KL American - March 2014

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PP 4353/05/2013 (033269)

March 2014



A Publication of the American Association of Malaysia

Contents AAM March 2014 Advertisers Index Advertisers



Asian Tigers Transpo

Back Cover

A Cut Above


City Motors


Crown Relocations

Inside Front Cover

Eastern Carpets

Inside Back Cover

The Expat



pp. 26 + 28

Tropicana Medical Centre



Director’s Corner



4 5 6 8

AAM Messages

Community Service

What’s On at the AAM


Digital Shoebox: Two Sides of Sarawak


Perspectives: Starting Over

18 19

Diversions: Super Bowl Monday

Diversions: Ready, Get Set, Go!




Weekly Events / Help Wanted!




Health Care in Malaysia

21 27 28


AAPP Directory AAM Calendar

19 Cover Photo: Sarawak Cultural Village, Kuching; Photo by Randee Duncan

21 KL American March 2014


Director’s Corner Déjà vu - a feeling of having already experienced the present situation. Yes, we have been here before. Just one short year ago I was ready to step down from the American Association Board but the tug of duty and service were still pulling at my heart. Now, after two amazing years of fulfilling the role of President, I am without a doubt passing the torch. I cannot describe how enriched my life has become by taking on the additional year of service to our American community. I strongly encourage anyone and everyone to get involved. Board positions are open for voting this month, but there is always a need for volunteers at the various major events that are put on throughout the year. Find your niche and be a part of the fun and growth!! Be on the lookout for changes that are coming as a result of suggestions from you. We have been listening and what we have heard will carry forward into the new Board. If you have new suggestions, don’t be afraid to share them! Email addresses can be found in the magazine or on the website. And be sure to join us at the various events and activities that we have planned and that are being planned. There are many “oldies but goodies” and some new and exciting things to look forward to. As it was said before… This is not good-bye…just see you later!! J

Jennifer Guthrie

Board of Directors President Jennifer Guthrie President.aam@gmail.com 1st Vice President Diane Tenney FirstVP.aam@gmail.com 2nd Vice Presidents Stephanie Emilo and Stephanie Schilling SecondVP.aam@gmail.com Secretary Ann Blacklock Secretary1.aam@gmail.com Treasurer Donna Sawyer Treasurer.aam@gmail.com Publications Director Kim Starr Editor.KLAmerican@gmail.com Major Events Director Sherlyn Bourne Majoreventsdir.aam@gmail.com


Membership Director Merrie Braden Membershipdirector.aam@gmail.com Community Service Directors Claire Hines and Karen Beham Communityservice.aam@gmail.com

Corporate Partners For 2013 Presidential

Corporate Relations Director Cindy Childress Corprelations.aam@gmail.com Bazaar Directors Lovie Alptunaer and Mary Mantei Bazaardirector.aam@gmail.com

Liaison Directors American Malaysian Chamber of Commerce Yvonne Miranda

Liberty Eagle AMCHAM Coca-Cola Malaysia Halliburton Santa Fe Relocation Services Talisman Malaysia Limited 2

KL American March 2014

ISKL Hilda Alposilva US Embassy Jessica Schnepple Jo Ann Sernovitz General Manager Ann Tan



Play Ball!

AmericanMagazine Team

Did you know that New Year’s Day was not always celebrated on January 1st? Many ancient peoples marked the start of the New Year in mid-March around the vernal equinox. The custom of starting the year on January 1st began by decree of Julius Caesar when the Julian calendar was adopted in the Roman Empire, and this tradition continued until the Middle Ages. However, it slowly reverted back to mid-March or other dates such as Easter or Christmas. New Year’s Day became January 1st again when most Roman Catholic countries adopted the Gregorian calendar in 1532. Protestant countries slowly followed suit, but the British Empire – including the American colonies – did not recognize January 1st as the start of the New Year until 1752! No wonder, then, that so many cultures other than our own have “new year” celebrations at this time of year!

Editor Kim Starr Photo Editors Judy Pescio Kim Starr Contributors Lovie Alptunaer Karen Beham Merrie Braden Patty Cammarata Cindy Childress Bill Duncan Randee Duncan Ngosong Fonkem Jennifer Guthrie Donna Sawyer Kim Starr David Terenzio

I always look forward to spring because that means it’s time for baseball! Last November, I was able see a little “winter ball” in Perth, and soon I’ll be watching the real deal when MLB starts the regular season in Sydney on March 22nd and 23rd. Not quite the vernal equinox, but close enough. Hope springs eternal.

Proofreaders Merrie Braden Cindy Childress Randee Duncan Stephanie Emilo Jennifer Guthrie Helen Mastache Ann Tan

The AAM is celebrating its own “new year” with our Annual General Meeting on March 20th, which coincidentally is the vernal equinox. We have a nice variety of other activities this month to keep you busy, starting with a visit to Carey Island for the Hari Moyang (new year) festival. We will be celebrating St. Patrick’s Day a little early, learning to make French pastries, decorating cupcakes, bowling at lunchtime, visiting plant nurseries, and bidding on carpets at our Spring Rug Auction! Hope to see you at one or more of these activities.

Editorial Support Ann Tan Designer Yap Wai Kuan Advertising Sales Ann Tan Tel: (603) 4021-4367/8 Printer Seng Hoe Printing Process 33, Jalan Hang Tuah 2 Taman Salak Selatan 57100 Kuala Lumpur Tel/Fax: 8941-7603

In this month’s magazine, Ngosong writes about the recent Thaipusam and Chinese New Year celebrations, Cindy tells us about the running scene here in KL, and Randee and I have collaborated to bring you two sides of Sarawak in the digital shoebox.

Publisher American Association of Malaysia The KLAmerican is published 10 times per year. The deadline for inclusion is at least six weeks prior to publication which is the 1st of the month. Advertising for non-profit organizations is free-of-charge on a spaceavailable basis. The magazine staff reserves the right to edit copy for clarity, brevity, and accuracy. Information on AAM members is not to be used commercially.

Happy Spring!

Kim Starr Publications Director

Reproduction, in whole or in part, without written permission, is strictly prohibited. Unit G-3A, Villa Seavoy 7, Lorong Titiwangsa 8 Taman Titiwangsa 53200 Kuala Lumpur GPS Coordinates: N3° 11.035’, E101° 42.278’

Tel: (03) 4021-4367/8 Fax: (03) 4021-4371 E-mail: klamerican.info@gmail.com website: www.klamerican.com

Mon, Wed, & Thu. 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Tue & Fri 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. Closed from 1-2 p.m. every work day for lunch Closed Sat, Sun and public holidays

KL American March 2014


Membership Greetings from the desert in Arizona! Well, you know what they say about time flying when you are having fun? So true, so true. My year as Membership Director is rapidly coming to a close and this is my final column (which I am writing from the US, where I am still in the midst of remodeling – that time does NOT fly). The Membership Director job is somewhat unique as it really forced me to get out and introduce myself and meet new people and try to get them involved with AAM and our greater community. I confess that is something that I might not have otherwise done. As a result, the year was enriched with new relationships from both members and people that I worked with to offer varied Coffee Mornings. Working with the other great ladies on the Executive Board was an experience in collaborative efforts for the greater good. All in all, it was a year well spent and which I will look back on hoping that we made a difference in some people’s lives. I encourage you strongly to consider how you can enrich both your own and someone else’s expat experience by either serving the AAM or just as importantly, participating in what we offer. There is an amazing amount of work, time and effort that goes into planning things for our membership and the very best feedback we receive is participation! So get out there, do things and enjoy this unique experience that we all share - living in another country, another culture. When you are old and gray and writing your memoirs, think of how many chapters you can fill!!

CALLING ALL MEMBERS! The closer we get to our annual Ball and Silent Auction on April 12th, the more we need help from YOU to make the auction component a success. The number and quality of items that we have available during the auction impacts the experience of the evening overall. We have already reached out to many possible donors via mail and email. We need help with follow ups to the letters via email or telephone. We also need your help to contact your own contacts – people you deal with on a regular basis – hairdressers, nail techs, restaurants, shops – and ask them for donations. Or, you can get creative and make your own “basket” with a theme to be offered for auction that evening. Please consider lending a hand with these tasks. It takes more than a few people to bring this evening together and we want it to be a memorable evening for everyone. Contact Cindy at corprelations.aam@gmail.com.

“Selamat Datang ke AAM!” to our new members for January: Melanie & Joseph Billings/Yun

See ya!

Priya & Jeothish Rajan/Babu


Phiyada & Casey Cummings

Merrie Braden Membership Director

AAM Annual General Meeting Coffee Morning/Potluck Lunch All members are invited to stop by the Villa on 20 March for the AAM’s Annual General Meeting. Enjoy coffee and refreshments while we vote in the new Board for 2014/15. Plan to bring a dish to share and stick around for a potluck lunch after the formalities are concluded. See page 10 for details.


KL American March 2014

Sarah & Michael Johnson Shannen & Michael Topp Yolanda Cecilia & Carter W. Brown

AAM Messages Membership Renewal To avoid missing any issues of the magazine and to continue receiving discounted prices for AAM events, please make sure your membership is up to date. Renewal notices will be emailed to you two months before expiration. Dues can be paid at the office by cash or check or via IPAY.

AAM Online Communities The AAM is on Facebook! “Like” the AAM Facebook fan page by logging on, typing ‘American Association of Malaysia’ in the Search bar at the top of the page and clicking ‘Like.’ You’ll get the latest information on all of AAM’s exciting events and activities!

Reservation & Payment Policy Reservations can be made via fax, email or in person. • The AAM Office will send confirmation of receipt if the reservation is made by fax or email. • Reservations not cancelled five (5) working days before the event must be paid in full. • When minimum attendance is not achieved, the event may be cancelled or rescheduled. • Pay online via IPAY88 or in person by cash or check. AAM Tel: (03) 4021-4367/4368 Fax: (03) 4021-4371 e-mail: klamerican.info@gmail.com

IPAY88 Please respond within 48 hours of receiving the IPAY invoice. AAM hopes you are enjoying the convenience of our online payment service. With this convenient and secure portal you can pay for events, classes, workshops, dues and Building Blocks tuition from your home computer. Simply contact the AAM office to make your reservation and request an online invoice. Then check your email inbox for further instructions – it’s that easy! Note: • Any MasterCard or Visa credit card accepted regardless of issuing bank/country. • Multiple events can be paid for in one transaction. • Service charge: RM 50-250 - RM 5 charge RM 251-500 - RM 10 charge RM 501 and over – 3% charge For additional details, contact the AAM office or visit http://www.klamerican.com/ home/reservations-payments-online.

Our Yahoo! Group remains active as a useful forum for members to consult with other members on queries and recommendations for anything from best family hotels to dentists to household help. Members who have not received an email invitation to join can contact editor.klamerican@gmail.com. Enter “Need AAM Yahoo Invitation” in the subject line, and include full name and AAM membership number in the body of the email. An invitation will be sent via email and you must respond to complete the registration process. For more information go to http://www.klamerican.com/online-communities.

Your $0.02 Do you have any ideas or suggestions for new activities, events or workshops that may be of interest to our members? Can you think of ways we can improve our current line-up? Any concerns about the AAM’s building facilities? Your feedback, whether positive or negative, is always welcome. Kindly drop us a line in the Suggestion Box located in the villa or email klamerican.info@gmail.com.

Solicitation Policy Solicitation of business by any member or guest is not allowed at any AAM function without prior board approval. Members are requested to respectfully observe the policy that membership information is to be used solely for AAM business and is not to be used for personal or business solicitation purposes. If you are interested in sharing your talents/services with the AAM, please contact the AAM office.

KL American March 2014


Community Service Greetings! This month I want to tell you about of our Valentine’s Day Charity Check Presentation at the AAM villa. This check presentation was possible because of the funds raised from our Annual Charity Bazaar. Thank you to the Bazaar Directors, Lovie Alptunaer and Mary Mantei, for their hard work and dedication. We had 20 charities receive donations from AAM this year which came from the Annual Charity Bazaar and the generosity of YOU, our members. Those monies, along with the generous donation from the Pie Man, enabled us to provide food, books, computers, respiratory equipment, tuition, clothing and much more to our charities around KL. This year’s recipients are listed below. In addition to these charities, we provided Christmas gifts to three homes, and we also enabled many non-profits to sell their wares at our Annual Charity Bazaar. None of this would be possible without your generous donations, and of course your time. Many of these organizations need volunteers to teach English or play games with the children. I will write about specific needs as I receive them in this magazine. There is also a Charity Book in the office where you can see what is out there and where you might plug in. Many members play bingo each month with the Little Sisters of the Poor. Others work individually teaching. One member provides various material needs to her favorite charity. Thank you to our Coffee Morning sponsor, Asian Tigers, as well as Tropicana Medical Centre who donated part of the food. Thanks also to all the members who came out to meet the charities. Thanks to all of you who have given so generously and I hope you will continue to support the charities of our host country. We have all been so blessed. It is good to give back some to those in need. If you want to get involved, please contact me! But most of all, a special thanks to Claire Hines who is stepping down from her co-director position after two years of wonderful service and tireless dedication to this cause. She will be greatly missed. Thank you, Claire for all of your hard work and dedication.

Karen Beham

Community Service Director

AAM supported charities receiving checks on Valetine’s Day: Bethany Home Cleft Palate Association of Malaysia Dignity for Children Independent Living and Training Center Lighthouse Children Welfare Home Little Sisters of the Poor MAGIC National Autism Society of Malaysia Open Hands Fellowship Persatuan Kanak-Kanak Istimewa Kajang Persatuan Rumah Bantuan Kristian Pusat Kebajikan Good Shepherd RC Deaf Missions Rumah Hope Selangor Cheshire Home Shelter SJK St. Joseph, Sentul Special Children Society of Ampang United Learning Center 6

KL American March 2014

Community Service Directors Karen and Claire with charity representatives (minus three late comers).

ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 2014 Thursday, 20 March 11 a.m. AAM Villa

The Annual General Meeting will be held on 20 March prior to this month’s coffee morning/potluck lunch. The AAM general membership will vote in person or via proxy for the candidates slated for the Executive Board (see below). All other positions are by appointment. Our by-law state that each member of the Executive Board and Membership Director must be an American citizen. Your membership is highly valued and your attendance would be greatly appreciated! Formalities of the meeting will be followed by a potluck lunch so please bring a dish (serving 4 – 6) to share.

Executive Board 2014

(elected by AAM general membership)

Ann Blacklock Secretary

Vacant First Vice President

Cindy Childress President

Stephanie Emilo Second Vice President

Donna Sawyer Treasurer

Director Positions

(appointed by Executive Board)

Lovie Alptunaer Bazaar Director

Karen Beham Community Service Director Kim Starr Publications Director

Mary Mantei Bazaar Co-director

Vacant Membership Director

Sherlyn Bourne Major Events Director

Vacant Corporate Relations Director

Marilyn Kindy Community Service Co-director KL American March 2014



Weekly Activities All activities are at the AAM Villa unless otherwise noted.


Mahjong 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. Members: free. Non-members: RM30 (Non-members are welcome. The first two visits are complimentary.)

It’s never too late!

Get rid of those Monday blues by playing a lively game of mahjong. We’ll shuffle the tiles, make ‘pungs’ and ‘kongs’ and enjoy the afternoon. Please email Randee Duncan, Mahjong Coordinator, at brduncn@gmail.com, to confirm.

AAM is looking for a few good people! This section will be dedicated to the open Board positions that need to be filled. Not sure you want a Board position but still want to help out? We will also list any help that will be needed for upcoming events. Keep checking for your opportunity to make a difference!


Silent Auction Committee: We need help with soliciting donations and collecting them. Please let us know if you are willing to contact a particular boutique, salon, spa, restaurant, hotel, entertainment/recreational venue, etc. We really need all hands on deck to make our largest fundraiser for the year successful. Contact Cindy at corprelations.aam@gmail.com for more information or to share your ideas.

Activities Coordinators - Have you been on a great tour that you want to share with the rest of the AAM community? Or heard about a fun thing to do that you are dying to try but need more people? Well, the AAM has a monthly Activities Meeting and we are in search of people who would like to coordinate activities for our membership. You can assist with just one specific activity, or you can come to the meeting and coordinate one of the many activity ideas brought by other members. For more information, please contact Stephanie at secondvp.aam@gmail.com.

Webmaster – This position keeps our members informed of all important information including fun events by updating our Google-based website. Responsibilities include attending the monthly Activities Meeting to receive information for the website and updating information on the website in a timely manner.

Reporter at Large – Do you enjoy writing short stories or articles and sharing them with others? Are you an avid photographer? This position is designed for you! The KL American is always looking for submissions from our members. Please feel free to send us your poems, experiences in local adventures, family trip pictures, recipes and anything else you think would be interesting to our community.

Green Committee – As part of the AAM’s Go Green Initiative, we are forming a Green Committee to explore ways to reduce the AAM’s carbon footprint as well as be a resource for members wishing to live a greener lifestyle. This committee will also organize activities that celebrate the amazing natural beauty of Malaysia and promote good environmental stewardship of our adopted home.

Quilting 10:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. Members: free. Non-members: RM30 (Non-members are welcome. The first two visits are complimentary.) New quilters and seasoned quilters work together to share their love of quilting. We meet at the AAM Villa. Please contact coordinator Irene Solomalai at the AAM office (klamerican. info@gmail.com) for details. Please be sure to put “Quilting Group” in the subject line.


KL Roadrunners Are you a runner? Are you looking for running friends? Come join the KL Roadrunners. We run on all different levels and newbies are welcome. Contact coordinator Scott Jaynes at sct158@me.com for meeting place and time.


KL American March 2014

What’s On in . . . March Bus Tour: Hari Moyang Celebration on Carey Island Join us to take part in the Hari Moyang (New Year) celebrations of the Mah Meri people on Carey Island. Highlights include the traditional Tarian Sewang dance, using hand-carved ceremonial masks. Please bring along some food (halal), snacks and sweets to share with the locals, as well as colored paper, crayons, Saturday, 1 March, 8:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. balloons and toys for the children. If you wish, you can also donate reading Meet at the side entrance of the glasses, clothing, shoes or household items. The tour price includes roundInterContinental Hotel, Jalan Ampang trip transfer by bus, English speaking guide and lunch at a seafood (non-halal) Cost: Adult Members RM190/Nonrestaurant. The ground may be muddy so be sure to wear appropriate shoes. Members RM210; Children (6-11) Members RSVP to klamerican.info@gmail.com and note any dietary restrictions. RM100/Non-Members RM130

Bingo with Little Sisters of the Poor Every first Tuesday of the month, join our bingo game to help spread the joy at this home for the elderly! We will bring prizes for the winners. Tuesday, 4 March, 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. St. Francis Xavier Home for the Elderly Taman Sri Bahtera, Batu Lima Cheras Tel: 03-9131-1464

The bingo morning is one of the highlights of the month for the residents. Please email klamerican.info@gmail.com if you can join us.

First Fridays

Friday, 7 March, 9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Starbucks, Avenue K, Ground Floor Cost: Individual Parking is available at Avenue K and Suria KLCC. LRT to KLCC station.

Arriving in KL can be overwhelming in the beginning, but the AAM is here to help! First Friday is a social gathering designed especially for expats newly arrived to KL to provide an opportunity to ask questions, gather information, and take a second to relax with new friends. All members are encouraged to come enjoy the view facing the Twin Towers and help us welcome newcomers. Self-parking is available at Avenue K via Jalan Mayang, or drivers may park and walk from Suria KLCC. Please join us and pass on the invitation to new neighbors and friends. Feel free to drop by and say hello! RSVP is appreciated but not necessary. E-mail klamerican.info@gmail.com.

Saturday Night Out: Malones Irish Restaurant & Bar Saturday, 8 March, 7:00 p.m. onwards Malones Irish Restaurant & Bar KLCC Suria, Lot 48, Ground Floor Outside perimeter facing KLCC Park Cost: Individual

Wednesday, 12 March Bowling: 11:00 a.m., Lunch: Noon Black Bull Lounge Aneue K, 156 Jalan Ampang, Level 3 Cost: Bowlers will share cost of lane rental. Lunch will be at individual expense. Self parking is available. Valet Parking for RM10. LRT to KLCC station.

According to the Irish, there are two types of people in this world: those who are Irish and those who wish that they were! For our Saturday Night Out in March, no questions will be asked about your ancestry or the brand of your favorite beverage. If you are comfortable sitting on or near a barstool and enjoy socializing, then please come along! Be sure to register by 7 March so we know how many places to save for our group. Wearing o’ the green is optional. RSVP: E-mail klamerican.info@gmail.com by Friday, 7 March.

This month’s Lunch Bunch will hopefully strike you as a winning combination. For those of you who are game, there will be bowling available starting at 11am. Lunch will be at 12 noon. Both will take place at Black Bull Lounge, which is located in the newly renovated Avenue K. The cost for bowling will be shared among the players. The shoe rental is RM3. It is advisable to bring socks. The restaurant has daily set lunches available or you may choose from their menu. When registering for March’s Bowl ‘n Lunch, please indicate whether you are signing up only for the bowling, only for the lunch or plan to take part in both. RSVP: E-mail klamerican.info@gmail.com by Tuesday, 11 March. KL American March 2014


What’s On in . . . March Tarte au Citron and Other Tart Advice

Thursday, 13 March 11:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. AAM Villa Cost: RM130. Members only. Limited to 7 participants.

Meet us in the kitchen for some “lemonaid!” We will make a French Lemon Tart, a favorite offering of Parisien pastry shops and a classic among French patissiers. Join Chef Karen Stiegler as she demonstrates the simple step-bystep process for both new cooks and experienced bakers alike. Learn the techniques and basic ingredients that add up to a delicious and beautiful dessert, including the classic Paté Sucree (all butter cookie tart dough) from scratch. We will also discuss buying, storing, juicing, grating, zesting, and garnishing with lemons and other citrus fruits, and Karen will give other tips, recipes and advice on making crusts, fillings and presentation. At the end we will enjoy the tart with coffee. Karen Stiegler holds a Diplôme de Pâtisserie from Le Cordon Bleu Paris and is an AAM member. RSVP: E-mail klamerican.info@gmail.com by Thursday, 6 March.

Cupcake Decorating Workshop @ The Dough & Batter Monday, 17 March 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. The Dough & Batter 28, Persiaran Ampang, 55000 KL (For map: www.thedoughbatter.com) Cost: RM120 Members/RM150 Non-members Min. 10 participants/Max. 20 participants.

The Dough & Batter welcomes you to their fun and informative cupcake decorating workshop. In this hands-on class, you will learn to beautifully decorate five cupcakes (pre-baked) for Valentines, Wedding and Birthday occasions. You will be using colorful fondant to hand mold 3D characters such as a Teddy Bear (groom or bride), a miniature handbag, girl’s make-up items (lipstick, brush, etc.), elegant calla lily flowers and life-like roses. Tips and tricks will be taught so you can recreate your culinary successes over and over again. RSVP: E-mail klamerican.info@gmail.com by Thursday, 6 March.

Bus Tour: Sungai Buloh Nurseries Join Angie Ng and her husband Kim, a horticulturist from Perth, for a trip to visit the popular the Sungai Buloh nurseries. Once a refuge for lepers nicknamed the “Valley of Hope,” it became the British Commonwealth’s largest and most modern center for research and treatment of the disease. The patients were encouraged to start their own nurseries, and the Sungai Buloh settlement has grown into one of the largest horticultural centres. Tuesday, 18 March 9:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Meet at the side entrance of the InterContinental Hotel, Jalan Ampang Cost: Members RM100/ Non-Members RM130; Minimum 10 participants.

We will have two hours to look around the nurseries, followed by a visit to an outlet where you can buy all sorts of outdoor and indoor pots, garden ornaments, decorative items and accessories. Remember to wear a wide brim hat and good walking shoes. Be sure to bring along drinking water and cash for purchases. Transportation can be arranged (at your own cost) for large and heavy items. RSVP: E-mail klamerican.info@gmail.com by Monday, 10 March.

Annual General Meeting & Potluck Lunch Thursday, 20 March, 11:00 a.m. AAM Villa Sponsored by:

All members are invited to stop by the Villa for the AAM’s Annual General Meeting. Enjoy coffee and refreshments while we vote in the new Board for 2014/15. Plan to bring a dish (serving 4 – 6) to share and stick around for a potluck lunch after the formalities are concluded. The AGM will begin at 11:00 sharp. Lunch will begin at noon. RSVP by Wednesday, 19 March to klamerican.info@gmail.com.


KL American March 2014

AAM/CAM and Eastern Carpets present

The Spring Rug Auction Friday, 14 March 2014 Safir Room, Hotel Istana 73 Jalan Raja Chulan 6:30 p.m. Viewing of rugs, light dinner and drinks 7:30 p.m. to Midnight Auction Members: RM30 Non-Members: RM45 Lucky draws throughout the night *Eastern Carpets is an AAM preferred carpet seller.

Photos from the 2013 Fall Rug Auction.

KL American March 2014


What’s On in . . . April All Souls’ Day (Ching Ming) Tour

Tuesday, 8 April 9:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Meet at the side entrance of the InterContinental Hotel, Jalan Ampang Cost: Members RM150/Non-Members RM180; Minimum 10 participants.

This cultural and feng shui tour to Sungai Besi and Nilai Memorial Park is a perennial favorite among AAM members. “Ching Ming,” or All Souls’ Day, is a Chinese festival that falls in early April and is celebrated for 20 days. The Chinese believe in life after death and ancestral worship. They have elaborate funeral rites and interesting practices such as hell notes and house warmings for the dead. The tour starts with a visit to the old traditional Chinese graves in Sungai Besi, followed by a visit to modern graves in Nilai Memorial Park which is built on 200 acres of excellent feng shui burial ground. Believe it or not, some graves are built for the purpose of cheating death! The tour includes a visits to plots of varying sizes and faiths - Buddhists, Christians and free thinkers! Most interesting is the “Millionaires’ Row” where some family plots cost over RM 2 million! Wear modest, comfortable clothing (no sexy shorts or low-cut shirts) and good walking shoes. Bring a hat or umbrella to protect yourself from the sun and plenty of drinking water. Price includes round-trip bus transportation, English speaking tour guide, and Chinese lunch (non halal) in a small local restaurant. RSVP: E-mail klamerican.info@gmail.com by Friday, 28 March.

April 23 - 27, 2014

Ladies’ Shopping Trip to Jakarta

with Cindy Childress

American Association of Malaysia/Canadian Association of Malaysia Trip Deposit: RM50 for Members, RM100 for Non-Members

Please mark your calendars and plan to pack lightly for this amazing shopping trip to Jakarta. We will be there just in time for a major craft fair where we will shop for leather and snake skin goods, pearls, incredible handicrafts and decorative home goods, as well as fine art and furniture. We will not miss Jakarta’s musttry’s of cuisine, from the best Mexican food and BBQ ribs to the best chocolate martinis. There will be opportunities to shop for precious and semi-precious gemstones, and we will have an exclusive trunk show of original boutique jewelry with an Indonesian artist. This description only scratches the surface of details for a long weekend that will be packed with diverse activities from Outlet Mall bargains to Five Star accommodations and great girlfriend bonding along the way. To secure your place and get details about flights and costs please contact the AAM Office. There are only a few vacancies left! Bookings are secured with 50% of the trip cost paid by March 10. Don’t miss out!


KL American March 2014

American Association of Malaysia

WinterWonderland Ball Hilton KL 12 April 2014 7pm - 1am Dinner Dance Silent Auction Open Bar Member RM350 Non Member RM400

Ticket Sales-03-40214367 Tickets now on sale at the AAM office. More Information- www.klamerican.com KL American March 2014


Digital Shoebox Two Sides of Sarwak: The Simple Life in Bario Text by Randee Duncan Photos by Bill and Randee Duncan There are 13 states in Malaysia. Two of those states, Sarawak and Sabah, are on the island of Borneo. During the 12 years that we lived in Miri, Sarawak, we were never able to complete arrangements for a trip into the interior partly because in the early days, it meant an arduous 14-hour journey (one-way) via four-wheel drive . Now, the community has a paved airstrip. This Chinese New Year, we finally made it to Bario by flying from KL to Miri. From Miri, it was a 40-minute flight in a Twin Otter. Bario is located on a plateau in the Kelabit Highlands, close to the Malaysian border with Kalimantan, Indonesia. Its elevation at 3580 feet, surrounded by densely forested hills, together with its inaccessibility by river because of rapids contributed to the lifestyles of the villagers (mostly Kelabit - an indigenous people) remaining relatively simple and unchanged. The Kelabit people are gentle and soft-spoken, almost to the point of being shy. It’s hard to imagine that their ancestors practised head-hunting! The main crops are paddy and hill rice, pineapple and maize. They still hunt and fish to put food on the table. There are no hotels, restaurants, movie theatres or shopping malls, nor is there WiFi in Bario. Accommodation for visitors to Bario is available in private homes or at lodges. Most places rely on generators for power. The couple we stayed with couldn’t use the generator because of a fuel shortage. There was also a problem with the water supply. They had no refrigerator, television nor hot water. Our meals consisted of fresh, locally available food. We found the wild boar to be a bit tough, but the barking deer was tasty. We were served a variety of jungle greens. The Bario pineapples are juicy and sweet. A popular activity for visitors to Bario is to go trekking. Guided treks can be arranged for 1 – 6 days. On our On our 12 km trek, we heard a baby macaque calling for its mother, came across vividly colored grasshoppers feeding on civet cat scat, and saw trees that had been damaged by the recent passing of a honey bear. Our guide showed us how to collect ripened wild mangosteens, and he steered us away from an area where a sleeping python lay. Bird lovers would enjoy spending time in the Bario area as would anyone who has an interest in jungle flowers and vegetation. The younger generation is migrating to the cities. Development is moving towards them at a rapid pace. Logging roads are springing up everywhere and before too long, their old ways of life will be no more. If you are thinking of visiting Bario one day, please consider going before the simple life is gone forever. 14

KL American March 2014

Digital Shoebox

Two Sides of Sarawak: Laid-back City Life in Kuching Text by Kim Starr Photos by David Terenzio Kuching is my new favorite city in Malaysia! Maybe it was that lack of crowds due to Chinese New Year, or maybe it was the cool evening breezes off the Sarawak River, but whatever the cause, I was thoroughly smitten by the “cat� city. Our weekend featured a nice mix of culture, history, nature, and of course food! We learned about the native peoples of Borneo at the Sarawak Cultural Village, visited an active longhouse at Annah Rais and saw semiwild orangutans at the Semengoh Wildlife Center. However, the best attraction of all was the city itself, with its streets of old shophouses perfect for rambling, a pedestrian-friendly riverfront complete with street performers to enjoy in the evenings, and a wide, lazy river plied by tambangs (water taxis). And the food? The famous Sarawak Laksa was a bit spicy for me, but I loved the ubiquitous Kolo Mee and the Kek Lapis, of course! I am already planning my return trip to see the Sarawak Regatta held in Kuching every year around Malaysia Day. KL American March 2014


Perspectives Starting Over Story by Ngosong Fonkem, Photos by Randee Duncan As we transition into the Gregorian New Year, and just recently celebrated the Hindu festival of Thaipusam and the Chinese New Year, some, if not most of us, have made resolutions, philosophizing on how we would want to live, and things that we want to achieve in the upcoming year. Philosophy is one of the major tools that we have used over the years to shed light on some of our most profound life questions. In the West (those countries that have been influenced by Greek and Romans teachings), we have developed a method of philosophizing that includes using logic, reasoning, and time to explain our worldview. But we would be misguided to think that our way of looking at life is the only correct way to go about dealing with life’s challenges. On the other side of the world, in the East, unique philosophies developed, completely separate and very different from their Western counterparts. With regard to the concept of time, for example, in Western society we think of time as linear, that is, with a beginning, middle, and end. Time, therefore, becomes very important. We get up at a certain time, we go to work at a certain time, we eat at certain times, we go to bed at a certain time, and we set appointments and get upset if the other party is not there on time. On the other hand, Eastern philosophy, specifically from India and China, views time as cyclical, like the seasons of the year. Unlike Western thinking, Eastern thinking believes that there is no finite point in which the universe began and no finite point in which the universe will end because everything occurs in cycles. Thus, just like we are born, we live our lives and die, and someone else is born. Similarly, winter comes, and then spring, then summer, and then fall, and the cycle repeats itself again and again, in perpetuity.

Thaipusam Eve at Batu Caves - thousands of worshippers walk in procession up 272 steps carrying kavadis, or portable alters, to the temple. 16

KL American March 2014

A tired kavadi bearer resting on a stool. His mouth is sealed by a fruited spear.

Springing out of this cyclical way of looking at the world is the “cycle of rebirths” which is deeply entrenched in Eastern philosophy and culture. The Oxford English Dictionary defines “re-” as again. “Rebirth” means to start over, redo, rework, rewrite or any similar derivatives. From my experience living here in Malaysia among the Indian and Chinese communities, I believe this view is widely accepted and practiced in both cultures. With regard to the Indian community, I was fortunate to be present at and experience the Hindu festival of Thaipusam last month at Batu Caves in Kuala Lumpur. Thaipusam is a Hindu festival celebrated annually when the moon is full in the Tamil month of Thai (between January and February). It is celebrated to commemorate the Hindu god Lord Muruga’s triumph over evil forces. During the celebration, some of the worshipers undergo self-mortification wherein they pierce themselves and refrain from worldly pleasures in preparation for the festival. When we asked our tour guide on the bus trip to the temple why many of the worshipers subjected themselves to what appears to us to be self-torture, our tour guide responded that many Hindu devotees believe that it is through such strict rituals and prayers during Thaipusam that they are cleansed of all their sins and their misdeeds. He further stated that many of the worshipers have in the past asked for divine help from Lord Muruga, and as such, subject themselves to sacrificial acts in exchange for an answered prayer. It reasonably follows that to start over with a new slate, it is necessary for the worshipers to cleanse themselves all of their misdeeds and sins. Similar to the Hindu festival of Thaipusam, the Chinese approach to starting over with a new slate corresponds with the Chinese New Year. Like Thaipusam, the Chinese New Year (also known as “Spring Festival”) signals a time that the Chinese diaspora worldwide begin their journey to tie up loose ends and put things in order in anticipation of

Perspectives beginning a new year with a fresh start. According to some of my Chinese friends here in Malaysia, the end of the old year is an opportunity to look back at the misfortunes of the past and to examine one’s mistakes and failures and try to rectify them throughout the New Year. During the period prior to Chinese New Year, many Malaysian Chinese would seek out old friends or associates whom they may not have seen for a while to renew their friendships and talk about any problems that might be standing between them. Similarly, it is also customary for Chinese families to thoroughly clean their homes, repaint the courtyard gate and generally spruce things up during this period. In the past, it was believed that such spring cleaning was necessary to sweep away all of the evil spirits feared to be lurking in dark corners and behind heavy and rarely moved pieces of furniture. In addition to the spring-cleaning, they would also affix door gods and red lanterns to the front gate of their homes and burn incense sticks and bamboo sticks to guard against evil spirits and ghosts.

Some views of the AAM’s Chinese New Year Celebration - toasting to the Year of the Horse!

Several days into the dawn of the new year, the Chinese community visits close friends and family members to celebrate and exchange gifts. These gift items can range from relatively expensive items to inexpensive items like speciallyThairpusam worshippers self mortificate. Woman rendered speechless by fruit spear (top); three men pulling on hooks in the flesh of worshippers (bottom). prepared foods. Flowers, ripe-orange tangerines, fruit and smiling baby dolls are often exchanged during this period as well. At first sight, it might seem as though the Indian festival of Thaipusam and Chinese New Year are completely different; however, a close examination of the two cultural practices would arguably show that they are more similar than dissimilar. Although the Indians during Thaipusam would self-mortificate and the Chinese spring-clean to drive away evil spirits before the New Year, these traditions arose out of Eastern cyclical tradition, which allows their devotees to start over again if the first attempt was unsuccessful. If you missed these two unique festivals, fear not. You have more opportunites to experience the New Year’s customs and rituals of rebirth of other, nearby cultures. The Mah Meri, an Orang Asli tribe living on Carey Island, celebrate Hari Moyang (New Year) in early March, and the Thai people ring in their New Year with water-soaked fun during the Songkran festival in mid-April. KL American March 2014


Diversions Super Bowl Monday Story and photos by Kim Starr Every fan knows that wearing a hat backwards produces late inning rallies and not washing a lucky shirt for an entire season produces NCAA titles. So what ju-ju worked for my husband, David, and his beloved Seattle Seahawks this year? Well to hear him tell it, it was his patented blend of caring-but-not-caring and watching-but-not-watching that can only come about by living 8,000 miles and 16 time zones away from one’s city of NFL allegiance. Sure, we had Hypp TV’s American Sports Network, but live NFL games are always at inconvenient times, like the middle of the night or, worse, during work! We thought about buying the NFL package so David could stream live games on the job, but that would all but guarantee a losing season. To prove his point, two of Seattle’s three losses this year were games that he watched. So we paid no attention


KL American March 2014

to the playoffs, and I kept my mouth shut when we bought our tickets to Kuching for Chinese New Year. Once the Seahawks clinched the NFC, I had to ask – should we cancel our trip and watch the Super Bowl at home? “No,” he said, “that will jinx it!” We went on with our plans to visit Kuching, and David adopted a very blasé attitude about the game saying, “Hopefully it is on TV at the hotel.” But he had a back-up plan, and a back-up plan for the back-up plan. The big morning arrived, and we dutifully watched the end of a women’s volleyball match on ESPN, which disappointingly turned into golf instead of the Super Bowl. Fortunately, David purchased and installed a device called Simple TV which is hooked up to an antenna at our home in Queens and allows us to stream live TV broadcasts. Unfortunately, the hotel’s internet was very slow and all we got was a spinning beachball. Next up, David asked if I brought the “huddle,” a mobile hot-spot device. I forgot to pack it, and after a few tense moments when I feared the dissolution

How we watched Super Bowl XXLVIII in Malaysia. of our marriage, David discovered that it wouldn’t have worked anyway because there was no “Yes” network coverage in Kuching. Next up, and last resort, David begrudgingly burned through his data plan minutes and streamed our Simple TV on his phone, which he tethered to his iPad Mini so we could watch the game on a slightly bigger screen. Problem solved, and we watched the Super Bowl on Fox5 New New York, complete with the commercials! That is, until the two-minute warning when the stream abruptly stopped with an error message. No matter, by that time the outcome was all but academic.

Diversions Ready, Get Set, Go! Story and photos by Cindy Childress When we first moved overseas six years ago, like so many spouses who give up a career path to follow their partner’s job, I vowed to use the time away from work to get fit. For me, fitness took the form of race training for my first ever half marathon. After a few of these, I upgraded to the full marathon. Now I don’t just run to be in shape, but I run because I love the sport. Along the way I have had the opportunity to run with several running groups in KL and participated in many races. The FTAA has just published a calendar of races in Malaysia for 2014, and I want to highlight a few big ones and make some suggestions for running in the climate here, as well as mentioning some friendly running groups with whom you may train. If you choose one or all of these races to join, it will be important to consider how to take care of yourself while running in the heat and humidity. I suffered heat exhaustion during a race in KL, and it wasn’t pretty, so now I take hydration very seriously. Drink at least 12 ounces of water within an hour before running outside, and personally I always carry a water bottle or wear a fuel belt/Camelbak. As a rule, it will be important to rehydrate if you are running for longer than 45 minutes. Dri Fit athletic clothing will help keep you cool and protect you against chaffing. The coolest times of day tend to be early morning or evening, but for safety avoid running in areas that are deserted or poorly lit. Don’t forget sunscreen, and give yourself a break if you feel that you are slower here than back in the US. Also, the rule of thumb is that running shoes should be replaced every six months, and for me I start getting stiff if I don’t replace my running shoes that often. One of my favorite things about running in Malaysia has been all the other runners I have met along the way. The AAM’s own KL Road Runners is a great group that is easy to find on Saturday mornings at the KLCC Park bridge. Another option is to join the KL Pacesetters, a large running club comprised of locals and expats that has small group runs throughout the week in places all over KL, as well as a Sunday morning run beginning at 6:00 a.m. from Padang Merbok by Lake Gardens and going all the way to Mont Kiara and back if you want. Boutique running stores such as Athlete’s Circle in the Jaya One mall in Petaling Jaya also organize training for new runners. Most running training programs suggest that you give yourself 12-18 weeks to get ready for a race, depending on your current fitness and the race distance. To find a training program, look at Hal Higdon’s website and the Runner’s World offerings, which also include general training tips and injury prevention guides. For most adults who join running as a new sport, it’s not about being first place but about finishing and feeling proud that you ran your best race. Happy trails, and I hope to see you at the finish line!

I was so happy to finish!

Aerial view of Standard Chartered KL 2013

Chinese New Year Run, photo by Kahwai Low

Upcoming races in Malaysia: 4 May, Borneo International Marathon Kota Kinabalu, Sabah 42 KM, 21 KM, 10 KM Perks: Also attend Sabah Fest 1-4 May 17 August, Kuching Marathon Kuching, Sarawak 42 KM, 21 KM, 10 KM, 5 KM Perks: Lots of distance levels for destination race as a family or group September 7, River Jungle Marathon Hulu Langat, Kuala Lumpur 42 KM Perks: No cut off time for finish, lots of fresh fruit at aid stations 12 October, Standard Chartered Kuala Lumpur Kuala Lumpur 42 KM, 21 KM, 10 KM, 5 KM Perks: Largest running event in Malaysia; 33,000 participants last year For more information:

http://borneomarathon.com/ http://www.marathonkuching.com/ http://www.halhigdon.com/ http://www.runnersworld.com/

My first running award! KL American March 2014


F iv e S t e p s t o a

Healthy Heart Did you know that the 5 interlocking rings of the Olympics symbolise the 5 main areas of the world involved in the greatest sports showcase on earth and that it was originally designed in 1912 by Baron Pierre de Coubertin, the founder of the modern Olympic Games? 100 years on and the 5 rings continue to represent the spirit of the Olympics. Didn’t we witness a truly amazing Games of the XXX Olympiad? As important as the 5 rings are to the spirit and the heart of the Olympics, let’s discuss 5 steps we can take to ensure we have a healthy heart. Dr. Haizal Haron Kamar MBBS (Newcastle upon Tyne), MRCP (UK), FRCP (Edin), FACC (USA), FSCAI, FAPSIC (Asia Pacific), FNHAM, AM (MAL) Consultant Cardiologist Tropicana Medical Centre

1. Stop smoking. Smoking is the single most preventable risk factor for heart disease and many other diseases such as stroke, cancer and emphysema. Quit this deadly habit completely and forever! 2. Exercise regularly. Exercise improves blood circulation and is good for cardiovascular health. Exercise also promotes a sense of well-being and helps us to be more productive at work. The recommendation is to perform continuous aerobic exercise such as brisk walking, jogging, cycling and swimming for half an hour, at least 3 times a week, but if you are only just starting out, go gentle and build it up gradually. 3. Reduce weight. You have abdominal obesity, an important risk factor for coronary heart disease, if your waist circumference is 90cm (36 inches) for men and 80cm (32 inches) for women. Eating the right food and doing regular exercise to burn the calories are some of the ways to shed the extra kilos. 4. Have heart-healthy diet. Avoid processed food and food high in fat, sugar and salt. Have diet rich in fruits and vegetables instead. Have just enough calories to achieve or maintain a healthy weight.


11, Jalan Teknologi, PJU 5, Kota Damansara, 47810 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan. T: +603-6287 1111 W: www.tropicanamedicalcentre.com FB: www.facebook.com/TropicanaMedicalCentre E: enquiries@tropicanamedicalcentre.com


KL American March 2014

5. Go for medical checkup. If you are a male above the age of 35 or a female above 40, Visit your nearest clinic or hospital for a thorough medical assessment. If you have risk factors for heart disease such as hypertension, high cholesterol and diabetes, go much earlier. Never assume anything. Ignorance is NOT bliss! Heart disease remains the number one killer for both men and women in Malaysia and many countries all over the world. Be mindful of these 5 steps and expect to live a healthy life and witness many more Olympics!

Memories High Tea at the Majestic Hotel, 5 December Photos by Jennifer Gutherie, Lovie Alptunaer and Donna Sawyer December’s Christmas themed coffee morning moved out of the Villa to the elegant Majestic Hotel where AAM members indulged in a classic High Tea.

KL American March 2014


Memories Day Trip to Malacca: UNESCO World Heritage Site, 27 November Photos by Patty Cammarata This fun day trip featured historical sites, shopping, and authentic Peranakan food at a Nyonya restaurant.

Saturday Night Out: Dining in the Dark, 14 December Photos by Randee Duncan AAM members participated in a truly unique culinary experience lights out! After the DITD dinner, the group bonded over a few beers.


KL American March 2014

Memories New Year’s Resolution Coffee Morning, 15 January

Photos by Randee Duncan; group photo courtesy of FIT Malaysia Members heard tips and advice from a nutrition and fitness expert about how to keep those New Year’s resoutions to lose weight and get in shape!

Lunch Bunch: Maison Française, 22 January Photos by Randee Duncan January’s Lunch Bunch became “Le Lunch Bunch” as members tasted French Cuisine and enjoyed a fine dining experience in an elegant setting.

KL American March 2014


Memories Thaipusam Festival 2014, 16 January Photos by Bill and Randee Duncan AAM members travelled to Batu Caves to witness the awesome spectacle of the Thaipusam religious festival featuring rhythmic drummimg, body piercing, trances, and a procession of kavadis up the 272 steps.


KL American March 2014

Memories Gong Xi Fa Cai: Chinese New Year at the Villa, 3 February Photos by Randee Duncan AAM members gathered to celebrate Chinese New Year at the Villa, complete with an acrobatic Lion Dance, Yee Sang salad toss and toast to prosperity!

KL American March 2014


Memories First Fridays Relaunch, 7 February Photos by Randee Duncan After a three months haitus, First Fridays came roaring back in Febrary at a new venue and a new earlier time. Newly arrived expats met AAM members to ask questions and share advice on living in KL.


KL American March 2014

American Association Privilege Program Directory BEAUTY Toni & Guy Troika Lot G-03A, The Troika, 19 Persiaran KLCC Tel: (03) 2168-8802 Website: www.toniandguy.com.my Discount/benefit: 10% discount on cut - blowdry, 15% discount if having cut – blowdry and color service. (Discount not applicable with other promotions) Face Factors Clinic D3-G4-2, No. 1 Solaris Dutamas, Jalan Dutamas, Sri Hartamas , 50480 Kuala Lumpur Tel: (03) 6205 3508 Email: syj888@gmail.com Website: http://facefactorsclinic.com Discount/benefit: 50% off all cellulite manages, seaweed body wraps and lymphatic drainage treatments. IPL Skin Care Clinique S2, Pamper Floor, Starhill Gallery Tel: 03-2141-4277 or 03-2141-4280 Website: www.iplskincare.com RM99 for first trial: 90-minute Intensive Rejuvenation Facial Therapy and Hot Stone Shoulder massage (Normal price: RM190) OR 60-minute Full Relaxation Ginger Body Massage (Normal price: RM150) The London Orchid 67M Plaza Damansara, Bukit Damansara Tel: 03-2095-6009 Website: www.thelondonorchid.com AAM Discount: 15% discount on treatments to all members of the AAM, including the only spray tan service in KL!

HOUSEHOLD/GIFTS EuroChef Malaysia Unit P-1-21, Block P, Plaza Damas Tel: 6201-8863 Website: www.eurochefasia.com AAM Discount: 15% (Excludes machinery, Frilich items, Flavor Shaker, cookbooks, and promotional items) Royal Selangor Website: www.royalselangor.com AAM Discount: 10%

DINING Amadeus Bistro & Wine Bar Mezzanine Level, Wisma Life Centre 20 Jalan Sultan Ismail Tel: 03-2162 2788 Website: www.amadeusbistro.com.my Discount/benefit: 15% discount on total bill.

Fresca Mexican Kitchen & Bar Lot G242A, The Gardens Mall, Mid Valley Tel: 03-2201-2893 Email: info@fresca.com.my Website: facebook.com/frescabar AAM Discount: Receive a free mystery dessert with a minimum spend of RM100 on a single receipt. Not valid in conjunction with other ongoing promotions, set menu and public holidays. House GTower G02 & LG02-04, GTower 199 Jalan Tun Razak Tel: 2164-4424 AAM Discount: 10% discount on all a la carte food and beverage (excluding alcohol). Discount is applicable everyday including public holidays. Not valid in conjunction with other ongoing promotions.

MASSAGE Footloose At Home Spa Jalan Nagasari, Bukit Bintang, 50200 Kuala Lumpur Tel: 017-655 3139 Email: booking@footlosseathome.com Website: www.footlooseathome.com Discount/benefit: 10% off all service treatments inclusive of our service packages. Coupon code: AAMFOOTLOOSE. Not applicable on current/ongoing promotion.

SERVICES Crown Relocations Tel: 03-5637-9166 Website: www.crownrelo.com AAM Discount: 15% off local moves within Malaysia. Complimentary 2-hour handyman services for moves more than RM5,000. 15% discount for one-day orientation service and 10% discount ony immigration services. Complimentary Home Search for rentals above RM5,000. Three Sixty Computer Services Tel: 012-377-3522 (Clement Tan) Email: cletan10@yahoo.com AAM Discount: 10% off service charges Pet Playground J-G-6, Jalan PJU1A/20B Dataran Ara Damansara 47301 Petaling Jaya Tel: 017-363 8228 / 017-364 8117 Email: petplayground@gmail.com Website: www.petplaygroundonline.com Discount/benefit: 10% off grooming, boarding for 6 night FOC 1 night in the cageless pet hotel and 10 % off on all pets products.

The American Association Privilege Program (AAPP) offers special discounts and privileges to AAM members. Just flash your AAM membership card! If you are a business interested in joining the AAPP, contact the AAM office at klamerican.info@gmail.com. KL American March 2014


american association of malaysia KL

March 2014

Sun 30







1 - 3 p.m. Mahjong


1 - 3 p.m. Mahjong


1 - 3 p.m. Mahjong



Sat 1


AAM Office Tel : (03) 4021 4368

7 a.m. KL Roadrunners

AAM Off Site

email: klamerican.info@gmail.com

8:30 a.m. - 3 p.m. Carey Island Hari Moyang Celebration


10 - 11 a.m. Bingo @ Little Sisters of the Poor



10 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Quilting


10 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Quilting 11 a.m. Bowling




9:30 - 11:30 a.m. First Fridays Starbucks, Avenue K

7 a.m. KL Roadrunners




11 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Tarte au Citron/Tart Workshop

6:30 p.m. Midnight AAM/CAM Spring Rug Auction

7 p.m. SNO @ Malones, KLCC

7 a.m. KL Roadrunners

12 p.m. Lunch Bunch @ Black Bull



10 a.m. - 1 p.m. Cupcake Decorating Workshop









9:30 a.m. - 1 p.m. Sungai Buloh Nurseries

10 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Quilting

11:00 a.m. AGM and Potluck Lunch


7 a.m. KL Roadrunners

1 - 3 p.m. Mahjong




1 - 3 p.m. Mahjong

KL American March 2014

10 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Quilting


(60-3) 5565 2200

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