credit for previous study and experience If you have completed relevant work experience and/or have completed a previous programme you can apply for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL). RPL can save you time by giving you credit for learning you have already undertaken, and speeding your progress towards the qualification you want.
Step Two We will contact you if an interview is required (Some programmes do not require an interview, in which case we will skip this step). You are welcome to bring a friend or support person to the interview with you.
6 Step Three If you meet the entry criteria we will send you an offer of a place on a programme and an enrolment pack.
6 Step Four You complete the enrolment form and send it to us together with signed letter accepting the offer of a place on the programme and acceptable proof of your legal name, age and citizenship.
Aoraki Polytechnic Programme Information 2012
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Arts and Design If you want to take control of your future and turn your creative talents into a career, we have a pathway for you. Through exciting, flexible programmes you can develop a broad range of skills in the arts, media and technology and elect specialist areas of study which could include fashion, digital photography, fine arts or graphic design. Expert tutors will guide you through this flexible combination of compulsory and elective courses to your end goal; a qualification recognised and valued by employers. Arts and Media
20 - 21
Digital Photography Fashion Design Graphic Design
Visual Arts and Design Fine Arts Painting
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Note: All programmes subject to internal and external approval
Pathway to a Career JOB OUTCOMES INCLUDE: Graphic designer
Interior designer
Arts co-ordinator
Gallery assistant
Product design
Illustration for publication
Fashion retail
Boutique labels
Fashion house
Diploma in Arts and Media (Level 6) with an endorsement in Digital Photography, Fashion Design, Graphic Design or Visual Arts and Design Starts:
Duration: 2 years full-time. Part-time option available Campus:
Timaru and Ashburton* (*some modules)
Introduction to the programme
Animation, setmaking moving image industries
Continue on your path into the creative industries and develop the work begun on the Certificate in Arts and Media (Level 4) or equivalent with a higher degree of specialisation. You will study core theory and design modules and also specialise in specific career pathways.
Further study options
Specialise in one of four areas:
Diploma in Arts and Media (Fashion Design)
Diploma in Arts and Media (Digital Photography)
Diploma in Arts and Media (Graphic Design)
You may transfer to the Nelson Marlborough Institute of Technology (NMIT) at the completion of Level 6 to complete a degree – Bachelor of Arts and Media. NMIT has a pathway in place for students to then complete a Masters degree with Auckland Institute of Technology (AUT).
Employment options n Advertising and marketing
n Fashion industry
n Fine arts practice
n Graphic and website design
n Media and publishing industries
n Photography
n Movie and entertainment industry
n Teaching
n Self-employment
Diploma in Arts and Media (Visual Arts and Design)
“By the time students complete this course, they will be ready to walk straight into a design job.” Wayne Doyle
Wayne Doyle – Tutor Diploma in Arts & Media (Graphic Design) When it comes to graphic design Wayne Doyle knows a thing or two. He should do, he has over 25 years experience. Wayne has taken the skills and knowledge he has gained over the years and is now passing them on to his students. The Diploma in Arts & Media (Graphic Design) students get to fine-tune their creative skills using industry-focused techniques, and the latest technology including Photoshop and InDesign. “By the time students complete this course, they will be ready to walk straight into a design job,” says Wayne.
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“Students learn all aspects of art and design from Photoshop manipulation, brochure design and digital illustrations, through to creating logos, cartoon characters and advertising campaigns.” “There seems to be a constant demand for welltrained, versatile graphic designers and our goal is to make sure our students have the edge.” Wayne Doyle is an award-winning artist having published three children’s books including the top selling “My Grandmother Knows Everything.” He was also recently a finalist in an international multimedia competition which earned him a trip to Hong Kong.
Certificate in Arts and Media (Level 4) with an endorsement in Digital Photography, Fashion Design, Graphic Design or Visual Arts and Design Starts:
February and July
Duration: 34 weeks full-time. Part-time option available Campus: Timaru, Ashburton* and Oamaru* (*some modules)
Introduction to the programme If you are looking for an entry into the creative industries, this Certificate will allow you to explore and develop your creative skills through a combination of core modules and a range of studio courses.
What will the programme cover? n C ore components include history and theory topics and training in
drawing and/or design. n Y ou can then choose from a range of electives providing specific training
in Digital Photography, Fashion Design, Graphic Design and Visual Arts and Design.
Use your portfolio for entry into our Diploma programme and take the next step to career success.
Employment options This qualification forms the basis for entry level careers in creative industries such as: n Graphic Designer
Fashion Design students have proven themselves over the years: • Supreme Winners at Hokonui • Section Winners and Placement at Hokonui and Wool On Awards • Finalists at Westfield Style Pasifika Premium Fashion Awards
n Gallery Assistant or Curator n Artist n Fashion Retail n Arts Co-ordinator
Industry Experience Many students have been invited to spend time with local, and, some of New Zealand's top fashion designer labels including World, Liz Mitchell Designs, Caroline Stills, Zambesi and Karen Walker.
Further study options
FASHION DESIGN Competition Accolades
Ashley Campbell Diploma in Fashion Design (Level 6) Diploma in Fashion Design student Ashley Campbell is hoping to do one better at this year’s Hokonui fashion awards. Last year Ashley’s garment was placed second in the denim section, “it took me three months of preparation and seven pairs of used jeans to make the garment.” This year Ashley has created a full length jacket and dress to enter the competition which is held in July in Gore. “I was completing a business programme with Aoraki and was looking through the prospectus. The fashion programme really jumped out at me.” Ashley is happy with her change of study direction and completed the Diploma in Fashion and Design (Level 5) in 2010. This year she is enrolled in the Diploma in Fashion
Design (Level 6). “I had a bit of sewing experience before I starting the Diploma, but have learnt a lot about the design process of creating a garment from start to finish.” Aoraki Polytechnic’s annual ‘Pose’ fashion show is a further exhibiting opportunity Ashley is looking forward to, “it’s another great chance to showcase our work”. Pose is held in October at the Timaru campus and is organised and coordinated by the diploma students as part of their assessments. Ultimately Ashley wants to work in the fashion industry designing and creating garments, “I know it is a tough industry to crack but I’m excited about a career in fashion.”
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Diploma in Painting (Level 6)* Starts:
Duration: 34 weeks full-time Campus: Timaru, Ashburton and Oamaru
Introduction to the programme You can develop the knowledge and skills required to integrate your personal style and technique, produce a portfolio of work and prepare work for exhibitions, as well as higher level research and study.
What will the programme cover? Drawing Visual culture Painting Studio practice Project options
Employment options Working artist taking part in exhibitions Producing work for sale Working in galleries Teaching art classes
Further study options You may also move to advanced studies. * Only available in 2012
“By putting the dove in my paintings it gives the hope of peace. The dove is represented by many countries and religions as a sign of peace, going back thousands of years. I hope that people can look at my work and feel that peace.” Rhonda Huggins
Rhonda Huggins
Diploma in Painting – Ashburton Teacher Aide, Rhonda Huggins is a Diploma in Painting student at Aoraki Polytechnic’s Ashburton campus. “I can’t believe how much painting techniques have changed over the years. I am learning more on how to put my heart into my work and I have gained the confidence to do this.” As pictured Rhonda has recently completed a series of paintings based around peace represented through doves. Each student was instructed to take influence and inspiration from an artist they had researched to create three series of their own work. “I studied Kandenski the Russian painter and art theorist, I used his influence to create geometric versions of my dove paintings.”
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As well as exhibiting her work on campus Rhonda and her class will exhibit their works at the Ashburton art gallery at the end of the year, “Our art work is exhibited for over a month, with the public having the opportunity to purchase them.” Rhonda uses the skills she learns for the development and sale of her own works and as inspiration in the classroom while teacher aiding, “I am very interested in sharing art and to explain the meaning of it that I often think gets lost.”
Beauty and Hairdressing If you are looking for a career that offers creativity, world-wide opportunities and the chance to work closely with clients, then start here for your path into the beauty and hair industries.
Beauty Therapy
24 - 25
Make-up Artistry
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Contents Note: All programmes subject to internal and external approval Certificate in Beauty Therapy (Level 4)
Beauty Therapy Options
Incorporates optional International Therapy Examination Council qualifications.
GAIN BASIC SKILLS Certificate in Beauty Skills (Introductory) (Level 2)
Duration: 34 weeks full-time
Certificate in Beauty Therapy (Level 4)
FURTHER YOUR CAREER Diploma in Beauty Therapies and Epilation (Level 5)
Timaru, Christchurch, Oamaru, Dunedin and Ashburton
Introduction to the programme The purpose of this programme is to produce a high standard of performance in a wide range of beauty therapy skills with a high degree of practical and theoretical work involved.
JOB OUTCOMES INCLUDE: Beauty therapist Cosmetic representative Pharmacy worker Beautician Cosmetic representative
What will the programme cover? Skincare and eye treatments;
make-up; manicure and pedicure; waxing and professional conduct; Anatomy and physiology
Diploma in Beauty Therapies and Epilation (Level 5) Incorporates optional International Therapy Examination Council qualifications.
Facial electrical treatments Figure diagnosis and Swedish
massage Body electrical treatments
You will also have the opportunity to sit optional ITEC diplomas.
Employment options This qualification is useful for people who want to work as a beauty therapist, cosmetic representative, sales representative, or seek employment in a pharmacy. Further study may lead to self-employment or salon ownership.
Further study options Continue your studies with the Diploma in Beauty Therapies and Epilation.
This programme meets the requirements to become a New Zealand registered beauty therapist.
Duration: 34 weeks full-time Campus:
Timaru, Christchurch and Dunedin
Introduction to the programme The purpose of this programme is to extend your technical skills and knowledge in various fields of beauty therapy and enhance the skills learned from the Certificate in Beauty Therapy.
What will the programme cover? Small business awareness
n Epilation
Aroma Therapy
n Indian Head Massage
You will also have the opportunity to study optional ITEC diplomas.
Employment options This programme will qualify you to work as a beauty therapist worldwide if you successfully complete optional ITEC qualifications. The qualification is useful to gain employment as a beauty therapist on a cruise ship, hotel or day spa, salon owner, beauty therapist trainer, in-flight therapist or professional product trainer.
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Beauty Therapies Certificate in Beauty Skills (Introductory) (Level 2)
Certificate in Make-up Artistry (Level 3) Starts:
February and July
Various start dates throughout the year
17 weeks full-time
Timaru and Dunedin
Duration: 14 weeks part-time Campus:
Introduction to the programme This course provides an introduction to the Make-up Artistry industry. With a focus on film and TV work you will learn the core essential skills you need to start your career.
What will the programme cover? Make-up applications
Timaru, Christchurch, Dunedin, Ashburton and Oamaru
Introduction to the programme This programme will provide you with basic introductory insight into the world of beauty therapy.This is an intensive programme that will provide you with a solid platform of knowledge which will prepare you for higher level study.
What will the programme cover?
Hair styling
Skin care
Special effect techniques
Personal appearance
Period looks
Hand and foot care Eye care
Opportunities exist to work as a freelance make-up artist for film, TV, theatre, cosmetic companies, department stores, modelling agencies, salons.
Career options
Further study options
Body care Make-up
Employment options
Certificate in Hairdressing (Level 3)
This qualification is useful for people who want to develop a career in beauty therapy. You can gain employment as a cosmetic counter consultant in a pharmacy or department store, sales representative for beauty or cosmetic companies or a beauty salon receptionist.
Certificate in Beauty Therapy (Level 4)
Further study options Continue your studies with the Certificate in Beauty Therapy (Level 4) or Certificate Make-up Artistry (Level 3).
Employment options
“I gained the knowledge and industry contacts I needed to start my successful beauty therapy business” Summer Garden-Phiskie
Summer Garden-Phiskie Qualified Beauty Therapist
Studying beauty therapy at Aoraki Polytechnic has worked out very well for 2010 graduate, Summer Garden. After starting a family, Summer wanted to start a career in beauty therapy, “I wasn’t adamant it’s what I wanted to do, I am interested in sciences and wanted to make sure there would be enough of that embedded into it, so I chatted with the tutor and she cemented my decision.” Summer completed her studies in Beauty Therapy to Level 5 at Aoraki Polytechnic. “It covers a huge range of skills and knowledge in beauty therapy and I can’t credit my tutor enough for her help and guidance, even now I still ask her for advice.”
Summer was the regional winner of the Wendy Hill bridal make-up competition held nationally every year and named in the top five in New Zealand. Summer was also named the Top Beauty Student for the class of 2010 at Aoraki’s Timaru campus graduation. To top off a very successful year, Summer now runs her own beauty therapy clinic at Addict Hair at the Washdyke Ken Wills Complex. She juggles being a mother and running a successful business. “From Aoraki we were introduced to skin care representatives, makeup artist, leaders in the industry and clinic visits. Because of this I have the knowledge of products and people I would, and would not work with. Thanks to Aoraki I was ‘good to go’ to make Addict Beauty a success.”
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Contents Certificate in Hairdressing (Level 3) 1st Year
Hairdressing Options START A CAREER Leap into an apprenticeship
Certificate in Hairdressing (Level 3)
34 weeks full-time
Timaru, Dunedin and Christchurch
Introduction to the programme
The hairdressing industry is exciting and ever-changing. Professional hairdressers are challenged constantly to appreciate the latest fashion trends and also to create them. You will be trained in the key skills and knowledge needed to work in this vibrant industry.
Certificate in Professional Hairdressing (Level 3)
Aoraki Polytechnic in Timaru holds the best practice Qualmark from the New Zealand Hairdressing Industry Training Organisation.
Hairdresser Company or technical advisor/specialist Travel/cruise ship work Own your own salon
What will the programme cover? Client consultation and analysis Shampoo and conditioning treatments Colour and foil techniques Introduction to cutting and chemical waves Blow waving, setting, long hair styling and design
Certificate in Professional Hairdressing (Level 3) 2nd Year Starts:
34 weeks full-time
Timaru, Dunedin and Christchurch
Employment options This qualification is the equivalent to the first year of an apprenticeship. It enables you to gain foundation skills for the hairdressing industry and get the best start for an apprenticeship.
Introduction to the programme If you have completed the equivalent training of a Year One apprentice to further develop your hairdressing skills to the level of a Year Two apprentice.
What will the programme cover? Complex blow drying Complex hair setting Razor cutting Hair colouring Permanent waving
Rachael Baldwin
Employment options Graduates from this programme will have good employment options within the Hairdressing Industry, both regional and local. It enables you to build on foundation skills to gain an apprenticeship in the industry.
L’Oreal Matrix Hair Products Brand Manager Aoraki Polytechnic hairdressing students train in a real salon with genuine clients and mimic the industry in what products they use. L’Oréal happily supply Matrix hair products to Aoraki Polytechnic, including technical products such as colour and perms, supported with market leading haircare and styling products. Our Matrix representatives make campus visits to explain our products and their uses. This ensures students and tutors stay current with industry needs and trends and gives them a chance to gain valuable industry contacts.
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Business and Tourism Do you want to create your own business success story? If you are keen to develop your skills in management or increase your knowledge about human resources, accountancy or marketing, Aoraki offers a range of qualifications delivered flexibly by business-minded tutors.
28 - 30
Business Ownership
International Tourism
Professional Office Management
Business (First Line Management)
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Note: All programmes subject to internal and external approval Contents
New Zealand Diploma in Business To gain the New Zealand Diploma in Business you must AORAKI INFORMATION 6-16 successfully complete 12 papers (6 papers per year) including:
Six of the following seven compulsory Diploma papers: 400
Accounting Principles
Introduction to Commercial Law
Economic Environment
Organisation and Management
Fundamentals of Marketing
Business Computing
Business Communication
Six optional papers, including four at 600 Level.
New Zealand Diploma in Business Papers Offered in 2012
4 69
Academic Skills for Business Studies
5 01
Accounting Practices
6 01
Financial Accounting
6 02
Management Accounting
Business Finance
6 05
Internal Auditing
Operations Management
6 33
Human Resource Management
6 35
Employment Relations
6 36
Applied Management
6 50
Applied Computing
Accounting Principles
4 69
Academic Skills for Business Studies
Organisation and Management
Fundamentals of Marketing
6 02
Management Accounting
Business Finance
6 35
Employment Relations
Other optional papers are available but are not currently delivered at Aoraki Polytechnic. Full descriptions for these papers can be viewed at
5 01
Accounting Practices
Introduction to Commercial Law
Business Computing
Business Communication
6 01
Financial Accounting
6 32
Operations Management
6 33
Human Resource Management
6 36
Applied Management
Other optional papers are available but are not currently delivered at Aoraki Polytechnic. Full descriptions for these papers can be viewed at
“I will always be appreciative of the opportunities given to me by choosing to study at Aoraki Polytechnic. It gave me more than I had hoped for, in terms of study/qualifications, employment, and recognition for my efforts. It was certainly an excellent choice as a tertiary institution and one that I will always be pleased that I made.� Ginny Davenport
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New Zealand Diploma in Business (Level 6) Starts:
February and July
Duration: 17 weeks per paper, full or part-time study options Campus:
Timaru, Ashburton and Oamaru
Introduction to the programme You will learn skills and acquire knowledge to effectively participate and manage in a business environment.
What will the programme cover? The New Zealand Diploma in Business is a national qualification of 12 papers. Papers offered are also cross-credited to other business qualifications. The Diploma may be studied full-time over two years or part-time over an unspecified period. Each paper involves five hours of tuition plus a voluntary workshop-style tutorial each week over a 17 week period. Some papers will be taught using video conferencing to other Aoraki campuses.
This qualification provides employment opportunities across all sectors of business including general management, marketing management, retail management, tourism operation, human resource management, accounting technician, or you could start your own business.
Further study options You may be able to credit your New Zealand Diploma in Business study towards a University Degree. For example, you can staircase to the second year of a Commerce Degree from Lincoln University.
Employment options
Cross-credits to university study vary according to papers taken and individual University criteria. Pathway to the Bachelor of Business Studies through Open Polytechnic.
Ginny Davenport Diploma in Business (Accounting) “Before Aoraki Polytechnic I was at home raising our three children for the best part of 12 years. I decided that I wanted to return to the workforce, but really had no specific qualifications. “I decided that I needed to gain a qualification in order to secure reasonable and challenging employment. Hence the reason I enrolled in the Diploma in Business, endorsed in accounting. I did initially look at studying by correspondence, but decided against that, as we have a wonderful local resource. It was handy for me to get to, the times worked well with the children at school, and classroom type learning appealed to my style of learning. Aoraki Polytechnic not only provided me with an excellent base for starting on my degree pathway, but
also provided me with wonderful social interaction, the flavour and culture of which I don't believe I would have received in any other organisation locally. “In my second year of study, when I was a full time student, I saw a vacancy for a role in an accountants office. While I did not apply specifically for the role, (thinking I was under qualified), I did ask them to keep me in mind if something came up in the future. They gave me an interview immediately, and much to my surprise, I got the job. Quite a juggle then took place with study and work, but I was determined to successfully complete my diploma, which I did at the end of 2010. "
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Specialise in one of three areas: Diploma in Applied Business (Level 5) (Accounting) Diploma in Applied Business (Leel 5) (Human Resource Management) Diploma in Applied Business (Level 5) (Operations Management)
Diploma in Applied Business (Level 5) with an endorsement in Accounting, Human Resource Management or Operations Management Starts:
Duration: 34 weeks full-time / part-time study options Campus:
Timaru, Ashburton and Oamaru part-time
Introduction to the programme The Diploma in Applied Business is a 120 credit diploma which introduces you to managing in a business environment.
What will the programme cover? Content includes a combination of 6 papers: Semester One n 530
Organisation and Management
plus two other papers from the NZ Diploma in Business semester one schedule. Semester Two n 560
Business Communication
plus two other papers from the NZ Diploma in Business semester two schedule.
Further study options Courses in the Diploma in Applied Business may be able to be transferred to the New Zealand Diploma in Business programme. Or students may bridge to a business degree with Lincoln University, CPIT or the Open Polytechnic.
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Certificate in Business Ownership (Level 4) Starts:
Multiple dates
Alpine Energy Limited recognises the benefits that the School of Business of Aoraki Polytechnic provides to the local business community. In particular, it allows our staff the opportunity to study locally on a parttime basis, while remaining in our employment. This has the significant mutual benefit of allowing them to relate the theory they learn in the classroom to the practical aspects of the business they work in.
Duration: 12 weeks, part-time Campus:
Industry Testimonial
Timaru, Ashburton and Oamaru
Introduction to the programme The Certificate in Business Ownership programme is designed for people who have an idea for starting their own business and require further knowledge on aspects of running a business. You will be learning online with support through forums/chat sessions and tutor-facilitated workshops.
What will the programme cover? Marketing
n Business planning
n Financial issues
Computers in business
n Taxation
Legal advice
n C ompliance – OSH, ACC,
The NZ Diploma in Business is a very worthwhile qualification that gives a broad understanding of business practice in New Zealand, and can lead to further study and qualifications. Alpine Energy supports the efforts of the School of Business to be relevant to the local business community, and encourages staff to undertake business studies to increase their understanding of business, and to broaden their horizons. Eoin Powell Corporate Services Manager Alpine Energy Limited
Taxation, GST
Further study options Completion of this certificate may lead you to further business studies in the New Zealand Diploma in Business or Diploma in Applied Business.
"The class hours were perfect and there was a diverse range of students in the class." Marty Godwin
Marty Godwin Certificate in Business Ownership (CBO) A qualified nurse for over 25 years, Marty wanted to go out on his own. He enrolled in Aoraki Polytechnic’s Certificate in Business Ownership with a loose plan in place, “I went along with an idea of selling mobility products. From my nursing background I saw a gap in the market to make mobility and rehabilitation products easily available and try to remove the stigma.”
“Although owning your own business is a lot of work, the freedom is great and I’m glad I made the change. CBO encouraged me to go ahead with “More Mobility” and also think outside the realm of just selling products. I also organise servicing, installation and rental options of all rehabilitation and mobility products. I’d like to think it’s a one stop shop.”
“I went with all the ideas but needed a plan and advice to work with. The programme gave me a plan with aims, knowledge on GST and taxation, marketing ideas and the danger and pitfalls about ownership of your own business. A lot of businesses fall over in the second year through lack of knowledge about taxes in the second year of business.”
The classes are held in the evenings, outside of normal working hours. “The class hours were perfect and there was a diverse range of students in the class. From those who already owned businesses to those, like me, who just had an idea. It was a great chance to network and bounce ideas off each other.”
Aoraki Polytechnic Programme Information 2012
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Contents Certificate in International Tourism (Level 4) Incorporates internationally recognised City & Guilds qualifications
Duration: 34 weeks full-time Campus:
Introduction to the programme The Certificate in International Tourism aims to provide you with all the skills required to gain employment in the tourism industry here and overseas. Gain practical experience on the class trips to the South Islands best tourist hotspots. Experience the industry through local visits to travel agencies and tourist attractions and educational trips throughout New Zealand.
What will the programme cover? n Development of the tourism industry n Customer service operations n International tourism geography n Business systems n Marketing operations n Developing a local tourism destination n Related tourism services
Employment options You may find employment in New Zealand or abroad in tourism organisations such as i-Site agencies, hotels and restaurants, attraction and activity tourism destinations or the Department of Customs or Immigration.
“The Certificate in International Tourism is your passport to a world of opportunities in a buoyant industry.�
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Human Resources and Business Ownership Certificate in Professional Office Management (Level 3) Incorporates the National Certificate in Computing (Level 3), National Certificate in Business Administration (Level 4) and Certificate in Information Technology (Level 3). Starts:
34 weeks full or part-time
Timaru, Ashburton and Oamaru
Introduction to the programme This Unit Standard-based programme covers a comprehensive range of computer software packages, office systems and management support functions. There is a brief work experience component that provides you with the opportunity to apply the skills you have acquired on the programme in a work environment.
What will the programme cover? n Spreadsheeting
n Desktop publishing
Internet and email
n Communication skills n Office functions
Reception skills
n Database
n Payroll
Administration skills
n Reprographics
n Business writing
Employment options This qualification is suitable for those planning to work as a receptionist, secretary, office administrator or personal assistant.
Further study options Upon completing this programme you may wish to undertake further study in information technology, business management, the New Zealand Diploma in Business or the Diploma in Information Systems Development (Level 5).
Word processing
Aroha Kingi Certificate in Professional Office Management Originally from Mount Maunganui, Aroha moved to Timaru and no longer wanted to be stuck in a minimum wage job, “I worked in retail from the age of 17 and wanted to get out. I knew I had to gain some better qualifications to increase my opportunities.” Aroha completed the New Zealand Diploma in Business in 2009, “It was daunting going back to study at the age of 32, especially with the thought of exams and tests but I was blown away by the support I received. Graduation was a very proud moment.” Last year Aroha wanted to continue her studies with Aoraki and completed the Certificate in Professional Office Management (CPOM). “The practical nature of this programme is spot on, the skills in publisher, mail
merge, Outlook and reprographics is exactly what you need in the industry.” As part of the CPOM programme Aroha completed work experience at Presbyterian Support. “After I completed my course, Family Works (Subsidiary of Presbyterian Support) contacted me and asked if I would apply for a position that had come up. I accepted and have been there a few months now. I really enjoy it.” Aroha is happy in her current position but is still interested in gaining a degree. “Maybe one day I would like to complete a degree in Human Resources or Business Psychology.”
Aoraki Polytechnic Programme Information 2012
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Contents National Certificate in Business (First Line Management) (Level 4)
National Certificate in Business (First Line Management) (Level 3)
Multiple dates
Multiple dates
Timaru, Ashburton and Oamaru
Timaru, Ashburton and Oamaru
Introduction to the programme
Introduction to the programme
This Unit Standard-based programme focuses on the areas of recruitment and performance management, problem solving, quality and change management and employment relations.
This Unit Standard-based programme focuses on the areas of communication techniques, effective management of staff and leading and building a team and quality within the organisation.
This programme involves self-study and participation in 10 tutor-facilitated classroom days.
This programme involves self-study and participation in 10 tutor-facilitated classroom days.
What will the programme cover? Problem solving strategies Time management concepts Staff selection Performance management
planning Managing interpersonal conflict Present business information
What will the programme cover?
Employment conflict and
resolutions Implementing quality initiatives
in the workplace
Communication skills Giving and receiving feedback Oral instructions Report writing
Change management
Presenting information
Workplace organisational
Conducting interviews
principles Workplace relationships
Further study option
Aoraki Polytechnic Programme Information 2012
management Team dynamics and
Further study options You may wish to enrol in the National Certificate in First Line Management (Level 4) or New Zealand Diploma in Business.
You may wish to enrol in the New Zealand Diploma in Business.
Principles of quality
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Health and Education A broad range of programmes covering subjects from childbirth education to health studies. Learn some practical skills, take the next step to higher level study, gain a little more understanding of life or learn to pass on your knowledge to adult learners.
Social Services
Health Studies
Science (Food Technology)
Laboratory Technician
Community Support Services
Animal Care
Life Skills
Childbirth Education
Early Childhood Studies
Adult Education
Reo Maori
English as a Second Language
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Mental Health
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Note: All programmes subject to internal and external approval Contents
National Certificate Mental Health (Mental Health Support Work) (Level 4) Starts:
AORAKI INFORMATION Duration: 34 weeks part-time
Diploma in Social Services (Level 5) Starts:
34 weeks full-time
Introduction to the programme You will complete the required papers for the first year equivalent of the Bachelor of Social and Community Work degree at the University of Otago.
Introduction to the programme You will complete the required papers to the minimum qualification, so you can enter mental health support work. The programme will provide you with the skills and knowledge to ensure safe practice and to be able to link workplace experiences with theoretical knowledge. This national certificate is not designed to qualify people to be clinical mental health practitioners.
Sociology – New Zealand Society
Fields of Practice
Psychology – cognition and behaviour
Human Development
What will the programme cover?
Plus the University of Otago paper Working with People.
What will the programme cover?
Ko Te Maramatanga (Maori language and culture)
Alcohol and other drug use
Employment options
Cultural issues
Some students find employment in social service agencies. Most will complete higher level study towards a degree. This study may be undertaken via distance learning.
Intervention Support and minimisation of harm for users Involvement of family and whãnau in mental health support work Relationship considerations between the mental health support worker and family/whãnau Human rights principles and legal issues in mental health work including consumer/tangata whai ora rights Management of potential risks Supervision Group work theory and practice Conflict resolution
Further study options Diploma in Mental Health (Mental Health Support Work) (Level 6)
Employment options Mental health support work for agencies and district health boards.
Katie Wiseman Tutor
Katie Wiseman is a tutor and co-ordinator for two polytechnic programmes, the Diploma in Mental Health Support Work and the Diploma in Social Services.
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She holds a Bachelor of Social Services degree, with a major in psychology, from Waikato University as well as an MA Applied in Social Work from Victoria University.
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National Diploma in Science (Level 5) (Subject to approval)
Certificate in Health Studies (Level 4) Starts:
32 weeks full-time
2 years part-time
Introduction to the programme
Introduction to the programme The aim of the programme is to provide an opportunity for you to gain a level of academic ability and achievement sufficient to gain entry into further training in health and allied services.
This 2 year programme will provide the skills and knowledge needed to gain employment in a laboratory. It can lead to the National Diploma in Science (Level 6) and/or provide a platform for further study towards any other science qualification related to the workplace.
What will the programme cover?
What will the programme cover?
n Subjects appropriate to on-going study in health
Subjects include:
n The structure and function of the human body
Laboratory safety
n General science
n Major theoretical approaches in human development and psychology
n Chemistry
n The field of interpersonal and therapeutic communication skills in order
n Molecular biology/biochemistry
to be able to apply these in professional practice settings.
Employment options
Further study options
A range of laboratory career options.
Certificate in Laboratory Technician Skills Starts:
You can go onto further study in the health field, in particular undertaking a nursing or midwifery qualification. Many students continue with the Bachelor of Nursing with Otago Polytechnic, based in Timaru, Batchelor of Midwifery (CPIT), (Distance option).
Introduction to the programme This programme will give you the core knowledge and skills required to work in a laboratory. Particular focus is on the requirements for the food processing industry.
What will the programme cover? Subjects include: Laboratory safety
n Chemistry
n Biology
Employment options A range of laboratory career options including Laboratory Technician.
Fu rther study options Certificate in Health Studies.
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National Certificate in Community Support Services (Team Leader) (Level 5) (Subject to internal and external approval)
National Certificate in Community Support Services (Intellectual Disability) and National Certificate in Community Support Services (Human Services) (Level 3)
Introduction to the programme This qualification is designed to recognise the knowledge and skills required of team leaders who manage a group of workers in a health or disability setting.
What will the programme cover?
Introduction to the programme
The compulsory section covers
This combined qualification is designed to recognise the knowledge and skills required of support people who work in the intellectual disability and/or human services area in a health or disability setting.
Theoretical knowledge and skills Promoting consumer wellbeing Resource allocation Quality initiatives
What will the programme cover?
Appointment and development of staff
Causes and associated conditions related to intellectual disability
Ethical, professional and responsible behaviour
Support worker role
The elective section enables you to select specific standards that support your own work environment.
Personal and community values and attitudes
Employment options Team Leader.
Law in relation to intellectual disability Provision of a safe environment Epilepsy Autistic spectrum disorders
In order to complete this programme students are required to work (paid/ voluntary) within an intellectual disability or human services environment.
Employment options Opportunities include supporting people with intellectual disabilities and providing service in a disability or health setting.
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National Certificate in Animal Care (Level 2) Starts:
February and July
17 weeks full-time
Certificate in Life Skills (Level 1) Incorporating the National Certificate in Employment Skills
Introduction to the programme The National Certificate in Animal Care (Level 2) will provide you with a good foundation to progress on to further animal-related study and/or to find employment in the industry.
Duration: Self-paced programme. Students work within their home environments to complete tasks Campus:
Timaru, Ashburton and Oamaru
Introduction to the programme
What will the programme cover?
The aim of the programme is for students to gain the skills and knowledge to seek employment in the workplace and/or to act as a platform for further higher level training opportunities.
Animal behaviour Animal health and health management Safe working practice in animal care industries
What will the programme cover?
Companion animal anatomy and physiology
n Financial management
Ethical behaviour in relation to animals Time management
n Basic employee rights and responsibilities
Stress management
n Goal setting
Great opportunities exist in a variety of animal-related roles including SPCAs, catteries, kennels, pounds or pet shops.
Fu rther study options Veterinary nursing,Veterinary technician.
n Own personal wellness n Employment seeking n Future employment/education options
Further study options When you graduate you will have the basic knowledge and skills to further your education in an area suited to your skills and preferences. You will also gain the National Certificate in Employment Skills.
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n Effective communication
Employment options
Contents Diploma in Childbirth Education (Level 5) Starts:
February and July
Minimum 2 years part-time
AORAKI INFORMATION learning only) Campus: (Distance
This is a part-time distance learning programme that can be completed in a minimum of two years and a maximum of four years.
Introduction to the programme This programme trains you to become a childbirth educator and to teach pre-natal classes to expectant parents in a wide variety of settings. Completion of all modules means that you will be able to work as a childbirth educator.
n Pregnancy
n Post birth
Duration: 34 weeks full-time Campus:
Introduction to the programme This is an introductory programme where you gain the core skills and knowledge to prepare you to undertake the higher level learning required for employment in the early childhood sector.
What will the programme cover? Health and safety
What will the programme cover? Teaching adults
Certificate in Early Childhood Studies (Level 3)
Learning through play
Cultural awareness
Development in early childhood Parenthood in early childhood
Planning for learning
Guidance strategies
Professional practice
Agency experience
First aid
Employment options Employment opportunities may include work as a Childbirth Educator in the following areas: Parents’ Centres
n Plunket
n Marae-based birth groups
Homebirth/multiple birth groups
Employment options Completing the Certificate in Early Childhood Studies will open up opportunities for you to work as a Nanny and may lead on to relieving at an Early Childhood Childcare Centre.
Further study options Graduates of this programme may be eligible to undertake further study, in preparation for employment in the early childhood sector. Many students continue their studies with TOPNZ, based in Timaru.
Or entry into Midwifery programmes
National Certificate in Early Childhood Education and Care (Level 5) (Subject to approval) Campus:
“Our tutor is amazing and inspired me to keep studying and go for a Degree in Early Childhood.”
Introduction to the programme The aim of this programme is to provide you with knowledge and skills in the areas of: educational theory and practice; family, whanau, community and society; home-based caregiver management; professional practice; interpersonal communication; and food technology and nutrition.
Amy O’Keefe
Amy O’Keefe Certificate in Early Childhood Studies (Level 3) Amy left school and worked in retail, but she knew that’s not where she wanted to stay forever. Following her interest in the care of children, Amy enrolled at Aoraki Polytechnic in the Certificate in Early Childhood Studies. Amy was surprised by the extra mile the tutors were willing to go to support the class. ‘Our tutor Rebekah is amazing and inspired me to keep studying and go for a Degree in Early Childhood’. Amy really enjoyed the placements at local daycares and kindergartens and, as a result, was offered a part-time job. Amy accepted and has been working part-time in
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conjunction with her studies. Next year Amy has a busy year planned. She will continue her employment at the early childhood centre and has been accepted to study toward a Bachelor of Teaching (Early Childhood Education) via Aoraki Polytechnic’s relationship with The Open Polytechnic. ‘Aoraki Polytechnic makes the thought of studying correspondence less scary, it supplies a weekly, two hour tutorial and all the resources and tutor support is handy too.
Certificate in Parenting and Care of Children (Level 2)
Certificate in Adult Learning and Teaching (Level 5) incorporating the National Certificate in Adult Education and Training (Level 5)
February and August
12 weeks full-time
Multiple dates
Timaru, Ashburton and Oamaru
Introduction to the programme This programme enables you to work through a range of modules to gain or build on the skills and knowledge necessary to effectively care for children.
What will the programme cover? Education in the early years Child development – early,
middle and teenage years Effective communication Beginners’ guide to being a
teenage parent Pregnancy
and society Working with support groups Coping with change and
alternative family structures First aid Technology for parents and
The aim of this 60-credit qualification is to provide you with the opportunity to gain skills, knowledge and competencies to teach adult learners. This includes the design, delivery, assessment and evaluation of adult education and training.
What will the programme cover? Teaching adult learners in New Zealand’s diverse cultural environment Providing a positive, culturally safe and inclusive learning environment Theoretical models of adult learning The design, facilitation and evaluation of interactive learning
Health and safety in the home
Assessment of learning including the design and moderation
of assessment
Fu rther study options Completion of this programme will provide the opportunity for further study which may include early childhood education or teacher education.
Further study options You may wish to continue your studies by completing the National Diploma in Adult Education and Training (Level 5).
Employment options This qualification is ideal for people who are interested in a career teaching adults, workplace training, polytechnic tutoring or on-job industry training.
“Our tutor was exceptional, her knowledge, care and ability to relate to everyone made for a valuable class environment.”
Home management
Families, cultural awareness
Introduction to the programme
Leana Macartney
Leana Macartney Certificate in Parenting and Care of Children (Level 2) After having children (Aged 5 and 7), Leana felt she needed to take a new direction. Following her interest in the care of children Leana enrolled in the Certificate in Parenting and Care of Children at Aoraki Polytechnic. Getting back into a learning and study environment was easier than Leana thought it would be. “Our tutor was exceptional, her knowledge, care and ability to relate to everyone made for a brilliant class environment”. Leana enjoyed the supportive and family environment at Aoraki and particularly benefited from the lessons on child development as the skills and knowledge
were practical, and easy to relate to her own growing children. Because of Leana’s fantastic experience at Aoraki Polytechnic, she has chosen to continue her education and follow a career in Early Childhood. Leana has enrolled in the Bachelor of Teaching (Early Childhood) correspondence programme through Aoraki Polytechnic’s relationship with The Open Polytechnic. Aoraki provide two weekly, two hour tutorials to students enrolled in the bachelor degree with all of Aoraki Polytechnic’s facilities and tutor knowledge available as needed.
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National Certificate in Reo Mãori (Level 4) (Subject to approval)
English as a Second Language Intensive English
February, May, July and October
Elementary to Advanced
10, 20, 30 or 40 weeks full-time
Introduction to the programme
Introduction to the programme
The National Certificate in Reo Mãori (Level 4) is an introductory certificate awarded to people who have demonstrated competence in the knowledge and skills required for achievement in the domains of Kõrero, Whakarongo, Tuhituhi and Pãnui of the Reo Mãori subfield.
In New Zealand it is essential to gain a high level of English language skills in order to study, work or apply for permanent residency. English language skills can also help you gain work as you travel around the world.
People awarded this qualification are beginning to use te reo Mãori appropriately in a variety of settings. Through their knowledge of te reo Mãori they are able to communicate with their target audience in te reo Mãori and are able to use basic language and sentence structures appropriately.
With a long history of working with speakers of English as a second language, Aoraki Polytechnic offers you the opportunity to increase your English language skills on our quality assured, New Zealand registered English Language programme. Our programme will increase your English language in reading, writing, listening, speaking and grammatical accuracy.
What will the programme cover?
Study in elementary to advanced classes. All of our English classes are delivered in small, mixed nationality groups and taught by qualified English language tutors.
This is a unit standard based programme which covers the skills and knowledge needed to meet the requirements in the domains of Kõrero, Whakarongo, Tuhituhi and Pãnui of the Reo Mãori subfield.
While you develop your English language skills, you can take advantage of the range of course activities designed to expose you to the diverse opportunities available in the community.
Further study options The qualification provides a sound basis from which to pursue further academic study and/or workplace training.
What will this programme cover? Listening skills in English Reading skills in English
Employment options
Speaking skills in English
Skills gained in this qualification will be beneficial for people interested in working in relevant areas of the education, health, business and public sectors, the community, and the Mãori arena.
Writing skills in English Grammatical accuracy in the production of English You can complete up to 4 levels in one year
Further study and employment Certificate, Diploma and Degree level study. Career: Work in New Zealand or overseas.
What do you need to apply? Open entry.
International Students An assessment of your English language level will be conducted upon commencement with the programme.You will be placed in courses ranging from elementary to advanced based on the level of your English language ability. Skill development will be planned based on your identified needs and a teaching plan will be developed for you. An estimated IELTS score will be provided for all skill levels. Formal testing of your English language ability can be arranged through IELTS or equivalent testing centres as required.
Programme Recognition This programme is accredited by NZQA.
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Hospitality Want to whip up a storm in the food industry? Training new staff? Looking for qualifications that can take you around the world? Our hospitality courses are taught by internationally-renowned tutors in our full service kitchen and training restaurant.
Hospitality Management
Front of House Service
Cookery Baking
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Note: All programmes subject to internal and external approval
National Diploma in Hospitality (Operational Management) (Level 5) (Subject to approval)
Front of House Options START A CAREER
Certificate in Café and Barista
Certificate in Professional Restaurant, Wine and Bar Service (Level 4)
34 weeks full-time
Introduction to the programme This programme is intended for you if you have prior experience in the hospitality industry and wish to acquire the knowledge and skills to manage a business unit within a large enterprise.
Diploma in Hospitality (Operational Management)
Restaurant/Bar Manager
Restaurant/Bar Supervisor
What will the programme cover?
Head Waiter
Kitchen management
Food and beverage management Hospitality business management Functions management
Employment options On successful completion of this programme you will have acquired the knowledge and skills to manage a business unit within a large enterprise. It is suitable for you if you hold, or aspire to hold an Operational Manager's position in the kitchen, food and beverage, or rooms division and functions/ events areas. n Catering manager n Kitchen manager n Functions / Event manager n Restaurant manager n Sales manager - Functions n Assistant manager - Food and beveragesales n Banquet manager n Events / Functions manager n Events / Functions assistant manager
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Certificate in Professional Restaurant, Wine and Bar Service (Level 4) Includes City & Guilds Certificate in Food and Beverage Service Starts:
34 weeks full-time
Certificate in Café and Barista Skills (Level 2) Includes City and Guilds Certificate in Barista Starts:
February and July
17 weeks full-time
Timaru and Oamaru
Introduction to the programme If you want to work locally and internationally in the vibrant cafe/bar scene then this qualification will help you stand out from the crowd.
Introduction to the programme This one-year programme provides an exciting opportunity to gain qualifications in a diverse range of hospitality options. Emphasis is on practical training for positions in cafés, wine bars, restaurants, coffee houses, taverns and other food and beverage areas in an ever-expanding industry.
What will the programme cover? n Barista and bar skills n Introduction to bar and restaurant work n Menu and wine knowledge
What will the programme cover?
n Effective communication
This practical programme trains you for front-line positions in food and beverage services. Topics covered include bar and wine studies, food and beverage service, silver service, cash control, industry training and much more.
n Cash control
Employment options
Further study in the Certificate in Cookery (Level 3) or the Certificate in Professional Restaurant, Wine and Bar Service (Level 4).
Further study options National Diploma in Hospitality (Operational Management)
Further study options
Employment options n Cafe manager
n Food waiter
n Barista
n Kitchen hand
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n Bar person
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Front of house service in restaurants, hotels, cafés, wine bars in New Zealand and worldwide.
n Study skills
Diploma in Professional Cookery (Level 5) (Subject to approval)
Certificate in Patisserie (Level 4) Includes City and Guilds Diploma in Patisserie
Includes City and Guilds Starts:
February 4
Duration: 17 weeks full-time
34 weeks full-time
Introduction to the programme
Introduction to the programme This programme will develop skills already learned in the Level 3 Certificate in Cookery programme. It will expose students to a higher level of skill and knowledge and will prepare students for the fast paced world of the modern commercial kitchen. Its aim is to provide the industry with appropriately trained, skilled personnel in professional cookery.You will learn to create dishes with flair and creativity, using fresh ingredients and advanced cooking techniques. This programme will help you become a highly employable chef in the global hospitality workplace.
This programme will teach you the knowledge and skills required for basic patisserie preparations through to the level of culinary arts.
What will the programme cover? n Safe and hygienic working practices n Budgets, costing and kitchen maintenance n Paste-based products, meringues, creams, fillings and glazes n Cakes, sponges and desserts n Hot and cold sauces
What will the programme cover? Graduates will be able to demonstrate the skills and knowledge required of chefs who are involved in complex cooking across the major food groups in a commercial kitchen. Graduates will have a solid base from which to further develop their investigative and presentation skills of cuisine, including menu and kitchen design, within the Hospitality industry.
n Decorative mediums
Further study options Expand your qualifications with our Diploma in Hospitality (Operational Management) (Level 5).
Employment options
Employment options Chef de Partie, Sous Chef, Head Chef, Pastry Chef.
Further study options
n Pastry Chef
n Hotel
n Restaurant
n Bakery
Diploma in Hospitality (Operational management).
Peter Green Cookery (Level 4) and now Culinary Arts (Level 5) In 2010 Peter Green graduated with a Certificate in Cookery, with a dream to become a pastry chef. Peter is continuing his studies in 2011 and enrolled in the Certificate in Culinary Arts with Aoraki. Peter works part time at the industry renowned, Cuisine Magazine Restaurant of the Year, Riverstone Kitchen in Oamaru, which he gained through Aoraki. “I got the job while on work experience organised by Aoraki – Riverstone were impressed and offered me a position.” Peter counts himself lucky to be surrounded by quality tutors and colleagues during his training, “My tutors from Aoraki are outstanding and I’ve been pretty lucky to be learning from them and Bevan at Riverstone." 2011 has seen a once in a lifetime opportunity for Peter, who just spent six weeks in France in the French Champagne district, including three weeks at St Josephs Hospitality school and then a further three weeks' work placement at a five star Chateau restaurant. “It was a brilliant opportunity.
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I had a blast and met fantastic people and now have unique French skills and knowledge that I can incorporate in my cooking.” The exchange is paid for by fundraising from Aoraki Polytechnic and is an annual exchange running for the first time in 2011. Peter speaks ‘survival’ French, “I learnt some French before I left from a CD in my car, then picked up a lot more while I was over there!” Peter is looking forward to completing his Certificate in Culinary Arts and hopes to head back to France, “I have made some key contacts over there now which will be very helpful to a successful career.” Peter wants to be a pastry chef and believes the chance to learn in France will be a significant advantage to launch his career, “France is the perfect place to learn from the best and to get ahead in patisserie, as they are in the forefront of the bakery world.”
Certificate in Cookery (Level 3) Includes City and Guilds Certificate in Food Preparation and Cooking Starts:
February and August
34 weeks full-time
Introduction to the programme This programme provides students with an understanding and appreciation of the basic principles of general catering and will develop skills in the preparation, cooking and service of selected items under supervision.
What will the programme cover? Kitchen hygiene Health and safety Nutrition Kitchen terminology Kitchen equipment Storage procedures and controls Methods of cookery Pastry and baking techniques Stocks, soups and sauces Seafood, meat, poultry and vegetables Knowledge of commodities Basic restaurant service
Employment options Students will have the necessary knowledge and practical experience to operate as a front line worker in a kitchen environment of a typical service outlet (restaurant / café / bar / hospitality operation).
Further study options Continue your studies with either the Diploma in Professional Cookery (Level 5) or National Diploma in Hospitality (Operational Management) (Level 5).
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Contents National Certificate in Baking (Level 2) Starts:
February and July
17 weeks full-time
Introduction to the programme Enrol in this entry qualification for people seeking employment in a diverse range of baking industry roles. This qualification also provides the opportunity for you to be recognised for the skills and knowledge attained whilst employed within the industry.
What will the programme cover? n Safe and hygienic working practices n Personal presentation and customer service n Basic breads and fillings, batch bake cake and pastry products n Icings and glazes n Stocks, sauces and soups
Further study options Pathway to the National Certificate in Baking (Level 3), Certificate in Cookery (Level 3) and Certificate in CafĂŠ and Barista Skills (Level 2).
Employment options Employment as a baker in multiple environments, primarily cafĂŠs and restaurants.
Michelle Longman Certificate in Cookery & Professional Cookery "I completed my Certificate in Cookery in 2005 and then my Certificate in Professional Cookery in 2006. The courses were both great and provided a wide range of relevant, practical industry experience. The work experience placements in particular were very useful in gaining an insight into what to expect after finding employment. Aoraki's tutors were knowledgeable, approachable and most importantly made it a fun environment to learn in! One of the highlights of my courses was representing Aoraki in the Toque d'Or Cooking Competition in Auckland.
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I moved to Australia in 2007 and after working in various restaurants in Surfers Paradise and Sydney I'm now employed as a Cake Decorator at Heavenly Cakes in Sydney's Northern Beaches. I've always been passionate about cakes and pastry and my training helped me gain the skills and experience required to get a start with Heavenly Cakes three years ago. I haven't looked back since and love my work!"
Information Technology If you want to make your career in the technology sector and computing, Aoraki Polytechnic can not only get you started but can lead you into a degree with the Christchurch Polytechnic Institute of Technology (CPIT). Whether you want to learn basic computer skills, build on your existing knowledge, learn specific software or get into serious programming and software development, we have what you need. The career options are endless in this field from working in technology support, retail, or an office environment through to programming, multimedia or software development that will take you around the world.
Information & Communications Technology Computing
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Note: All programmes subject to internal and external approval Contents
Information Technology Options GAIN BASIC SKILLS
Diploma in Information and Communications Technology (Level 6) Specialised pathways; IT Support, Network Support or Software Development.
National Certificate in Computing (Level 2) National Certificate in Computing (Level 3)
February or July
Certificate in Computing (Level 3)
2 years full-time, part-time options available
START A CAREER Certificate in Professional Office Management (Level 3)
Campus: Timaru campus. Some modules may also be delivered in Ashburton and Oamaru.
Diploma in Information and Communications Technology (Level 6) Certificate in Information and Communications Technology (Level 4) Diploma in Information Systems Development (Level 5)
Introduction to the programme To provide you with skills capable of the ongoing responsibilities of a computing professional for the administration, development and ongoing support of Information Technology infrastructure.
Systems analyst
What will the programme cover?
Computer technician
Technical support officer
n T he knowledge, technical proficiency and expertise to troubleshoot and
Website developer
Help desk operator
solve IT related problems. n Self-directed problem solving techniques.
Secretarial and support roles
n Using IT tools to solve business related problems.
Technology related sales and retail positions
n Generating and evaluating solutions for a range of given IT challenges. n Identifying problems and using problem solving skills to define scope.
Certificate in Professional Office Management See Business section p. 33
n Using a variety of tools for conducting research and communication.
Further study options Upgrade your qualifications with further study on the Bachelor in Information and Communications Technology at CPIT.
Employment options n IT Support n Network Support n Software Development
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Computing Diploma in Information Systems Development (Level 5) Starts:
Certificate in Information and Communications Technology (Level 4) Starts:
February or July
Duration: 34 weeks full-time, part-time options available
17 weeks full-time, part-time options available
Timaru, Ashburton and Oamaru
Introduction to the programme This Aoraki qualification is equivalent to the first year of the Christchurch Polytechnic Institute of Technology (CPIT) Bachelor of Information and Communications Technology (BICT) degree. You will gain skills in software design and development for desktop and web-based information systems, along with an overview of information systems architecture.
What will the programme cover?
Introduction to the programme You will develop skills in computing required to further your education in Information and Communications Technology, or enter the workforce in a career that is supported by Information Technology.
What will the programme cover?
Programming using JADE
n The hardware, operating systems and peripherals of a computing system
Systems design using UML
n Software applications
Web site development
n Networks and data transmission
Computer architecture
n Internet technologies
Software skills
n Ethics and safety
Communication for the IT environment
n Communication in an ICT environment n Time management for the workplace
Further study options
n Problem solving
Students who successfully complete this programme gain full credit for the first year of the BICT degree at CPIT.
Further study options
Employment options
Pathway to the Diploma in Information and Communications Technology (Level 6) or the Diploma in Information Systems Development (Level 5).
This qualification prepares you for entry level positions supporting software development teams.
Employment options n Service Desk Operator
Industry Testimonial
n Network Technician/Administrator n Assistant Software Developer
Multimedia for websites and CD/DVD
"JADE are pleased to be associated with CPIT’s BCIT degree, and Aoraki’s DipISD. We believe that these programmes provide excellent work-ready students for today’s ever changing IT industry." John Ascroft, Chief Innovation Officer JADE Software Corporation, Christchurch
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National Certificate in Computing (Level 3) Starts:
Flexible, part-time
Timaru, Ashburton and Oamaru
National Certificate in Computing (Level 2) Starts:
Flexible, part-time
Timaru, Ashburton and Oamaru
Introduction to the programme
Introduction to the programme This Unit Standard-based programme is offered on a flexible basis.You may attend any of the six facilitated sessions held on weekdays, weekends and in the evenings.
This Unit Standard-based programme is offered on a flexible basis.You may attend any of the six facilitated sessions held on weekdays, weekends and in the evenings.
You may enrol at any time.
You may enrol at any time.
What will the programme cover?
What will the programme cover? Microsoft Word
Microsoft Excel
Computing fundamentals
Microsoft Publisher
Microsoft Access
Microsoft Word Microsoft Excel
Internet and email
Microsoft Publisher
Employment options
Microsoft Access
The National Certificate in Computing (Level 3) is an excellent grounding in information technology, which may improve your employment opportunities and advance your computing skills for employment.
Further study options The National Certificate in Computing provides a stepping stone towards higher-level programmes such as the Certificate in Information and Communications Technology.
Internet and email
Employment options The National Certificate in Computing (Level 2) is an excellent grounding in information technology, which may improve your employment opportunities where computer skills are required.
Further study options The National Certificate in Computing provides a stepping stone towards higher-level programmes such as the National Certificate in Computing (Level 3).
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Media Whether it's words, pictures, behind the scenes or in front of the camera, our wide range of media programmes offer you the skills you need to work in this dynamic industry. Our programmes can take you into careers as diverse as newspaper reporting, design and animation, radio and television presenting, web and advertising design or production and freelance creative writing. We are currently reviewing our programmes to create new pathways and employment opportunities.
Film and Television
Digital Photography
Advertising Design
Multimedia and Web Design
Creative Writing
Media Communication
3D Animation
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Contents Note: All programmes subject to change Diploma in Radio (Level 5)
Certificate in Radio,Television and Presenting (Level 3)
34 weeks full-time
Christchurch and Dunedin
34 weeks full-time
Introduction to the programme This Diploma programme is an exciting year of practical study, covering many aspects of the radio industry.
What will the programme cover? The overall aim of this diploma is to provide you with advanced skills needed to deal with radio hosting, producing and scheduling. Programming and formatting a radio station
Introduction to the programme The aim of this practical programme is to provide you with a sound overview of career pathways in electronic media such as Radio, Television and Film production and Performing Arts. The introductory skills learned include those required for starting your career in both Radio and Television.
On-air productions
What will the programme cover?
Producing and recording commercials and copywriting
Content includes introductory copywriting and production for radio; the skills needed to make a short DVD including handling equipment appropriately; voice production and performance techniques; make-up for presenting on stage and on camera; career and further study options.
Radio promotions Marketing radio as an advertising medium The dynamics of working in the radio industry and work experience Broadcast law
Employment options
Preparing and conducting interviews to be broadcast on radio
Entry level positions in production houses or local radio stations.
Employment options
Further study options
Possible careers include producing, copywriting, sales and promotions.
Aoraki Polytechnic Diploma in Radio (Level 5) Aoraki Polytechnic Certificate in Film and Television (Level 4) Performing Arts programmes
Matt Wicks Diploma in Radio Matt Wicks is running towards a career in radio. The Aoraki Polytechnic Diploma in Radio student is the latest addition to the Edge’s Dunedin roadrunner team. He’s only just started the one year diploma and he’s already scored a job in the industry he wants to work in. “Working for the Edge will be a great experience, it’s really early in the course and I’m starting out where I want to be.There can’t be anything better than training to work in radio and actually working in radio at the same time.” Matt won a place in the Edge’s roadrunner team in a recent promotion.The station was so impressed with his application that it gave him a part-time job.
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The 24-year-old is no stranger to radio: he used to do voice-overs for radio advertisements for his former employer, Dunedin Casino. “It turned out that I had a good voice for radio – that’s what my workmates and friends used to say – and I suppose I’m not afraid to be the centre of attention and make a fool of myself. I decided I should take a chance and go for it, and I was pretty lucky that Aoraki had such a good school and the Edge was keen to have me.” Matt expects to end the one year Diploma programme well and truly ready for whatever the radio industry throws at him. “It’s an exciting industry, and every day will have a new challenge. I’m going to make the most of this year and, hopefully, get a full-time job at a station like the Edge.”
Contents Note: All programmes subject to change Diploma in Television Production (Level 6)
Certificate in Film and Television (Level 4)
Duration: 34 weeks full-time
Duration: 34 weeks full-time
Christchurch and Dunedin
Christchurch and Dunedin
Introduction to the programme
Introduction to the programme
This Diploma is a project-based course with plenty of opportunities for individual initiative which extends your existing skills in creating digital video productions for a variety of media.
This practical programme adopts a multi-skilled approach to today’s fast moving world of broadcast television. We have strong professional links with TV production companies.
What will the programme cover?
What will the programme cover?
Research Pitching ideas
The overall aim of this programme is to provide a solid understanding of the film and television industries.
Advanced scriptwriting
Film and television production and broadcasting law
Production – scheduling, budgeting
Use of a digital camera, editing and sound recording
Advanced digital editing
Producing short videos from concept to DVD copy
Post-production for multimedia
Lighting and composing moving images
Employment options
Employment options
Freelance production work e.g. camera, editing, producing
This qualification helps prepare you for:
for a variety of media
Working in local television
Working in local television Producing commercial/corporate productions e.g. training videos,
Producing commercial/corporate videos, e.g. weddings,
training videos.
Further study options The Aoraki Polytechnic Diploma in Television Production or you could go on to study for a Degree in Broadcasting.
weddings, special events
Entry level jobs in production houses
Christian Hayes Certificate in Film and Television Christian got his first taste of editing film back when he was a primary school pupil in Christchurch but it set the scene for his future career plans. The former Burnside High School pupil heard about Aoraki’s Certificate in Film and Television from the school’s careers advisor – a course that fulfilled all his expectations. He got to make a music video featuring a metal band, but perhaps his proudest moment was seeing his short film on the big screen.
“Goodbye Son” evoked a stronger reaction from the audience than Christian had expected, many with tears in their eyes after watching the story of a son saying goodbye to his father for what might be the last time. But one of the best things about studying at Aoraki’s Christchurch campus for Christian was the friendly atmosphere. “It feels like everyone is your friend. Everyone is friendly and happy.” Christian has moved on to study on the Diploma in Television Production programme.
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Contents Note: All programmes subject to change Diploma in Digital Photography (Level 6)
Certificate in Digital Photography (Level 4)
34 weeks full-time
Timaru and Dunedin
Duration: 34 weeks full-time AORAKI INFORMATION Campus:
Introduction to the programme
Introduction to the programme
This programme builds on the foundation laid by the certificate course and is designed to give you the skill set required of a professional photographer.
The Certificate in Digital Photography is about giving your photographic aspirations a flying start. During the course you will learn the techniques and skills required to produce memorable and attention-grabbing imagery. This is a great starting point for a photographic career but can also be used as a launch pad into any of the other visually orientated industries.
While emphasis is laid on the teaching of advanced techniques, scope is also given to students to explore the aspect of photography that most interests you so that by the end of the year you will have established your own photographic style.
What will the programme cover?
What will the programme cover?
This is an intensive, practical programme where you learn:
The programme will help you learn, become familiar with and utilise techniques in producing images which incorporate the broad range of photographic genres.
Camera skills
n Composition techniques
Digital darkroom
n Lighting and portraiture
n Image manipulation
Advanced techniques and procedures Emphasis on documentary and commercial photography
Business and Marketing skills
Employment options
Employment options Past students have gained employment as photojournalists, both here and abroad, as cruise liner photographers, in photographic retailing, freelance sports photojournalists as well as setting up their own businesses.
Commercial photography Newspaper photography Camera retailing Processing laboratories
Further study options Students who successfully complete the Certificate in Digital Photography can advance to the Diploma in Digital Photography at our Dunedin campus.
“Aoraki Polytechnic provided me with the skills and knowledge to open my own Business.” Shirley Nolan
Shirley Nolan Certificate in Digital Photography (Level 4) I completed the Aoraki Polytechnic Certificate in Digital Photography 2009 course. Having been away from a classroom for many years, I wasn't sure how I would cope with the classroom environment and all the study and assignments but I thoroughly enjoyed the challenge. I learnt some excellent photography skills, the importance of a Business Plan for starting my own business, not to over think everything when given a brief, putting it all down on paper for the assignments. Age doesn't matter and sometimes it is best to be taken out of your comfort zone to get what you want out of life. I enjoyed the trips away to the Catlin’s and Tekapo to use the camera in different situations, getting to know the other students and the fun we had as a
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class, meeting other photographers from successful businesses, learning how they all had to start somewhere and how they got where they are today. I found the support of our Tutor Ron Lindsay, excellent. The knowledge he had to share has been great, he made it easy to understand the modules, and is still ongoing with support nearly a year after the course finished. I found the facilities at Aoraki really good with 24/7 access to the Mac computer Suite and photography studio. Excitingly Aoraki Polytechnic provided me with the skills and knowledge to open my own Business “Thru my Eyes Photography” in Stafford St, Timaru.
Contents Note: All programmes subject to change Certificate in Advertising Design (Level 4)
Certificate in Multimedia and Web Design (Level 4)
34 weeks part-time
Duration: 34 weeks part-time Campus:
Introduction to the programme Today graphic design has become such an integral part of our daily lives that one cannot think of any business that a graphic designer could not add value to. This specialised course is for those who are new to the graphic design industry or people who want to develop their graphic design skills further.
What will the programme cover? The Certificate in Advertising Design combines practical graphic design skills using a range of software including Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Freehand, Adobe Acrobat Professional, and Adobe InDesign.
Introduction to the programme The Certificate in Multimedia and Web Design is a practical course which caters for the growing demand for web professionals. You will construct websites, design animated banners/websites, upload websites and learn how online shops and internet marketing work. The course is completely practical and interactive with a step-by-step hands-on approach to help you understand and implement the latest web strategies through a variety of assignments.
What will the programme cover? Programme content includes:
You spend most of your time on hands-on projects working with computers to develop the image manipulation skills required to design:
Introduction to HTML
Creating digital images using Photoshop.
Newsletters for print and web
Brochures for products and
Website development
Catalogues for print and web
Web Software: Dreamweaver
Cascading Style Sheets: CSS
Portable Documents (PDFs)
Web Software: Microsoft Expression Web Digital Animation: Flash Introduction to Online shop: OsCommerce
Employment options
Employment options This qualification prepares people for work as a professional graphic designer, freelance designer, graphic artist, illustrator, layout artist, photo retouch specialist or colour correction artist.
You will produce an elaborate graphical portfolio and CV at the end of the course to impress prospective employers.
This qualification is suitable for people wanting to work as a website designer or freelance designer, or in a web design business.
Further study options You can progress to media studies at higher levels.
Further study options Completion of this certificate may lead to study in the areas of web design, digital photography and 3D animation.
Jarrod Walsh Certificate in Advertising Design and Multimedia and Web Design “After choosing to leave school, I was faced with a big decision of what to do the coming year. There were a handful of options shown to me but the two that stood out were the ‘Advertising Design’ and ‘Multimedia and Web Design’ programmes offered at Aoraki Polytechnic. Always having an interest in graphics and computing at school, I decided enrolling in these programmes was my best option. In Advertising Design I learnt a wide range of skills and design concepts within the Adobe Suite software. I am now much more confident using the design programmes within the package.
I also found the Multimedia and Web Design course very beneficial. It was great to learn how to build a variety of different websites using HTML, Cascading Stylesheets (CSS) and Dreamweaver. I really enjoyed learning about making animations in Adobe Flash and maintaining an online shop. With all the skills and knowledge that I learnt over the year I secured a job at The Otago Daily Times in Dunedin with three weeks of the course still to go! I am looking forward to putting my skills and knowledge into practice."
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Contents Note: All programmes subject to change Certificate in Creative Writing for Publication (Level 6)
Certificate in Creative Writing (Level 5) Starts:
34 weeks part-time
34 weeks part-time
Christchurch and Dunedin
Introduction to the programme
Introduction to the programme This workshop-based programme allows you to apply the professional tools required to plan, develop, and critically reflect on a major writing project (for example, a novel, collection of short stories, poems, or a memoir) which will allow you to complete a body of work to a publishable standard.
This workshop-based programme offers a unique opportunity to become immersed in the world of creative writing and to develop writing skills that can be applied to a wide variety of genres including poetry and creative non-fiction. Tutors are professional, published writers. A supportive atmosphere encourages group participation.
What will the programme cover? The writing process
n Narrative technique
Structural options
n Story structure
n Place and time
n Metaphor
n Language
Employment options
n Creative nonfiction
You will be equipped with the skills and knowledge to become a selfemployed or freelance writer. You will be able to transfer your skills into other employments opportunities, e.g. teaching and the publishing industry.
n Revision
What will the programme cover? Preparing to write a major work Writing a major work Revising, editing and publishing a major work
Employment options
Further study options
Previous students have won awards and had their work accepted by national periodicals and publishers.
Some students go on from this course into further tertiary study or more advanced writing programmes.
Further study options Some students go on from this course to study English or creative writing at advanced levels, such as the Aoraki Polytechnic Certificate in Creative Writing for Publishing (Level 6).
"I have always loved to write, but knew that I needed to study the true value of writing skills in greater depth. A degree in English was not what I wanted to do, and University is not my style as I like to study a devoted subject, in a devoted environment." Genevieve Robinson
Diane Brown Creative Writing Tutor Diane is a versatile writer whose publications include two collections of poetry (Before The Divorce We Go To Disneyland,Tandem 1997—winner of the NZSA Best First Book of Poetry at the Montana Book Awards 1997; Learning to Lie Together, Godwit 2004), two novels (If The Tongue Fits,Tandem 1999; Eight Stages of Grace, Random 2002—a verse novel which was a finalist in the Montana Book Awards 2003), a travel memoir (Liars and Lovers, Random 2004) and a prose/poetic work, (Here Comes Another Vital Moment. Random 2006).
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In addition, she was a Buddle Findlay Sargeson Fellow in 1997, and an inaugural resident at the Michael King Writer’s Studio in Auckland. Diane has also received grants from Creative New Zealand. She has had a long association with the NZ Society of Authors and is presently NZSA’s representative on the Management Committee on the NZ Post Book Awards. Currently Diane is completing a novel, Hooked.
Contents Note: All programmes subject to change Diploma in Journalism (Level 5)
Industry Testimonial
Incorporates the National Diploma in Journalism (Multimedia) (Level 5) Starts:
34 weeks full-time
Fairfax Media values the role that Aoraki Polytechnic’s media school plays in supporting and training journalists for our journalism internship scheme. Aoraki has long had a fine and well-deserved reputation for its excellent training which is recognised by newsroom leaders throughout the country. As well, Aoraki Polytechnic’s media school is a forward-thinking organisation that bodes well for its future in a fast-changing media world. Clive Lind, Editorial Development Manager, Fairfax Media
Introduction to the programme You will learn the basic skills and attitudes necessary for a successful career in journalism.
What will the programme cover? You will learn to: Master another language, shorthand Interview effectively Write news stories for publication Write a feature article Produce and load pictures stories and video for the Internet
The editor of the Otago Daily Times, Murray Kirkness, who is also the chairman of the diploma’s industry liaison committee, welcomes the offering of the Diploma in Journalism at Aoraki Polytechnic in Dunedin."The Aoraki course has an enviable reputation in the industry for producing excellent journalists. The Otago Daily Times, New Zealand's oldest daily paper and the last independent metropolitan masthead in the country, is hugely supportive of the course and will very much play a positive role to help make it a success in Dunedin." Murray Kirkness, Otago Daily Times, Editor
Analyse daily news coverage Debate media ethics Write bicultural and diversity stories Spend three weeks working in real newsrooms
Attend council meetings and court hearings Design and layout pages Produce a photographic portfolio
Employment options This qualification is the industry requirement for those who want to work as a journalist in print, television, or multimedia. Specific selection criteria applies.
Stu Oldham Journalism Tutor
Diploma in Journalism tutor Stu Oldham graduated from the University of Canterbury with a BA (Hons) and began his journalism study with Aoraki Polytechnic, graduating as the Top Student from the journalism programme in 2000. He has worked at The Press and the Southland Times, and has taught journalism to degree level on the Southern Institute of Technology’s journalism programme. Stu left his role as Senior Reporter at the Otago Daily Times to return to teaching and join Aoraki Polytechnic’s Dunedin campus.
He is looking forward to further cementing Aoraki’s hard-earned reputation as one of New Zealand’s top journalism schools. “The course continues to attract some of the brightest prospective reporters in the country, and I’m keen to ensure the success of the programme continues at the Dunedin campus.”
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Contents Note: All programmes subject to change Certificate in Media Communication (Level 4)
Diploma in 3D Animation (Level 6)
Incorporates the National Certificate in Journalism (Introductory) Starts:
34 weeks full-time
Christchurch and Dunedin
34 weeks full-time
Introduction to the programme This programme gives you a practical introduction to 3D visualisations and creates a method of navigating in cyberspace. It is at the cutting edge of digital graphical technology used around the world, from rock music videos through to feature films.
Introduction to the programme This programme focuses on foundation skills for a career in the mass media communication industry. It incorporates the National Certificate in Journalism (Introductory) and gives you an overview of some of the exciting opportunities available in this dynamic industry.
What will the programme cover? You will learn to: Write news stories for newspaper, television, radio and the internet
What will the programme cover? Programme content includes: Animation
n Modelling
n Digital editing
n Film grammar
A self-determined animation project
Write feature stories
Employment options
Write and record news pieces for television and write and broadcast
Graduates can seek employment in:
news for radio.
The film industry
You will also:
The television industry
Learn the fundamentals of print, photo, radio and
Architecture (architectural visualisations)
television journalism
Computer games development
Learn how to spot a news story
Employment options After successful completion of the programme you will have the essential skills for junior positions in freelance writing, copywriting, and marketing.
Further study options Graduates may undertake further training for a career in broadcast or print journalism. To pursue a professional career in journalism it is recommended that you gain the Diploma in Journalism (Level 5) incorporating the National Diploma in Journalism (Multimedia) (Level 5) provided by Aoraki Polytechnic or its equivalent or a Degree in Broadcast Journalism.
Laura Hall Certificate in Media Communication (Level 4) Laura had a very specific goal in mind when she signed up for Aoraki’s Media Communication programme – to gain entry to the New Zealand Broadcasting School. The course was suggested to Laura by a tutor at the Broadcasting School as a good entry level course which would give her a good grounding to apply for a place on the course. It all paid off and Laura won a coveted place on the course and is moving along the pathway to achieving her dream job working as a television journalist.
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“The Media Comms course is really valuable as a gateway into the industry.You get to do a little bit of everything and find which branch of the media is right for you. It really does open doors for you.” Laura had the opportunity to meet journalists working in print, radio and television during the course and was selected to attend the Youth Parliament as a member of the youth press gallery – an experience she will never forget.
Outdoor Education & Sport If you’d like to make a career out of sharing your passion for the outdoors with others at home or abroad, if working in adventure tourism industries appeal to you, Aoraki’s range of outdoor recreation and education programmes offer the best training, location and reputation to make it happen. Or, if your enthusiasm lies with the science of physical education and sports performance, we also have a range of programmes that can lead you into careers such as sports co-ordinators, health and fitness instructors, or coaching.
Outdoor Education Sport and Fitness
62 - 63 64
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Note: All programmes subject to internal and external approval
Outdoor Education Options
GAIN BASIC SKILLS Certificate in Outdoor Recreation (Level 4)
Diploma in Outdoor Instruction and Management (Level 5)
Diploma in Outdoor Education (Level 6)
34 weeks full-time
Introduction to the programme
Diploma in Outdoor Education (Level 6)
Please contact Aoraki Polytechnic for further details.
You will cover the technical aspects of the New Zealand Outdoor Instructors Association (NZOIA) Stage 2 awards which consolidates student progress gained in the Certificate in Outdoor Recreation (Level 4) and Diploma in Outdoor Instruction and Management (Level 5), with particular regard to maturing leadership skills. You are encouraged to achieve marketable technical, teaching and people skills which will be useful in a variety of work-based situations.
What will the programme cover?
Outdoor pursuits instructor School outdoor instructor Climbing guide Rafting guide Kayak guide Adventure pursuits industry Corporate team building Sports co-ordinator Health and fitness instructor Personal trainer Coaching Further study
You will work independently and be responsible for organising and instructing certain components of the Certificate programme. Programme content includes wilderness pre-hospital care, and adult education and training. Enviromental Education, Outdoor Education. A variety of advanced courses. Students completing this programme, with supervision, plan and deliver the outdoor pursuits module to the Certificate in Outdoor Recreation (Level 4) students. Based on your learning you could also gain the New Zealand Outdoor Instructors’ Association qualification and sit various qualifications through the New Zealand Outdoor Instructors’ Association (NZOIA)
Further study options
Industry Testimonial
Pathways to Bachelor of Education Adult Education from Massey University and Bachelor of Adventure Recreation and Outdoor Education from CPIT.
Employment options Outdoor instructor in a wide range of outdoor pursuit centres
The Outdoor Education Group (OEG) is one of Australia’s largest providers of quality outdoor education. To ensure that we can deliver programmes that meet our clients’ expectations we use competitive selection to recruit staff who have the skills and training to deliver excellent educational outcomes, combined with highly developed judgement and risk management skills.
Adventure Guide Employment in a range of adventure tourism businesses Outward Bound instructor
OEG employs up to 65 field staff per year and recruits nationally and internationally to ensure that we can employ from the best field of candidates. Aoraki Polytechnic is one of the three main New Zealand institutions that we target for potential employees. The Aoraki Outdoor Education graduates that we have employed over several years have proven themselves to be well grounded in both the practical skills to deliver programme activities as well as have the underpinning theoretical frameworks to ensure that the educational purpose of the programmes are achieved. Aoraki graduates have also been promoted into management positions planning and organising programme design and delivery; and leading field staff teams. We look for, and find in Aoraki graduates, people who are enthusiastic about the medium of using the outdoors to teach young people and who are committed to ongoing personal and professional development in outdoor education as a career. Liz Peddie, Head of Organisational Development/HR The Outdoor Education Group
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Diploma in Outdoor Instruction and Management (Level 5)
Certificate in Outdoor Recreation (Level 4) Starts:
34 weeks full-time
34 weeks full-time
Introduction to the programme
Introduction to the programme This is the programme where you can begin to turn your passion for adventuring in the outdoors into the opportunity to gain employment as an outdoor instructor or guide.
What will the programme cover?
Enrolments are also welcome from keen outdoor recreationists who have completed a Certificate level programme elsewhere or who already have similar skills and experience.
What will the programme cover? This programme covers a wide range of outdoor skills including outdoor first aid, rock climbing, mountaineering, river kayaking, tramping and alpine and back-country skiing. General outdoor recreation theory includes fitness/nutrition, programme planning and environmental concepts. You will study adventure skills, resulting in a two week expedition planned and implemented by the whole group.
Further study options This one-year programme opens up opportunities to progress to the Diploma in Outdoor Instruction and Management (Level 5) and the Diploma in Outdoor Education (Level 6).
Francesca Thompson Certificate in Outdoor Recreation (Level 4) Francesca Thompson has joined the New Zealand Army and is being sponsored to study! Frankie, as she is known to friends and family, is currently living in Australia and attending the Australian Defence Force Academy (ADFA) in Canberra whilst undergoing military training and studying towards a degree in Civil Engineering through the University of New South Wales. She is one of only three New Zealanders to be selected to attend ADFA and firmly believes her Certificate in Outdoor Education, gained last year at the Aoraki Polytechnic, prepared her well for the five day Officer Selection Board (OSB) at Trentham Camp, Wellington, in December . ADFA is a unique partnership between the Australian Defence Force (ADF) and the University of New South Wales (UNSW) which provides training and education for the future leaders of the Australian Navy, Army and Air Force plus a few select individuals from other countries. Following Initial Officer Training at Wairou Camp, the NZ Army Kippenberger Scheme normally sponsors up to fifteen officer cadets annually through an approved
undergraduate degree at Massey University. Together they form the Kippenberger Class, based at Linton Military camp (Palmerston North). This year the top three cadets, based on NCEA results, performance and interviews, were offered a place at ADFA and Frankie was one of them! This is the first time the NZ Army has sent any cadets to ADFA for three years. After completing Year 13 at Craighead Diocesan School in 2009 Frankie applied for the 2010 Certificate in Outdoor Recreation at Aoraki Polytechnic. She had always considered the army as a career but did not feel ready; she now believes the skills, knowledge, confidence and “I can do it” mentality learnt from gaining the Outdoor Recreation Certificate at Aoraki gave her the edge at OSB and ultimate selection for ADFA. Frankie says “Although I miss my Aoraki mates and going on to study for a Diploma, I shall never forget the experience, companionship, knowledge and respect for the outdoors I learnt at Aoraki Polytechnic during 2010 under the direction of some outstanding instructors. Much of it has come in handy already!”
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You will further develop your skills in bush; general adventuring; and your two chosen technical pursuits. In the classroom you will complete a wide variety of outdoor instruction and risk management related courses and applied environmental science, as well as logging instructional experience in a variety of outdoor pursuits.
You will actively participate in a broad range of outdoor experiences at an introductory level, encouraging a high degree of motivation, personal determination and teamwork.
Diploma in Sport and Fitness (Level 5) Starts:
Duration: 2 years full-time Campus:
Timaru and Christchurch
Introduction to the programme The Diploma in Sport and Fitness aims to advance your knowledge, experience and skills in sport and exercise science.
What will the programme cover? Sport study, professional coaching and physical training are combined to develop skills applicable to a wide range of sport and exercise related employment. The course combines a base of theoretical knowledge with practical application.
Year One subjects include: Functional anatomy
Exercise science
Skill acquisition and biomechanics
Sport in society
Sport specific and fitness training.
First aid
Sport coaching, psychology, nutrition and injuries Sport marketing, media and communication
Year Two subjects include: Exercise physiology and prescription
Teaching skills in physical fitness
Introduction to research methods
Sport practicum
Coaching athletes with disabilities Sport specific training and fitness training. Sport coaching, management, psychology, nutrition, massage and medicine
Employment options This qualification helps you prepare for employment as a sports co-ordinator, health and fitness instructor, activities co-ordinator, sports coach, personal trainer, sports administrator, community sports liaison officer, rehabilitation prescription, sport development officer or facilities and recreation administrator.
Further study options Pathway to Bachelor of Exercise Science and completion of this Bachelor's degree enables you to apply for one year teacher training to become a High School Physical Education teacher..
Bree Cumming Diploma in Sport and Fitness “I first heard about Aoraki’s Sport and Fitness Programme at a careers day at school, the fact that it was situated at QEII Stadium was a big pull for me.” Bree was lucky enough to win a scholarship for Aoraki Polytechnic and came straight from school to complete the two year Diploma in Sport and Fitness in 2008 and 2009. "There are a few sport programmes around but what I liked about Aorkai’s is the broad nature of the course, I learnt skills and knowledge in sports science, fitness, instructing, management, and nutrition – everything sport related! Therefore when I finished I had options to choose where I wanted to specialise in the industry.
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"Our tutors were top class , going out of their way to help you out, and the facilities were outstanding, even out of class time we had access to the gym, track and swimming pool. " Bree chose personal training as her career pathway and is currently working as a fitness instructor at Les Mills Gym in Christchurch. “The lessons about building rapport and the psychology of sport have been particularly helpful, and obviously the physical stuff too”. Bree is enjoying her time with Les Mills but has an exciting prospect for the new year, as she has been offered a position on a cruise ship as a personal trainer.
Trades and Agriculture Hands-on training at its finest. Aoraki Polytechnic offers comprehensive training in fields that offer great job prospects. Covering a broad range of subjects, these courses are ideal for anyone looking for an entry into trades or agriculture.
Building and Construction
66 - 69
Automotive Trades
70 - 72
Agriculture and Farming
72 - 73
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Contents Note: All programmes subject to internal and external approval National Certificate in Construction (Leading Hand) (Level 4)
Certificate in Carpentry (Level 4) Starts:
34 weeks full-time
30 weeks part-time
Introduction to the programme
Introduction to the programme Develop the knowledge and skills required by the building and construction industry of a capable leading hand. The qualification is aimed at those people already working as a construction leading hand, or alternatively those wishing to move into the role.
What will the programme cover? n Interpretation and implementation of construction site safety plans n Effective communication of requirements for working on a building site n Development of leadership and conflict resolution strategies for a
construction site n D evelopment and demonstration of technical knowledge and skills for
effective control of a construction site including drawings, specifications, order lists, and weather proofing. n Time management appropriate for the construction industry n Standards expected in the industry
n Use of carpentry hand tools
Health & Safety
n Machining timber
Setting out a building
n Foundations
Wall framing
n Roof construction
Exterior cladding
n Insulation
Fixed interior linings
n Weatherproofing
Residential alterations and additions Working drawings/specifications
Further study options n N ational Certificate in Construction (Leading Hand)
n T rainees can chose to continue with their study to complete National
Certificate in Construction (Supervisor) (Level 5) n National Diploma in Construction Management (Level 6)
n Building Inspector
What will the programme cover? Use of power tools
n N ational Certificate in Carpentry (Level 4)
Further study options
n Quantity Surveyor
You will receive a full year of theoretical and practical skills training. Complete all of the theory units for N.C.C and a range of practical work as required for the first year of an apprenticeship, including build a house! This establishes the best foundation for employment or an apprenticeship as required by the building and construction industry.
Employment options Carpentry apprenticeship
n Joiner
Building retail
n Roofing
Internal linings
n External cladding systems
Employment options n Promotion (leading hand, foreman)
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Certificate in Pre-Employment Brick, Block and Paving (Level 3) Starts:
34 weeks full-time
Timaru and Christchurch
Introduction to the programme Develop knowledge and skills related to Brick, Block and Paving and gain a Level 3 Pre-trade Certificate that leads to a Level 4 National Certificate in Brick and Block Laying and a great start in to the industry.
What will the programme cover? Work safety and emergency procedures Use and care of hand tools and equipment Practising basic hand skills associated with tools, equipment and
use of material Knowledge of trade and relevant building terms Measuring accurately and solving trade calculations correctly Reading simple plans working drawings and specifications for brick,
block and stone A range of brick and block laying skills
Craig Caple
Skills and knowledge that accurately relates to the needs of the
Brick and Block Tutor
masonry sector Appropriate literacy and numeracy requirements for the area of brick
and block laying
Further study options n C ontinue your study by completing the National Certificate in Brick and
Block Laying (Level 4) n Diploma in Landscaping
n Contract management
n Quantity Surveyor
n Building Inspector
Employment options n Portable trade
n Self-employment
n Working for major suppliers (representative's position) n Promotion (leading hand, foreman)
A new programme to Aoraki has seen the appointment of a new tutor and industry professional – Craig Caple. Aoraki Polytechnic is the only provider in the South Island to offer the 34 week certificate in Preemployment Brick, Block and Paving (Level 3). Craig Caple, who was the 2007 national runner up for the apprentice of the year has been in the industry for seven years, “I fell into it as an off season job and found I had a real talent for it. I had to complete my apprenticeship through block courses in Wellington, so it’s fantastic to have some local training available, as it means you get the chance to work with relevant materials to the region, like Oamaru stone”.
Developing clean and safe work habits
The occupation of a bricklayer is listed on the New Zealand Immediate Skills shortage list and is in demand internationally. “There is definitely a need for specialist brickies in the industry, certain skills like working with schist is in high demand but becoming a lost art”. Teaching is a new adjustment for Craig, who is extremely excited to pass on his very current knowledge and experience from working for a local Timaru brick and block laying company. “My tutors in Wellington were fantastic and I remember looking at them thinking that would be something I could see myself doing, the position came up and I jumped at the chance.” The pre-employment brick and block programme will focus on the basics of brick and block but also incorporate decorative paving and edging and the chance to be creative, “I want to produce students who think outside the box and go to their clients with fresh ideas.” The programme will include industry visits to the Oamaru and Bluestone quarries, and examples of local jobs and construction sites, “It’s important to understand a construction site as a whole and where brickies fit into the mix."
Aoraki Polytechnic Programme Information 2012
0800 426 725
Certificate in Ecological Building and Design (Introductory) (Level 5)
Certificate in Natural Building (Level 4) Starts:
Multiple dates
February, May and August
P art time study with a blend of online learning (8 weeks) followed by two practical workshops (timing and location of workshops to be confirmed)
Duration: Part-time Campus:
Introduction to the Programme This programme was developed and is delivered in conjunction with the Building Biology and Ecology Institute of New Zealand. The Certificate in Ecological Building and Design is designed to provide a course of study suitable for people from varying backgrounds who have an interest in the built environment and its effect on the health of people and the natural environment. The programme will compliment career training in the fields of Architecture, Drafting, Building and Construction, Interior and Landscape Design, Town Planning, Natural Health and Social Work. It will also suit individuals interested in improving their own health or building their own home. Study is on line at a pace suitable to the individual student.
Introduction to the programme This programme provides an introduction to the Natural Building industry. You will learn the principle and practical skills required to carry out building or renovation using natural materials
What will the programme cover? n I ntroduction to the principles of Natural Building and to building
construction using Earth, Strawbale and Stone building materials n P rinciples and practices of using natural material to produce plasters and paints n Eco renovation n Systems and services that support natural building methods
Further study options Certificate in Ecological Building and Design (Introductory) (Level 5)
Employment options
What will the programme cover? The programme is 40 credits and consists of the following five modules: Principles of Ecological Building and Design
n Building and construction industry n Building regulation sector
Building and Site Design Materials and Construction Energy and Alternative Energy Water and Wastewater
Employment Options You will be your team's green guru. For those already working in the architecture, drafting and construction-related industries you will be able to incorporate green solutions into your project with confidence.
Willie Murphy Certificate in Ecological Building and Design (Introductory) Mr Murphy, who holds a Bachelor of Landscape Architecture degree from Lincoln University, has added an ecological focus to his qualification by completing Aoraki Polytechnic’s Certificate in Ecological Building and Design course, studying online. He is crediting his successful entry into the increasingly in-demand eco-landscape business to that. In fact, he says, his introduction through Aoraki Polytechnic to the concepts of building sustainably and using materials and design principles related to the environment in a way that doesn’t harm the environment has given his new business the edge in the province over others in his field.
Aoraki Polytechnic Programme Information 2012
0800 426 725
n Design industry
Introduction to Log Home Construction (Level 4)
Certificate in General Engineering (Level 2)
Introduction to Log Building Techniques (Level 3)
Includes the optional National Certificate in Mechanical Engineering (Level 2) Starts:
Multiple dates
3 and 4
34 weeks full-time
2 weeks per course
Timaru, classes held in Geraldine
Introduction to the programme
Introduction to the programmes The Introduction to Log Building Techniques programme is designed to provide you with hands-on experience in fundamental log building techniques. The Introduction to Log Home Construction programme extends your skills and knowledge with a focus on the more complex log building techniques.
New Zealand is experiencing a shortage of skilled staff in the specialised engineering and welding workforce. Developing a career training path in engineering and welding prepares technicians and trades people for a future offering flexibility with a wide range of subjects.
What will the programme cover?
The programmes are offered as block courses – each course is 2 weeks’ full-time study. It is likely the programmes will be offered once a year (dates to be determined).
Core engineering skills
What will the programmes cover?
Machine components to within 0.05mm tolerance over a range of
building site, including chainsaw use Use of a range of hand-held and
Log selection and inventories Basic roof layouts; door and
window headers
MMAW and Oxy-acetylene, Thermal cutting processes
processes Milling Turning Drilling
power tools Log building techniques
Reading plans
Employment options
Material selection and identification
These programmes are designed for those who wish to be involved in building their own log home through to those who wish to gain skills towards becoming professional log home builders.
Engineering calculations and conversions Surface grinding to within 0.01mm Routine tasks in the mechanical engineering and welding
environment Computer Aided Design (CAD), Drawing
Employment/apprenticeship options
Safe work practices on the log
Welding competently in M.I.G.
National Certificate in Mechanical Engineering Fitting and machining General Engineering Machining Maintenance Engineering Tooling
National Certificate in Engineering Fabrication (Level 4) Heavy Fabrication Light Fabrication Steel Construction
Aoraki Polytechnic Programme Information 2012
0800 426 725
Certificate in Pre-Trade Electrical (Level 2) Incorporates the National Certificate in Electrical Engineering (Level 2).
Certificate in Automotive Heavy Engineering (Level 3) Starts:
February and July
Duration: 34 weeks full-time
17 weeks full-time
Introduction to the programme
Introduction to the programme
You can gain basic skills and knowledge prior to starting in the workplace.
The aim of this programme is to provide an opportunity for you to develop skills and knowledge in the heavy engineering sector of the motor industry.
What will the programme cover? The programme covers theory, regulations, testing and safety, first aid and training in basic electric motors. Also taught in parallel with this programme is the Electrical Appliance Service person (EAS) course, covering an introduction to appliance servicing.
What will the programme cover? Work safety and emergency procedures Knowledge of internal combustion engines Knowledge of drive line components
Employment options You could go on to further on-the-job training as an apprentice in the electrical installation, servicing - refrigeration (heat pumps) - alarm/security installations.
Inspecting, testing, diagnosing and repairing diesel fuel injection systems
and intake and exhaust systems Knowledge of automotive heavy equipment braking systems and
hydraulic systems Measuring, testing, diagnosing and repairing electrical, electronic,
Further study options Students who have successfully completed this programme may continue their study by enrolling in the National Certificate in Electronics Technology, or the National Certificate in Electronics Security.
wiring and lighting systems Minimising emission of ozone depleting gases Testing, diagnosing and servicing indirect air cooling systems Applying lubricants, sealants and service bearings Appropriate literacy and numeracy requirements for the area of
automotive heavy engineering Understanding technical data in the area of automotive
heavy engineering.
Further study options The programme enhances your opportunity to gain an apprenticeship in the automotive heavy sector and continue study towards the completion of the National Certificates (Levels 3 and 4). Students successfully completing this programme will have completed the compulsory core and core elective sections of the level 3 National Certificate in Motor Industry (Automotive Heavy Engineering) with strands in Road Transport, Plant and Equipment, Agricultural Equipment and Materials Handling.
Employment options n Road transport service and repair businesses n Agricultural equipment service and repair businesses n Plant and equipment service and repair businesses n Materials handling service and repair businesses n Sales, service and repair marine plant and equipment.
Aoraki Polytechnic Programme Information 2012
0800 426 725
Certificate in Motor Body Trades (Level 3) (Collision Repair/Refinishing)
Certificate in Motor Industry (Level 3) (Cars/Motorcycles)
34 weeks full-time
34 weeks full-time
Introduction to the programme
Introduction to the programme This programme will enable you to gain knowledge and skills to gain entry either to the collision repair (panel beating) or refinishing (spray painting) sectors of the motor industry.
Enter either the car or motorcycle service and repair sectors of the motor industry with this qualification.
What will the programme cover? Work safety and emergency procedures
What will the programme cover?
Use and care for hand tools and workshop equipment
Using and maintaining hand tools and workshop equipment Performing workplace requirements according to instructions,
company policy, quality control standards and applicable legislation Protecting vehicle electronic systems
Performing workplace requirements according to quality control
standards and applicable legislation Measuring, testing, diagnosing and repairing motor vehicle electrical,
electronic, wiring and lighting systems Maintaining, servicing and repairing motor vehicle fuel systems
Removing and refitting road wheels
(appropriate to level)
Selecting, using and maintaining power tools and work shop
Knowledge of internal combustion engine operation
Knowledge of transmission systems as applied to cars or motorcycles
MIG welding
(appropriate to level)
General engineering tasks in a motor body environment
Maintaining, servicing and repairing car or motorcycle braking systems
Body work fault rectification including removal and replacement of
Applying lubricants, sealants and service bearings
components, panel repair and preparation
Carrying out engineering workshop tasks
Use of fillers, sealants and adhesives
Cleaning components and maintaining cleaning equipment
Anti chip coatings
Appropriate literacy and numeracy requirements for the area of car and
Body work preparation, including paint removal
motorcycle service
Use and maintenance of spray guns and workshop equipment Paint defects and rectification Paint colours and top coats Contextualised literacy and numeracy requirements for the
collision repair and refinishing industry
Further study options Students completing the refinishing strand will gain employment and enrol with the New Zealand Motor Industry Training Organisation to complete the National Certificate in Motor Industry (Refinishing strand) (Level 4). Students completing the collision repair strand will gain employment and enrol with the New Zealand Motor Industry Training Organisation to complete the National Certificate in Motor Industry (Collision Repair) (Level 3) and progress on to the National Certificate at Level 4.
Further study options The programme is comprised of unit standards that are from the National Certificate in Motor Industry (Automotive Electrical and Mechanical Engineering) (Level 3).When you complete the Aoraki Polytechnic Certificate programme you can gain employment and enrol as a trainee with the New Zealand Motor Industry Training Organisation to complete this National Certificate at level 3 and progress on to the National Certificate at Level 4.
Removing and refitting engine components
Employment options The programme will provide employment opportunities in the motor industry, specifically in the car service and repair sector or the motorcycle and all terrain vehicle service and repair sector of the industry.
Employment options n Spray painting n Collision repair n Panelbeating
Aoraki Polytechnic Programme Information 2012
0800 426 725
Contents National Certificate in Motor Industry (Entry Skills) (Level 2) Includes the National Certificate in Motor Industry (Entry Skills) Starts:
26 weeks full-time
With strands in Cattle Farming, Dairy Farming and Sheep Farming. Starts:
Duration: 30 weeks full-time Campus:
Rural Training Centre - Timaru
Introduction to the programme
Introduction to programme The Automotive programme is designed to provide the skills and knowledge required for you to gain core Unit Standards prior to seeking employment in the motor industry.
This qualification is also for people who are moving into the agriculture industry from a different industry or for people new to the industry but who may not necessarily have had a background of agriculture skills. Graduates will work largely unsupervised in the agriculture industry.
What will the programme cover?
What will the programme cover?
This is a one-year full-time programme that introduces you to automotive electrical, automotive maintenance, engineering, fuel systems, exhaust systems, engine repairs, transmission systems, braking systems, steering and suspension. You will attend classes for up to three days a week and spend the other two days a week on work experience.
Cattle Farming
Employment options
Pasture Management
Completion of this programme is preferred for gaining an apprenticeship Automotive engineering
Further study options
Automotive machining Automotive electrical engineering Motorcycle engineering Fuel injection engineering Small engine servicing Powerboat servicing Merchandising Other automotive related careers
National Certificate in Agriculture (Level 4) (Subject to approval)
Aoraki Polytechnic Programme Information 2012
Dairy Farming Sheep Farming Agricultural Vehicles and Machinery Farm Management
This qualification provides a pathway to the National Certificate in Agriculture (Production Management) with strands in Arable Farming, Cattle Farming, Dairy Farming, Deer Farming, and Sheep Farming, National Certificate in Agribusiness Management (Agribusiness Resource Management), National Certificate in Agribusiness Management (Business and Financial Planning), or the National Diploma in Agribusiness Management. The qualification is designed to meet the needs of the agricultural sectors – arable farming, cattle farming, dairy farming, deer farming, and sheep farming. Skills and knowledge required for each of the strands are specific to that particular farming sector.
0800 426 725
National Certificate in Farming Skills (Work Ready) (Level 3)
National Certificate in Agriculture (Introductory) (Level 2)
February and July
34 weeks full-time
Duration: 24 weeks full-time
Rural Training Centre - Timaru
Rural Training Centre - Timaru
Introduction to the programme
Introduction to the programme
The aim of the programme is to provide you with a broad range of skills that would be utilised over a full farming year prior to employment in the agriculture industry.
This programme offers practical training in farming and labouring skills. Training takes place at our 60-hectare training farm in Washdyke.
What will the programme cover? Sheep and cattle farming
n Livestock Handling
n Personal Wellbeing and First Aid
Growing feed
n Vehicles and Machinery
Shearing and woolshed activities
n Pasture, Soil and Water Management
Farm safety and first aid training
n Agricultural Resources, Machinery and Tools
Vehicle and machinery maintenance
n Pest Control
Work experience
n Fencing
Further study options
n Dairy and Sheep Farming
You may go on to the National Certificate in Agriculture (Level 3) or to further agriculture training.
n Livestock Species
Further study options On completion of the qualification you may choose to further your skills and knowledge through other agriculture industry qualifications such as the n N ational Certificate in Agriculture (Animal Health and Husbandry)
(Level 3) with strands in Cattle Farming, and Sheep Farming n National Certificate in Dairy Farming (Milking) (Level 3) n National Certificate in Deer Farming (Level 3) n National Certificate in Sheep Farming (Sheep Breeding) (Level 3)
Certificate in Rural Machinery (Level 2)
What will the programme cover?
n N ational Certificate in Agriculture (Level 4) with strands in Arable
Farming, Cattle Farming, Dairy Farming, Deer Farming, and Sheep Farming n N ational Certificate in Agribusiness Management (Agribusiness
Resource Management)
Duration: 13 weeks full-time
Employment options
This programme provides an opportunity for school leavers, people who may have changed careers, or adult learners new to the agriculture industry to attain skills and knowledge prior to employment in the agriculture industry.
Rural Training Centre - Timaru
Introduction to the programme This qualification will teach you the key skills required to use a range of farm machinery correctly and in a safe manner.
What will the programme cover? Fencing techniques Tractor driving Correct riding practice for ATV’s Safe practice in the rural workplace
Employment options Entry level farm hand.
Further study options Your training can lead to further pathway study with Aoraki Polytechnic.
Aoraki Polytechnic Programme Information 2012
0800 426 725
National Certificate in Horticulture (Level 4)
National Certificate in Horticulture (Level 3)
With optional strands in Amenity Horticulture, Fruit Production, Landscape, Nursery Production and Vegetable Production. Starts:
Rural Training Centre - Timaru
Introduction to the programme
Rural Training Centre - Timaru
The aim of the programme is to provide you with a broad range of skills and knowledge that can be used in the horticulture industry.
Introduction to the programme
What will the programme cover?
To provide graduates with the ability to undertake a range of horticultural tasks at a tradesperson level. The general qualification covers broad knowledge and skills relevant across all sectors of the horticulture industry. The optional strands embedded in the qualification recognise the specialised knowledge and skill in the sector chosen.
n Personal Wellbeing and First Aid
What will the programme cover?
n Pest and Weed Control
n Vehicles and Machinery n Soil and Water Management n Horticultural Resources, Machinery and Tools
n Fencing
n Landscape
n Propagation and Nursery production
n Vegetable Production
n Recycling and Reuse
n Nursery Production n Fruit Production
Further study options
n Amenity Horticulture
On completion of the qualification you may choose to further your skills and knowledge through other horticulture industry qualifications such as the National Certificate in Horticulture (Level 4) with optional strands in Amenity Horticulture, Fruit Production, Landscape, Nursery Production, Postharvest,Viticulture, and Vegetable Production.
Further study options National Certificate in Horticulture (Advanced) (Level 4) with strands in Amenity Horticulture, Fruit Production, Landscape, Nursery Production, Postharvest, Production Horticulture,Viticulture and Vegetable Production.
Employment options People who achieve this qualification have the ability to undertake a range of horticultural tasks at a tradesperson level. The general qualification covers broad knowledge and skills relevant across all sectors of the horticulture industry. The optional strands embedded in the qualification recognise the specialised knowledge and skill in the sector chosen.
Duration: 30 weeks full-time
Duration: 34 weeks full-time Campus:
Aoraki Polytechnic Programme Information 2012
Employment options This programme provides an opportunity for you to build basic skills and knowledge in the area of horticulture prior to employment.
0800 426 725
Short Courses ART AND DESIGN
Art - Absolute Beginners
Pre-Employment Studies for Teacher Aides
This 15 hour course will give students the chance to draw with various media using line, tone and perspective, compose a collage, mix colours and draw and paint a still life.
Beginners Art - Next Steps A follow on 15 hour course using and extending skills in observational drawing, working with paint and collage options, composing figure drawings using form and proportion.
Are you interested in working as a teacher aide? This short course runs for a total tuition time of 30 hours. Topics include communication, culture, disability, conflict, and working in the school team setting. Campus: Timaru, Ashburton and Oamaru
New Zealand Sign Language We offer two short courses from beginners through to intermediate. Courses run for 17 weeks, with two hours of tuition per week. Campus: Timaru, Ashburton and Oamaru.
Life Drawing
Introduction to NZ Sign Language
A 20 hour practical course (theory will be used as required) extending the student’s life drawing skills using a model.
Intermediate NZ Sign Language
Te Reo 1 To introduce participants to basic skills in reading, writing, listening and speaking Te Reo Mãori.
Campus: Timaru, Ashburton and Oamaru
The purpose of this programme is to provide students with a basic introductory insight into the world of beauty therapy. This is an intensive programme that will provide students with a solid platform of knowledge which will prepare them for higher level study. Campus: Timaru, Christchurch, Ashburton, Oamaru and Dunedin
To develop participants ability to use basic routines and structures, to communicate about every day things in Te Reo Mãori. Campus: Timaru, Ashburton and Oamaru
Te Reo Rangatira Level 3 The aim of this course is to build skills and proficiency in using Te Reo Mãori and increase confidence and ability of participants to communicate about everyday things. Campus: Timaru, Ashburton and Oamaru
Te Tiriti O Waitangi
Accounting for Non-Accountants This two-day course provides an interesting opportunity for nonaccountants to learn and understand basic accounting principles and terminology. It meets the learning needs for anyone in an organisation requiring a basic understanding of financial statements, budgeting, cash flows and reports. Campus: Timaru, Ashburton and Oamaru.
Te Reo 2
Certificate in Beauty Skills (Introductory) (Level 2)
This course gives a brief overview of the Treaty of Waitangi and the implications for Mãori and Pãkehã. Campus: Timaru, Ashburton and Oamaru
HOSPITALITY Introduction to Coffee
COMPUTING Computing We offer a range of computer short courses including: • Basic Computing • Introduction to Word Processing • Introduction to Spreadsheets • Intermediate Word Processing • Intermediate Excel • Email/Gmail
Impress your friends, family or clients with your coffee making skills. For those seeking employment or home entertainment. Campus: Timaru, Ashburton and Oamaru.
Food Safety Units 20666 and 167 All workers in a food business should hold Food Safety Unit Standards 20666 and 167. This course covers knowledge of basic food contamination hazards, prevention of cross contamination, and a basic understanding of practices that result in safe food. Campus: Timaru, Ashburton and Oamaru
Aoraki Polytechnic Programme Information 2012
0800 426 725
Food Safety Unit 168 An advantage for all food handlers especially those who have supervisory or sole charge responsibilities. Covers knowledge of hazards that cause food borne illness and food spoilage, and methods used to control these hazards in a food business.
TRADES Airbrushing (Introductory, Intermediate and Advanced) This course is designed to provide you with the knowledge and practical skills required to use airbrushing techniques on an automotive or other appropriate surface.
Campus: Timaru, Ashburton and Oamaru
Liquor Licence Controller This two-day course contains the two Unit Standards required to apply for the Licence Controller Qualification, the first step towards gaining the General Manager’s Licence.
Campus: Oamaru
Electrical Service Technician This course covers the theory and practical work leading to registration as an Electrical Service Technician (400V, 3 phase).
Course also runs in evening over five weeks. Campus: Timaru, Ashburton and Oamaru
Campus: Timaru
Welding (Introductory) This course is intended for beginners who wish to learn basic ARC, MIG and oxyacetylene welding. It is suitable for the home handy person, panel beater, mechanic, farmer or engineering-welder re-skilling.
MEDIA Short courses in Digital Imaging Digital Photography – SLR cameras Compose and produce images on your SLR camera with creativity and flair on this practical two day short course.
Campus: Timaru
Welding (Intermediate) You will be tutored in the requirements of the NZS4711 welding qualification in ARC and MIG. Campus: Timaru
Introduction to Photoshop for Photographers This two day course is ideal for those wishing to enhance photos using computer software Photoshop, a very powerful photo-
Log Building Short Awards Refer page 65
manipulation tool.
Introduction to Studio Lighting Learn basic three lighting studio setup, lighting ratios, exposure and portrait lighting styles in a practical two day course.
Introduction to Adobe Lightroom This two day course is ideal for those wanting to learn photographic workflow using the Adobe Lightroom software.
Fiction Writing Learn the secrets of fiction writing with renowned local author Owen Marshall. This two-day practical workshop will take you step-by-step through many areas including: getting started, structure, characters, dialogue, the writer as a reader, and finding a publisher. Campus: Timaru
Aoraki Polytechnic Programme Information 2012
0800 426 725
2011 PIG 1010
HOME PHONE: Aoraki Polytechnic, 32 Arthur Street, Timaru, New Zealand FREEPHONE: 0800 426 725 email: website:
2011 PIG 1010
HOME PHONE: Aoraki Polytechnic, 32 Arthur Street, Timaru, New Zealand FREEPHONE: 0800 426 725 email: website:
2011 PIG 1010
HOME PHONE: Aoraki Polytechnic, 32 Arthur Street, Timaru, New Zealand FREEPHONE: 0800 426 725 email: website:
Aoraki Polytechnic Programme Information 2012
0800 426 725
Aoraki Polytechnic Private Bag 902 Timaru 7940
Aoraki Polytechnic Private Bag 902 Timaru 7940
Aoraki Polytechnic Private Bag 902 Timaru 7940
PROGRAMME INFORMATION 2012 Terms and Conditions of Enrolment Aoraki Polytechnic reserves the right to alter training start dates or amend training content as required. Commencement of all training is subject to sufficient enrolments and gaining internal and external approvals. Fees may also be subject to some alterations prior to commencement.
Aoraki community and make a vital and necessary
Failure to Supply Information Students are advised that failure to supply the information requested by the Polytechnic, or the supply of incomplete or false information may result in the Polytechnic declining or cancelling the enrolment.
contribution to the economic, educational, social and
For your enrolment to be confirmed you must:
cultural development of the region.
provide complete, verified documentary evidence of your full legal name, age, residency status and gender;
provide an approved school exemption certificate from the Ministry of Education if you are under 16 years of age;
state your iwi affiliation information if you identified as New Zealand Mäori in the ethnicity section;
provide accurate information about the last secondary school you attended;
provide information regarding your main occupation or activity in New Zealand on 1 October;
pay all fees before the commencement of the programme;
comply with all relevant Aoraki Polytechnic policies and procedures.
Our Vision To be the tertiary education provider of choice in the
Our Values Excellence in academic outcomes, student support and customer service. Connection and Partnership with industry, community, iwi and other providers. Innovation in programme development and delivery. Professionalism through ethical behaviour and standing. Sustainability by ensuring a financially viable organisation and a healthy workplace. Teamwork by working together and celebrating success.
Checklist Have you: •
Completed all sections of the Enrolment Form in full?
Attached verified documentary evidence of your full legal name, date of birth, citizenship and residency status and gender?
Attached verified programme admission or prerequisite documentation?
Read, signed and dated the declaration?
Sent your Enrolment Form to Aoraki Polytechnic in the Freepost envelope?
Guide to Enrolment available on
Private Bag 902, Timaru 7940, New Zealand International Phone: +64 3 687 1800
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