WELCOME TO RICCARTON HIGH SCHOOL Kia Ora and Welcome to Riccarton High School
ur school is very successful and highly regarded. We are a smaller, family school offering a wide range of opportunities. Our staff have high standards of themselves and high expectations of their students and we are proud of our wide variety of achievements. At Riccarton High School we provide learning experiences, inside and outside the classroom, that challenge and support our students to: • strive to excel • achieve to the best of their ability • become an independent, lifelong learner • be caring, responsible, involved citizens who take opportunities • serve others I know that the key to this school is its culture. We are strengthened by the Riccarton Way which is the spirit behind the way we think, act and feel at Riccarton High. It is about commitment, honesty, respect and excellence. Our students are proud of how positive an attitude the Riccarton Way creates among themselves and with the staff. Riccarton High is a safe and friendly place to be. The Riccarton student is an all-rounder, looking for ways to achieve and develop strengths, whether they be academic, sporting, artistic, cultural or in service and friendship. The combination of academic and co-curricular activities contributes to the ‘Riccarton experience’ and our aim is to develop well-rounded students who are proud to be at this school. The recent earthquakes have been serious events for Christchurch, with damage particularly in some eastern suburbs and the Central Business District. The Riccarton area and Riccarton High School have been largely unaffected. Our students are unharmed and are supporting each other as they come to terms with what has happened to their city. This reflects the wonderful community spirit evident across the city and the determination to rebuild an even better Christchurch. Work is already beginning to re-establish what has been lost. Once again, welcome to Riccarton, a school which provides an excellent learning environment where students enjoy learning. This school makes a positive difference to people’s lives.
Phil Holstein Principal
Riccarton High School has agreed to observe and be bound by the Code of Practice for
“Learn that you may be of service”
the Pastoral Care of International Students published by the Ministry of Education. Copies
31 Vicki Street, Christchurch 8042, NZ
of the Code are available on request from this
0064 3 3485073
institution or from the New Zealand Ministry of
0064 3 3433354
Education website at: