KL American - June/July 2013

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PP 4353/05/2013 (033269)

June/July 2013



A Publication of the American Association of Malaysia

Contents AAM June/July 2013 Advertisers Index Advertisers



Director’s Corner



Asian Tigers Transpo

Back Cover

City Motors


Crown Relocations

Inside Front Cover

Eastern Carpets

Inside Back Cover





Star Cruise


The Expat


Tropicana Medical Centre


Verticas Residensi



4 5 6


9 12


AAM Messages

Community Service


Help Wanted!


Weekly Events

What’s On at the AAM

Special Events: Luau Highlights

14 17 18

Digital Shoebox

Health Care in Malaysia

Diversions: Boys of Summer

21 25





AAPP Directory AAM Calendar

22 Cover Photo: China Chengdu Panda asleep in tree Photo by Randee Duncan

KL American June/July 2013


Director’s Corner “Summertime, summertime, Sum, Sum, Summertime…” I am sure most of you are planning something special for the upcoming months. Summer exists in our yearly calendar (if not in Malaysia) to reflect upon and create fond memories of vacations, family reunions, patriotic parades, barbeques and other fun events. This season provokes many plans for trips to foreign places as well as to home. As we explore and learn about other cultures, we have an opportunity to examine our American values and systems and contrast them with others. I think this is a good thing, because it strengthens our personal value systems and educates us in broader considerations. While you are travelling around or just hanging in KL, take time to remember our special holidays back home. Sometimes it is difficult to commemorate these days because we are enjoying the local Malaysian holidays and working on our American holiday dates. I remember the first time my husband went to work on my July 4th birthday when we were living in Norway. I protested that he couldn’t work on my birthday and he replied, “Now you know how it feels for the rest of us with birthdays on regular days.” I have been blessed with this holiday birthday, which as a child meant that we were usually in the Wisconsin woods, camping. My parents would buy ice cream and this was the only time we could eat it all, because there was no way to store the leftovers. Whenever the weather is cold and damp, I think of camping, but soon my mind turns to the advantage of this special memory. Memorial Day, Flag Day June 14th, Independence Day, Labor Day. Do try to remember these days; think of our people back home making parades and parties and try to celebrate your American freedom and values where ever you are. Remember our school essays, “What I Did on my Summer Vacation.” Wishing you the best essay subjects ever. Have a safe and FUN summer!

Board of Directors President Jennifer Guthrie President.aam@gmail.com 1st Vice President Diane Tenney FirstVP.aam@gmail.com 2nd Vice President Vacant SecondVP.aam@gmail.com Secretary Ann Blacklock Secretary1.aam@gmail.com Treasurer Vacant Treasurer.aam@gmail.com Publications Director Kim Starr Editor.KLAmerican@gmail.com Major Events Director Sherlyn Bourne Majorevents.aam@gmail.com

From a Yankee Doodle Sweetheart,

Membership Director Merrie Braden Membershipdirector.aam@gmail.com

Diane Tenney

Community Service Directors Claire Hines and Karen Beham Communityservice.aam@gmail.com

First Vice President

Corporate Partners For 2013 Presidential

Corporate Relations Director Lindsey Scull Corprelations.aam@gmail.com Bazaar Directors Lovie Alptunaer and Mary Mantei Bazaardirector.aam@gmail.com

Liaison Directors American Malaysian Chamber of Commerce Yvonne Miranda

Liberty Eagle AMCHAM Coca-Cola Malaysia Halliburton Santa Fe Relocation Services Talisman Malaysia Limited 2

KL American June/July 2013

ISKL Hilda Alposilva MKIS Linda Seaver US Embassy Jessica Schnepple Jo Ann Sernovitz General Manager Ann Tan



AmericanMagazine Team Editor Kim Starr Photo Editor Judy Pescio Kim Starr Contributors Sherlyn Bourne Randee Duncan Jennifer Guthrie Kim Starr David Terenzio Michelle Mallinson

Summer’s here! My how time flies, particularly in the tropics where there’s not much variation in the weather report or the sunrise/sunset times throughout the year. It’s an interesting time to take over as Editor - KLAmerican is “going digital” and for the first time members can easily read the magazine on their laptop, handphone, tablet, or e-reading device anywhere in the world! Many of you will be traveling this summer and it’s nice to know that you will not miss that magazine languishing in the mailbox. Whether you read this on the beach or back in the states or on your Kindle as you ride the LRT here in good ol’ KL – welcome!

Proofreaders Randee Duncan Merrie Braden Jennifer Guthrie Ann Tan Editorial Support Ann Tan

The digital edition of KLAmerican is just one step towards a “greener” AAM. Over the summer we will be looking for ways to be more earth friendly. Many of the changes will be simple and obvious like recycling; many will help us expats tread lightly in our adopted home like suggesting places where members can donate unwanted electronics to charity rather than add waste to a landfill; and many will streamline operations of the Association and make good financial sense.

Designer Yap Wai Kuan Advertising Sales Ann Tan Tel: (603) 4021-4367/8 Printer Seng Hoe Printing Process 33, Jalan Hang Tuah 2 Taman Salak Selatan 57100 Kuala Lumpur Tel/Fax: 8941-7603 Publisher American Association of Malaysia The KLAmerican is published 10 times per year. The deadline for inclusion is at least 6 weeks prior to publication which is the 1st of the month. Advertising for non-profit organizations is free-of-charge on a spaceavailable basis. The magazine staff reserves the right to edit copy for clarity, brevity, and accuracy. Information on AAM members is not to be used commercially. Reproduction, in whole or in part, without written permission, is strictly prohibited.

As editor, I’m going to take advantage of the quiet time here in KL to think of ways to revamp the magazine. Consider this a plea for content. It’s your magazine – what do readers want to see? Some features I’d like to start: - Members Read – in list form, what do you recommend? - Members Watch – how do you stay in touch with pop culture from the USA? - Members Cook – how have you revamped your recipes here in KL? - Members Travel – what exotic places have you traveled to from here? - “My ExPat Life” – anecdotes of life here in KL or other cities you’ve lived in. Don’t be shy – please contribute! If you’re interested, please contact me at editor.klamerican@gmail.com.

Kim Starr

Publications Director

Unit G-3A, Villa Seavoy 7, Lorong Titiwangsa 8 Taman Titiwangsa 53200 Kuala Lumpur GPS Coordinates: N3° 11.035’, E101° 42.278’

Tel: (03) 4021-4367/8 Fax: (03) 4021-4371 E-mail: aam_kl05@streamyx.com website: www.klamerican.com

Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Tuesday and Friday 9:00 a.m. - 1 p.m. Closed from 1-2 p.m. every work day for lunch Closed Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays

KL American June/July 2013



Read Any Good Books Lately? It’s always summer here in Malaysia so it’s never too late to start your summer reading!

Summertime already??? By the time you are reading this, most schools will be on their summer break and many of you will be planning a trip back to the States or some exotic location. I am off to Arizona in July/August – because doesn’t everyone enjoy a nice, “dry” heat – even if it is 115??? However, this is also the time of year when some of you will be moving on to a new assignment. If that is you, we wish you a fond farewell and all the best in whatever city and country you will next call home. Hopefully you will leave KL with fond memories of the people who have shared your lives here and the experiences that you have added to your family’s “memory books”. Writing this, I have only been the Membership Director for one month and because the position was vacant for several months, I have some catching up to do. If you joined AAM during the last few months, you will be hearing from me soon, but if you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me at membershipdirector.aam@gmail.com or via my hand phone at 012-626-5587. AAM exists to make our expat lives more fulfilling. It provides us all with the opportunity to meet new friends; experience new cultures; support local charities and learn new skills. I hope that you will take advantage of everything we offer and bring your individual personality to add to the mix. Be sure to check out the rest of this magazine, our Facebook page and our website at www.klamerican.com to stay up-to-date with everything!

Merrie Braden Membership Director


KL American June/July 2013

Hard copy? We want your books to share/ exchange. Kindle? We want e-reading recommendations. Bring those and something to “nosh” on to the August Coffee Morning - details on page 10. Hope to see you there!

AAM Messages Membership Renewal To avoid missing any issues of the magazine and to continue receiving discounted prices for AAM events, please make sure your membership is up to date. Renewal notices will be included with the magazine two months before expiration. Dues can be paid at the office by cash or check or via IPAY.

Reservation & Payment Policy Reservations can be made via fax, email or in person. • The AAM Office will send confirmation of receipt if the reservation is made by fax or email. • Reservations not cancelled five (5) working days before the event must be paid in full. • When minimum attendance is not achieved, the event may be cancelled or rescheduled. • Pay online via IPAY88 or in person by cash or check. AAM Tel: (03) 4201-4367/4368 Fax: (03) 4021-4371 e-mail: aam_kl05@streamyx.com

IPAY88 Please respond within 48 hours of receiving the ipay invoice. AAM hopes you are enjoying the convenience of our online payment service. With this convenient and secure portal you can pay for events, classes, workshops, dues and Building Blocks tuition from your home computer. Simply contact the AAM office to make your reservation and request an online invoice. Then check your email inbox for further instructions – it’s that easy! Note: • Any MasterCard or Visa credit card accepted regardless of issuing bank/country. • Multiple events can be paid for in one transaction. • Service charge: RM 50-250 - RM 5 charge RM 251-500 - RM 10 charge RM 501 and over – 3% charge For additional details, contact the AAM office or visit http://www.klamerican. com/policies.htm.

AAM Online Communities The AAM is now on Facebook! “Like” the AAM Facebook fan page by logging on, typing ‘American Association of Malaysia’ in the Search bar at the top of the page and clicking ‘Like.’ You’ll get the latest information on all of AAM’s exciting events and activities! Our Yahoo! Group remains active as a useful forum for members to consult with other members on queries and recommendations for anything from best family hotels to dentists to household help. Members who have not received an email invitation to join can contact editor.klamerican@gmail. com. Enter “Need AAM Yahoo Invitation” in the subject line, and include full name and AAM membership number in the body of the email. An invitation will be sent via email and you must respond to complete the registration process. For more information go to www.klamerican.com/policies.htm.

Your $0.02 Do you have any ideas or suggestions for new activities, events or workshops that may be of interest to our members? Can you think of ways we can improve our current line-up? Any concerns about the AAM’s building facilities? Your feedback, whether positive or negative, is always welcome. Kindly drop us a line in the Suggestion Box located in the villa or email aam_ kl05@streamyx.com

Solicitation Policy Solicitation of business by any member or guest is not allowed at any AAM function without prior board approval. Members are requested to respectfully observe the policy that membership information is to be used solely for AAM business and is not to be used for personal or business solicitation purposes. If you are interested in sharing your talents/services with the AAM, please contact the AAM office.

KL American June/July 2013


Community Service Greetings! I wanted to share with you our recent visit to the Tamna Annual Meeting. Tamna is the umbrella organization for the refugee women from Myanmar (Burma) and Thailand. There are 3 groups under Tamna which include the following: 1. CWO This organization runs a school for 115 refugee children with donations and volunteers. To raise funds to support the school the children make batik handbags and other items and also Christmas cards as well as other craft work. There are 3 women who live in the facility with the children. The cost for running the school is approximately RM37,000 per year. 2. Mang Tha This organization is comprised of Chin Refugee women of Myanmar. Chins speak several dialects and therefore don’t share a common language. They are also refugees who have been persecuted in Myanmar and have had to flee. The Mang Tha women make clothing, purses, and other items out of native materials . They also hold workshops on leadership, conflict resolution and nutrition. While here in Malaysia, they hope to learn enough English so that they will assimilate more easily to their new country of resettlement. Currently Mang Tha serves 125 women and this past year they raised RM100,000, of which 63,000 went to the women. The remainder went into materials. All those working with the women are volunteers. Our organization has sent several women including myself and Claire to help teach English to these lovely ladies. 3. Kaoprise This group makes soap . In the past year they went from selling 38 bars of lemon grass soap to 500. They have a shelter where refugee women and children can stay and also a facility to make the soap for sale at local bazaars and Central Market. Of the 62,000 they made this year, 30,000 went to the women, and the rest went for the product and the facilities. All these organizations are in need of volunteers! You can help with teaching English skills or by donations. If you are interested in helping, please contact : BoheSakhoTamnaWomen@gmail.com. I hope all of you will offer your time or your talents!

Karen Beham Community Service Director

Women from Tamna. 6

KL American June/July 2013

Women from Mang Tha with AAM volunteers.


It’s never too late!

AAM is looking for a few good people! This section will be dedicated to the open board positions that need to be filled. Not sure you want a board position but still want to help out? We will also list any help that will be needed for upcoming events. Keep checking for your opportunity to make a difference! •

Second Vice President – This position gets to help our members have fun every month of the year! Responsibilities include facilitating the monthly activities meeting with the directors and relaying the outcomes to the executive committee during the monthly board meeting.

Treasurer – This position gets to help our association grow financially. Responsibilities include preparing a quarterly financial report in Excel for presentation at the monthly board meeting. No daily entries will be performed by this position holder. (Note: due to business responsibilities, the individual recently voted in resigned shortly after the AGM.)

Webmaster – This position gets to help keep our members informed of all important information including fun events by updating our Google-based website. Responsibilities include attending the monthly activities meeting to receive information for the website and updating information in a timely manner.

Reporter at Large – Do you enjoy writing short stories or articles and sharing them with others? This position is designed for you! The KL American is always looking for submissions from our members. Please feel free to send us your poems, experiences in local adventures, family trip pictures, recipes and anything else you think would be interesting to our community.

Used Books

Your junk...is someone else’s treasure!!! Please drop off your once-loved items and put a smile on someone’s face. Take your pre-loved items to the AAM office any time between now and 8 November to join our “White Elephant” table. All proceeds go to charity.

Dust off those bookshelves! Clean out those closets! Donate your old books to the AAM. All proceeds go to charity.

KL American June/July 2013


Weekly Activities MONDAY

All activities are at the AAM Villa unless otherwise noted.

Mahjong 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. Members: free. Non-members: RM10 Get rid of those Monday blues by playing a lively game of Mahjong. We’ll shuffle the tiles, make ‘pungs’ and ‘kongs’ and enjoy the afternoon. Please email Randee Duncan, Mahjong Coordinator, at brduncn@gmail. com, to confirm.


Quilting 10:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. Members: free. Non-members: RM10 New quilters and seasoned quilters work together to share their love of quilting. We meet at the AAM Villa. Please contact coordinator Irene Solomalai at the AAM office (aam_kl05@streamyx.com) for details. Please be sure to put “Quilting Group” in the subject line.


KL Roadrunners Are you a runner? Are you looking for running friends? Come join the KL Roadrunners. We run on all different levels and newbies are welcome. Contact coordinator Irma Ritchie at irmajoeritchie@mac.com for meeting place and time.


Beginners Bahasa Malaysia – Level 1 (NEW CLASSES) School’s out for the summer! We will resume classes in the fall - sign up now: 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. Wednesdays, starting 4 September – 20 November (12 sessions) Members – RM540, Non-Members – RM640. Materials RM50. Min: 8 / Max: 10 Now is the time to start learning the language of your “adopted” country. This series of classes is led by Puan Mas from Applied Language Systems who will not only teach you the language but also share knowledge that will make your time in KL richer. RSVP to the AAM office by Monday, 26 August 2013, to start this learning experience.


KL American June/July 2013

What’s On in . . . June/July First Fridays

Suspended for June and July. Resuming 2 August, Noon TGIFriday’s, Pavilion Mall, Level 6

This monthly social activity is especially for newly arrived expats and provides an opportunity to ask questions, gather information and to meet and relax with new friends over lunch. There will be a reservation under “American Association.” There is no fee to attend, but guests are responsible for their orders. Please pass the invitation to new neighbors and friends! Members old and new are welcome. Pleae note: First Fridays is in recess June and July. New ex-pats arriving during the recess should feel free to come to June’s Lunch Bunch or July’s Saturday Night Out instead!

Bingo with Little Sisters of the Poor Every first Tuesday of the month, join our bingo game to help spread the joy at this home for the elderly! We will bring prizes for the winners. The bingo morning is one of the highlights of the month for the residents. Please e-mail aam_kl05@streamyx.com if you can join us. Tuesday, 4 June and 2 July 10 a.m. – 11 a.m. St. Francis Xavier Home for the Elderly Taman Sri Bahtera, Batu Lima Cheras

Svago Cucina e Musica

Wednesday, 19 June Noon Svago Cucina e Musica Lot G45B-136, Suria KLCC* Cost: Individual

In keeping with our goal of introducing new dining opportunities to our members, we have selected a recently opened restaurant in KLCC Suria for Lunch Bunch in June. You will be seated in air-conditioned comfort at a table with a view overlooking the KLCC fountain. The menu offers the usual Italian fare, but also has a few dishes prepared with a continental twist. The entrance to the restaurant is a little difficult to locate, but we think you will find that it’s worth the effort! RSVP to aam_kl05@ streamyx.com by 4pm on 18 June.

*From the ground floor of KLCC Suria, exit using the doors facing the fountain, turn right and walk outside toward the end of the complex to Limoncello. At the back of Limoncello on the right,take the staircase up to Svago. Alternatively exit KLCC Suria from the corridor that takes you to the Mandarin Oriental Hotel, turn left and go to the end where you will find Limoncello.

Saturday Night Out: Healy Mac’s Irish Bar & Restaurant

Saturday, 13 July 7:00pm onwards Healy Mac’s Irish Bar & Restaurant Jalan R. Ramlee (limited parking) Cost: Individual; Restaurant is non-halal

The authentic Irish atmosphere at the newly opened Jalan P. Ramlee location of Healy Mac’s will serve as the starting point for an evening of drinks and grub. It’s Saturday night and this very popular venue is currently the in-place to party. Tell your neighbors and friends - members old and new are welcome! Please RSVP to editor.KLamerican@gmail. com by 4pm on12 July .

KL American June/July 2013


What’s On in . . . August/ September

Chili’s Grill + Bar Restaurant Couldn’t get “home” for the summer? If you are missing that home style food, indulge your cravings and join us for all your favorites at this popular lunch spot. Wednesday, 21 August 11:45 a.m. Chili’s Grill + Bar Restaurant Lot 346B. Level 3, Suria KLCC Cost: Individual

RSVP: Email aam_kl05@streamyx.com by 19 August. Directions: Located on the 3rd floor of Suria KLCC at the top of the middle escalators next to the Cinema.

Reading and Recipes Coffee Morning Thursday, 22 August 10 a.m. AAM Villa

Sponsored by:

Bring some food and feed your brain! This month there will not be a formal speaker. Instead, we invite everyone to bring a breakfast/brunch type snack (and the recipe for it) to share along with your stories about how you’ve had to adapt your recipe to accommodate what is available locally and can therefore share that tip with the other members! While we are noshing on our treats, we will discuss books we’ve read recently and would recommend. Please bring along a book (or 2 or 3) that you would either be willing to exchange or loan to someone. If you are a Kindle reader only, bring a list of recent reads to recommend. At this time of year there may be many new members, so we hope to see a good sampling of both “old” and “new” members for a slightly different Coffee Morning. AAM will arrange to copy all of the recipes and/or book lists and get a copy to each attendee. RSVP by Wednesday, 21 August, to aam_kl05@streamyx.com.

Cajun: The food, the people and the culture! Laissez les bon temps rouler!!!

Tuesday, 24 September AAM Villa


KL American June/July 2013

Let the good times roll with your Cajun friends!!! Gumbo, jambalaya and muffullattas. Come learn about the Cajun holy trinity and dark roux; the heart of most all Cajun cooking. Come and pass a good time stirring the pot at your home away from home!!! Home is where the heart is and Cajuns migrated to the best part of the world, South Louisiana!!! Where seafood, smoked meats, rice and local vegetables make Cajun food rustic and delicious! Watch this space! Information about time, cost and RSVP requirements is forthcoming. We will post the specifics on the website soon as well as in the August edition of this magazine.

Special Events

Event sponsors:

Independence Day Celebration Not going to the US this summer but still want to celebrate the 4th of July? American Association of Singapore’s annual Independence Day Celebration! This exciting family event features a full day of fun, music, food, drinks, kid’s games, sports and patriotism, capped off by formal ceremonies and a spectacular fireworks! Date: Saturday June 29, 2013 Time: 4:00 - 10:00 p.m. Cost: Free of charge Venue: Singapore American School More Info: http://www.aasingapore.com/events/127/

The KL American Sailor Socials (KLASS) is a program that supports U.S. Navy sailors (and occasionally Marines) when their ships come into KL at Port Klang. The socials allow our American members to show their appreciation and home-style hospitality to the servicemen and women who serve to protect all that we hold dear. Events can include dinners or barbecues at home, dinner at your favorite restaurant or even shopping or sightseeing. If you would like to become involved with this program or have any questions, please email aamklass2012@gmail.com.

KL American June/July 2013


Special Event Hawaian Luau Pig Roast, 26 April Photos by Sherlyn Bourne and Jennifer Guthrie

THANK YOU! Just wanted to give a big shout of THANKS to everyone who attended the Luau. A good time was had by all! Thank you to the fun and skilled participants in the games and hope the winners are enjoying the great prizes. A special thanks to our Luau sponsor, Asian Tigers. We look forward to seeing all of you and your friends and our next great event. Major Events Director Sherlyn Bourne


KL American June/July 2013

Special Event

KL American June/July 2013


Digital Shoebox Faces of China Photos and Text by Randee Duncan During one of our trips to China this year, we toured Sichuan province. The standout memories will be the times we were able to get close to the pandas and also of distancing ourselves from the oily and fiery food. With stomach linings surprisingly still intact, we moved on to Yichang in Hubei province for the start of 4 days’ cruising on the Yangtze River. This part of the holiday gave us insight as to the massive size of the Three Gorges Dam project and its impact on the Chinese population. Here is a sampling of the faces we encountered in the most populous country in the world.


KL American June/July 2013

Digital Shoebox

KL American June/July 2013



KL American June/July 2013

Achieving your dreams of F IV h g u o r th y b a b a g in hav One in ten couples has trouble conceiving. In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is a medical procedure which helps couples to conceive even if they have severe fertility problems. Recent statistics from the USA show that 1% of their total births come from IVF treatments alone.

The entire IVF steps described so far have taken 16 days to complete. Once these steps are completed the woman is sent home to rest for 2 weeks. A blood pregnancy test finally confirms that she is pregnant after this rest period.

Malaysia has seen an influx of patients from overseas who are keen to get their IVF performed locally. This is because the pregnancy rates from IVF at the best centers in Malaysia are on par with the top clinics in the USA, but at a fraction of their costs. The average IVF cycle in the USA costs $12,000 – $15,000 dollars whereas the average IVF cycle in Malaysia costs $4,800 - $6,800 dollars (USD).

Who benefits from IVF? IVF aids women who are unable to produce healthy eggs on their own. IVF also helps men whose sperm are unable to fertilize the eggs. ICSI allows fertilization to occur even with very inadequate sperm.

Recent medical advancements have greatly increased IVF pregnancy rates, and this has given infertile couples even better chances at conception. This article aims to explain what IVF involves, who it may benefit, its success rates and recent advances.

Dr. Dev Kumar Menon Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist, Fertility Specialist B. Med Sci (UK), DFFP (London), BMBS, MRCOG (London)

The principles behind IVF: For conception to occur, a sperm needs to enter a woman’s body and fertilize her egg inside the fallopian tube. IVF aims to achieve this fertilization outside the human body, (the words ‘in-vitro’ mean ‘in a test-tube’) so that literally the baby is created in the laboratory. The process therefore involves 4 steps: Making the woman produce eggs, collecting the eggs from her body, fertilizing the eggs in the laboratory, and returning the fertilized eggs (called embryos) back into the woman’s body. Making the eggs: Although a healthy woman will make an egg naturally every month, IVF aims to make her produce many eggs (say 7 – 10), because more eggs ensures a better chance of the IVF working. Thus the doctor will give her daily injections for 10 days in order to develop this number of eggs. These injections are similar to the daily insulin injections that diabetics take; in that they use a very tiny needle that can be self administered in the abdomen. Once the eggs have reached the right size, it is time for the egg retrieval procedure. Egg retrieval, fertilization, embryo transfer: The egg retrieval procedure takes 30 minutes, and the woman has an anesthetic to sleep through it. During this procedure a fine needle is inserted through the vagina wall, into the ovary, so that the eggs can be collected. The woman goes home 2 hours later and does not require pain relief. Her husband gives a sperm sample at the same time and the eggs are then placed with the sperm in the laboratory.


11, Jalan Teknologi, PJU 5, Kota Damansara, 47810 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan. T: +603-6287 1111 W: www.tropicanamedicalcentre.com FB: www.facebook.com/TropicanaMedicalCentre E: enquiries@tropicanamedicalcentre.com

If the sperms are unable to fertilize the eggs on their own, each sperm is then injected into each egg so that fertilization occurs (this process is called Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection or ICSI). The developing embryos are allowed to grow in an incubator until they are 2-3 days old. They are then replaced inside the woman’s uterus. This embryo transfer procedure feels to the woman like having a Pap smear. It is painless, requires no anesthetic, takes 3 minutes to do and is performed inside the operating theatre.

Women that have blocked fallopian tubes can conceive with IVF because the process bypasses the tubes. Women with pelvic disease (such as endometriosis) find it hard to conceive because pelvic disease often damages ovaries, tubes and eggs. IVF is a good solution to this problem because the process takes the eggs and sperms out of the woman’s body so that their contact with the disease is limited. IVF success rates & recent advancements: The average clinical pregnancy rate following IVF at my centre is 65%. This means that if I perform an embryo transfer today, there is a 65% chance that in 2 weeks time the woman’s pregnancy test will be positive and that 2 weeks later I will be able to see the baby and hear its heart beat. Our average patient age is 39 years old, and younger patients can expect higher pregnancy rates. Why is the pregnancy rate not 100%? We think that some embryos that we return into the uterus have genetic defects that we cannot see through the microscope. These in turn may cause the uterus to reject these embryos. We can now perform genetic testing of the entire chromosome content (a chromosome is an organized structure of DNA genetic material) of each embryo prior to the embryo transfer. This procedure is called Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis using Comparative Genomic Hybridization (PGD-CGH). PGD-CGH allows us to confirm that the embryos do not have chromosomal defects and confirm the sex of the embryos before the woman gets pregnant. If we allow the embryos to grow until they are 5 days old before performing PGD-CGH, we find the resulting pregnancy rates are dramatically better than 65%. Robust clinical studies from USA have confirmed increased IVF pregnancy rates of up to 82% by performing PGD-CGH on day 5 embryos (1). This is a remarkable improvement considering that 15 years ago IVF pregnancy rates worldwide were only 15-20%! Conclusion: IVF has become a confirmed part of modern life. The process itself is relatively fast and painless. With recent improvements in technology, IVF provides an extremely high chance of conceiving for infertile couples. References: (1) Clinical application of comprehensive chromosomal screening at the blastocyst stage. Schoolcraft WB, Fragouli E, Stevens J, Munne S, Katz-Jaffe MG, Wells D. Fertil Steril. 2010 Oct; 94(5):1700-6. (Colorado Center for Reproductive Medicine, Lone Tree, Colorado, USA) KL American June/July 2013


Diversions Boys of Summer (our nation’s pastime in the eastern hemisphere) Text by Kim Starr, Photos by David Terensio I am a huge baseball fan. Like most baseball fans I eagerly await those magic words: “pitchers and catchers report to camp.” For my husband and me, that would often mean a trip to Arizona for a long weekend of baseball in the Cactus League to kick-start the season. Now that we are in KL, we dearly miss the ease of seeing live baseball. This year, spring training coincided Korean Fan with the World Baseball Classic, and luckily for fans living in Asia, games in the first and second rounds were being played in Taiwan and Japan! Needless to say, when we heard that, we put a big red circle around the dates in our calendar and proceeded to plan a baseball adventure. Our journey began in Taiwan. Shortly after landing at Taoyuan International Airport, we were mesmerized when we noticed a game on TV – ah, civilization, live baseball on TV! Of course we couldn’t spend the afternoon watching Taiwan vs. Australia at the airport because we had tickets for the night game in Taichung, about an hour south by high-speed rail. Taichung was hosting the Round 1, pool B games with four teams (Taiwan, Australia, the Netherlands and Korea) playing in a round-robin format.

chanting, drumming and flag waiving on the Korean side and the guys in orange full-body spandex suits rooting for the Netherlands. We went in assuming the Koreans would have the stronger team, but were surprised by the tight and disciplined play of the Netherlands, led by veteran Major Leaguer Andruw Jones, who ultimately triumphed 5-0. The next day, we saw our second game, Taiwan vs. the Netherlands, in front of a capacity crowd. The organized cheering was deafening, more like a college football game than baseball, and quite entertaining even though we had no idea what they were yelling! To the delight of the crowd, the home team won 8-3. Our time in Taichug was done. We took the high-speed rail back to Taipei and spent our last day in Taiwan being tourists with a trip to the top of Taipei 101 and dinner at the original Din Tai Fung.

The first game we saw was Korea vs. the Netherlands. The crowd was small but enthusiastic with organized Hometown Crowd in Taichung, Taiwan

After the Korea-Netherlands Game 18

KL American June/July 2013

We then flew to Fukuoka, Japan to see more Round 1 games, this time pool A (Brazil, Cuba, China and Japan). Our first game at the Fukuoka Dome was Brazil vs. China. As it was late in the round-robin series and both teams were statistically eliminated from onward play, the crowd was understandably sparse and subdued. No matter, we had great seats, practically our own personal beer vendor, and we got to see high quality play by both teams under the leadership of Barry Larkin for the Brazilians and John McLaren for the Chinese. The Chinese team ultimately won 5-2.


Before the China-Brazil game in Fukuoka, Japan

Our next game at the Fukuoka Dome was Japan vs. Cuba in front of a capacity crowd - what a difference a day makes! Enthusiastic young fans wearing the jerseys of their favorite Nippon League players surrounded us, and just like in Taiwan, the organized cheering by the home team crowd was deafening and infectious. We got the hang of the cheers, joined in and made new friends with our section mates who got a kick out of our mangled attempts to cheer in Japanese! Sadly for the home team crowd, the Cubans won 6-3, but both teams advanced to Round 2 play in Tokyo.

Round 2 games in the Tokyo Dome featured the top teams of Pools A and B (Taiwan, the Netherlands, Japan and Cuba) competing in modified double elimination play. With a few days to fill before our last game, we headed towards Tokyo on the Shinkansen making stops at Hiroshima, Miyajima, Himeji and Kobe along the way. In Kobe, we spent the evening glued to our hotel TV watching the riveting game of Japan vs. Taiwan which went into extra innings before the Japanese pulled out a 4-3 victory. The game we had tickets for in Tokyo was Cuba vs. Taiwan, and the Taiwanese fans were out in force to support their team, now facing elimination. The match up seemed promising at first but things quickly got out of hand, with the Cubans relentlessly pounding in runs until the “mercy rule” was invoked in the 7th inning for a final score of 14-0. Of the Eastern Hemisphere teams, Japan and the Netherlands advanced to the final round in San Francisco where they played the winners of the first and second rounds in the Western Hemisphere, and ultimately, the team from the Dominican Republic won the championship.

Flag ceremony before the Cuba-Taiwan game at the Tokyo Dome

As I settle into the long regular season of early morning MLB streams, I am dreaming of future baseball themed trips. I’d love to return to Taiwan and Japan to see their professional teams play, and perhaps Korea too. I’m also thinking of a trip down under to see the Australian Baseball League, which is affiliated with Major League Baseball and plays regular season games from October to January. Maybe next year!

Scenes from the Cuba-Japan game at the Fukuoka Dome KL American June/July 2013



KL American June/July 2013

Memories Kampung Baru Walking Tour, 25 April Photos by Michelle Mallinson AAM members participated in a fascinating and educational tour of KL’s last remaining Malay settlement. Here are some of their discoveries!

KL American June/July 2013


Memories Practical Self Defense Workshop, 22 April Photos & safety tips courtesy of KickOut: Breakaway AAM members learned about safety and self defense in The KickOut: Breakaway - Practical Self Defense Workshop. Here are some images of the fun and informative workshop plus some tips for staying safe!


KL American June/July 2013


KL American June/July 2013


Memories Cuti-Cuti Malaysia Coffee Morning 18 April Photos by Randee Duncan AAM members learned about many travel opportunities in Malaysia at this informative coffee morning held at the Villa. Following the presentations by several agents in the tourism industry, spirited discussions of members’ own experiences traveling around the region ensued.


KL American June/July 2013

American Association Privilege Program Directory BEAUTY The Belfry Salon Lot G-03A, The Troika, 19 Persiaran KLCC Tel: 03-2168-8802 Website: www.thebelfrysalon.com AAM Discount: Complimentary Argan Oil (Moroccan oil) hair treatment with any color service (NP: RM100). Please mention during booking. bmic Nail Spa Salon S18, Pamper Floor Starhill Gallery Tel: 03-2148-1818 Pavilion Level 7 Tel: 03-2141-1326 Website: www.bmic.com.my AAM Discount: 10% off nail care treatments, waxing, eyelash extensions, and Elife Wellness Therapy treatments Energy Day Spa Energy Day Spa Ampang Lot 4, Level 4, Great Eastern Mall Tel: 03-4256-8833 Website: www.energymindbodyspirit.com AAM Discount: 15% off any ala carte spa, facial, or massage treatment. Special Offer for 1st Visit: Triple Action Exfoliation treatment for RM250 (Normal price: RM398) Faceworks Clinic S16, Pamper Floor, Starhill Gallery Tel: 03-2144-0080 Website: www.faceworksclinic.com AAM Discount: 15% off treatments. 10% off all products. Get a free facial during your birthday month! Sign a friend up for a package and receive a mystery gift. IPL Skin Care Clinique S2, Pamper Floor, Starhill Gallery Tel: 03-2141-4277 or 03-2141-4280 Website: www.iplskincare.com RM99 for first trial: 90-minute Intensive Rejuvenation Facial Therapy and Hot Stone Shoulder massage (Normal price: RM190) OR 60-minute Full Relaxation Ginger Body Massage (Normal price: RM150) The London Orchid 67M Plaza Damansara, Bukit Damansara Tel: 03-2095-6009 Website: www.thelondonorchid.com AAM Discount: 15% discount on treatments to all members of the AAM, including the only spray tan service in KL!

HOUSEHOLD/GIFTS EuroChef Malaysia Unit P-1-21, Block P, Plaza Damas Tel: 6201-8863 Website: www.eurochefasia.com AAM Discount: 15% (Excludes machinery, Frilich items, Flavor Shaker, cookbooks, and promotional items)

Royal Selangor Website: www.royalselangor.com AAM Discount: 10%

DINING Amadeus Bistro & Wine Bar Mezzanine Level, Wisma Life Centre 20 Jalan Sultan Ismail Tel: 03-2162 2788 Website: www.amadeusbistro.com.my AAM Discount: Receive 10% off total bill, enjoy Happy Hour prices all night except for Fridays and Saturdays, OR get a free bottle of wine when you spend RM500 and above on one receipt Fresca Mexican Kitchen & Bar Lot G242A, The Gardens Mall, Mid Valley Tel: 03-2201-2893 Email: info@fresca.com.my Website: facebook.com/frescabar AAM Discount: Receive a free mystery dessert with a minimum spend of RM100 on a single receipt. Not valid in conjunction with other ongoing promotions, set menu and public holidays. House GTower G02 & LG02-04, GTower 199 Jalan Tun Razak Tel: 2164-4424 House eCurve G25 & G26, e@Curve 2A, Jalan PJU 7/3, Mutiara Damansara Tel: 7722-2414 Website: www.housegroup.com.my AAM Discount: 10% discount on all ala carte food and beverage (excluding alcohol). Discount is applicable everyday including public holidays. Not valid in conjunction with other ongoing promotions. TGIFriday’s Website: fridays.com.my Receive a free Crispy Cheesecake dessert from TGIFriday’s Pavilion, Hartamas Shopping Centre or Menara Hap Seng when you present your membership card.

SERVICES Crown Relocations Tel: 03-5637-9166 Website: www.crownrelo.com AAM Discount: 15% off local moves within Malaysia. Complimentary 2-hour handyman services for moves more than RM5,000. 15% discount for one-day orientation service and 10% discount ony immigration services. Complimentary Home Search for rentals above RM5,000. Three Sixty Computer Services Tel: 012-377-3522 (Clement Tan) Email: cletan10@yahoo.com AAM Discount: 10% off service charges The American Association Privilege Program (AAPP) offers special discounts and privileges to AAM members. Just flash your AAM membership card! If you are a business interested in joining the AAPP, contact the AAM office at aam_kl05@streamyx.com. KL American June/July 2013 25

american association of malaysia KL Sun








1 - 3 p.m. Mahjong


1 - 3 p.m. Mahjong



AAM Office Tel : (03) 4021 4368

AAM Off Site

email: aam_kl05@streamyx.com

10 - 11 a.m. Bingo @ Little Sisters of the Poor




9:30 - 11:30 a.m. Beginners’ Bahasa M’sia

June 2013


Sat 1

7 a.m. KL Roadrunners Closed King’s Birthday












7 a.m. KL Roadrunners

10 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Quilting


9:30 - 11:30 a.m. Beginners’ Bahasa M’sia

7 a.m. KL Roadrunners

10 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Quilting



1 - 3 p.m. Mahjong



10 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Quilting

7 a.m. KL Roadrunners

12 p.m. Lunch Bunch @ Svago Cucina e Musica



1 - 3 p.m. Mahjong



10 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Quilting


7 a.m. KL Roadrunners

Happy Father’s Day! KL American June/July 2013


american association of malaysia KL Sun















1 - 3 p.m. Mahjong


Tues 10 - 11 a.m. Bingo @ Little Sisters of the Poor

10 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Quilting

July 2013

Sat 6

7 a.m. KL Roadrunners


7 a.m. KL Roadrunners 7 p.m. Saturday Night Out @ Healy Mac’s, Jalan P. Ramlee

Closed (8th - 12th) Summer Holidays



















1 - 3 p.m. Mahjong

1 - 3 p.m. Mahjong

1 - 3 p.m. Mahjong

10 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Quilting

10 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Quilting

10 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Quilting

7 a.m. KL Roadrunners

7 a.m. KL Roadrunners


AAM Office Tel : (03) 4021 4368

AAM Off Site

email: aam_kl05@streamyx.com

Happy Fourth of July! 28

KL American June/July 2013

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