Scan to Get to Know Us E-4 H-8 J-8 167 Main St. ( Rt. 9 ) Kennebunkport (207) 967-3939 I-10 F-14 H-11 The Sh pyard Shops 8 Western Ave Next to Federal Jacks New location same award-winning ice creams RococoIceCream.com (207) 360-0804 A-8 I-9 J-10 E-4 I-9 BC-6 H-9 B-9 H-11 I-9 GoKennebunks.com EatTheKennebunks.com I-10 a hol st c we lness spa FACIALS MASSAGE CUPPING FIR SAUNA LASER + IPL ENERGY MEDICINE thefifthom.com 207.502.8033 SERVICES AVAILABLE 7 DAYS A WEEK! D-5 F-14 WALK-IN CARE WHEN YOU NEED IT SMHC.ORG/WALKIN C-7 Authentic Wood Fired BBQ F-3 C-10 A-10 C-10 C-7
the Kennebunks, Cocktail Trail of the Kennebunks
out the stops included in our Lobster Roll Trail of

enjoy during your stay. Plus, you’ll want to check

help you find the best restaurants and hot spots to

Arundel Kennebunk B-9

and our Ice Cream Trail of the Kennebunks — I-9

surely something to please everyone! I-9 F-14 1-9 Curious about parking? Scan this! Kennebunkport

Kennebunk Town Hall • 1 Summer Street, Kennebunk, ME 04043 • (207) 985-2102 • KennebunkMaine. us Kennebunkport Town Hall • 6 Elm St. / P.O. Box 566, Kennebunkport, ME 04046 • (207) 967-4243 • KennebunkportME.gov Which way to the Bushes? The summer home of the late President George H.W. Bush and wife Barbara, Walker’s Point has been a haven for generations of Bush family members. Walker’s Point is not open to the public, but you can drive by, or stop briefly at the designated parking overlook to snap a quick picture. Vehicles may only stop in the designated area; stopping on the road is not permitted. To get to Walker’s Point, take Ocean Avenue from Dock Square, approximately two miles. THE CHAMBER KENNEBUNKPOR T KENNEBUNK ARUNDEL B-3 ALFRESCO FINEWINE Handcrafted in Maine from Recycled Sail Cloth TOTE BAGS & ACCESSORIES I-11 I-10 I-8 Arundel Town Office • 468 Limerick Road, Arundel, ME 04046 • (207) 985-4201 • Arun delMaine.org I-9 Kennebunk-Kennebunkport-Arundel Chamber of Commerce OFFICE: 16 Water St., Kennebunk • KIOSK: 1 Chase Hill, Kennebunk (207) 967-0857 • GoKennebunk s.com • #GoKennebunks Robert
Check out our other publications ! I-10 B-8 C-9 Our “Go Kennebunks” guidebook is YOUR
to finding your perfect pick of
activities to help you make the most of
the Kennebunks!
Dennis photo
dining, drinks and
your stay in
“EAT the Kennebunks” lays out all the options to