KL American - Dec14/Jan15

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PP 4353/05/2013 (033269)




A Publication of the American Association of Malaysia KL American Dec14 / Jan15



KL American Dec14 / Jan15

Contents AAM Dec.14 / Jan.15 Advertisers Index Advertisers





Aidea Art


Asian Tigers Transpo

Back Cover

City Motors


Crown Relocations

Inside Front Cover

Eastern Carpets

Inside Back Cover

The Expat




Malacca Woodwork



p.29, 30

Tropicana Medical Centre



6 7 8 9 10



AAM Messages

Community Service

Weekly Activities / Help Wanted What’s On at the AAM

16 Digital Shoebox: Falling in Love with the Moment – Annapurna Base Camp Trek Special Event: Pink Lady High Tea

20 21

Health Care in Malaysia

Perspectives: Resolutions of a Different Sort




Diversions: Behold the Jeweled Berry

Introducing KL Konfidential

24 28


AAM Community Bulletin Board


AAM Calendar, December




Message From the Embassy



“We’re Moving,” design by Yap Wai Kuan. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

President’s Message

AAM Calendar, January

24 KL American Dec14 / Jan15


President’s Message Happy Holidays! This year has just flown by and what a great number of activities and events we’ve been able to put forth for everyone. Thank you to everyone who volunteered, baked something for, cleaned out your closets, or just attended our Annual Christmas Charity Bazaar. It’s such an amazing thing for our members to go out of their way to help those less fortunate in their new home country. We have been talking about getting a new Villa for what seems like forever and it looks as though when this magazine has been printed, we will finally have a signed lease and a move date in December. We are so thrilled that the Troika (God willing) will be our new home. My apology to anyone who feels as though this process has been shrouded in secrecy. We just didn’t want to get anyone’s hopes up in case a deal fell through. Given that this is Malaysia, laaaaah, it has been such a long drawn out process. After countless hours put forth by the Board in viewings and dealing with multiple agents, we finally found the best (and biggest) space within our budget. All of that messiness aside, it looks like we will be able to usher in the New Year with a new Villa, with a great open house at the end of January to welcome our members back from their holidays as well as thank all of our sponsors who’ve helped make this a reality with their continued generous giving. Wishing everyone a great holiday season and a Happy New Year!

Stephanie Emilo

Board of Directors President Stephanie Emilo President.aam@gmail.com 1st Vice President Nicole Fitch FirstVP.aam@gmail.com 2nd Vice President Peggy Uptigrove SecondVP.aam@gmail.com Secretary Ann Blacklock Secretary1.aam@gmail.com Treasurer Donna Sawyer Treasurer.aam@gmail.com Publications Director Kim Starr Editor.KLAmerican@gmail.com Major Events Director Sherlyn Bourne Majoreventsdir.aam@gmail.com


The 2014 Christmas Bazaar was a great success! Thank you to all who help make this Christmas Charity Bazaar a huge success! Photos and write up to follow in February Issue of KLAmerican. Thank you,

Lovie Alptunaer & Mary Mantei Bazaar Directors

Corporate Partners For 2014 Presidential

Membership Director Morgan Mehta Membershipdirector.aam@gmail.com Community Service Director Marilyn Kindy Communityservice.aam@gmail.com Corporate Relations Director Heather Weber Corprelations.aam@gmail.com Bazaar Directors Lovie Alptunaer and Mary Mantei Bazaardirector.aam@gmail.com

Liaison Directors American Malaysian Chamber of Commerce Stephanie Chua ISKL Hilda Alposilva


Eagle AMCHAM 4

Coca-Cola Malaysia

KL American Dec14 / Jan15

Halliburton Santa Fe Relocation Services

US Embassy Jessica Schnepple Samantha Elfmont General Manager Ann Tan



The big day has finally arrived! No, I don’t mean Christmas, or even New Year’s Eve. But I must admit, I am as excited as a kid on Christmas morning. You see, I’ve been on the AAM’s Board of Directors for nearly two years, and for most of those two years, there’s been a lot of planning, and negotiating, and rumors, and falsestarts, and research and more planning, and more gossip, and an awful lot of hard work by the Board and AAM staff that is at long last about to pay off, if I don’t jinx it by saying so. We are finally moving out of the ‘burbs and into the heart of KL! Yeah! I can’t be too specific yet as all the i’s are still being dotted and t’s crossed, but suffice it to say, I can’t get that pesky Jefferson’s theme song out of my head.


Magazine Team

Editor Kim Starr Photo Editors Judy Pescio Kim Starr Contributors Lovie Alptunaer Melanie Billings-Yun Dan Bourne Sherlyn Bourne Jasmine Brawn Bill Duncan Randee Duncan Stephanie Emilo Marilyn Kindy Kiren Kreer Helen Mastache Morgan Mehta Debz Rafferty Karen Stiegler

December and January are usually light activity months at the AAM because of the holidays and the typical exodus of our membership until after the New Year. However, if you are like me, and staying put here in KL, please don’t be a stranger. We stragglers will appreciate the company! We still have our regular weekly and monthly activities – Bingo, First Fridays, Lunch Bunch and the Book Club – in both December and January, though Mahjong and Stitching Friends (a.k.a. Quilting Group) will take a short break while we move. At any activity in December you still will have the opportunity to purchase a Giving Tree ornament, including at our last Lunch Bunch of the year on 2 December. Then, in 2015, if your New Year’s resolution is to see more of Malaysia, please join our bus tour to Putrajaya on 15 January. If your resolution is to make new friends, join our special Lunch Bunch on 21 January when we will share the mid-day meal with the ladies of the International Women’s Association. And if your resolution is to be a healthier baker, come to the first cooking class at the new Villa on 27 January. But if resolutions are not your thing, we do have two very special activities planned – a tea at the ambassador’s residence on 22 January and an Open House at our new Villa on 24 January!

Proofreaders Stephanie Emilo Marilyn Kindy Helen Mastache Stacy Rushton Ann Tan Peggy Uptigrove Editorial Support Ann Tan Designer Yap Wai Kuan Advertising Sales Ann Tan Tel: (03) 4021-4367/8 Printer Seng Hoe Printing Process 33, Jalan Hang Tuah 2 Taman Salak Selatan 57100 Kuala Lumpur Tel/Fax: (03) 8941-7603

In this issue of the KLAmerican, chef Karen Stiegler talks about cranberries. If you enjoy Karen’s regular columns, be sure to attend one of her upcoming classes at the new Villla! Helen Mastache talks about her family’s unique take on New Year’s Resolutions, Debz Rafferty introduces her regular column about safety in KL which will Publisher debut in the February issue, and in case you missed October’s travel American Association of Malaysia themed coffee morning at the old Villa, Jasmine Brawn is sharing The KLAmerican is published 10 times per year. The deadline for inclusion her Annapurna Base Camp photos in this month’s Digital Shoebox. is at least six weeks prior to publication which is the 1st of the month. And, as always, there are memories photos of recent AAM activities Advertising for non-profit organizations is free-of-charge on a space- including the fabulously successful Pink Lady High Tea! available basis. The magazine staff reserves the right to edit copy for clarity, brevity, and accuracy. Information on AAM members is not to be used commercially.

My best wishes to you and yours for a happy and healthy 2015!

Reproduction, in whole or in part, without written permission, is strictly prohibited.

Publications Director

Unit G-3A, Villa Seavoy 7, Lorong Titiwangsa 8 Taman Titiwangsa 53200 Kuala Lumpur GPS Coordinates: N3° 11.035’, E101° 42.278’

Kim Starr

Tel: (03) 4021-4367/8 Fax: (03) 4032-3055 E-mail: klamerican.info@gmail.com website: www.klamerican.com


Mon, Wed, & Thu. 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Tue & Fri 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. Closed from 1– 2 p.m. every work day for lunch Closed Sat, Sun and public holidays



Membership Season’s Greeetings! With the upcoming holidays just around the corner, I realize I am really behind. It’s almost Thanksgiving, which is my husband’s favorite holiday. I’m not even sure a small turkey will fit in our oven. Then there’s Christmas, which is my favorite holiday. I need to get my tree up and figure out where I will place it in our apartment. And I haven’t bought a single Christmas gift! I don’t know if it’s because I’m still wearing summer clothes, but it just doesn’t seem like it can be that time of year already. I also realize I’m not being bombarded with Christmas stuff showing up in stores in September and that could be part of the reason I’m in disbelief. I know a lot of you will be heading home to visit family and enjoy all the traditions that make your holidays special. For those of you who like me will be here, we will have to make new traditions or improvise with what we have.

“Selamat Datang ke AAM!” to our new members for October: Eleni Sarantinou & Gerard Wieggeriuk Linda & Robert Glazener Michelle & Brian May Michelle & Julian Speed Shelly & David Alt Samira Bensalah & Omar Hayat Wanda & Joseph Holmes

Selamat Datang

12th edition

Hopefully all of you will have a wonderful holiday with family and friends. Make the most of it, no matter where you are. Wishing everyone Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!

Morgan Mehta Membership Director

School Supply Drive As the school year continues, why not drop off any papers, pencils, backpacks, or other school supplies at the AAM for a back-to-schooldrive for our charities? There is a basket at the AAM where you can donate supplies to help meet the needs of our kids.

Coffee Morning: Tea at the Ambassador’s Residence

We have been graciously invited by the wife of the US ambassador to Malaysia, Melanie Billings-Yun, tea at her home. Members of the Embassy staff will talk about security concerns for those living in KL and they will offer tips about keeping safe. Details are on page 13.


KL American Dec14 / Jan15

price per set (2 volumes): members

RM85, non-members RM100

Now on sale at the AAM

Tel: (03) 4021-4367 / 4021-4368

AAM Messages AAM Online Communities The AAM is on Facebook! “Like” the AAM Facebook fan page by logging on, typing ‘American Association of Malaysia’ in the Search bar at the top of the page and clicking ‘Like.’ You’ll get the latest information on all of AAM’s exciting events and activities!

Introducing the AAM Google Group - a forum for members to consult with other members on queries and recommendations for anything from best family hotels to dentists to household help. Members can join in two ways. First, you can send an email to secondvp.aam@gmail. com with the email addresses you would like to add to the Google Group. Please put “Need AAM Google Group Invite” in the header of the email. The second way to join is you can go to Google Groups, search for American Association of Malaysia and then ask to be invited and the Administrator can add you. When you receive the invite via email, you must respond to complete the registration process. For more information, go to http://www.klamerican.com/ online-communities.

Holidays in December and January Please note the AAM office will be closed on the following dates: 09 December - 31 December: AAM Villa Relocation & Christmas Holiday 01 January: New Year’s Day 02 January: Staff Annual Leave 03 January: Prophet’s Birthday

Reservation & Payment Policy

Event and Activities reservations can be made via email (klamerican.info@gmail. com), in person or via fax. • The AAM office staff will send a confirmation receipt and whether or not the activity is still available if the reservation is made via email or fax. • Reservations MUST be cancelled before the individual deadline or FIVE DAYS prior to the activity in order to receive a refund. • For Events/Activities that have a minimum attendance required, AAM reserves the right to cancel or reschedule when circumstances warrant. Please remember that while sometimes this policy can be amended (if the instructor is able to do so) you should not expect that to be the case when trying to book yourself into an event/activity late. While the office staff strive to include all interested members in these activities, sometimes it is just not possible due to constraints either on space or instructor requirements. Fees for activities must be paid at the time of reservation. You may pay by cash in person at the Villa or online through IPay88. If you wish to deposit CASH payments to the AAM’s account directly, please contact the AAM for account information and instructions. Personal checks will not be accepted.


Membership Renewal

Your $0.02 Do you have any ideas or suggestions for new activities, events or workshops that may be of interest to our members? Can you think of ways we can improve our current line-up? Any concerns about the AAM’s building facilities? Your feedback, whether positive or negative, is always welcome. Kindly drop us a note in the Suggestion Box located in the villa or email klamerican.info@gmail.com.

AAM hopes you are enjoying the convenience of our online payment service. With this secure portal, you can pay for events, classes and workshops. Payments can be made from your home by simply contacting the AAM office to make your reservation and to request an online invoice. Then check your email inbox for further instructions – it’s that easy! Note: A 5% service charge will be added to all transactions. Please also be aware that the official payment gateway name that will show up on your credit card statement is Mobile88. For additional details, contact the AAM office or visit http://www.klamerican.com/home/reservations-paymentsonline.


To avoid missing any issues of the magazine and to continue receiving discounted prices for AAM events, please make sure your membership is up to date. Renewal notices will be emailed to you one month before expiration. Dues can be paid at the office by cash or check or via IPAY.

Please respond within 48 hours of receiving the IPAY invoice.

Solicitation Policy Solicitation of business by any member or guest is not allowed at any AAM function without prior board approval. Members are requested to respectfully observe the policy that membership information is to be used solely for AAM business and is not to be used for personal or business solicitation purposes. If you are interested in sharing your talents/services with the AAM, please contact the AAM office. KL American Dec14 / Jan15


Community Service Phew – hard to believe that 2014 is coming to close and we’ll be welcoming in a new year. Here at Community Service everyone has been busy. Thanksgiving has come and gone (though maybe not from our waistlines) but our Happy Meal for Kids drive will continue throughout December. For only RM10 or more, you can make a child happy for a day. And the Christmas Bazaar is under our belt, successful as always. It’s hard to believe that the AAM has been running its Christmas Charity Bazaar for 28 years and counting. Next up will be the AAM Charity Check distribution, which will take place in February, just in time for Valentine’s Day. It’s a nice morning where you’ll have the opportunity to meet the folks your donations help to support and they’ll have the opportunity to meet and thank you. And in other news: Little Sisters of the Poor Shannon Iler heads up a loyal group of volunteers that heads out to St Francis to play Bingo with the residents on the first Tuesday of every month. It’s a fun morning for residents and volunteers alike. After bingo the volunteers usually head to lunch which is a nice way to get to know one another and maybe to find a new spot to eat. Rumah Hope Open Day The Sisters welcome volunteers for different activities on other days too. If you’re interested in joining the group you can contact me, or Shannon at Shannon_iler@msn.com. Recently, the AAM delivered a much-appreciated monetary donation. The money will go towards Bingo prizes and a holiday concert that is being organized. Stay tuned for more details. Rumah Hope The AAM also delivered a monetary donation to Rumah Hope children’s home just in time for its open house. Rumah Hope celebrated 20 year of giving love, giving hope and helping children. The funds will be used to support its ongoing education program. United Learning Centre (ULC) ULC is volunteer–driven centre providing education to children of United Learning Centre (ULC) refugees to help prepare them for resettlement in a third country. Especially important to their success is learning English. The centre accepts Burmese/Myanmarese children from all ethnicities and communities. Currently, there is a critical teacher shortage. One reason is that one our own is heading home. For the past two years American Rissa Larsen taught here. Rissa is a teacher, naturally and professionally, and upon arriving in KL she set up a curriculum and teaching plan for ULC. Teachers are needed Monday to Friday from 10 to 1. The school is located behind Imbi road and the commercial area of Bukit Bintang. If interested, you can contact Pastor Jonathan at 03 2148 2669 or visit the website at http://www.hati.my/children/ united-learning-centre/.

Marilyn Kindy Community Service Director 8

KL American Dec14 / Jan15

ULC Kids

Rumah Hope

Message From the Embassy Dear AAM members, It is my great pleasure to invite the AAM and American Embassy community members to join me for tea at the Ambassador’s Residence on Thursday, 22 January 2015 from 10:00 a.m. - 11:45 a.m. I look forward to meeting all of you and to showing you our home. We will also have a discussion and hear a presentation from our Embassy Security officers on a topic that I know is important to all of us: ensuring the safety of our families in our new home country. Looking forward to meeting you!

Melanie Billings-Yun Help decorate the AAM’s Christmas Charity

Giving Tree.

Buy a beautiful Christmas ornament for only RM50 and make a donation at the same time. You may purchase an ornament at the Bazaar, at the Villa, or at an AAM event through December. You may also send donations to the Villa by mail or electronically by contacting klamerican.info@gmail.com. Supported charities are: - Chin Women Organization - Lighthouse Children Home - Rumah Hope

KL American Dec14 / Jan15



Weekly Activities All activities are at the AAM Villa unless otherwise noted.


Mahjong 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. Members: free. Non-members: RM30 (Non-members are welcome. The first two visits are complimentary.) Get rid of those Monday blues by playing a lively game of mahjong. We’ll shuffle the tiles, make ‘pungs’ and ‘kongs’ and enjoy the afternoon. Please email mahjong Coordinator, Randee at brduncn@gmail.com to confirm.


Beginners’ Bahasa Malaysia – Level 1 Tuesdays, starting 10 February (15 sessions) 9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Members – RM675, Non-Members – RM775. Materials RM50. Minimum 8 participants. Now is the time to start learning the language of your “adopted” country. This series of classes is led by Miss Izzah from Applied Language Systems who will not only teach you the language but also share knowledge that will make your time in KL richer. Register with the AAM office by Friday, 23 January to start this learning experience.


Stitching Friends 10:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. Members: free. Non-members: RM30 (Non-members are welcome. The first two visits are complimentary.) New quilters and seasoned quilters work together to share their love of quilting. We meet at the AAM Villa. Please contact Coordinator, Diane Tenney at dianequilts@sbcglobal.net for details. Please be sure to put “Quilting Group” in the subject line.


KL American Dec14 / Jan15

It’s never too late!

AAM is looking for a few good people! This section will be dedicated to the open Board positions that need to be filled. Not sure you want a Board position but still want to help out? We will also list any help that will be needed for upcoming events. Keep checking for your opportunity to make a difference! •

Ball Silent Auction Chair: We are looking for an outgoing person to chair this year’s Silent Auction. Responsibilities include forming a team to coordinate the solicitation of items and volunteers for the night of the Ball. This person will work with the Major Events Director/Ball Chair to help make this our biggest and best fundraiser ever!

Social Media Coordinator: Are you a social media maven who can help bring the AAM up to date? This is a job that can be done through the comfort of your own computer and will help us to get the Facebook Page, Google Group and other untapped social media outlets working to get the word out about us and our activities.

Roadrunners Coordinator – Love running with friends? Step up and be the Coordinator for the AAM’s weekly running club! The Coordinator sends an email to everyone who has asked to be on the mailing list on Friday morning asking who is coming for Saturday morning. The Coordinator has to have a have a route or have another volunteer who will lead the group on a route. The group runs seven miles each Saturday starting at 7 a.m. from the bridge in KLCC Park. Put your best foot foward and contact Peggy at secondvp.aam@gmail.com to volunteer.

Activities Coordinators – Have you been on a great tour that you want to share with the rest of the AAM community or heard about a fun thing to do that you are dying to try but need more people? Well, the AAM has a monthly Activities Meeting and we are in search of people who would like to coordinate activities for our membership. You can assist with just one specific activity, or you can come to the meeting and coordinate one of the many activity ideas brought by other members. For more information, please contact Peggy at secondvp. aam@gmail.com.

Webmaster – This position keeps our members informed of all important information including fun events by updating our Google-based website. Responsibilities include attending the monthly Activities Meeting to receive information for the website and updating information on the website in a timely manner. If you have the skills and can volunteer your time, please contact the AAM office at klamerican.info@gmail.com.

2015 Board of Directors

Call for Nominations It’s that time of year! Join the 2015 Board of Directors of the American Association of Malaysia! We will be voting in the new Executive Board at the Annual General Meeting on 19 March. All other positions are appointed by the Executive Board. Want to join this fabulous team, or know someone perfect for the job? : Contact Morgan Mehta at membershipdirector.aam@gmail.com!

Executive Board (Elected Positions) President This is the gal or guy in charge. She or he runs the meetings and supervises the whole gang. First Vice President In the event that the President cannot fulfill his or her duties, 1st VP takes charge. The 1st VP is also responsible for administration of the AAM Villa, employees, contracts, etc. Second Vice President Are you good at party planning? This is your kind of job! Plan activities such as local tours, cooking classes and group trips around SE Asia. The ideal 2nd VP is organized, energetic and fun! Secretary Archives our meetings for posterity! Treasurer Keeps us under budget and writes the checks.

Other open positions: Community Service Director Corporate Relations Director Membership Director

Bazaar Director Publications Director Major Events Director

KL American Dec14 / Jan15


What’s On in . . . December / January Tatto Tuesday, 2 December, Noon Tatto A-G-1 Hampshire Place Office, 157 Hampshire, No. 1 Jln. Mayang Sari (Persiaran Hampshire). Cost: Individual Underground is available in Hampshire Place or across the street in Megan Avenue 1. LRT to Ampang Park station.

They first opened their doors in our old neighborhood and with their “modern Italian with a Malaysian touch” menu, they quickly became a favorite of our members. Subsequently, they moved from that converted bungalow to a more spacious location in Hampshire Place. With their reputation for good food served by friendly staff and Yenti’s personal touch, Tatto is our pick for December, and what a better place to have our holiday gathering than in the company of friends! Wear something festive and join us for some good cheer and fine Italian dining. The AAM Giving Tree will be there and you will have a chance to buy your ornament for a good cause. RSVP: If you would like to join us for the last Lunch Bunch of 2014, call the office or email klamerican.info@gmail.com to confirm availability.

Tuesdays, 2 December & 6 January 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. St. Francis Xavier Home for the Elderly Taman Sri Bahtera, Batu Lima Cheras Tel: (03) 9131-1464

Bingo with Little Sisters of the Poor

Fridays, 5 December & 2 January 9:30 a.m – 11:30 a.m. Starbucks, Avenue K Ground Floor Cost: Individual Parking is available at Avenue K and Suria KLCC. LRT to KLCC station.

First Fridays

Join our monthly bingo game to help spread the joy at this home for the elderly! We will bring prizes for the winners. The bingo morning is one of the highlights of the month for the residents. Please email klamerican.info@gmail.com if you can join us.

Arriving in KL can be overwhelming in the beginning, but the AAM is here to

help! First Fridays is a social gathering designed especially for expats newly arrived to KL to provide an opportunity to ask questions, gather information, and take a second to relax with new friends. All members are encouraged to come enjoy the view facing the Twin Towers and help us welcome newcomers. Self-parking is available at Avenue K via Jalan Mayang, or drivers may park and walk from Suria KLCC. Please join us and pass on the invitation to new neighbors and friends. Feel free to drop by and say hello! RSVP: Appreciated but not necessary. E-mail klamerican.info@gmail.com.

AAM Book Club Please join us for the AAM’s most stimulating monthly activity, the AAM Book Club, which meets at Ambiance Coffee Café. December’s book is Holidays on Ice by David Sedaris (134 pages). January’s book is Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn (578 pages). Start reading and plan to join us for a stimulating conversation.

December’s Book: Holidays on Ice

January’s Book: Gone Girl

Tuesdays, 16 December & 20 January 11:00 a.m. Ambiance Coffee Café Ambiance Ampang, 379A 4 Jalan Ampang, First Floor (near Ampang Grocers) Cost: Individual RSVP: Appreciated but not necessary. E-mail klamerican.info@gmail.com. 12

KL American Dec14 / Jan15

Holidays on Ice by David Sedaris (134 pages). Book Synopsis (reprinted from Amazon): David Sedaris’s beloved holiday collection is new again with six more pieces, including a never before published story. Along with such favorites as the diaries of a Macy’s elf and the annals of two very competitive families, are Sedaris’s tales of tardy trick-or-treaters (“Us and Them”); the difficulties of explaining the Easter Bunny to the French (“Jesus Shaves”); what to do when you’ve been locked out in a snowstorm (“Let It Snow”); the puzzling Christmas traditions of other nations (“Six to Eight Black Men”); what Halloween at the medical examiner’s looks like (“The Monster Mash”); and a barnyard secret Santa scheme gone awry (“Cow and Turkey”). Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn (578 pages). Book Synopsis (reprinted from Amazon): On a warm summer morning in North Carthage, Missouri, it is Nick and Amy Dunne’s fifth wedding anniversary. Presents are being wrapped and reservations are being made when Nick’s clever and beautiful wife disappears. Husband-of-the-Year Nick isn’t doing himself any favors with cringe-worthy daydreams about the slope and shape of his wife’s head, but passages from Amy’s diary reveal the alphagirl perfectionist could have put anyone dangerously on edge. Under mounting pressure from the police and the media—as well as Amy’s fiercely doting parents—the town golden boy parades an endless series of lies, deceits, and inappropriate behavior. Nick is oddly evasive, and he’s definitely bitter—but is he really a killer?

What’s On in . . . January Bus Trip to Putrajaya

Thursday, 15 January 9:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. Meet at Starbucks, Avenue K, Ground Floor (same return point). Parking is available at Avenue K & Suria KLCC. LRT to KLCC station. Cost: Members RM105/Non-Members RM135 Min. 9/Max. 40 participants

Join us as we head off to tour Malaysia’s “City-in-a-Garden” - Putrajaya. On Thursday, 15 January, this tour will leave from Starbucks at Avenue K at 9:30 a.m. sharp and will return approximately 4 to 4-1/2 hours later. On our tour, we will be making stops at Dataran Putra, Putra Mosque, Putrajaya lake and a few other photo stops along the way. Our experienced English-speaking guide will take us through this charming city and give us a lesson in history and architecture. Please wear comfortable walking shoes. Boxed lunch from Subway is included. RSVP: E-mail klamerican.info@gmail.com by Thursday, 8 January.

Jom Makan! Cafe Serena Brasserie Wednesday, 21 January, Noon Cafe Serena Brasserie Lobby Level, InterContiinental Hotel, 165 Jalan Ampang Cost: Individual Underground is available. LRT to Ampang Park station.

Did you make a New Year’s resolution? We did! Our three-part resolution was to continue trying new places, to taste new foods and to create opportunities to make new friends. You can help us to fulfill this resolution by joining us for lunch with members of the International Women’s Association of Kuala Lumpur (IWAKL) on Wednesday, 21 January at Cafe Serena Brasserie in the centrally located InterContinental Hotel. Now, what can be a better way to start the new year off than lunching on an international buffet with a room full of multinational women? (Notice that we didn’t say anything about diets!) So that we can have sufficient space set aside for representatives from both of our Associations, AAM members and their guests are asked to register with the office by no later than 12 noon on Monday, 19 January. RSVP: Email klamerican.info@gmail.com by Monday, 19 January.

Coffee Morning: Tea at the Ambassador’s Residence Thursday, 22 January 10:00 a.m. – 11:45 a.m. Ambassador’s Residence (address disclosed upon RSVP) Cost: RM10. Max. 50 attendees from AAM. Sponsored by:

Melanie Billings-Yun, wife of the US Ambassador to Malaysia Joseph Y. Yun, has graciously invited members of the AAM to her home for tea. Not only will you have a chance to meet Melanie Billings-Yun and peek inside the ambassador’s residence, you will hear from members of the Embassy about the staying safe in KL. Please join us for this exclusive event. Space is limited so please register with the office early to avoid disappointment. RSVP: E-mail klamerican.info@gmail.com by Friday, 16 January.

Karen Cooks – Delicious and Healthy Baking

Tuesday, 27 January 11:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. AAM Villa @ Troika Cost: Members RM130/NonMembers RM160; Maximum 8 participants.

Lighten things up after the holidays and with the start of the New Year! Have your cake and eat it too while making better choices for your sweet tooth. Join Chef Karen Stiegler in our new AAM kitchen as she demonstrates delicious treats with healthier fats (or no fat!), less sugar, and ingredients that sacrifice no flavor. There are a huge range of options available including better flours, nuts, specialty oils, fruits, and more natural sugars that we can use to highlight flavors in desserts and keep all the satisfaction. Add them up to more flavor, texture and nutrition in your baking. After demonstration and discussion, we will enjoy our treats with coffee at the end of class. Karen will provide additional recipes and tips for buying helpful cookbooks, tools and equipment. RSVP: E-mail klamerican.info@gmail.com by Tuesday, 20 January. KL American Dec14 / Jan15


What’s On in . . . February and beyond...

Looking Ahead... Be sure to mark your calendar for these activities in February, March and April: 06 February – First Fridays 10 February – Bingo 10 February – Beginners’ Bahasa Classes Start 10 February – Karen Cooks (Valentine theme) 11 February – Chinese New Year Lunch Bunch 12 February – Charity Check Presentation Coffee Morning 17 February – Book Club 19 March

– Annual General Meeting / Potluck

01 - 06 April – Ladies’ Trip to Vietnam 25 April

– A Great Gatsby Ball

Thaipusam Festival 2015

Monday, 2 February (eve of Thaipusam) 7:30 p.m. - midnight Meet at bus stop in front of the Corus Hotel, Jalan Ampang. (Ampang Park or KLCC Putra LRT) Cost: RM55 Members/ RM70 Non-members for adults and children. Tuesday, 10 February 12 Noon – 2:30 p.m. AAM Villa @ Troika Cost: Forthcoming Max. 8 participants.

Thaipusam, a day of penance and thanksgiving for Hindu devotees, is held in honor of Lord Subramaniam. Angie Ng of Heritage Travel will lead a guided bus tour to Batu Caves to see this unique religious festival. Participants will have the opportunity to join the procession with men carrying different types of kavadis (portable altars). Some also pierce their bodies, tongues and cheeks with long spikes before making their way up the 272 steps to the temple to give their offerings to their gods. This festival lasts for three days but the eve is the most interesting! Be sure to wear comfortable walking shoes and conservative, light clothing (e.g., no shorts or low-cut tops), and avoid wearing expensive jewelry or bringing large amounts of cash. Most importantly, remember to bring plenty of drinking water and your camera. RSVP to klamerican.info@gmail.com by Monday, 26 January. (Note: This tour is not appropriate for children under the age of 8.)

Karen Cooks - Valentine’s Day Valentine’s Day will be here before you know it! Mark your calendar to join us on Tuesday, 10 February for class with Karen, just in time to cook up treats with “heartful” design for your friends or special loved ones. Who can resist a yummy surprise to go with your Valentine’s card? Wow your favorite person (or treat yourself!) with recipes you can recreate at home with love. More information to come on the website and in the next issue of KLAmerican! RSVP: E-mail klamerican.info@gmail.com by Tuesday, 3 February.


KL American Dec14 / Jan15


You are cordially invited to an Open House at our new home! Don’t miss this exclusive event. It’s the AAM’s way of saying “thank you” for the fun we’ve had at the Villa Seavoy and “cheers” to all the good things that will happen in the New Year in our new home, the Villa @ Troika! No need to RSVP, just stop by. Details will be mailed to all members.

AAM Villa @ Troika Saturday 24 January 2015 4:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Drinks & Light Appetizers Members Only - No Charge!

KL American Dec14 / Jan15


Digital Shoebox Falling in Love with the Moment - Annapurna Base Camp Trek 2014 Story and Photos by Jasmine Brawn “It’s not so much the meaning of life we seek but our aliveness. When we have that, the meaning of of life is obvious.” Anodea Judith In April of 2014, 17 women from all over the world ventured off on a trek to Annapurna Base Camp (4,130m/13,550 ft) in the Himalayas of Nepal. The hope was to bring women together to challenge themselves, come back into alignment with whom they are, realize their potential and reawaken to their own “aliveness.” Nepal is a country deeply rooted in cultural and spiritual traditions. The beautiful, gentle nature of the people, the fresh mountain air, the picturesque landscapes and the area’s spellbinding magnificence make it the perfect place to reconnect to our best selves and appreciate the wonder of our existence, falling in love with each and every moment. Enjoy our memories... Namaste.


KL American Dec14 / Jan15

Digital Shoebox

KL American Dec14 / Jan15


Special Event Pink Lady High Tea - Fundraising Event for the National Cancer Society of Malaysia, 15 October Photos by Randee Duncan, Lovie Alptunear and DigiPhoto

THANK YOU! The AAM would like to thank Prince Court Medical Center and The Ritz Carlton, our sponsors of the Pink Lady High Tea that was held at the Ritz Carlton on Wednesday, 15 October 2014. Numerous vendors donated a portion of their total sales that day as our members came and shopped and purchased things from our silent auction. All of the money raised went to the National Cancer Society Malaysia (NCSM). In total, we raisedRM13,000. This money will be used to help women with breast cancer get the treatments they need or help with early detection. Thank you for helping make this event a success. Morgan Mehta Membership Director

Sponsors: View more pictures from the Pink Lady High Tea on our website: www.klamerican.com. 18

KL American Dec14 / Jan15

Special Event

KL American Dec14 / Jan15


Liposuction Vs Tummy tuck What is Liposuction? While definitely not a replacement for a healthy diet and regular exercise, modern-day liposuction surgery (sometimes referred to as liposculpturing) can safely and permanently address those hard-to-lose fatty deposits that simply don’t respond to diet and exercise, creating big improvements in body contour and shape. For some of us, certain areas of the body are immune to exercise. No matter how many miles we run, sit-ups we do, weights we lift or laps we swim, the fat remains unless it is removed— with liposuction.

Dr Dr Ananda Dorai MBBS (Madras), MS Plastic Surgery (USM), AM (MAL), Fellowship in Burns, Reconstructive, Laser & Aesthetic Surgery (Taiwan) Consultant Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgeon Tropicana Medical Centre

Liposuction is appropriate for large, disproportionate hips, buttocks, thighs, the abdomen and “love handles”, as well as fat deposits on arms, back, knees, sides and under the chin. Very often, many different areas can be treated during a single operation. Is Liposuction safe? Liposuction is a relatively safe surgery when performed within the safe limits. However, even large volume liposuctions have been performed safely without complications. Liposuction should be safely performed in a hospital setting by an experienced plastic surgeon. The Surgery Surgery begins with a tiny incision inconspicuously located in a natural skin fold or crease in an area to be treated. Next, an anaesthetic / salt water solution is injected through a micro cannula. During surgery, the doctor moves the micro cannula back and forth under the skin. With the help of a high pressure suction machine, the unwanted fatty deposits are removed permanently and the desired shape is created.


11, Jalan Teknologi, PJU 5, Kota Damansara, 47810 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan. T: +603-6287 1111 W: www.tropicanamedicalcentre.com FB: www.facebook.com/TropicanaMedicalCentre E: enquiries@tropicanamedicalcentre.com


KL American Dec14 / Jan15

After surgery After surgery a tight-fitting garment must be worn over the area. This will help your skin shrink and conform smoothly to the new shape of your underlying tissue. You will be up and around in a day or two after surgery but strenuous activities should be restricted the first week or two. For several days after surgery you may experience mild discomfort and stiffness, which can usually be controlled by medication. Some patients experience numbness or discomfort for varying periods of time. Your scars will be barely noticeable and will soon seem to disappear. To help your skin shrink properly, we will provide you with an appropriate garment, which is to be worn for several weeks. If you had skin dimpling (cellulite) before surgery, you will still have it afterward but it may be somewhat improved. Expect some swelling and bruising, which will subside within a few months. Sometimes the skin may have an uneven or slightly rippled effect. The final body contour after liposuction may take between

3 to 6 months to be noticeable. This is due to the swelling in the tissues and by wearing the garment continuously the final result will be apparent in the due course of time. Occasionally, permanent sagging of the skin happens when the amount of fat removed exceeds the ability of the skin to shrink. Overweight patients who have localized areas of fat removed must be willing to accept a greater chance of contour irregularities and less than ideal skin redraping in exchange for improving the way they look in clothing. Abdominoplasty What is abdominoplasty? An abdominoplasty (also known as a Tummy Tuck) is a popular form of cosmetic surgery for people wishing to regain a flatter abdomen. Abdominoplasty is designed to flatten the abdomen by removing excess skin and fat and to tighten the muscles of the abdominal wall. It is an excellent procedure to correct excess abdominal skin and repair muscle laxity following childbirth, prior surgery or as a result of significant fluctuations in weight. How is abdominoplasty performed? A full abdominoplasty is performed under general anaesthesia. The procedure takes 3 to 6 hours, depending on the individual patient. The doctor will make a horizontal incision in the area immediately above the pubic bone. The length and shape of the incision will be determined by the degree of correction necessary. Excess skin is removed and the weakened abdominal muscles are sutured together resulting in a smooth and tight abdominal wall. If necessary, liposuction may be used to achieve the desired correction. A small incision around the navel will be necessary to re-position the belly button. Who is a good candidate for an abdominoplasty? You may be considered a good candidate for an abdominoplasty if you are physically healthy and if your weight is stable. Patients considering abdominoplasty should have realistic expectations regarding the outcome of their surgery. Recovery After your surgery, the doctor will apply a dressing to your incision. You will wear a removable compression garment in order to minimize swelling while supporting your abdomen as you recover for the first few weeks. The doctor may also place a temporary drain tube under the skin to drain any excess fluids that would otherwise collect around your incision. Typically patients can return to work after about one to two weeks. However, strenuous activities must be avoided for four to six weeks. After this time, you should be standing tall and confident with your new slimmer profile. Your scars will take approximately three to twelve months to fade and flatten.

Perspectives Resolutions of a Different Sort Story and photos by Helen Mastache If ever our condo catches on fire, I only have one irreplaceable item I need to grab — a battered blue folder filled with our family’s yearly list of New Year’s Dreams and Goals. When my daughter Megan was born 30 years ago, I saw a small blurb in a magazine, undoubtedly either Parents or Sesame Street Magazine, that said: Instead of doing resolutions, make a plan. Instead of berating yourself for shortcomings and vowing drastic changes, consider how your life has changed in the last 12 months. Then after you’ve reviewed where you’ve been, plot a path to where you’re going. The first year was easy. I wanted a microwave to heat Megan’s bottles, and more importantly, not to drop her.

The blue folder also includes the occasional family newsletter, so that all family history is in one place.

Every year, and we’ve only missed one, we gather together sometime during the week of New Year’s to write out our goals and aspirations for the following year. The lists are more about having fun and keeping a family record than they are about making serious, life-changing decisions. I take dictation as everyone calls out what they want to have happen in the next 12 months — a new car, learn to surf, lose 10 pounds, peace for Palestine, create more art, or to keep one’s room clean. The following year we start by reviewing the previous year’s list, and writing down the outcome. The lists are then stored in the tattered and taped blue folder, along with the rare family newsletter that I occasionally write. As the years went on and the folder became thicker and thicker, it was clear that this was also a family history, a record of a point in time when who we were was obvious from what we wanted to happen.

The first year, when we were young Later newsletters focused more and poor, with a new baby, focused on experiences, and had more demore on material goods. tailed results, thanks to my ability to type fast enough to keep up with the raucous commentary.

“It’s really funny to read the ones from when we were little kids,” says Megan. “Like when Rosie’s goal was to have a puppy and mine was to have a house for my dolls or something. It’s hard to remember what you wanted when you were a little kid and what you were like. We have this one thing from one day each year when we were little — we wrote down everything that we hoped and dreamed.” The handwritten lists have given way to a computer spreadsheet, and technology such as Skype and Facetime have been useful in those years when we no longer can sit in the same room together. In a family where our primary tradition is to have no tradition, it is the one thing that has survived over the decades. We have done this in Idaho, California and Colorado in the US, as well as in Spain and Thailand. This year, the four of us and our son-in-law will prepare our list in Malaysia on an inevitably sweltering day, and one of my dreams for 2015 will be to buy a new sweater and have occasion to wear it.

The blue folder, tattered, missing the flap and stuffed with the memories of who we were and who we wanted to be. KL American Dec14 / Jan15


Diversions Behold the Jeweled Berry Story by Karen Stiegler This shiny scarlet cranberry is possibly my favorite of all berries. Closely associated with our holidays of Thanksgiving and Christmas, cooking and baking with cranberries offers the perfect blend of sweet and sour. I’m always happy for this time of year when I can find fresh cranberries in the grocery stores, even in KL! Cranberries have been identified as a superfruit due to their antioxidant qualities and high vitamin C content. They also provide fiber, with the juice being known as a healthful drink. But don’t be alarmed by recipes that tell you to add quite a bit of sugar or other sweetener — the sour cranberry really needs it, and you will be rewarded with that delicious yin and yang of its flavor. These berries are grown in huge sandy bogs on low, trailing vines, which you might know if you’ve ever seen the Ocean Spray Cranberry Juice commercials. They grow wild in northern Europe and in the north climes of North America where they are also extensively cultivated—mainly in Massachusetts, Wisconsin, Washington and Oregon, and in many Canadian provinces. The ruby red berries are harvested when the fruit takes on its distinctive color between Labor Day and Halloween, and the peak market period is from October through December. Most cranberries are processed into products such as juice, sauce, jam, and sweetened dried cranberries, with the remainder sold fresh to consumers. A little Cranberry History Of course cranberry sauce is traditionally served with roast turkey, as a staple of English Christmas dinners, and Canadian and American Thanksgiving. The lore of cranberry was presented to the early European visitors to eastern North America, and the pilgrims are said to have had cranberries on the 1621 Thanksgiving table. Being a direct descendant of the pilgrims myself, I am happy that I enjoy cranberries so much! Cranberries

became important in colonial New England and many new recipes were invented. James Madison wrote Thomas Jefferson in France in 1787 to ask for background information to use at the Constitutional Convention, and Jefferson in return asked for a gift of apples, pecans and cranberries. Early recipes like cranberry tarts were included in a 1796 cookbook entitled American Cookery. So cranberries—what are they good for? Not just your holiday cranberry sauce! What about cranberry orange muffins, cranberry scones, cranberry chutney? Or one of my favorites — Cranberry Upside Down Cake, a rich ruby red sight to behold, topped with a little freshly whipped cream. Or my second favorite, Cranberry Upside Down Cake, oh, and Cranberry Apple Streusel Pie! But I digress... Some innovative cooks also use cranberries to add tartness to savory dishes such as soups and stews. Only the highest quality cranberries are sold as fresh, another reason to buy and cook with fresh cranberries. I usually buy at least a few bags of berries each year for use in holiday recipes. But I also buy two or three extra bags, empty the berries into an airtight container, and freeze them for use all year long. They can be refrigerated, tightly wrapped, for at least two months or frozen for up to a year. No need to thaw before using, just toss them into a recipe. And don’t forget about dried cranberries which are available year round, often easier to find than the fresh, and delicious in salads, baked goods, homemade trail mix or granola, or just eaten out of hand. They are great in stuffing or dressing. Or mix a little cranberry juice with your favorite sparkling wine, garnish with a few fresh berries, for a festive drink. Can you say Cosmo? So have I made you crave something cranberry? There are thousands of recipes for cranberry sauce out there. I have my own collection of possibly 20 or 30. Cranberry sauce is not just for the typical holiday meal. Make a creamy cheesecake and serve your jeweled sauce on the side. For a quick dessert, warm the sauce and spoon over your favorite vanilla ice cream. Serve the sauce like jam, as a topping for freshly baked muffins, or as a chutney, to garnish your pie along with a


KL American Dec14 / Jan15

Diversions dollop of cream. Go fancy and spike your cranberry sauce with a little orange liqueur like Grand Marnier, or add freshly grated ginger or a cinnamon stick. Leftover cranberry sauce from your Thanksgiving dinner is a treat to keep your refrigerator for that lonely piece of pound cake. Try my recipe! If you missed out on fresh cranberry sauce at Thanksgiving this year, try this recipe for Christmas. This is a keeper for sure — I first found the recipe about ten years ago, modified it and have been making it every year since. This is my absolute favorite recipe for cranberry sauce, never mind that it has the unconventional ingredient of Dijon mustard. You will love the tang and only you will know what the secret to that flavor is. I often divert from the set recipe a little and just add the mustard to taste, and if you want an extra sharpness, a bit of freshly ground black pepper can be added as well. One of the best things about this recipe is saving the leftovers. Sometimes I double the recipe, and it keeps wonderfully in the refrigerator or the freezer. Incidentally, this is a cooked cranberry sauce as opposed to a cranberry relish which is also delicious, usually made with nuts and sometimes raisins. So don’t even think about serving that canned, insipid jellied cranberry sauce, or even the whole-berry canned sauce — try this! (And don’t forget, cranberries are also terrific on another holiday coming up soon — Valentine’s Day!)

Vanilla Cranberry Sauce Makes about 3 cups

Zest the orange before you juice it for this recipe. Make sure to use a fine grater or a microplane zester, which is the absolute best cooking tool ever! Take only the outer orange skin and leave the bitter white pith. Place the zest in a small container and cover tightly to add once the sauce is cooled. For the best result, use a strong French Dijon mustard, the strongest you can find. Ingredients: - 1 1/2 cups sugar - 3/4 cup water - 1/2 vanilla bean - 1 orange, zested and juiced - pinch salt - 1 pound fresh or frozen cranberries - 4 teaspoons Dijon mustard

Method: Start by making a simple syrup: Put the sugar and water in a medium saucepan and bring to a simmer. Stir occasionally until the sugar is completely melted. Meanwhile, using a small paring knife, remove the seeds from ½ a vanilla bean (save the other half for another recipe). Throw the bean and seeds into the syrup. Add the orange juice, cranberries, and pinch of salt. Simmer until the cranberries begin to pop and become tender. Remove from the heat and take out the ½ vanilla bean (it can be rinsed and saved for another use). Stir in the Dijon mustard. Cool to room temperature and then chill until ready to serve. Just before serving, stir in the freshly grated orange zest.

Karen holds a Diplôme from Le Cordon Bleu Paris and has more than 15 years experience teaching in the U.S. and abroad. Most recently she taught for Williams-Sonoma, the Smithsonian Institution, L’Academie de Cuisine in Washington, DC, and Les Dames D’Escoffier. Shewill offer two cooking classes for AAM in the new year. Delicious and Healthy Baking will be held on Tuesday,27 January, and a Valentine’s Class will be held on Tuesday,10 February. You can also check out her Pastry Nomad page on Facebook.

Introducing KL Konfidential Story by Debz Rafferty; photo by Kiren Kreer

Harrison Rafferty fights off mugger Robin Rafferty. Both are 4th degree black belts in Choi Kwang Do.

This photograph could be straight out of an advertisement for a Hollywood action movie, and not many of us have the level of martial arts mastery to even attempt this kind of defense against a mugger. That said, your safety is very important to the American Association of Malaysia, so we are delighted to announce that we will be running a regular column called KL Konfidential that will give key tips on personal safety and security. We hope our readers will write in with topics they would like to be covered in the article, so we can give a more personal message. Please email our editor at editor.klamerican@gmail.com. The Association is fortunate to have active support from the American Embassy. Our members have been invited to tea at the Ambassador’s residence, which will include a security briefing, on Thursday, 22 January. The talk will be given by embassy staff and will be a general discussion on safety and security in Malaysia, giving us the opportunity to gain information about crime in KL, and travel security issues to places like eastern Sabah. The talk will also cover the rise of ISIL, and their continued calls for violence. Space is limited, so please RSVP early to avoid disappointment. For those of you who cannot make it, we will start our new security article by covering the event. KL American Dec14 / Jan15


Memories Fall Rug Auction, 26 September Photos by Bill and Randee Duncan Whether eager to fit out a new home in KL or wanting to find unique pieces to take home to the States, some lucky AAM members found what they were looking for at this semi-annual event. And for those without winning bids, the socializing, hors d’oeuvres and wine softened the blow.


KL American Dec14 / Jan15

Memories First Fridays, 3 October Photos by Randee Duncan In November 2013, First Fridays was put “on hold” while we reimagined the activity. We relaunched it in February 2014 at a new venue and earlier time. Now, over nine months later, it is still going strong! We hope all members and new friends will continue to drop by in the new year!

Coffee Morning - Travel Talk, 16 October Photos by Randee Duncan Two of the AAM’s adventurous members shared their travel tales before a crowd looking for inspiration and ideas. Jasmine Brawn shared her story of leading a group of women up to the Annapurna Base Camp on Mt. Everest, and Lovie Alptunear talked about her extensive diving experiences in and around Malaysia. Jasmine’s Nepal photos were included in this month’s Digital Shoebox, and Lovie’s photos will be in the March KLAmerican.

KL American Dec14 / Jan15


Memories Friday Night Out: Neo Tamarind Restaurant, 10 October Photos by Randee Duncan Mixing things up a bit, the AAM’s merry-making members painted the town red on a Friday night, instead of the usual Saturday night, in October. Friday Night Out was dinner at Neo Tamarind Restaurant on Jalan Sultan Ismail, featuring a delicious set menu created for the Malaysian International Gourmet Festival.


KL American Dec14 / Jan15

Memories Saturday Night Out: Capstone Financial Social, 8 November Photos by Dan and Sherlyn Bourne

Hello to all, I hope everyone enjoyed this event as much as I did. On behalf of the AAM and myself I would like to say THANK YOU to Capstone Financial for organizing this informative event. The knowledge and information provided was very helpful and the social time was abundant. So again, the AAM wouldlike to express its gratitude to the speakers, Matt and Rico along with all who attended. Kind Regards, Sherlyn Bourne Major Events Director


KL American Dec14 / Jan15


Don’t Forget – We’re Moving!


The AAM says goodbye to our old home, Villa Seavoy, on 9 December and hello to our new home, Villa @ Troika, on 5 January.

Launching an Appointment System for American Citizen Services

You Talked, We Listened.

• Beginning December 1, 2014, we will begin our transition to an appointment system for American Citizen Services. • On January 5, 2015, we will officially launch our appointment system. • During the first quarter of 2015, U.S. citizens who appear at the Embassy without an appointment will be seen after customers with a valid appointment. • We will never turn away a U.S. citizen requiring emergency services. The U.S. Embassy in Kuala Lumpur strives to provide the best service possible for our U.S. citizen customers in Malaysia. Thus, we want to reduce the time you spend in our waiting room. Scheduling an appointment online allows us to dedicate resources to your case and provide you with higher quality, more efficient customer service.

Merdeka Square Merdeka Square Kuala Lumpur Kuala Lumpur 10-17 January 2015 10-17 January 2015 7 NIGHTS OF PURE MAGICAL ILLUMINATION


KLCC SAFE DISPOSAL OF HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE Located at the Concourse Level, Centre Core, Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, the HHW collection point opens from 9.00am to 10.00pm daily, now through 31 December 2014.

On December 1, 2014, we will open up appointment slots that start January 5, 2015. Once our appointment system goes live on December 1st, you can begin scheduling appointments for passports, CRBA, notarials, and other consular services as of January 5, 2015. On January 5, 2015, we will officially launch our appointment system. Before January 5th, we will operate as usual with walk-in hours from 9:00 – 11:00 am. We know that this message might not reach all Americans living in Malaysia before January 5th and want to help ease our customers into this transition. During the initial months of our transition, if you appear at the Embassy without an appointment, you will be seen after customers who have a scheduled appointment. We will never turn away a U.S. citizen requiring emergency services. If you need an emergency passport, are reporting a death/ crime/arrest/missing person, or find yourself with some other type of medical/financial emergency, you will always be welcomed without an appointment.

Member Helen Mastache’s neighbor Christine Sterk captured this gorgeous sunset view over KLCC. Soon the AAM will be in this neighborhood too! 28

KL American Dec14 / Jan15

Continuous improvement is one of our core values; we welcome your thoughts or suggestions on how we can improve our services. Most U.S. Embassies and Consulates around the world already have moved to appointmentbased systems for their U.S. citizens and received very positive feedback. Kind Regards, American Citizen Services Unit U.S. Embassy Kuala Lumpur

american association of malaysia KL

December 2014


Mon 1

1 - 3 p.m. Mahjong

Tues 2




1 - 3 p.m. Mahjong















10 - 11 a.m. 10 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Bingo @ Little Stitching Friends Sisters of the Poor

9:30 - 11:30 a.m. First Fridays @ Starbucks, Avenue K

12 noon Lunch Bunch @ Tatto



AAM closed – Relocate AAM Villa




11 a.m. Book Club @ Ambiance Coffee Café



AAM closed – Relocate AAM Villa






AAM closed - Relocate AAM Villa and Christmas Holidays





AAM closed – Relocate AAM Villa AAM Villa Seavoy

AAM Office Tel : (03) 4021 4367/8 email: klamerican.info@gmail.com

KL American Dec14 / Jan15


american association of malaysia KL

January 2015





Thu 1


9:30 - 11:30 a.m. First Fridays @ Starbucks, Avenue K


AAM Office Tel : (03) 4021 4367/8

AAM Villa @ Troika

email: klamerican.info@gmail.com


Sat 3

AAM Closed

AAM Closed

AAM Closed

Happy New Year

Staff Annual Leave

Prophet’s Birthday

























1 - 3 p.m. Mahjong

1 - 3 p.m. Mahjong


1 - 3 p.m. Mahjong

KL American Dec14 / Jan15

10 - 11 a.m. Bingo @ Little Sisters of the Poor

11 a.m. Book Club @ Ambiance Coffee Café


10 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Stitching Friends

10 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Stitching Friends

9:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Putrajaya Tour

10 a.m. - 11:45 a.m. Coffee Morning


4 - 7 p.m. AAM Open House

12 noon AAM/IWAKL Jom Maken @ Café Serena Brasserie Inter-Continental Hotel


11 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. 10 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Delicious & Healthy Stitching Friends Baking


KL American Dec14 / Jan15


(60-3) 5565 KL American Dec142200 / Jan15


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