October 2017
Volume 15 Issue 10
The Liberty Leader Newspaper
The Liberty Leader
Free Community Paper By The Community And For The Community
Serving Liberty, Staley, Snow Camp, Julian, Climax, Ramseur & Franklinville
Free Monthly Newspaper October 2017
Volume 15 * Issue 10
Events Calendar October Oct. 7th Movie Night pg. 7 Oct. 7th Fall Festival pg. 5 Oct. 13th Turkey Shoot pg. 6 Oct. 15th Circus pg. 9 Oct. 21st BBQ Dinner pg. 15 Oct 21st Fall Festival pg. 22 Oct. 28th Trunk-or-treat pg. 3 Oct. 29th Fall-o-ween pg. 21 Oct. 31st Boo Bash pg. 9
Future Dates Nov. 18th bazaar pg. 11 December 7th Christmas parade pg. 13 If you have noticed, Vera's Daycare has moved to the corner of Fayetteville St and Swannanoa Ave in downtown Liberty. Calendar On Our Website Also there is new window art that is an eye catcher. I asked about who the artist was and found out it was one of our locals. I had the great pleasure of getting to sit down meet this great guy. His name is Khyri Headon-Crawford and grew up in Staley. He graduated in 2010 from ERHS and in 2015 from A&T with a Bachelor in Visual Design. His parents are, Yolanda Next Edition Headon and Fred Crawford. Khyri has started his path out as a freelance artist which has taken him to places in Greensboro. November 3rd He is now working on a free hand ceiling mural in a Daycare in Washington DC. I asked Khyri what got him in the artist line. He shared, " My family has been my biggest influence. My Aunt Deadline Kisah Headon was a big influence. My mom is always doodling October 27th and get me doing then my grandma, Helen Headon, was always in the art light. My brother actually does poetry and is a English teacher. So with all my people around me drew me into the arts. " He continued to share, " In High School I did a charcoal tree and won a contest with it. They really sparked my life. " I asked but you look very athletic and found out that he has the record for the most touchdowns in one year at ERHS and also 1000 points in 2 years at ERHS in basketball. I asked him beside art what does he like to do. " Hangout with my girlfriends and of course family time," he shared. I believe this family time is what made this a great young man. He also shared it was cool to leave his mark her since he went to day care at the same place. Well he is open for other art work if you or your business wants some great work done. Drive by and check out this in person. You can reach him for business at 336-622-5897 or 336-233-1665. Keep up the great work !!!
New Window Murals In Liberty By Local
Gwen Taylor - Owner / Preparer 728 S Greensboro St, Liberty Ph 336-622-5722
Ph 336-795-0054 / Cell 336-404-9791
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