KL American - Dec'12 / Jan'13

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PP 4353/05/2013 (033269)

Dec12 / Jan13



A Publication of the American Association of Malaysia

Contents AAM Dec12 / Jan13 Advertisers Index Advertisers



Director’s Corner



A Cut Above


Allied Pickfords


Asian Tigers Transpo

Back Cover

C3 one stop home service


C3 Events, Catering, Party


City Motors


Crown Relocations

Inside Front Cover

Eastern Carpets

Inside Back Cover









The Expat



4 5 6


Community Service Weekly Events

What’s On at the AAM

13 14 16


AAM Messages

8 9

Special Events Digital Shoebox

KLASS Welcomes the USS George Washington


Building Blocks


CIMB Classic






AAM Privilege Program Directory


AAM Calendar

22 Cover Photo: KLAM Christmas Bazaar Photo by Bess Anne Corwith

KL American Dec12 / Jan13


Director’s Corner Thanksgiving at the AAM Villa Wonderful food and friends, is there any better way to celebrate this truly American holiday? I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of those members and guests who came to the Villa to celebrate this holiday. The food contributions were outstanding: Fried turkey, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, cornbread, numerous vegetables plus all the traditional trimmings made this celebration one to remember. I do believe most went back for seconds. I know I did. While we may not have had all the traditions such as watching football all day and falling asleep on the couch, we certainly made up for it with good conversation over an excellent meal. I believe nothing brings people closer together than sharing a meal. I would also like to thank Jon Mock and Locke Harris for their excellent job of frying the turkeys. For anyone who has ever fried a turkey knows that this can be a very dangerous undertaking. This is a job not suited for novices. Standing around those fryers is sweaty work especially in the Malaysian heat and humidity. Last but certainly not least, hats off to our dedicated staff: Ann Tan, BK, Nancy Chong, and Ashley Tan for all their work before, during and after the dinner. The decorations were beautiful. If I did not know better, I would have thought an American had decorated the villa. I could not have done a better job myself. I do hope that all of our members and guests that attended had as much fun as I did and will consider joining us again for future events. The AAM has many exciting events each month so keep checking the KL American, Facebook, our Yahoo group and the official AAM website (www.klamerican.com) for the list of upcoming events. My best wishes to all in this joyous holiday season.

Lauryn Mock

Board of Directors President Jennifer Guthrie President.aam@gmail.com 1st Vice President Diane Tenney FirstVP.aam@gmail.com 2nd Vice President Lauryn Mock SecondVP.aam@gmail.com Secretary Vacant Secretary1.aam@gmail.com Treasurer Doreen Hollenbach Treasurer.aam@gmail.com Publications Director Rachell Gautz Editor.KLAmerican@gmail.com Major Events Director Vacant majorevents.aam@gmail.com Membership Director Fay Harris Membershipdirector.aam@gmail.com Community Service Director Claire Hines Communityservice.aam@gmail.com

2nd VP American Association Malaysia

Corporate Partners For 2012 Presidential

Corporate Relations Director Vacant Bazaar Directors Lovie Alptunaer Mary Mantei

Liaison Directors American Malaysian Chamber of Commerce Yvonne Miranda

Murphy - Pantone 654C, C100 M64 K38 Star - Pantone 193C , M100 Y66 K13

Liberty Eagle

AMCHAM Asian Tigers Transpo Halliburton Hilton Kuala Lumpur Santa Fe Relocation Services Talisman Malaysia Limited 2

KL American Dec12 / Jan13

ISKL Hilda Alposilva MKIS Linda Seaver US Embassy Jessica Schnepple Jo Ann Sernovitz General Manager Ann Tan



AmericanMagazine Team Editor Rachell Gautz Contributors Lovie Alptunaer Dawn Babcock Randee Duncan Rachell Gautz Fay Harris Kimbra Naber Lauryn Mock Bess Anne Corwith Bonnie Smollen Webmaster Bess Anne Corwith Proofreaders Randee Duncan Jennifer Guthrie Fay Harris Claire Hines Doreen Hollenbach Lauryn Mock Stacy Rushton Ann Tan Diane Tenney

This issue has been especially challenging to produce. My husband and I welcomed our son to the world two weeks earlier than expected. While we’re thrilled to be parents to a healthy baby boy, I’m still adjusting to my new role, not to mention a very different schedule. Luckily I’ve had a lot of help, otherwise you wouldn’t be reading this until February! We’re looking forward to celebrating our first Christmas with baby James right here in KL. Wherever your holidays may take you, I hope they are filled with joy.

Rachell Gautz Publications Director

Editorial Support Ann Tan Designer Yap Wai Kuan Advertising Sales Ann Tan Tel: (603) 4021-4367/8 Printer Seng Hoe Printing Process 33, Jalan Hang Tuah 2, Taman Salak Selatan 57100 Kuala Lumpur Tel/Fax: 8941-7603 Publisher American Association of Malaysia The KLAmerican is published 10 times per year. The deadline for inclusion is at least 6 weeks prior to publication which is the 1st of the month. Advertising for non-profit organizations is free-of-charge on a space-available basis. The magazine staff reserves the right to edit copy for clarity, brevity, and accuracy. Information on AAM members is not to be used commercially. Reproduction, in whole or in part, without written permission, is strictly prohibited.

AAM Office

Unit G-3A, Villa Seavoy 7, Lorong Titiwangsa 8, Taman Titiwangsa 53200 Kuala Lumpur Tel: (03) 4021-4367/8 Fax: (03) 4021-4371 E-mail: aam_kl05@streamyx.com website: www.klamerican.com

Coordinates for the Villa N03o 11.035’, E101o 42.278’

Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Tuesday and Friday 9:00 a.m. - 1 p.m. Closed from 1-2 p.m. every work day for lunch Closed Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays

KL American Dec12 / Jan13



Christmas is my favorite time of the year for so many reasons. The reasons for the season - when Christ was born; the gathering of family and friends; the exchange of gifts; decorating the tree—the list goes on and on! Locke’s and my Christmas will be a little different this year from Christmases past. We will not be going home to celebrate with family and friends because we will be leaving Malaysia mid-January after completing our assignment here, so this will be my last KL American write-up as your Membership Director. Being the Membership Director for the last year and a half has so enriched my life. I have met so many wonderful people whom I may not have otherwise met, who will remain friends for a lifetime! Getting plugged into the AAM allowed me to get involved in the many great things this organization does, like helping all the local charities we support and all the great field trips and gatherings I’ve had here. I leave Malaysia with so many fond memories that I will hold near and dear to me for a lifetime! If you are interested in becoming the next Membership Director of the AAM, please feel free to email me at fayharris3@ gmail.com or phone me at 016-347-6901. I would love to meet with you and share all my already fond memories of being the AAM Membership Director. I never like to say goodbye....so until we meet again! Have a very Merry Christmas and may you have a blessed and prosperous New Year!

Fay Harris Membership Director

New Member Profile Anne Savoy

What is your motto? “Life is a beautiful struggle.” I love this saying it speaks so much truth about daily struggles we all encounter along this journey of life. What is something most people don’t know about you? That I am adopted. What advice would you give to a newly-arrived expat? To keep an open mind and experience the different cultures and food you are surrounded by. 4

KL American Dec12 / Jan13

“Selamat Datang ke AAM!” to our New Members for October Mary and Kamal Arafeh Neeta Batra and Jai Raj Sherlyn and Dan Bourne Stephanie and Michael Haggerty Cheri and John Muller Donna and Rusty Sawyer Allison Tasker Marti and Luc Vandebon Zoe and Harry Zarrabi

AAM Messages Membership Renewal To avoid missing any issues of the magazine and to continue receiving discounted prices for AAM events, please make sure your membership is up to date. Renewal notices will be included with the magazine two months before expiration. Dues can be paid at the office by cash or check or via IPAY.

Reservation & Payment Policy Reservations can be made via fax, email or in person. • The AAM Office will send confirmation of receipt if the reservation is made by fax or email. • Reservations not cancelled five (5) working days before the event must be paid in full. • When minimum attendance is not achieved, the event may be cancelled or rescheduled. • Pay online via IPAY88 or in person by cash or check. AAM Tel: (03) 4201-4367/4368 Fax: (03) 4021-4371 e-mail: aam_kl05@streamyx.com

IPAY88 Please respond within 48 hours of receiving the ipay invoice. AAM hopes you are enjoying the convenience of our online payment service. With this convenient and secure portal you can pay for events, classes, workshops, dues and Building Blocks tuition from your home computer. Simply contact the AAM office to make your reservation and request an online invoice. Then check your email inbox for further instructions – it’s that easy! Note: • Any MasterCard or Visa credit card accepted regardless of issuing bank/country. • Multiple events can be paid for in one transaction. • Service charge: RM 50-250 - RM 5 charge RM 251-500 - RM 10 charge RM 501 and over – 3% charge For additional details, contact the AAM office or visit http://www.klamerican. com/policies.htm.

AAM Online Communities The AAM is now on Facebook! “Like” the AAM Facebook fan page by logging on, typing ‘American Association of Malaysia’ in the Search bar at the top of the page and clicking ‘Like.’ You’ll get the latest information on all of AAM’s exciting events and activities! Our Yahoo! Group remains active as a useful forum for members to consult with other members on queries and recommendations for anything from best family hotels to dentists to household help. Members who have not received an email invitation to join can contact editor.klamerican@gmail. com. Enter “Need AAM Yahoo Invitation” in the subject line, and include full name and AAM membership number in the body of the email. An invitation will be sent via email and you must respond to complete the registration process. For more information go to www.klamerican.com/policies.htm.

Your $0.02 Do you have any ideas or suggestions for new activities, events or workshops that may be of interest to our members? Can you think of ways we can improve our current line-up? Any concerns about the AAM’s building facilities? Your feedback, whether positive or negative, is always welcome. Kindly drop us a line in the Suggestion Box located in the villa or email aam_ kl05@streamyx.com

Solicitation Policy Solicitation of business by any member or guest is not allowed at any AAM function without prior board approval. Members are requested to respectfully observe the policy that membership information is to be used solely for AAM business and is not to be used for personal or business solicitation purposes. If you are interested in sharing your talents/services with the AAM, please contact the AAM office.

KL American Dec12 / Jan13


Community Service

Hello to Everyone! There is only one word to describe this year’s Annual Christmas Charity Bazaar on November 1st! Wow!! We had an unbelievable turnout this year with every vendor table sold and 23 charity tables in full swing. Over 850 entry tickets were sold at the door!! I believe this sets a new record! My sincere thanks to all of you who volunteered, who baked for the sale, or who donated to the White Elephant and book sales. You don’t realize how much you helped! The biggest congratulations go to the leaders of this event, Lovie Alputnaer and Mary Mantei, the greatest team to put this on. If you have a chance to personally thank them, please do. I know they would be appreciative. Thanks also to Doreen Hollenbach, Treasurer, who was on top of every transaction during the whole Bazaar. For those who questioned what happened to the leftover bake goods: 160 children at a local charity home really enjoyed your goodies!! Thanks to Teri Vidrine, Bake Sale Coordinator, for having the idea! For those who thought all their favorite books were going to waste, we had them moved that night to the ISKL Jumble Sale to benefit Habit for Humanity! Any leftover White Elephant items will be on sale at our May Sale in the spring. So you see . . . everything you did to help had a purpose. The charity tables collectively earned over a whopping RM22,000!!! We are very pleased with the funds we raised to help the charities in our community! God bless you all for your incredible generosity and thank you for your support! None of this would have been possible without our General Manager, Ann Tan, her husband Sam, and our office assistant, BK. Events beyond our control meant that we were setting up for the bazaar until the wee hours of the morning. They were all there again at dawn on the morning of the Bazaar. Their dedication and hard work is what made this year’s Christmas Bazaar such a success! Respectfully yours,

Claire Hines Community Service Director


KL American Dec12 / Jan13

Community Service Holiday Shoebox Be a “secret Samaritan” this season with a holiday shoebox! Each box will be given to a child in need at an AAMsupported charity. We’ll be collecting the boxes at our annual Christmas Coffee Morning on 6 December, or you can drop it off at the AAM office. Please contact communityservice.aam@gmail.com with any questions. Instructions: 1. Decorate a shoebox with festive paper. Pick an age range for your intended recipient (2 to 4, 5 to 9, or 10 to 14) and whether you would like the box to go to a boy or girl. 2. Fill the box with a selection of appropriate gifts (see below for suggestions). 3. Bring the box into the office by or before 6 December. Please be sure to include the age range and whether the box is for a boy or girl. Gift Suggestions: Toys: Small cars, balls, dolls, stuffed animals, yo-yos, jumpropes, Slinkies School supplies: Pen, pencils and sharpeners, crayons or markers, stamps and ink pad sets, writing pads or paper, solar calculators, coloring and picture books Personal hygiene items: Toothbrush, toothpaste, mild bar soap, comb, washcloth Other: Socks, ball caps, sunglasses, hair clips, toy jewelry, watches, flashlights with extra batteries Do Not Include: Food (packaged or otherwise), liquids or lotions, medications or vitamins, breakable items such as snowglobes or glass containers, aerosol cans.

KL American Dec12 / Jan13


Weekly Activities All activities are at the AAM Villa unless otherwise noted.


Mahjong 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. Members: free. Non-members: RM10 Get rid of those Monday blues by playing a lively game of Mahjong. We’ll shuffle the tiles, make ‘pungs’ and ‘kongs’ and enjoy the afternoon. Please email Randee Duncan, Mahjong Coordinator, at brduncn@gmail. com, to confirm.


Quilting 10:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. Members: free. Non-members: RM10 New quilters and seasoned quilters work together to share their love of quilting. We meet at the AAM Villa. Please contact coordinator Irene Solomalai at the AAM office (aam_kl05@streamyx.com) for details. Please be sure to put “Quilting Group” in the subject line.


KL Roadrunners Are you a runner? Are you looking for running friends? Come join the KL Roadrunners. We run on all different levels and newbies are welcome. Contact coordinator Irma Ritchie at irmajoeritchie@mac.com for meeting place and time.


KL American Dec12 / Jan13

What’s On in . . . December

Christmas Coffee Morning 6 December 10 am - 2 pm AAM Villa RSVP to aam_kl05@streamyx.com Tropical weather not getting you in the holiday mood? We can change that! During this special coffee morning, the AAM Villa will be turned into a winter wonderland to help us get into the spirit of the season. We’ll enjoy Christmas treats and have a special “Secret Santa” gift exchange. Don your festive best, and please bring a wrapped gift (suggested value: RM50) if you would like to participate in the Secret Santa gift exchange. We will also be collecting Holiday Shoeboxes and other donations to give to the charity homes for Christmas. For more information, turn to the Community Services section on page 6. Ho-ho-hope to see you all there!

Bingo with Little Sisters of the Poor Every first Tuesday of the month, join our bingo game to help spread the joy at this home for the elderly! We will bring prizes for the winners. The bingo morning is one of the highlights of the month for the residents. Please e-mail aam_kl05@streamyx.com if you can join us. Tuesdays, 4 December and 8 January 10 a.m. – 11 a.m. St. Francis Xavier Home for the Elderly Taman Sri Bahtera, Batu Lima Cheras Tel: (03) 9131-1464

First Fridays

Fridays, 7 December and 4 January Noon TGIFriday’s, Pavilion Mall, Level 6

This monthly social activity is especially for newly arrived expats and provides an opportunity to ask questions, gather information and to meet and relax with new friends over lunch. There will be a reservation under “American Association.” There is no fee to attend, but guests are responsible for their orders. Please pass the invitation to new neighbors and friends! Members old and new are welcome. Please RSVP to aam_ kl05@streamyx.com.

KL American Dec12 / Jan13


What’s On in . . . January Cooking Class: Know Your Local Vegetables with Chef Judy Loh Back by popular demand! The myriad fresh vegetables available in KL can be overwhelming. What are some examples of exotic local produce, and how do we cook them? Chef Judy Loh will be sharing her knowledge on local greens and other vegetables, as well as demonstrating some of her recipes. Lunch is included and will follow the demonstration. RSVP to aam_kl05@streamyx.com by Thursday, 10 January.

Tuesday, 15 January 10 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. AAM Villa Cost: RM50 Members, RM65 Non-members Minimum 12 Registrants

January Coffee Morning: Art Show Featuring RC Missions Thursday, 17 January 10 a.m. AAM Villa Sponsored by:

Join us for a special coffee morning featuring artwork from RC Deaf Missions, a charity focused on fostering life skills and career opportunities for deaf individuals in Malaysia. We will have works by three artists: Zulaiha Zulkapli, a very talented freelance Fear Artist with expertise in abstract art and nature; Anuar Shahren, a gifted artist who works in oil, acrylic, and color pencil; and Shahwal Nizam, a naive artist whose work was featured in The Star newspaper.

Saturday Night Out If you came to our May BBQ, you will know how hugely popular the ribs were. For that occasion, the food came to us. Now, it’s time for us to go to the food!

Saturday, 19th January 2013 7:00pm for drinks; 7:30pm for dinner Morganfield’s, Home of Sticky Bones* Level 4, exterior concourse Pavilion KL

Morganfield’s not only serves up succulent pork ribs but also great steaks, chicken and pasta dishes. There is a good selection of appetizers and lighter fare on the menu as well. Saturday Night Out is for singles and couples who would like to have a pleasant dinner and drinks with friends or strangers who could soon be friends. A reservation will be made in the name of the American Association. If you would like to join us, please register at aam_kl05@ streamyx.com by January 17th. NOTE: This restaurant is non-halal.

Beginners’ Watercolor Classes with James Phua James Phua, former coordinator of the National Art Gallery’s Creative Centre, will teach an introduction to watercolor. The course includes introduction to watercolor techniques; landscape, flower, and still life compositions; and watercolour art appreciation. Students may bring their own materials. Register at aam_kl05@streamyx.com by 15th January. Tuesdays starting 22nd January (4 sessions) 10:30 a.m. – 12 p.m. AAM Villa Cost: RM480 Members, RM540 Non-Members, plus RM50 material fee Minimum 2 Registrants 10

KL American Dec12 / Jan13

What’s On in . . . January Thaipusam Festival 2013 Thaipusam, a day of penance and thanksgiving for Hindu devotees, is held in honor of Lord Subramaniam. Angie Ng of Heritage Travel will lead a guided bus tour to Batu Caves to see this unique religious festival. Participants will have the opportunity to join the procession with men carrying different types of kavadis (a portable altar); some also pierce their bodies, tongues and cheeks with long spikes before making their way up the 242 steps to the temple to give their offerings to their gods. The festival lasts for three days but the eve is the most interesting! Saturday, 26th January (eve of Thaipusam) 7.30 pm - midnight Batu Caves (Meet at bus stop in front of the Corus Hotel, Jalan Ampang) Cost: RM55 Members, RM70 NonMembers

Be sure to wear comfortable walking shoes and conservative, light clothing (e.g., no short shorts or low-cut tops), and avoid wearing expensive jewelry or bringing large amounts of cash. Most importantly, remember to bring plenty of drinking water and your camera! RSVP to aam_kl05@streamyx. com by Monday, 21 January. (Note: This tour is not appropriate for young children under the age of 8.)

Spring Garden

Thursday, 31st January 2013 11:45 a.m. Spring Garden Restaurant Lots 413 - 414, Level 4 KLCC Suria

The Lunar New Year, popularly referred to as Chinese New Year, will take place in February. Chinese-owned businesses will close so that everyone can return home to celebrate this auspicious time with family. During the 14-day festival period, many will observe rituals to please the gods in the hope of gaining wealth, health and longevity. On Thursday, 31st January, AAM will organize a family-style meal featuring some traditional Chinese dishes. To help us in ensuring that the restaurant has room for us, we ask that you register with the office at aam_kl05@streamyx.com by 12 noon on 30th January. As this is a very busy restaurant, please note the slightly earlier meeting time.

KL American Dec12 / Jan13


What’s On in . . . February Beginners’ Bahasa Malaysia, Level 1 Now is the time to start learning the language of your adopted country! This series of classes is led by Puan Mas from Applied Language Systems who will not only teach you the language but also share knowledge that will enrich your time in KL. Register at aam_kl05@streamyx.com by Wednesday, 23rd January, to start this learning experience. Wednesdays starting 6 February (15 sessions) 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. AAM Villa Cost: RM675 Members, RM775 Non-Members, plus RM50 material fee Minimum 8/Maximum 10 registrants

Chinatown Walking Tour Join Angie Ng of Heritage Travel for a walking tour of Chinatown. Learn the history of the early Chinese and the famous Kapitan Yap Ah Loy, the founder of Kuala Lumpur. The tour includes a visit to the See Ya Temple, the oldest temple in Kuala Lumpur, and stops at the traditional stores and wet markets of Chinatown. We’ll conclude with lunch (non-halal) at an oldfashioned Chinese restaurant where the food is still cooked over charcoal in cast-iron woks (included in tour price).

Thursday, 7 February 2013 9:30 am — 1:30 pm Be sure to dress in comfortable clothes and sturdy walking shoes, and Chinatown (Meet at main entrance of bring a hat and plenty of water. RSVP to aam_kl05@streamyx.com by Central Market Cost: RM75 Members, RM90 Non-Members Wednesday, 30th January. Minimum 10 participants

Beginners’ Mandarin Course, Level 1 Join James Phua for this introduction to spoken and written Mandarin. This fun and easy class will include a “short cut” way to speaking Mandarin, interactive conversations, and introduction to Chinese calligraphy and characters. Notebook and exercise book will be provided. Register at aam_kl05@streamyx.com by Friday, 8th February. Fridays starting 15th February (4 sessions) 10:30 a.m. – 12 p.m. AAM Villa Cost: RM320 Members, RM380 Non-Members Minimum 5 Registrants


KL American Dec12 / Jan13

KL American Dec12 / Jan13


Digital Shoebox Post Card from Chiang Mai Text by Lauryn Mock, Photos by Cheri Muller and Cindy Guiscardo Sawadee Ka! Greetings from Chiang Mai, located in beautiful northern Thailand. What a wonderful trip we four women had in this majestic country. Truly, Thailand is the land of smiles. It sure put smiles on our faces. A day of cooking school made us smile with accomplishment as we learned to cook just a few of this country’s favorite dishes. Smiles as a Buddhist monk blessed us. Smiles of awe and enjoyment as we watched the elephants display sports, humor and painting skills. Maybe a few pained smiles while we were riding those elephants. (There are no seatbelts on an elephant ride.) Smiles during a relaxing massage after a hard day shopping. Many more smiles during our hard days of shopping. It seems strange that we photographed all of our adventures except shopping. I think we were too busy helping each other pick out just the right item to worry about taking photos. Oh well, maybe next time. One of our intrepid travelers, Cindy Guiscardo, added: “I have just recently moved to KL and found that I was spending most days looking back to what I’ve left behind. When I found out about this trip to Chang Mai, I started to become a little interested in the adventures that would lie before me, I began to look forward. The group of ladies that joined me were of the highest caliber and quite friendly to boot. Angie of Heritage Travel was our fearless leader who made the details of traveling very manageable and we were able to leisurely pass the time shopping, eating, getting massages . . . shopping, getting massages . . . you get the point. I can’t wait for the next trip.” Thank you, Cindy for the kind words. I too cannot wait until our next adventure. This is the second trip I, with the help of Angie Ng of Heritage Travel, have organized with the AAM, and I hope to plan more soon. To all of our members, if you to would like to put on many smiles, please join us on our next AAM adventure. If there is a travel destination you would like to go on, please send me an email at secondvp.aam@gmail.com, or call the AAM office. Until next time, Kob Khun Ka!


KL American Dec12 / Jan13

Digital Shoebox

KL American Dec12 / Jan13


Perspectives Kuala Lumpur American Sailor Social (KLASS) Welcomed the USS George Washington The Kuala Lumpur American Sailor Social (KLASS) was in full swing in September, as 16 host families supported servicemen and women from the USS George Washington, a nuclear powered air-craft carrier. The ship was in port for several days and our host families enjoyed spending time with the sailors, officers and fighter pilots. Some of our host families were offered ship tours by the sailors they hosted. That was a wonderful and memorable experience! Our service participants were so thankful to take part in an event where they could unwind and hang out with Americans here in KL. They enjoyed spending time with families who hosted at home but equally enjoyed an evening of dinner and conversation out at a local restaurant. If you are an American who would like the opportunity to spend an afternoon or an evening supporting those who serve our country, please email the KLASS coordinator at aamklass2012@gmail.com. Quotes from the servicemen and women on the George Washington: “Thank you! I thought maybe they just hadn’t been able to check their email. I will let all of my shipmates know how wonderful the KLASS experience is. Thank you for all you do and for all the families that participate. You are all doing us a wonderful service. God bless.” — Joshua Daniels, CTF 70 Staff IT, CTF 70 CSV Coordinator Information Assurance Officer, Alt Watch Supervisor “Just wanted to say thank from the both of us. This was hands down the best port visit, being that you were our sponsors for the KLASS event. Meeting everyone/ya’ll (Texas word ya’ll...lol) was an exciting experience. Thank you for taking the time out to show us an everlasting memory.” — DCC(SW) Trini A. Martinez Battle Force SEVENTH Fleet “Thank you for much for arranging the event on the 9th. Everyone I have spoken with truly enjoyed themselves, myself included! I hope all the families enjoyed themselves as much as all the Sailors did.” — MCC(SW/EXW), Jennifer Villalovos, CTF70 Public Affairs Quotes from a new host family: “Kevin, Jana, Just wanted to drop you a quick line about last night. We had a great time. The guys really enjoyed it. Please keep us on the list to participate in the future. Thanks for helping us get involved.” — Ryan & Penny

KLASS hosts Ryan and Penny Kelly, their children, and servicemen from the USS GW

Commanding Officer Greg Fenton, USS George Washington Even Commanding Officer Greg Fenton, USS George Washington enjoys a visitor.

Writing letters to show her support….. 16

KL American Dec12 / Jan13

A KLASS host family is invited on a ship tour. I think he’s excited!

Captain Mike Boyle in front of the jet that bears his name.

Dear Parents, This time of the school year has come around again when we must bid adieu to those children who will leave us when the current semester comes to an end. Some will leave us to join their next schools, prepared to take on the academic challenges that lie ahead of them. There will be others who will be heading home at the end of their parent’s posting here in Malaysia and then there are those who are to join their parents to enjoy new experiences in new lands. To all of these children of Building Blocks, we bid them a fond farewell and the very best in their endeavors. In the next semester, Building Blocks will be incorporating a new program of phonics, brought in from the United States, for its reading program. It pleases us no end to be told by parents of the profound improvements in their children’s abilities in reading and in other cognitive skills whilst they are under our tutelage. With this new program of phonics we hope to continue the fine tradition of preschool learning that Building Blocks is able to offer. We at Building Blocks wish you all Happy Holidays and looking forward to having the children back on the 7 January 2013 for the new semester.

Rose Ee Principal

For further information, please call the AAM at (603) 4021-4367 / 4021-4368 KL American Dec12 / Jan13


Diversions Calling All Americans in KL—The CIMB Classic PGA Golf Event By Kimbra Naber There are hardly any words worthy of describing the phenomenal experience of being part of the CIMB Classic at the Mines Golf Club here in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. What a truly unforgettable memory of six days volunteering for this new and exciting SE Asia PGA Tour event. I feel so fortunate, especially as a fan of the sport and a golfer myself! The Mines Golf Club was a stunning backdrop for the 48 players who appeared in this October’s tournament, comprised of some of the biggest names from the PGA Tour as well as top seeds from the ASEAN Tour. From Tiger Woods and Bo Van Pelt (2011 CIMB Classic winner) to Nick Watney and Jason Dufner, the playing field was rife with competition and all the guys showed up to put their best foot forward. This exclusive course was in pristine condition . . . and I’m sure it helped tremendously to have closed it down for a month prior in order to get the grass “just so.” The golfers also dodged a bullet as the rain held off every day until about 10 minutes after all players finished their rounds. Talk about perfect timing! The workers at The Mines did a stand-up job as well, preparing for the possibility of rain. Every morning following the storms, the course was as dry as it could be, given the afternoon downpours here in Malaysia. The hospitality tents, media center, spectator pathways and concessions were all well thought out and held everything together. Truly, the preparation for this year’s CIMB Classic paid off big time, and I know that next year will be even more amazing. As far as the tournament itself, the lesser-known names from the ASEAN Tour being paired with top-ranked American PGA players made for some interesting and surprising rounds. I can only imagine how nervous some of those guys were who were paired with the likes of Woods, Van Pelt, Dufner, and Watney, but every player was a gentleman, and some big upsets made for great “come from behind” stories throughout the four-day tourney. You may be asking yourself, “How did she get so involved?” It was a combination of hearing about it through my Ladies Expat Golfing Society (LEGS), as well as through my friend Emma at our local gym who was actually the “head honcho” for amassing the volunteers from the expat community. I was one of over 400 volunteers who signed up to help out. The nationalities of the volunteers ranged from British, Irish, Scottish, Australian, Canadian, Malaysian, and a handful of Americans. The volunteers could not have been any friendlier. I had such a positive experience with them all and I swear 18

KL American Dec12 / Jan13

haven’t laughed that much in a long time. I know that I walked away from this experience having made some amazing new friends out of it! Due to the fact that I know golf, speak English, and am a naturally active participant, I was given some pretty hefty jobs to carry out. Tuesday I helped with player services, meaning I signed the players & their caddies in and had them sign various memorabilia used throughout the week. Wednesday, during the ProAm, I accompanied the media and assisted in the Van Pelt, Woods, Crane, Dufner, and Watney TV interviews. To cap it off, I was a TV spotter for the Golf Channel Thursday through Sunday!! All of my duties throughout the week were absoltuely thrilling, but the TV spotter duty was far and away the most exciting thing I have done in a very long time!! I walked with the players “inside the ropes” and radioed in to the producers where each ball landed and what shot they were hitting next so that the cameras along the course could zero in on their next shot. For a golf enthusiast, this was a once in a lifetime opportunity!! I worked with Tiger Woods and Marcus Fraiser on Thursday, Tiger Woods and JBe Kruger on Friday, JBe Kruger and Robert Garrigus on Saturday, and Robert Garrigus and Bo Van Pelt on Sunday. Walking with Phil Parsons from The Golf Channel, chatting it up with Joe (Tiger’s caddy), and spending time with some of the wives as we walked was simply astounding. I feel so very fortunate and cannot wait to do this again next year! Although I had a blast, I will say that my one disappointment was the lack of fellow American volunteers. The PGA is an American association and the majority of the players, caddies, and PGA staff at this particular tournament were Americans themselves, flying all the way out to Malaysia from their respective home states. I was a bit surprised, so I’m going to make it my goal to find out details from the lead volunteers early next year and spread the word as much as I can. For those of you who are interested in donating your time next year, please email me at intlnabers@gmail.com and I will make sure to put you on the list for 2013. Happy Golfing! Follow my blog at www.internationalnabers. com or on Twitter:@intlnabers

KL American Dec12 / Jan13



KL American Dec12 / Jan13

KL American Dec12 / Jan13


Memories October Rug Auction October 19 Photos by Randee Duncan


KL American Dec12 / Jan13

Memories AAM 26th Annual Christmas Charity Bazaar November 1 Photos by Bess Anne Corwith and Bonnie Smollen

KL American Dec12 / Jan13



KL American Dec12 / Jan13

KL American Dec12 / Jan13


American Association Privilege Program Directory BEAUTY


The Belfry Salon AAM Discount: Complimentary Argan Oil (Moroccan oil) hair treatment with any color service (NP: RM100). Please mention during booking. Lot G-03A, The Troika, 19 Persiaran KLCC Tel: 03-2168-8802 Website: www.thebelfrysalon.com

TGIFriday’s Receive a free 3 mini dessert platter from TGIFriday’s Pavilion, Hartamas Shopping Centre or Menara Hap Seng, when you present your membership card. Applicable for one card per party. Valid at Pavilion, Hartamas Shopping Centre, and Menara Hap Seng locations only. Website: fridays.com.my

Bmic Nail Spa Salon AAM Discount: 10% off nail care treatments, waxing, eyelash extensions, and Elife Wellness Therapy treatments S18, Pamper Floor Starhill Gallery Tel: 03-2148-1818 Pavilion Level 7 Tel: 03-2141-1326 Website: www.bmic.com.my


Energy Day Spa AAM Discount: 15% off any ala carte spa, facial, or massage treatment Special Offer for 1st Visit: Triple Action Exfoliation treatment for RM250 (Normal price: RM398) Energy Day Spa Ampang Lot 4, Level 4, Great Eastern Mall Tel: 03-4256-8833 Website: www.energymindbodyspirit.com Faceworks Clinic AAM Discount: 15% off treatments. 10% off all products. Get a free facial during your birthday month! Sign a friend up for a package and receive a mystery gift. S16, Pamper Floor, Starhill Gallery Tel: 03-2144-0080 Website: www.faceworksclinic.com IPL Skin Care Clinique AAM Discount: 15% off all facial treatment services and products. Special Offer for 1st Visit: Intensive Detoxying facial plus eye treatment including hot stone shoulder massage for RM120 (Normal price: RM255) S2, Pamper Floor, Starhill Gallery Tel: 03-2141-4277 or 03-2141-4280 Website: www.iplskincare.com The London Orchid AAM Discount: 15% discount on treatments to all members of the AAM, including the only spray tan service in KL! 67M Plaza Damansara, Bukit Damansara Tel: 03-2095-6009 Website: www.thelondonorchid.com


KL American Dec12 / Jan13

Eurochef Malaysia AAM Discount: 15% (Excludes machinery, Frilich items, Flavor Shaker, cookbooks, and promotional items) Unit P-1-21, Block P, Plaza Damas Tel: 6201-8863 Website: www.eurochefasia.com Royal Selangor AAM Discount: 10% Available at all KL stores Website: www.royalselangor.com

SERVICES Crown Relocations AAM Discount: 15% off local moves within Malaysia. Complimentary 2-hour handyman services for moves more than RM5,000. 15% discount for one-day orientation service and 10% discount ony immigration services. Complimentary Home Search for rentals above RM5,000. Tel: 03-5637-9166 Website: www.crownrelo.com Three Sixty Computer Services AAM Discount: 10% off service charges Tel: 012-377-3522 (Clement Tan) Email: cletan10@yahoo.com

american association of malaysia KL

December 2012

Sun 30







AAM Office Tel : (03) 4021 4368

AAM Off Site

email: aam_kl05@streamyx.com

AAM Closed


Sat 1

7 a.m. KL Roadrunners







12 - 2 p.m. First Fridays @ TGIF, Pavilion

7 a.m. KL Roadrunners






















1 - 3 p.m. Mahjong

1 - 3 p.m. Mahjong

1 - 3 p.m. Mahjong

10 - 11 a.m. Bingo @ Little Sisters of the Poor

10 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Quilting

10 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Quilting

10 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Quilting

10 a.m. - 2p.m. Coffee Morning “Secret Santa”


7 a.m. KL Roadrunners

7 a.m. KL Roadrunners

7 a.m. KL Roadrunners

AAM Closed - Christmas & New year Holidays (Dec 24 - Jan 1)

KL American Dec12 / Jan13


american association of malaysia KL

January 2013



Tues 1






10 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Quilting

Fri 4

12 - 2 p.m. First Fridays @ TGIF, Pavilion














1 - 3 p.m. Mahjong

1 - 3 p.m. Mahjong


1 - 3 p.m. Mahjong

28 AAM Closed Thaipusam

10 - 11 a.m. Bingo @ Little Sisters of the Poor

10 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Know Your Local Veg


10:30 a.m. - 12 p.m. Beginner’s WaterColour, Level 1


10:30 a.m. - 12 p.m. Beginner’s WaterColour, Level 1

10 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Quilting

10 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Quilting

10 a.m. Coffee Morning


7 a.m. KL Roadrunners


7 a.m. KL Roadrunners 7 p.m. SNO @ Morganfields


10 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Quilting

24 AAM Closed



AAM Closed

Prophet Muhammad’s Birthday


10 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Quilting

KL American Dec12 / Jan13

7 a.m. KL Roadrunners 7:30 p.m. - Midnight Thaipusam Festival Tour


11:45 a.m. Lunch Bunch Spring Garden @ KLCC

AAM Office Tel : (03) 4021 4368 email: aam_kl05@streamyx.com

Season’s Greetings 28


7 a.m. KL Roadrunners

Happy New Year

AAM Off Site



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