1 minute read
The Greatest Love Story Of All Time
You hear so many stories about love, Romeo and Juliet, the romantic books by Nicholas Sparks, Cleopatra and Mark Antony. There are so many but sometimes we forget about the Greatest Love Story that we all play a part in. “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that who so ever believes in him shall not parish but have ever lasting life.” John 3:16 God Loves us all so much that he sent his own son to die for us, to save us from our own selfish sins. Who are we to deserve such a powerful love ? I myself do not personally like the throw the “L” word around. I find it to be a very important word, that is very misused now a days. But I also have a love for everyone I meet or come into contact with because my first thought is “I wonder if they know Gods love? Are they saved?” Its a terrible thought to look at someone and it doesn’t matter whom they are, you could have just meet them or passed them on the street while driving by, or even a close family member and think that they could spend eternity in Hell. No one and I mean NO ONE should have to suffer like that, when it only takes one of us to tell them about the love story they can be a part of. My job as a Christian is to spread Gods word, to build his love story. With so much hate in the world we should be that one light to another person and it could move mountains. So this Valentines Day when out buying those cards, flowers, and chocolates maybe pick one person to be your Godly Valentine and share Gods love story with them.
• 6355 Smithwood Rd., Liberty, 31 wooded acres with several hundred C. of state maintained paved road frontage, with creek on one side. Three miles from the new Toyota plant. Fresh survey with new recordable plat. $320,000.00
• 11007 South N.C. Hwy. 49, Liberty, 10 acres with 3 bedroom, 2 bath brick home, 3 bay shop,$296,000.00
North Carolina is known for its numerous recreatonal optons, ranging from visitng musuems, enjoying shopping malls, exploring historical sites and more. Join us on our next Day Trip adventure!
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~Kahlil Gibran