國光20春季公演節目冊 線上試閱版 單頁

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死過一回,重活過來的滋味,你嚐過嗎? 幹咱們這行的,只有在台上,你才叫活著! 在京劇男旦藝術盛行的時代,一齣《白蛇傳》失傳的獨門絕活,其實暗藏著男旦最隱諱 難言的痛楚。北京鳴鳳班老班主過世,買下戲班的新班主白鳳樓,傳藝於青春俊美的男 旦小雲仙,然而小雲仙不甘堂會之辱,憤而離京。 二十年後,小雲仙改行唱老生,改名華雲,在上海買下海派京班「蔚雲班」,卻與年邁 的白鳳樓在戲台下重逢,顧不得打對台的自家戲班,華雲在白鳳樓魁喜班的戲台上,與 師父合演《搜孤救孤》,扶著師父一同謝幕…… 三世情緣,一雙繡鞋, 人生的不圓滿,只好在戲裡求。 華雲之子華崢,工小生,在演藝生涯最風光的時候,拉拔女徒弟茹月涵主演《白蛇傳》的 白素貞,舞台伴侶也成就了忘年之戀。歷史變革風起雲湧,茹月涵面對血腥的人性批鬥, 在卑鄙與高尚之間選擇了背叛,華崢因此神魂恍惚落水而亡。十年後,茹月涵懷著贖罪的 心情,提拔流放塞北的華崢之子華長峰,一齣《白蛇傳》正要排練重演,一直傍演青蛇的 金翎卻幾乎受不了這沒完沒了的糾纏……戲裡是許仙背叛白蛇,現實人生卻相反,恩怨難 斷,或許剩下的,是心甘情願的悲涼……


Resuscitated from death' s grip. Do you know what it feels like? In our business, one only feels truly alive on stage. During the time when Chinese opera featured only male performers, the lost play The Tale of the White Serpent demanded unique acting skills resulting in inexplicable pain to male performers. With the death of the original owner of the Ming-feng Theater Group in Beijing, Bai Feng-lou bought the theater and now teaches all his skills to Xiao Yun-xien, a young and handsome actor. But when Xiao Yun-xien suffers a public insult at a performance in a private home, he leaves Bei-jing in anger. Twenty years later, Xiao Yun-xien is now an actor known as Hua Yun, specializing in the role of old men. When he buys the Wei-yu branch, a Beijing theater group of the Hai School in Shanghai, he unexpectedly meets the aged Bai Feng-lou in the audience. Though in competition with the performance of his own theater group, Hua Yun still chooses to perform with his master in the play, Searching for and Rescuing the Orphan, on the stage of the Kuei-xi branch of Bai Feng-lou's group, and at the end of the performance he helps his master take a bow with him… Affinity for three generations is condensed in a pair of embroidered shoes. The imperfections in life can only find fulfillment in drama. Hua Zheng, the son of Hua Yun, becomes an actor specializing in the roles of young men. At the prime of his career, he promotes Ru Yue-han, a young female actress and his student, so she can take on the part of Bai Su-zhen, the leading female role of The Tale of the White Serpent. Performing the famous lovers in the play, the two fall in love in real life despite their difference in age. Historical changes move forward in all their fury. In coming to terms with the bloody human struggle and the choice between abjection and dignity, Ru Yue-han decides to betray her lover and mentor. Lost and confused, Hua Zheng throws himself down a well, drowning himself. Ten years later, to atone for her guilt, she has Hua Chang-feng, the son of Hua Zheng, play the leading male role in The Tale of White Serpent. During rehearsal of the play, Jin Ling, an actress who has been playing the role of the Green Snake in all previous productions, can hardly bear such an endless entanglement of all involved…In the play, Xu Xien betrays the White Serpent, but in real life it's just the opposite. Who is in debt to whom and who should feel gratitude or resentment--it is all but impossible to judge. Perhaps all that is left is good will with no regrets…


白鳳樓/唐文華 小雲仙 ( 華雲 )、華長峰/盛 鑑 華崢/溫宇航 茹月涵/魏海敏 金翎/朱勝麗 李鐵梅/劉海苑 師娘/王耀星 黃管事、水族/黃毅勇 師父 ( 甲 )、包管事/謝冠生 師父 ( 乙 )、神將/張光鳴 陳管事/陳清河 琴師/馬 蘭 程嬰/王鶯華 公孫杵臼/華智暘 伽藍/黃鈞威 繪景師/陳元鴻 優伶/李佳麒、張家麟、許孝存、孫元城、劉祐昌 高禎男、華智暘、陳元鴻、曾冠東 黃鈞威、陳富國、劉嘉玉、蔡傑夫 戲中戲—蔚雲班《遊湖借傘》 白蛇/黃詩雅 青蛇/凌嘉臨 許仙/溫宇航 船伕/謝冠生 戲中戲—蔚雲班《金山寺》 白蛇/蔣孟純 青蛇/張珈羚 男青蛇/曾冠東 戲中戲—魁喜班《金山寺》 白蛇/劉珈后 青蛇/戴心怡


魏海敏 飾

太真仙子 《水袖與胭脂》 茹月涵 《百年戲樓》

魏海敏,享譽國際的梅派青衣,不論傳統戲或新編戲皆有突出的表現。 面對京劇表演藝術,



梅門,成為梅葆玖第一位入室弟子,一心一意追尋孤梅冷月的梅派藝術。 在青衣行當仍



的形象,演出各個讓人印象深刻的「經典壞女人」:敖叔征夫人、王熙鳳、 曹七巧……。魏海敏在表演藝術界已經是大師級人物,但



本團當家青衣、一等演員,國際知名京劇旦角演員,專攻梅派表演藝術。 海光劇校、國立臺灣藝術專科學校(現臺藝大)戲劇科國劇組畢業。師 承梅葆玖。1995 年國光成團即入團。擅演劇目《龍女牧羊》《穆桂英掛 帥》《貴妃醉酒》《白蛇傳》《宇宙鋒》《鳳還巢》《霸王別姬》《擂 鼓戰金山》《楊門女將》等,新編京劇《王熙鳳》《金鎖記》《孟小冬》 《百年戲樓》《水袖與胭脂》《艷后和她的小丑們》,並與國際大導演 羅伯 • 威爾森合作意象劇場《歐蘭朵》,一人獨撐全劇。曾參與當代傳 奇劇場《慾望城國》《樓蘭女》,主演白先勇小說改編的話劇《遊園驚 夢》。四度蟬連國軍文藝金像獎最佳旦角獎、榮獲國家文藝獎、中國梅 花獎、亞洲最傑出藝人獎、世界十大傑出青年獎等。

唐文華 飾

喜神 《水袖與胭脂》 白鳳樓 《百年戲樓》




人物塑造上與角色 稟的有著祖師





的汗流浹背,終得胡老師首肯,而有機會跟隨胡老師打下深厚扎實的傳 統根基;又因其個性大膽、愛玩,從不排斥任何新型態的演出嘗試,無

論忠臣烈士或是黑幫老大,都能在舞台上創造出專屬於「唐文華」的角 色創造方式,無比亮眼。

本團首席文武老生,為臺灣京劇界文武老生之頂峰菁英。復興劇校畢業, 胡少安先生嫡傳弟子,能文能武,高亢圓潤的嗓音和細膩有緻的做表, 廣受讚譽喜愛,曾獲國軍文藝金像獎最佳生角獎、文藝獎章、SGI 文化 賞、全球中華藝術文化薪傳獎、臺北市文化獎等。1995 年國光成團即入 團。精擅傳統劇目如《打金磚》《擊鼓罵曹》《瑜亮鬥智》《趙氏孤兒》 《瓊林宴》《群借華》《一捧雪》《四進士》《失空斬》《烏盆記》《斬 黃袍》《轅門斬子》《天雷報》《雪弟恨》等,擔綱主演國光新編大戲《鄭 成功與臺灣》《未央天》《閻羅夢》《快雪時晴》《金鎖記》《孟小冬》《天 下第一家》《胡雪巖》《康熙與鰲拜》等,其中《閻羅夢》獲金鐘獎肯定, 最新力作《康熙與熬拜》更獲得專家學者及觀眾朋友的一致好評,其深 根於傳統又力求創新之能力,深獲肯定。

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GuoGuang Opera Company



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