murrays bay intermediate learn to live
Contents School Mission
Murrays Bay Intermediate School
inside cover
Term Dates
From the Principal and Staff
Home Learning
Enrolment Timetable
Mufti Days
Reporting to Parents
Stationery and Equipment
Transport to and from School
Uniform Purchases
Visits to Pupils by Parents
Programmes 6
North Shore City
Telephone: 09-477 2121
Social Skills and Leadership
Facsimile: 09-4788071 Website:
Expressive arts Drama Music/Dance
8 8/9
Physical and Outdoor Education
Opportunities at MBIS
School of Opportunities
Day Talent
Languages/Japanese Exchange
Mini Schools
E Classes
School Uniform Code of Behaviour
12/13 14
Other information
From the Board of Trustees
Academic Studies
Sunrise Avenue, Murrays Bay,
Absences from School
Accidents or Sickness at School
Dental Clinic (Phone Number)
From the Board of Trustees A very warm welcome to all students and their families joining Murrays Bay Intermediate. The world is changing at such a frantic to excel in all they desire to pursue. pace and here at Murrays Bay Intermediate we are committed to empower every child with the knowledge, tools and ability to maximize their individual potential not only now but in years to come.
We feel that our Invitational School is truly an exciting place in which to learn and our last Education Review Office statement affirmed this in their favourable report that stated; ‘Students are increasingly
It took 30 years for a quarter of the able to manage their own learning. They population to be using the telephone are highly motivated and apply a variety
Chairperson Philip Cunninghame
in the USA, yet only seven years for a of learning processes and strategies in quarter of the population to be using the different contexts of study.’ internet… We are preparing students for
jobs that currently may not exist and to
Colin Dale
use technology that is not yet invented
Members Kevin Adams Kathleen Allen
and ultimately preparing them with the emotional intelligence to solve problems that have not yet been considered.
Philip Cunninghame
As the Board of Trustees it is our
Grant Harris
responsibility to ensure that our Strategic
Rosalind Hayhoe
Plan is continually realigned with the changing world and that it embodies
Staff Representative Stephen Kendall-Jones
our commitment to deliver significant, sustainable learning outcomes that prepare and inspire all children to have self confidence, motivation and the ability
We have some exciting new projects proposed during the next few years including a new purpose designed and built auditorium, a new canteen layout and many of our existing buildings will be modernised. We welcome and encourage parent involvement during this exciting phase of your child’s educational journey, be it attending a school trip, camp or coaching a school sports team. I am sure you and your child will enjoy these next two years at Murrays Bay Intermediate.
Philip Cunninghame Chairperson Board of Trustees
From the Principal and Staff A very warm welcome to the world of Murrays Bay Intermediate School
Colin Dale Principal
of new innovative curriculum is an We are delighted that you have chosen ongoing aspect of our school. The digital our school to enjoy the next two years of environment has been transformational your life. in assisting to achieve the outstanding Your intermediate school years are a academic results that we proudly promote very important stage in your schooling. as a foundational success of our school’s It will be a most wonderful, positive, overall performance. An important empowering experience for each of you. emphasis on thinking skills and learning I am committed to ensuring that your how to learn is embedded in our teaching time with us is inspirational – a safe practice and the ongoing development transforming place in which to prepare of the learning of a foreign language for for adulthood. You will experience every student continues to be a focus at specialization in many subjects that will Murrays Bay Intermediate. enhance the learning journey so that you Each person’s personal development is are well prepared for secondary school. essential. We intentionally value each Since its establishment in 1958, Murrays child’s uniqueness, and we foster the Bay Intermediate has always been at the growth of valued attitudes, confidence, forefront of year seven and year eight self esteem, self efficacy, independence, education. We achieve at a level way responsibility and tolerance of other beyond what is normally expected for people’s views and beliefs. The school students of this age and hopefully you genuinely values the ethic backgrounds will enjoy and be successful at the many of the students attending this exciting opportunities that invite your interest place so that we can celebrate difference while learning with us. and work together harmoniously with understanding and integrity. The development of sound work habits in the context of contemporary positive If our young people are to achieve to approaches to learning permeate our their potential it is essential that they environment ensuring that you are are supported at home – it is a shared well prepared for a 21st century work responsibility – yours and ours, so please environment. feel free to access our staff to ensure that we are working towards the common goal We offer as many opportunities as is of achieving the very best that is possible possible for students to gain experiences for your child. in technology, and to develop a passion and talent in cultural areas such as choir, It is my hope that every family, when band, orchestra, drama, dance, visual art leaving this school, can say that and media studies. Students have the the experience was positive, happy, opportunity to participate in 34 different challenging and dynamic. I will do my sporting activities. The development best to ensure that this is the case.
Enrolment Scheme & Policy For 2011 Enrolment for year 2O11 wilI take place THE INTERVIEW on the following days in August 2010.
Please bring your child with you to the interview.
Tuesday 24th to Friday 27th
Each day is set aside for different groups The completed enrolment card must be of children to be brought in for enrolment brought to the enrolment interview along
Tuesday 24 August
with their parents. If the day that is set with either your child’s birth certificate if
Browns Bay and Mairangi Bay Schools
aside for you is inconvenient feel free born in New Zealand, or Passport for your
7.30am to 8.00pm
to come on a day of your choice. This child if not born in New Zealand.
Wednesday 25 August Campbells Bay School
schedule is set up to keep disruption in the primary schools to a minimum.
Payment of the school donation, or acceptance of a place in writing, confirms
7.30am to 6.00pm
Enrolments will take place in the Library.
Thursday 26 August
Murrays Bay Intermediate will be Enrolling parents will have the opportunity
Murrays Bay Primary School
accepting all enrolments for 2011 to purchase new uniforms at the school
7.30am to 8.00pm
whether the pupils live in or out of the during November and secondhand in
Friday 27 August
specified school enrolment zone.
St Johns, Pinehill and Sunnynook
The Board reserves the right to amend
its Enrolment Scheme and Policy should
7.30am to 4.00pm
February. (See page 17) You will be asked to try a uniform for sizing and make an order on enrolment day for collection and payment in November.
necessitate this. Students from other schools may enroll at any time. These days are a guide only. If the allocated day is not suitable enrolment may be done on any other day.
Programmes Murrays Bay Intermediate offers a balanced, exciting and demanding curriculum.
Academic Studies
special needs are given as much help as spend time designing their own solutions.
At Intermediate school children continue to be taught all the curriculum subjects which they learnt at primary school - oral and written language, reading, spelling, mathematics, health, physical education,
possible. The school has programmes All classes work with specialist technology of Teacher Aide assistance and RTLB teachers on a rotational basis throughout (Resource Teachers of Learning and the year. Specialist teachers run extension Behaviour) and Group Special Education classes in technology for pupils identified Service input.
with ability in these areas.
art, music and science. The class teacher Children who are new speakers of English The school facilities at Murrays Bay teaches most subjects. Specialist staff give are provided with appropriate support to Intermediate School for technology instruction in music, art, dance, computers, develop their English competency.
education include a Citrix Metaframe
soft materials, food, biotechnology and
computer network. In addition, Murrays
hard materials technology. Children are encouraged to enter the annual Australian Maths, Science, English, Writing and Computers Competitions.
Technology Every pupil experiences activities that cover all technological areas of the curriculum: Biotechnology, Electronics
In the academic subjects, emphasis and Control Technology, Information and is on developing independence and Communications Technology and Structures
Bay Intermediate School has modern hard-materials and design rooms with an excellent range of equipment. Foods and textiles rooms provide hands-on learning experiences on a wide range of machines and equipment.
competency in study skills and time and Mechanisms Technology. Students Classroom teachers may also teach management.
necessary if children are to succeed at secondary school. Pupils with particular gifts and talents are catered for in the Gifted and Talented programme. This programme is designed to cater for pupils with gifts and talents in all curriculum areas as well as in the Arts and Sport. Parents with an interest in this area are invited to join the Gifted and Talented Reference Group that meet on a regular basis. Children with learning difficulties or
integrated technology through other with Mini School Leaders are elected by provide
curriculum, eg; computing through English. their peers. These Leaders represent the co-operative activity, community service, school in a number of situations.
Social skills and leadership Developing and
assist children to resist negative peer performing for an audience. Children
confidence increasing
range of social skills is a key part of our
meeting participation, teamsmanship
The school’s Health programme aims to and leadership, public speaking and
school is committed to developing self esteem and enabling pupils to deal with peer pressure as they move into adolescence. Leadership opportunities for pupils are provided by the Action Group which has an elected representative and deputy from each class. Year 8 Boy and Girl School Leaders and Deputy Leaders along
pressure, make good decisions and be undertake
responsible for the consequences of responsibilities in the school. These their behaviour.
include being librarians, science monitors,
The school has an Emotional Intelligence physical education monitors and sports programme to help pupils understand referees. how to deal with their own emotions as Several discos are held during the year well as the emotions of those around and a more formal dance for both Year 7 them. The school also has several and Year 8 students at the end of the year. programmes, such as “Go Girl” and “Power Up”, in place to support social skills and self esteem development for those children who need it. The school’s wide range of events
Sleeve badges Sleeve badges are awarded for a wide range of sporting, cultural and academic achievements.
A MAGNET SCHOOL FOR THE EXPRESSIVE ARTS The school is recognised for strengths in the arts. As well as the set curriculum, which reputation in music. Varied music all teachers and pupils must follow, extension groups cater for different provision is made within the school day interests and abilities and the children for the practice and enjoyment of a range are encouraged to become actively involved at their level.
of cultural activities.
Drama is a component of the Arts Murrays Curriculum
the music education and has resourced
Performing Arts programme. There is the school with excellent equipment a major school production each year including synthesizers, acoustic guitars, involving a large number of students. recorders, tuned and untuned percussion There are also drama opportunities in instruments, drums and handbells. the Day T programme.
Extension programmes cater for specific
The school TV network also provides an interest groups during the year. These excellent medium for performances by include school choir, orchestra, concert all the schools performance groups in band, beginner band, jazz band and music, dance and drama.
strings, as well as a rock band.
The school has a particularly strong Regular music evenings and concerts are
presented by the children to families and Apple computers to design computer Haka and Korean Dance. Pupils are also generated Art works.
community groups.
The band programmes are self funding. There are extension opportunities for Parents
to those with special abilities and interest
participate, pay for tuition, instrument in art. hire and music expenses. The
their own dances. There are many dance performance opportunities including a school dance concert, dancesport competitions and intermediate school
Children’s art is widely displayed dance competitions. conducts throughout the school environment
instrumental classes at the school on and the community. The school also Saturday morning and some weekday participates in North Shore and Auckland afternoons.
given the opportunity to choreograph
Region Intermediate School Exhibitions.
In specialist art classes children both Murrays Bay Intermediate has a very create and learn about art. They produce strong Performing Arts programme. There 2 and 3 dimensional works in a range is a full time dance/drama teacher and of media including paint, crayon, all students participate in a wide range pencil, dye, clay and textiles. In the of dance activities including dancesport, Multi-Media programme students use jazz dance, creative dance, hip-hop, Kapa
Cultural Performance Appreciation Appropriate
groups are invited to perform at school assemblies. We encourage the children to become an educated and responsive audience through viewing a variety of quality performances.
PHYSICAL AND OUTDOOR EDUCATION All pupils participate in class Physical Education lessons and fitness activities. Pupils are required to change into Physical As well as inter class sports, games are Education uniform for these lessons. The whole school participates in an Outdoor Education experience. Year 7 pupils will have a day trip based programme and Year 8 will have a 4 or 5
arranged with other schools and the school takes part in all Intermediate Field Days. Teams in a variety of sports participate in ongoing out of hours sports competitions.
day camping experience. It is essential we Children joining sports teams are have parent assistance for these activities. required to attend practices regularly, Murrays Bay Intermediate School teams
traditionally achieve notable successes.
While at Murrays Bay Intermediate, children will have the opportunity to try a wide range of sporting activities. During the year school teams are fielded for: Chess
Fun Run
Mountain Biking
Table Tennis
Touch Rugby
Water Polo
Top Team
Volley Ball
Indoor Cricket
Cross Country
Indoor Soccer
Rugby League
This is achieved by commitment from pupils, staff and parent support. We seek parent coaches and managers for teams in several sports.
Sports Camp & Aims Tournament Each year the school sends teams to the Matamata Sports camp and the AIMS Sports Tournament. The Sports camp is an opportunity for 35 pupils to compete in a wide range of sports against pupils from other Intermediate Schools . The AIMS Tournament is an opportunity for our top sports people to compete both individually and in team sports against other Intermediate Schools from throughout New Zealand.
for Dance, Martial Arts, Speech, Drama
The school has a modern well equipped
High Performance Sports Group
Gymnasium that features full sized netball, basketball and volleyball courts
and a variety of musical instruments.
as well as four badminton courts. There Talented sports people may apply to is also a well equipped fitness room be part of the High Performance Sports that is used by selected students. This Group. This group trains three times facility enhances the Sport and Physical a week, in the gymnasium, using a Education programmes at Murrays Bay high performance programme that was Intermediate.
developed in consultation with the Millennium Centre. Membership of this
School of Opportunities
group is by application and children are chosen after a selection process.
The school seeks to be a broker of opportunities and encourages Out of School Classes where tutors are available. Recent classes have included Art and Ballroom Dancing. As well, community groups take classes at the school
Uniforms All pupils must wear school uniform which can only be purchased from the school.
boys Shorts Navy blue drill. Polo shirt Green with school monogram. Cap Green school cap must be worn Terms 1 and 4. Footwear Black leather lace-up shoes or plain black school sandals may be worn year round. (Skate shoes or other sports shoes are not acceptable). Socks Plain navy blue knee length socks. Sweatshirt Green sweatshirt with school monogram.
Optional uniform items Dark green, black or navy scarves are optional in winter. Monogrammed green polar fleece jackets may be worn outdoors during winter as an over-garment. A watch may be worn and a maximum of two stud earrings may be worn in each ear – nothing else.
All pupils are required to wear school uniform. Uniform is to be kept clean and in good order. Each garment must be named. When on school visits, correct uniform must be worn. This does not apply to camps. Nail polish, make up and jewellery may not be worn at school.
physical education and sports Shorts MBIS green school sports shorts. Shirt MBIS Yellow and green school sports shirt.
uniform fitting and orders are taken at enrolment. payment and collection of orders will be on Thursday 25 th & Friday 26 th november 2010.
boys & girls
Art cover up
Old shirt or apron required.
Multi toned green check, skirt to be no shorter than 6cms above the knee when kneeling. Polo shirt Green with school monogram. Cap Green school cap must be worn Terms 1 and 4. Socks
winter option Polar Fleece Jacket. These are only made to order.
Plain dark green ankle length, optional navy opaque stockings in winter. Footwear Black leather lace up shoes with low heel, no platform soles, or plain black flat heeled sandals with a heel strap may be worn all year round eg: Reefs and Roman sandals. Slave sandals, ballet style shoes or those with bars across the foot are not acceptable. Hairband or ribbon Plain dark green, black or navy.
Code of Behaviour The code pupils are asked to apply to their behaviour is to ‘speak and act in ways they would be happy for their parents to observe or be told about’. The school communicates promptly with parents when behaviour is a concern.
each person has the each person has the right to: responsibilty to: Learn
• Allow others to learn • Be co operative and honest • Keep up to date with work • Be prepared for lessons • Complete homework • Attend school and all classes regularly. • Participate • Be punctual. • Exercise self discipline and self control
Be treated with respect and politeness
• Show respect for themselves, family and school • Be polite and respectful to other students and teachers • Use appropriate language • Be considerate of others • Not leave the school grounds without permission and signing out at the office
• Make the school safe by not threatening, hitting or hurting anyone in any way... we have zero tolerance of bullying. • Refrain from the use of offensive language or bringing offensive material to school • Respect school and others’ property • Hand in lost property • Be tidy and use the rubbish bins • Not have chewing gum or non prescription drugs at school • Not smoke • Work and play safely A pleasant and safe environment
Expect their school to be well regarded by everyone
• Support school activities, • Wear our uniform with pride • Practice fair play in all activities • Be ambassadors for Murrays Bay Intermediate
Other Information Absences from school
medical attention, either GP or hospital, if one child at school are set by the Board no caregiver can be contacted. Medication each year. The donation is tax deductible can only be given on receipt of a letter and includes an amount for technology
The Education Act requires that the Board from a parent as per the school policy.
materials. Pupils are required to purchase
of Trustees takes all reasonable steps
material for articles made in textiles.
to ensure that children attend school whenever it is open, unless they are sick or absent for some other valid reason. A phone call on the day of sickness (477 2121), an email through School-Links, or a written explanation for absence; signed by the parent or guardian is required as soon as the child returns to school.
Payment of the donation on enrolment
The school requires high standards of or acceptance in writing confirms the behaviour from pupils. The school guiding child’s place. If a family is experiencing rule is ‘that children speak and act in ways financial hardship they should contact they would be happy for their parents to the Principal in confidence as the school know about.’ Parents will be advised of can generally assist. Our policy is that behaviour causing concern. It is essential no child shall be disadvantaged due to that parents and school work closely inability to pay. together to ensure responsible behaviour.
Accidents or sickness at school Finances The school has very limited sick bay Like
Fundraising The school benefits greatly from business Murrays
Bay partnerships. We receive support from a
facilities so we ask parents who are Intermediate depends on the school number of local businesses, as well as advised by phone that their child is ill, donation to support learning programmes. donations and discount credits from local to collect them immediately. In cases of The school donation levels for individual businesses. Our major fundraising activity emergency the school will get a child to pupils and for families with more than is the annual Garage Sale held in term 4.
dental clinic – telephone: 476 2510
Other Information (cont) Home Learning It is important that children of this age develop time management and good study habits in preparation for college.
term dates for 2011 Wednesday 2 February to
copy of the newsletter by e-mail.
15 April
contact the Dean. Home Learning tasks a daily lunch scheme. This supplies pupils are recorded in the planner diary. Parents with a range of substantial lunch options should view and sign this each night.
and snacks. The menu varies from time to time. A list of available products and prices
Term 2 Monday
2 May to
15 July
Mufti days Once a term students have the opportunity to come to school out of uniform. Usually
Term 3
will be issued at the beginning of the year. Changes to the menu will be indicated by notice or newsletter.
1 August to
these days are arranged by the School Volunteers for this task are requested at
7 October
Council and a small fee is collected for the beginning of each year. Helpers need the privilege of wearing mufti. Monies to be at the school from approximately
Term 4 Tuesday
25 October to
16 December
School Hours 8.45am to 3.00pm Children should arrive at school by 8.30am
collected are for charitable causes and 9.30 am until 11.00 am, or 11.30 am until School Council projects.
1.30 pm on their rostered day.
Reporting to parents
Parents are kept informed of what is happening at the school by means of a fortnightly newsletter. Your child should bring the newsletter home on alternate Thursdays. If copies are not received make enquiries, first of your child and secondly of the school. Special event notices are sent separately. The newsletter is also available on the internet at our website:
registered on School-Links will receive a
Learning on a regular basis, please The school runs a lunchroom that operates
Term 1 Friday
If your child claims not to have Home Families that are
The school has a policy of reporting to parents regularly on their child’s learning progress. Parent/teacher/pupil conferences are scheduled in Term 1 and at mid year. Parents are welcome to seek additional interviews with teachers at any time. Two written reports are issued each year, one at mid year and one at the end of the year.
School-Links We encourage all families to connect to the ‘School-Links’ program which is an internet based program that allows better communication between home and school. It allows you to e-mail pupil absences to the school and for the school to send newsletters and other school communications directly to you by e-mail. Information about connecting is included with this enrolment pack.
Stationery and equipment It is essential that children have the books and the writing equipment they need to do their studies. For the first few days of the school year pupils will need to bring from home a pad or incomplete exercise book from the previous year. They also need a ball-point pen, a pencil, a ruler and a rubber. Stationery is sold at school. Your child will bring home a sheet of required items on the first day. Parents are asked to pay for stationery promptly so pupils can commence work in their books as soon as possible.
pupils to the school and collect them from are to be folded up on school grounds. school in the afternoon. Arrangements for Walking – Good manners on footpaths are travelling by the most appropriate bus required of our pupils. If it is necessary are made during the first day at school. for children to cross Sunrise Avenue they The school takes responsibility for each must use the pedestrian crossing. pupil’s behaviour while travelling on a school bus and maintains the right to
Uniform purchases
withdraw the privilege if necessary. Bus All students are required to wear a school routes are available from the Northstar uniform. School uniforms can only be Bus Company or the School Office. purchased at school. Car – Many children are driven to school. For safety reasons parents must observe the parking restrictions in front of the school. There is no parking allowed on the yellow lined area at any time, even to allow passengers to alight or to pick them up. Stopping in these areas inhibits
During enrolment week, students enrolling will be requested to order uniforms. You will be required to pay and collect this uniform order at the following times: Thurs 25 Nov 2010
2.00 – 7.00pm.
Fri 26 Nov 2010
12.00 – 6.30pm.
the movement of bus traffic and causes Sales of secondhand uniform are on danger to pupils. The bus bay is reserved Thursday 27 Jan 2011 9.30am – 2.30pm. for buses only in the afternoon from 2.30 - 3.30 pm. In the morning the eastern end may be used to drop children off at school Bicycle – Children are permitted to ride to school if they have parent consent to do so and if they are responsible road users. Cyclists must wear safety helmets
Visits by parents Parents wishing to see pupils for any reason during the course of the school day should go to the School Office and make their request.
if they are biking to Murrays Bay Intermediate. Doubling is against the law. Bikes must be wheeled in the school grounds. Where children need to cross
Bus – The school’s catchment area is served the road they should wheel their bicycle by the Northstar buses which deliver across a pedestrian crossing. Scooters
THE SCHOOL OFFERS A strong family and school partnership ensures children are able to make the most of available learning opportunities.
• A positive transition from primary • Music Festival education • An emphasis on academic excellence.
• Public Speaking and Debating • Korean Dance
• A wide range of subjects for students • Maori Culture to study • Extension programmes • Learning support programmes • Introduction to a second language • Participation in external competitions including University of NSW (Australia) curriculum competitions, Mathex and BP Technology Challenge • Sound preparation for secondary school • Access to networked computers using a Windows platform
• Visual Arts
Participation in Physical Activities • Core physical education • Lunchtime interclass sport • Participation in out of hours sport • Opportunities in over 30 sporting codes • High performance sports development
Social Learning
• Intraschool communication via email • Discos, Socials and television linkups
Participation in Cultural groups Quality arts programmes with
• Librarianship • Action Group • Audience training • Enviro Group
specialist teachers for...
School Services
• Choir
• Stationery Shop
• Orchestra
• Tuck Shop
• Beginner Band
• Uniform Shop
• Concert Band • Big Band • Ensembles • Drama and Musical Productions
• Community Service learning
DAY TALENT... Day Talent occurs on the sixth day of the timetable. Each student may take up to five sessions for five weeks on learning aimed at either developing a student’s potential or providing extension where this is desirable. There are three cycles of Day Talent per year. Options may include:
• Windsurfing
• Shakespearian plays
• Coaching for specific sports
• Developing 3D awareness
• Playwriting
• Voice production and vocal confidence • Number and Measurement
• Linear measurement skills
• Dramatic use of body and voice
• Guitar
• Chemistry theory
• Strength and conditioning
• Electric guitar
• Mood in writing
• Te Reo Maori
• Surfing for beginners
• Handwriting clinic
• Sailing extension
• Pythagoras
• Biology/ecology
• Audio and lighting
• Advanced debating
• Beginner photography
• Languages including Spanish, German, • Bush survival Mandarin, Japanese and French
• Calligraphy
• Imagery in writing
• Video editing
• Creative dance
• Web design
• School magazine
• NZ geography
• Maori art
• Fashion and design
• Marketing
• Environmental science
• Conservation
• Art history
• Imagery in writing
• Current events
• Aerobics
• Spelling development
• Abstract painting
• Food for gifts
• Confidence in maths
• Classes in all aspects of music
• First aid
• Jump Jam
• School production
• Rock band
• Squash
• Triathlon
• Graphics
• Kayaking
• Beauty school
Miscellaneous Languages/ Japanese exchange
city) in Japan and an exchange of pupils between the two schools for a group of Year 8 pupils is an annual event. It
At Murrays Bay Intermediate School is envisaged that such exchanges will there are opportunities to learn how to continue in future years. speak the following languages... Japanese
(English Language Intensive Programme) Many of our international students require additional English at the
French Some of these languages are part of the Day Talent programme and some languages are part of the core programme.
commencement of their education in New Zealand. They spend part of their school day with our very experienced ELIP staff and the rest of the time in regular classrooms. We aim to buddy,
Murrays Bay Intermediate School has our international students with a a partnership With
Nishi Hanahata speaker from their home country who
School in Fukuoka City (Auckland’s sister is now fluent in English. The Director of
International Students at Murrays Bay Behaviour (RTLB) work very closely with where students are taught to think Intermediate School is Mr Paul Evitt to our staff.
and examine their thinking, their
whom inquiries about enrolment should
assumputions, generalisations and are
be made, and the Dean of International Students is Mrs Lee Braithwaite.
Learning support developing talents The learning support team at Murrays Bay Intermediate School is headed by a senior
Mini schools
encouraged to contribute to intelligent
The school has four mini schools which are each headed by experienced teachers who oversee the work and activities in their group of classes. The four mini schools and their 2010 leaders are:
Computer Enriched Environment All classes at Murrays Bay Intermediate School have a computer enriched
staff member and currently Rangitoto School – Sandra Jacobs
environment. There are at least 13
supported by 10 teacher aides. A Motutapu School – Marcel Hollis
computers in each class as well as
number of programmes, including Lexia, Tiritiri School – Stephen Kendall-Jones
access to digital still and video cameras,
Earobics and Fast Forward, are used to Kawau School – Sarah Herbert
ipod touch and other ICT resources.
support students who require academic
All classes also have Smart Board
support. Teachers have in-class support
for students where this is appropriate. The The Resource Teachers of Learning and for
school Children”
technology available to enhance the
teaches as
“Philosophy teaching and learning programme. programme
Academic Staff - 2010 Principal:
Colin Dale,
B.Ed., Dip.S.M., Dip. Tchg.
Associate Principals:
Paul Evitt, Shannon Gilmore,
Adv.Dip. Tchg., Dip.S.M. B.Tchg.&Lng, Dip.Sp.Ed., H.Dip.Tchg.
Assistant Principal:
Karen Spicer
H. Dip. Tchg.
Executive Officer:
Margaret Ellett,
M.N.Z.M, B.Sc., B.Com.
Directors of Programmes: Motutapu School: Marcel Hollis, Rangitoto School: Sandra Jacobs, Tiritiri School: Stephen Kendall-Jones, Kawau School: Sarah Herbert, Performance & Development: Tania Plaisier, Learning Potential: John McGhie, Arts: Denise Harwood, Technology: Lesley Pearce, Music School: Val Harris, Sport & Recreation: Kevin Anderson, International Students: Lee Braithwaite, ICT: Michael Billington, Tracey Ahern, Joanna Barker, Fiona Bengtsson, Nigel Boyd, Melanie Buchanan, Francie Champion, Louise Connolly, Emma Cornelius, Alice Denley, Laura Fleming, Annette Fourie, Mike Gaffaney, Ajita Goh, Stacey Haig, Emily Hartwig, Melissa Hayes, Anna Kerr, Brandon Kruyen, Gareth Kruyen, Jung He Kwon, Marcus Laurie, Olive Leddy, Jason Lester, Mike Lloyd, Emma Lyon Janine MacDonald, Sarah Mauger-Foreman, Lee McClymont, Hayden McCormack, Kerri McKay,
B.Sc., Dip. Tchg. B.Ed. (Massey), H.Dip.Ed.F.D.E.(MBD) B.A. (Hons), P.G.Dip.Tchg., M.C.I.M B.Mus.Ed., A.T.C.L., A.R.I.M.T. M.Ed.Mngt (Hons), B.Ed., Dip. Tchg. T.T.C. B.A., L.T.C.L. Dip.Tchg. (Sec), G.Dip. Ed (Tech). B.A. (Hons), B.Mus.Ed., M.Mus. T.T.C. B.Ed., Dip. Tchg., CESOL. T.T.C. B.Com., P.G.Dip. Tchg. B.Ed. (Hons) (Exter) B.Ed.(Tchg) N.Tech.Dip.(Eng), H.Dip. Tchg. B.A., P.G. Dip. Tchg. B.Ed., Dip.Nurs., Dip. Tchg, Dip. Sp. Ed. (Deaf ), CESOL B.F.A., P.G.Dip. Tchg.(on leave) B.A.(Hons), P.G.Dip.Tchg B.A., P.G.Dip. Tchg. B.F.A., P.G.Dip. Tchg. B.Ed., B.A., H.Dip.Tchg. T.T.C B.Mus. (Hons), P.G.Dip. Ed. B.Ed. (Tchg) B.Ed. (Tchg) (on leave) B.Ed. (Tchg) B.A., B.Sc., P.G. Dip. Tchg. B.A.(Psych), Dip.Tchg. (On Leave) B.Sc., P.G.Dip. Tchg. B.A. (Waik), B.A.(Korea), Dip.Ed.,CESOL B.Ed. (Tchg) B.A., Dip. Tchg., L.T.C.L., A.R.I.M.T. B.A., P.G.Dip. Tchg. T.T.C. B.Ed. (Tchg) (on leave) T.T.C. B.Art.Ed. (Syd), Cert.Com.Grap.Des. B.Sc. (Chem), P.G.Dip.Tchg. B.B.S. (Massey), P.G.Dip. Tchg. B.Ed. (Otago)
David MacMorran, Bryce Mills, Georgina Mitchell, Alex Olney, Vanessa Opera, Kelly Pawson, Mary Pretorius, Meryn Rainey, Kavitha Ragu, Naomi Renata, Sue Ruxton, Sheila Searle, Denize Schoch, Janene Scott, Sarah Spivak, Leanne Strand, David Walker, Janette Wilson, Mark Young,
B.A., P.G.Dip. Tchg. B.Ed. (Tchg) B.C.Ap. Sc. (Otago), P.G.Dip. Tchg. B.A. (Hons), P.G.C.E. B.A., P.G.Dip.Tchg. B.Ed. (Tchg). B.A., B.Com., P.G.Dip.Tchg. B.Ed. B.A., Dip.Bus.Admin., P.G.Dip.Tchg (on leave) B.Ed. (Tchg) B.Ed. (Tchg) B.A.(Hons), P.G.C.E., Dip. Prof. Dvp., Dip. S.L.D. (Mancester) B.Ed., Dip.Fab.& Tex. Des.(Well), Dip. Tchg.) B.Ed., Dip. Tchg. B.Sc.(Hons), B.Ed. (Queens) (on leave) B.A., Dip. Tchg. B.B.S., Dip.Mngt.(NZI), P.G.Dip. Tchg. B.Ed., Dip.Ed. (Drama & Dance), H.Dip.Tchg. (on leave) B.Ed. (Tchg).
Peter Muir,
M.A. (Auck), P.G.Dip. Tchg.
Carole Hughes, Michael Hughes,
Theol. M. (Melb), B.Theol. (Hons) (Oxon) M.A.(Oxon), Theol. M. (Hons) (Melb), B.B.S. (Waik)
Bev Bellas Linda Mills
Paraprofessionals: Jessica Brooks, Nan Ferguson Irene Hemmings Moyra Jobson, Jose Kirkbride Julie Lichtwark. Shirley Maxwell Elizabeth McDowell, Louise Miller, Greg Villers
T.T.C. Dip. Tchg. T.T.C. B.A.(Hons) B.Sc. (Psych)
Administration Staff: Cherie Gibson Canteen Helen Congalton Reception Angela Lopdell Accounts Judy MacFarlaine Manager of Information Kathy McLauchlan International Manager David Orr Grounds Winifred Hotere Catering Rose Purchase Library Jacinda Staveley, Dip.Tchg Printery David Smethurst Caretaker Music Tutors: Michael Burrows Louise Cole Neville Grenfell Gareth Kendon Rachel Knox Jason Orme Mikha Chee Aja Timu
B.Mus. (Hons), L.T.C.L. Dip.Trump. Perf. (Berkley) B.Mus., L.T.C.L. Dip.Drum. (Hollywood) B.Mus.(Auck), A.T.C.L. B.A. (Auck)
Murrays Bay Intermediate An ‘Invitational’ School We are a school that: •
Values people
Has high academic achievement and expectations
Uses ICT to enhance learning
Has authentic learning experiences
Chooses our own context for our learning in a process focused curriculum
Learns by understanding our thinking and meaning
Has a myriad of opportunities and experiences to offer
Has a values based, collaborative sharing learning environment
Has opportunities to be creative and divergent
Embraces difference
Has empathy and makes connections between our staff and students
Takes up challenges, empowerment and enterprise
Sets clear boundaries – emphasis on fairness
Uses goal setting, responsibility, student voice and mentoring.
A truly exciting place to learn!