Wanganui Girls' College

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Ab bout the e School Fou unded in 1891, Wanganui W i Girls’ C College has h been devotedd to the education e n of you ung women for ovver one hu undred yeears. Reccognisingg the chaallenges awaiting a young women w in n the 21stt century y, the schhool dev velops thee skills thhey need to build the busin nesses, caareers andd commu unities of the futu ure. Thee school provides a physiccal, sociaal and inttellectual environm ment which promootes ach hievemennt and perssonal growth. Thee Motto ‘‘Ad Astraa Hostel’ and ‘Pouutamatia’ are words of encoouragemen nt to all girls g to ‘aim ‘ highh’ and to strive s for excellencce in everrything th hey do. Ou ur excelleent facilitties and spacious groundss are in a tranquiil suburb of the city c borrdering onn the riveer. Our facilities f include a gymnassium, Perrforming Arts Cenntre, swiimming ppool, tennnis courts and a tecchnology facility with w state of the arrt equipment. Wee are at thhe cutting edge of the t deliveery of the Technolo ogy curri culum.

Th he Hosttel Colourful fl flower gaardens an nd lawns surround d Ad Asttra Hosteel. The comfortaable boaarding faccilities arre next to the schoool and within w easy y walkingg distance of Kow whai Parrk, the citty and thee art gallery, museuum, librarry and sporting faccilities. Thee beautifful physical settin ng of thee city, with w its outlook o too the sea, river and mo ountains, combiness with a mild clim mate to en ncourage year-rouund outdo oor activiities and d a closenness to thee natural world thaat is someetimes harrd to findd in big ciities.

Ac cademic c Progrramme Wee provide a wide range r of learning l oopportuniities to ex xtend thee horizonss of studeents to a broad rrange of subjects before s enior lev vel speciaalisation. Senior students can cho oose studdies at various v leevels in everythin ng from tourism to mathematics and psy ychology to inform mation tecchnology. Cou urses as diverse as dancce, dramaa, fashion n textile design, food & hospitallity, paiinting, phhotographhy, print making, sculpturee and Yo outh Awaard Scheeme are also a offfered to exxtend thee interestss of studeents. Ourr studentss also bennefit from m the willling hellp of senioor studennts in peerr tutoring and peerr reading programm p mes. Thee school’s top acaddemic ach hievers arre acknow wledged by b being m made members off the Academic L League. Students are encouuraged to o make th he most off their abilities andd of thee opportunnities avaailable to them t throough careeer and accademic ccounsellin ng.

Cu ultural O Opporttunities s Alll girls aree encouragged to tak ke part inn theatre sports, s drrama, debbating, daance, speeechmaaking, chooir and orrchestra. Speech llessons can c be arrranged wiith the scchool. Grooup and d individuual tuitionn is also availablee for a ran nge of mu usical insstrumentss. Individdual mu usic lessonns are offfered at alll levels inn voice an nd a rang ge of instrruments. Ou ur girls exxcel in theeir culturral endeavvours. Stage Challenge seees our giirls repressent thee school aat the regional com mpetitions. Po outamatiia Ou ur Kapa H Haka grooup (Pou utamatia) operatess in the college enabling studentss to exp perience the livinng Maorri culturee through h waiata (song) and waiiata a ringa (mo ovementss). All stuudents aree eligiblee to join.

Sp porting Life Thee playingg fields and splen ndid spoorting faccilities at the colllege offeer wonderful opp portunitiees for recrreation an nd for the developm ment of sp porting skkills. Faiir play, team sppirit, a high h stanndard of fitness, confidennce, welll-being and frieendships aare encouuraged thrrough parrticipation n in sportt.

A large l num mber of spports are offered o annd the sch hool has affiliation a ns with sp ports clubbs if thee sport is nnot offereed at scho ool. Thee school has excellled in many m sport rts in locaal and nattional com mpetition n particulaarly in basketbal b ll, rowingg, netball,, volleybaall and so oftball. A large nuumber off students are cho osen in their resspective representtative sid des to compete c gionally and both reg nattionally. Stu udents aree activelyy encouraged to paarticipate in or try new sporrts regard dless of thheir abiility, skill level or experienc e ce.

Student L Life Pro oviding yyoung woomen with h opportuunities to achieve everythinng of wh hich they are cap pable is onne of the strengthss of Wangganui Girrls’ Colleg ge. Girrls from aall backgrrounds are encouraaged to sttrive for success, s w whether itt is in spoorts, cullture or accademic studies. s Sen nior studeents are confident c in publicc speakin ng – managing Asssemblies or speakking to communi c ity groupss as representatives of the school. Theey also pprovide quiet q sup pport as ppeer men ntors or tutors, acct as ‘big g sisters’’ to you unger stuudents inn their veertical foorm classses and through the Stud dent Counncil con ntribute too the mannagement of the scchool. ur Senior Uniform m is able to be woorn by sttudents in n Years 112 and 13. Yearr 13 Ou students sayy farewelll to secon ndary schhool at a special s grraduationn ceremon ny at the end of the t year. Year 10 studdents visiit the Sou uth Islandd as part of o their Ou utdoor Edducation at the endd of thee year.

Ho ouses Thee house ssystem is a long esstablishedd tradition n at WGC C and studdents takee a real prride in participat p ting in acttivities to o represennt their ho ouse. Thee school is divided into six x houses named fo or the cou unties in England where eaarly stafff and stuudents originated from. fr Alll studentss and stafff belong to a housse. The responsib r bilities whhich stud dents learnn to tak ke on as part of thee house sy ystem devvelops leaadership skills s andd allow th he studentts to maake lastingg friendshhips with girls of ddifferent ages. a

On n enrolmeent studennts may choose tto enter a particullar housee if there is a fam mily affi filiation. Each hoouse has its own mascot and a banneer and sttudents proudly p w wear collours on aappropriatte occasio ons.

Co ontact IInforma ation Pa astoral Care Thee school hhas a welll-structurred pastorral care sy ystem witth a Deann for each h year leveel.

Ap ppointm ments with w Sta aff Parrents wishhing to make m conttact with the staff should, in i the firsst instancce, telephhone thee school ooffice to make m arran ngementss for a meeeting.

Ab bsences s If a student is ill andd unable to t attend school caaregivers must teleephone th he office and leav ve a messsage befoore 9am. (It saves us having g to phon ne and cheeck when n she is noot at form m time). When she s return ns to schoool she will w need to bring a signed note for her form m teacherr. Phone:

06 349 0944 4

Fax x:

06 349 0968 8

mail: Em



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Ad d Asstra Host H tel

Infoorma ation for Stud dents & Caregiverss

Hosteel Manag gers Joan nne & Ba arry Cod dlin (& faamily)

Ad Astra Hostel Ad Astra Hostel for Girls offers a “home away from home” accommodation to those students who both need, and will benefit from, a positive, caring and structured environment, assisting in the education and social development of all boarders. “Hostel life is a great way to become independent and responsible for your own actions, to

learn about leadership and co-operation. It is a major learning curve and many close friends are made and kept forever. There is a lot of fun and enjoyable times that will never be forgotten.” A senior student

Greater Opportunities for Participation Boarding offers additional personal development opportunities. There is discipline, observation of rules and routines and learning to be independent – all necessary parts of living away from home. Boarding at school offers a unique and secure environment in which girls can learn to meet these challenges. Through boarding, girls are offered the chance to develop additional organisational and leadership skills. The contribution of all students is needed and valued. Leadership is expected, especially from senior girls who have responsibilities in looking after younger students and in the smooth running of the hostel.

Family Values and Friendships A family-like atmosphere and values are recognised as being crucial to living happily and successfully at the hostel. Students are expected to care for one another, to look after each other and to develop values such as concern for one another, respect and personal integrity. The girls themselves identify the strong friendships they establish as boarders as one of the best things about boarding. Regular contact between home and the hostel is essential to the success of boarding. Our hostel provides excellent facilities and a positive, caring and structured environment for girls needing accommodation away from home to complete their secondary education. We offer seven day boarding. The Ad Astra Hostel complex is next to Wanganui Girls’ College. It is made up of sleeping accommodation for up to 120 girls from Years 9 to 13 and includes recreation lounges (with TVs and video/DVD players, internet access, and facilities for making hot drinks), gym with access to personal trainer, Music facilities, laundries, common rooms, dining room, an outdoor BBQ area, kitchen and office areas. The Hostel Managers are assisted by Supervisors, who work hard to ensure that students are happy and well cared for.

The school’s swimming pool is used by boarders and the College library for prep supervised by staff. NCEA results have shown that boarders achieve at a very high standard during their senior years at the College. Boarders come from throughout New Zealand, with a small percentage from Asia, Europe and Pacific Island nations. Rules are kept to a minimum, but those that are necessary are firmly enforced. Each student is expected to take a full part in the life of the boarding house family and the College.

Activities "Every term we want to plan events for the Boarders in the weekend. These may include a wide range of activities, from a ski trip, sing star, concerts, walks, beach, DVD nights and baking.” We want to take full advantage of what is happening within the community and get the girls involved. This may include activities like ‘fireworks night’, Food Festival, plays and musicals. We encourage all Boarders to participate. This helps build hostel spirit and allows the girls to have fun together.

Standards and Expectations When so many people live under one roof, guidelines need to be very clear so all can live happily together. Rules are in place to make sure every girl has a safe, happy and productive stay at Ad Astra Hostel. Ad Astra Hostel is run on the basis of: • Mutual trust that all will be honest and fair • Simple compliance to routine instructions • Cheerful acceptance and co-operation, especially with unfavourable decisions. The boarding staff are responsible for the day-to-day running of Ad Astra Hostel and for discipline. All the staff care for the health and welfare of the students in the boarding community. Year 12 and 13 students have special privileges and responsibilities and help junior students with advice about life in Ad Astra Hostel and study. Visitors are welcome and students are expected to introduce them to the Hostel Manager/Supervisor on duty on arrival. It is expected that students will: 1. Advise staff where they will be at all times. We take an especially serious view of:

a) Students leaving the builldings orr groundss withouut our kn nowledgee or permissioon. b) Students reportin ng out ffor one purpose and doiing someething quuite different.. 2. Not ddrink, smooke, subsstance abbuse, and d/or use drugs d on or off th he premises. 3. Providde staff with w full details d andd control of any medical treeatment. Parrental suppport is vaalued for this and aall our Po olicies, bu ut the bassis of our system must m alw ways be trrust. Therre will bee serious consequeences if a student abuses th his trust, she maay be askeed to leavve the hostel.

Ho ostel Ro outines s Thee day beggins at 6.445am and d studentss are expeected to make m theiir beds an nd keep thheir cub bicles cleean. Som me other duties w will be assked to be b complleted likee dishes and cleaning of ccommon areas.

Me eals Meeals are served cafeteria c style annd there is alway ys a chooice prov viding meat, m veg getarian aand speciaal dietary y requirem ments. Parrents are requested r d to inform m the Hoostel Maanagers inn writing of special dietaryy requirem ments. Brreakfast, lunch, affternoon tea, din nner and ssupper arre provideed every day. A packed lun nch is takken to sch hool. Pareents aree welcome to dinee with theeir daughhters if they are viisiting W Wanganui and advaance nottice is givven.

Ho omework Sup pervised pprep takees place Monday M too Thursdaay for all students,, with Year 12 andd 13 students doiing their prep p in th he Libraryy.

Drress Tid dy mufti iis worn ouut of scho ool hours.

Ca are of C Clothes & Laun ndry Alll articles of clothinng must be b namedd. Fully au utomatic washing machines, drieers and irroning boards are provided p in the Laaundry forr personall washing g. Lau undry staaff will doo boarderrs’ washinng, if it iss taken to o the launndry beforre 8.0 00 am (w with the exxception of hand washing and und derwear). Girls arre resp ponsible for their personall washingg. Washiing mach hines andd driers arre located in eeach dorm m for personal waashing. Irroning an nd sewingg facilitiees aree availablee.

No on-Unifform Ho ostel Re equirem ments In addition a tto school uniform: 1 pr p bedroom m slipperrs, soft-soled 1 dresssing gow wn 1 pr p shoes suuitable foor outingss 6 sets underweear 1 pr su 3 night n dressses or pyjjamas ummer saandals Leiisure clotthes for either su ummer oor winter,, e.g. dreesses, skkirts, topss, cardigaans, jersseys, shorrts, dress trousers, jeans. Sim mple dress suitablee for sociaal activiti es Pap per tissuees (preferrred to han ndkerchieefs) Oth her Req quiremen nts Bag g for soileed linen 4 towels Du uvet* 1 pillo ow* 3 sh heets Lun nch box 1 cofffee mug Ho ot water boottle (if desired) d 1 good d padlock k Toiilet bag aand toiletrries Brush h & comb Clo othes pegs (for perrsonal washing) 1 air-tight a coontainer (plastic ( - for cakess or biscuiits) *th hese itemss are not required r by b Internaational stu udents Alll items m must be cllearly nam med. Pleease do not n use iron-on naame tags..

Co ontact w with Fa amily an nd Frien nds Freee telephoone calls home may m be m made by using u the hostel phhone systtem. We are fullly toll-baared but give g boarrders twoo nominatted toll call c numbbers to caall home on. Eveen some oof our intternationaal boarderrs can calll home fo or free. s Boarders aree encouraaged to haave a celll phone so that theey can ke ep in touch with staff wh hen off the premisees but theese are noot allowed to be on o whilst in class, during prrep, in the t diningg room duuring meaals and prrayers or after lights out. Inccoming annd outgoinng mail is availablle weekdaays. E-maail accesss is also available.

Do ormitorries

Do ormitoriess contain double cu ubicles foor studentts in Yeaars 9 – 11 where sttudents have h theeir own bbed and loockable wardrobe w and are encourag ged to m make it atttractive with w possters, plannts and phhotos so that t they ffeel at ho ome. All dormitoriies are heeated. nior girls help to supervise s the junioors and th hese girls have theeir own siingle or tw win Sen roo om withinn the dorm mitory. Stu udents in Y Years 12 and 13 are allocatted indiviidual room ms. Bed d linen can be proovided by y Ad Asttra Hosteel and lau undered. G Girls may y bring thheir ow wn linen iff they wiish. Boarrders provvide theirr own pilllows, pilllowcasess, duvets and duv vet coverss. Bed dtime varries betweeen 9.00 pm p and 10.30 pm dependin ng on age..

Sic ckness s A Health H N Nurse is available a nts are m made with h a doctorr as weekdayys and appointmen neccessary. G Girls whoo are unw well are loooked afteer by qualified stafff and can n be isolaated if required. r P Parents arre contacted if the sickness is serious.

Me edical a and Den ntal Ap ppointm ments Ap ppointmennts are made m by th he Hostell Manageer and stu udents arre accomp panied when w req quired.

Tra avel Parrents are responsibble for making m arrrangements for th heir daugghter to travel t to and from m Ad Asstra Hosteel for weeekend leavve and att the begin nning andd end of term. t Schhool closes at 3.005 pm at the t end of each terrm and Ad Astra Hostel H willl stay open until 8.00 8 pm m to allow w students to travel after schhool.

Stu udents reeturn betw ween 2 pm and 9 pm on o the day beforre term starts s or by arraangementt as needeed with Hostel H Maanagemen nt. Year 13 boaarders maay be allowed to have a car c but on nly underr specifieed terms and con nditions aand in coonsultatio on with pparents and a the Hostel H Maanager. Very V limiited residential pparking iss availablee.

Re eporting g In and Out Stu udents aree expectedd to reporrt in and oout at all times. Ou utings - S Students may hav ve leave to go to o town after a schoool and at a weekeends pro ovided Add Astra Hostel H com mmitmentts are hon noured first. Vissiting Listts - Parennts provid de writtenn permissiion namin ng designnated peop ple that thheir dau ughter maay visit. Weeekend Leave - Visiting Liist rules aapply and d leave iss given pprovided sporting and Ad d Astra Hoostel com mmitmentss are honooured firsst.

Sc chool H Holidays s Ad d Astra H Hostel is closed c du uring schoool holid days in April, A Julyy, Septem mber/Octoober and d for the C Christmass/ summeer break. S Holidayss such as Waitangii Day, Eaaster, Anzzac Day, Q Queen’s Birthday B and If Statutory Lab bour Dayy, fall durring term m time, A Ad Astra Hostel H will close for these days whhere thiss falls on a long weekend. w

Mu usic iPo ods and M MP3 playyers with h earphonnes are acceptable a e. Each ddorm is allowed one porrtable sterreo unit.

Mo oney an nd Valu uables Forr securityy purposess, money and valuuables sho ould be giiven to thhe Hostel Managerr for keeeping in thhe office safe.

ocket M Money Po Wee recomm mend thaat studen nts be enncouraged d to develop goood bud dgeting sskills by managing g a smalll amountt of pock ket moneyy. Thiis may bee provided by a regular autoomatic trransfer off funds intto a bank accouunt.

Bic cycles Theere is a loocked areea provided for biccycles an nd it is reccommendded that students s lock

them to the stands. Cycle helmets are compulsory by law. Parents should arrange their own insurance.

Swimming Pool The College’s pool may be used during the summer but there are strict safety regulations which include swimming times and supervision.

Emergency Drill The students are regularly trained in safety measures including earthquake procedures and fire evacuations.

Church Students may regularly attend their own church if desired.

Cultural Activities We encourage the students to be involved in music, drama and other cultural pursuits while at school. Outings are made to special events held in Wanganui.

Music A range of instrumental and choral tuition may be available through the school. Practice rooms are available to boarders.

Sports Students are encouraged to participate in sporting events associated with school or local clubs. Transport can be arranged when needed.

Communication Between Parents, Students and Ad Astra Hostel Parents are always welcome to visit Ad Astra Hostel and talk to staff. Otherwise a phone call or e-mail can be used to discuss any issues. Hostel families are invited to visit their daughter and stay for dinner during term time. Hostel reports are issued as part of the school reporting cycle, and Hostel Management are able to provide full feedback at any time. From time to time Hostel parents and their families will be invited to various functions, eg. Summer barbeque and a mid-winter Christmas meal, and accommodation may be available in the hostel. Please take the time when you collect or return your daughter to speak to her supervisor.

Ad Astra Hostel Code of Conduct Purpose To develop and maintain a positive, respectful, and supportive hostel environment. Rights and Responsibilities Each person has a right to: • be treated as an individual. • be treated with understanding and kindness. • be treated with respect and courtesy and be listened to. • be safe and secure. • expect their property to be safe. • learn in academic, cultural, sporting pursuits and about themselves - boarders will not deprive others of this by their behaviour. Each person has a responsibility to: • accept individual differences. • treat others with understanding - not laugh at others, tease others or hurt their feelings. • be thoughtful of others. • use polite language. • respect the authority of staff. • disagree without being disagreeable. • respect personal differences in others’ ability, gender and race. • listen respectfully to others. • make the hostel safe by not threatening, hitting or hurting anyone in any way. • observe safety rules. • report assault on, or harassment of other students. • respect Ad Astra Hostel property. • respect the property of others • not steal, damage or destroy the property of others. • hand in lost property. • report theft. • be punctual to prep. • be prepared and complete homework. • allow others to learn by being quiet in prep rooms and dormitories. • listen attentively when spoken to. • co-operate with staff.

Wh hat the Resea arch tellls us: B Benefits s uniqu ue to Bo oarding g Schoo ol ducation n takes on o a broa ad mean ning at Boardin B g Schoo ol Ed Maaking chooices that matter and a takingg resp ponsibilitty for yoourself - living onn you ur own isnn't alwayys easy. There is, oof cou urse, plennty of support from m staff andd peeers. But sttill, you need n to taake care oof you urself annd take responsib bility foor you ur own aactions to a mucch greateer deg gree than if you were living g at homee. Wh hile there''s definiteely structu ure withinn thee boardingg school day, you still needd to make m chooices arouund how you y spendd you ur timee, what activitties andd opp portunitiees to take,, and how w to create a reeasonablee balance between work andd plaay. You'lll be ablee to mak ke choicees thaat have a direct im mpact on the thinggs you leearn and the life yyou lead at Boardding Sch hool. Forr parents:: this rou ughly trannslates to o increased maturrity and greater selfs resp ponsibilitty for studdents. An n environ nment where w try ying new w things s is enco ouraged d Going to Boarrding School meeans ng into s omething g unfamilliar. venturin Going to t Boardding Scho ool, like any new ad dventure, means taaking a risk r becausee you thinnk the rew ward willl be worthwhile. Thee good news n is that t everyon ne else w who goes to Boardding School is also taaking thatt risk. Yoou'll be part of a coommunity y where the willingn ness to exxplore neew things is inherentt in the student body, and where lots of ppeople will w also be trying new n thinggs. Durin ng your tiime at Boarding Schhool, you'll repeateedly maake venturres into thhe unknow wn. You'lll meet neew types of peoplee, find yo our place in a new w commuunity, leaarn new skills andd subjectts, and ch hallenge yourselff to a higgher acaademic sttandard. With W eveery little challeng ge that Boarding S School presents, p y you learrn a littlee bit morre about yourself and beco ome a litttle bit moore comffortable with w you urself. Foor parentts: this means m thaat studen nts often experiennce a lot of persoonal gro owth, incrrease their confidence, and hhave exceellent preeparation for univeersity.

Ha aving a lo ot of fun n and fo orming in ntense friendsh f ips Boarding Scchool cann also be a lot of fun n. Imaginee living in a housee with a bun nch of your beest friends. It's com mmon in Boardingg School for f your dorrm matess to becoome your closest frieends and support network k. There aree often a lot of latte-night bonding b sessions annd dorm life anticcs. The frieendships that youu make in this env vironmennt will bee ones you y will pro obably rem member for f life. aving a w wide ran nge of friends Ha Boarding Scchools acctively aiim to enrrol students from a range of backg grounds. Ad o the country annd overseeas. You will w Asttra Hostel boardinng studentts come ffrom all over be exposed tto a relatiively wid de range oof individu uals and cultures. c

aving sta aff as friends an nd havin ng them regularly availa able Ha Staaff know each girl well in their t manny roles - as friend d, organisser, nursee, counselllor, tuto or, discipplinarian.. Relationships w with adullts thrivee in thesse multip ple settinngs, creeating leaarning annd menttorship oopportunitties that are harrd to fin nd in otther env vironmennts. Be eing partt of a co ommunitty of boa arders Stu udents aree generally very enthusiaastic and proud of their bboarding school. The T trad ditions annd sharedd history shapes thhe characcter of th he school,, and inflluences each e student that goes theere. The shared s exxperiencee of this tradition t and histo ory createes a stro ong netwoork of peoople and a feeling of comm munity thaat lasts forr life. (Ad dapted from “Boarding School Rev view� reseaarch http://w www.boardin

Ad d Astra Hostell Fees Boarding fees are $88500 per annum a inncluding GST. G A $75 $ accepptance fee is requiired to confirm c a place at the hosteel. A 5% discoount is avvailable for f full ppayment of a who ole year’ss boardin ng fee at the beg ginning of the boarrding yeaar. Yo ou may paay term byy term in advance (no disco ount). Latte paymeent of feees will put the booarding student(s) s ) placemeent at rissk and inncur pen nalty charrges. Parrents aree requireed to giv ve one teerms notiice, in writing, w oof the witthdrawall of theeir daugh hter from m the hosttel.

Bo oarding g Bursa aries At the end of each term the school ssends thee Ministry y of Eduucation an n attendaance retu urn. It caan take soome time for The M Ministry to forwarrd to Wannganui Girls’ G Colllege thee previouss terms paayments for f Boardding Burssaries and d these shhould not be deduccted from m paymeents of thee invoiced d amountt. Min nistry off Educatioon Board ding Burssaries aree paid aftter the en nd of eaach term (on satiisfactory school atttendancee) and shoould be seeen as a reeimbursem ment.

Po olicies & Proce edures A copy of Hostel policies p and a proceedures is available from tthe Hosteel Office on req quest.

Offfice & A Adminiistration Thee office iss situatedd at 119 Anzac A Parrade, Wan nganui 4500. Thee office iss closed during d meeals and P Prep when n an answ wer phonee is in usee.

Co ontact D Details Offfice & Affter Hourss

06 343 3 2964 or 06 929 9 5507

Mo obile

021 205 79577

Fax x

06 349 3 0967 or 06 929 9 5508

Em mail or hostel@w h anganui-g girls.scho

P Please contact thee Hostel M Managerr if you have any q questionss.

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