KL American - May 2013

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PP 4353/05/2013 (033269)

May 2013



A Publication of the American Association of Malaysia

Contents AAM May 2013 Advertisers Index Advertisers



Director’s Corner



A Cut Above


Aidea Art


Asian Tigers Transpo

Back Cover

City Motors


Crown Relocations

Inside Front Cover

Eastern Carpets

Inside Back Cover



Star Cruise


The Expat


Tropicana Medical Centre



4 5 6


11 18


AAM Messages


Help Wanted!


Weekly Events

What’s On at the AAM




Community Service

11 16


Special Events Digital Shoebox

Perspectives: Mom by Kimbra Naber

Keeping Up Resolutions: Goingson Around Town by Kim Starr Health Care in Malaysia: Colon Cancer is Preventable

20 22 24


AAPP Directory AAM Calendar

20 Cover Photo: Laos Luang Prabang—Monks on a wall Photo by Randee Duncan

KL American May 2013


Director’s Corner

Board of Directors President Jennifer Guthrie President.aam@gmail.com

Happy Mother’s Day Month!! This year Mother’s Day means so much more to me than it has in the past. It is my first one as a grandmother and my mother will be here at the end of the month for her first visit. Does life get any better than this?!

1st Vice President Diane Tenney FirstVP.aam@gmail.com 2nd Vice President Vacant SecondVP.aam@gmail.com

For all of us moms that are spending another, or even our first, Mother’s Day in a different country, the AAM is offering special events that will help us pamper ourselves. Even if you are not a mom, come join us at these events to honor the mom you are not with. We will be more than happy to take pictures of you so you can send them to mom and let her know that you are missing her!

Secretary Ann Blacklock Secretary1.aam@gmail.com

Mother’s Day is the biggest holiday for long-distance calls. Fortunately for us, we have various ways to video chat with our long-distance moms so we get to see them when we tell them how much we love them. There is still time to get that all-important Mother’s Day card in the mail so that she has something to open from you on that special day.

Publications Director Kim Starr Editor.KLAmerican@gmail.com

However you decide to honor mom this year, I’m sure she will appreciate it and the love that you send will, as always, be returned tenfold! See you soon!!

Treasurer Vacant Treasurer.aam@gmail.com

Major Events Director Sherlyn Bourne majoreventsdir.aam@gmail.com Membership Director Merrie Braden Membershipdirector.aam@gmail.com Community Service Directors Claire Hines and Karen Beham Communityservice.aam@gmail.com

Jennifer Guthrie President

Corporate Partners For 2013 Presidential

Corporate Relations Director Vacant Bazaar Directors Lovie Alptunaer and Mary Mantei

Liaison Directors American Malaysian Chamber of Commerce Yvonne Miranda ISKL Hilda Alposilva

Liberty Eagle AMCHAM Coca-Cola Malaysia Halliburton Santa Fe Relocation Services Talisman Malaysia Limited 2

KL American May 2013

MKIS Linda Seaver US Embassy Jessica Schnepple Jo Ann Sernovitz General Manager Ann Tan



AmericanMagazine Team Editors Rachell Gautz Kim Starr Photo Editor Judy Pescio Contributors Merrie Braden Randee Duncan Rachell Gautz Jennifer Guthrie Claire Hines Kimbra Naber Kim Starr

Hi, I’m Kim Starr, the new Publications Director. Inspired by an announcement on the AAM website when I returned to KL from my winter holidays, I offered to assist Rachell with her editorial duties. I had so much fun editing and selecting photos for the next three issues that when the ballots for the AGM arrived and I saw the Publications Director position vacant, I volunteered for it, and voilà! Happily the new board agreed to my candidacy, and though it’s daunting to fill Rachell’s shoes, I‘m told “it’ll be fun.”

Proofreaders Merrie Braden Randee Duncan Jennifer Guthrie Claire Hines Stacy Rushton Ann Tan

About me? I was born and raised in Cleveland but moved to New York City after graduate school and lived there for the next 16 years. My husband and I came to KL in early 2012 when the construction management firm he works for offered him a KL posting. We are both architects by training and we liked the idea of travelling around this hemisphere to see all the monuments, famous buildings, and great cities, and have been busy for the last year doing just that.

Editorial Support Ann Tan Designer Yap Wai Kuan Advertising Sales Ann Tan Tel: (603) 4021-4367/8 Printer Seng Hoe Printing Process 33, Jalan Hang Tuah 2 Taman Salak Selatan 57100 Kuala Lumpur Tel/Fax: 8941-7603 Publisher American Association of Malaysia The KLAmerican is published 10 times per year. The deadline for inclusion is at least 6 weeks prior to publication which is the 1st of the month. Advertising for non-profit organizations is free-of-charge on a spaceavailable basis. The magazine staff reserves the right to edit copy for clarity, brevity, and accuracy. Information on AAM members is not to be used commercially. Reproduction, in whole or in part, without written permission, is strictly prohibited.

Unit G-3A, Villa Seavoy 7, Lorong Titiwangsa 8 Taman Titiwangsa 53200 Kuala Lumpur

I take the helm of KL American for the June/July issue and I’m already running some content ideas through my head. I know many members will be away during the summer months and I thought it might be fun to hear about everyone’s travels. So, if you are off to the States or some exotic locale, please send me a short email via editor.klamerican@gmail.com. It need not be a treatise, just one or two sentences for inclusion in a “how I spent my summer vacation” feature in the September issue!

Kim Starr Publications Director

Tel: (03) 4021-4367/8 Fax: (03) 4021-4371 E-mail: aam_kl05@streamyx.com website: www.klamerican.com

Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Tuesday and Friday 9:00 a.m. - 1 p.m. Closed from 1-2 p.m. every work day for lunch Closed Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays

GPS Coordinates: N3° 11.035’, E101° 42.278’ KL American May 2013


Membership In some ways April is the beginning of a new year for AAM, as a new board has been selected and begun their term. This May newsletter is my first as the Membership Director and I welcome the opportunity to meet everyone and assist new members in getting involved with our club. May marks many special events for families. It is a time for graduations and, of course, Mother’s Day. Whether you are a mother or are honoring your mother or both, it is a day when we reflect on what is arguably the most difficult and most rewarding job in the world. For 30 years, I have had a little prayer framed and hanging in my (12 different) kitchens and, trust me, I have repeated it many times. I thought I would share it as it is titled “Mother’s Prayer.” Whether it brings to mind your mother or how you want to be remembered as a mother, here it goes. “Give me patience when little hands Tug at me with ceaseless, small demands. Give me gentle words and smiling eyes, To keep my lips from hasty, sharp replies. Let not fatigue, confusion or noise Obscure my vision of life’s fleeting joys. So when in years to come my house is still, Beautiful memories its rooms may fill.” Lots of things are happening with AAM this month. There will be some special pampering events that we hope you can enjoy with us, the Firefly Cruise on the 4th, the Spring Rug Auction on the 10th, and the First Friday luncheon. We are planning now for future events, Coffee Mornings and other ways to bring us together. Please contact me at membershipdirector.aam@gmail. com or call 012-626-5587 if there is something that you would like to suggest or if you just want to visit. Getting involved in AAM brings about so many opportunities to enrich your time in KL and we hope to see many of you soon. Happy Month of May!!

Merrie Braden Membership Director 4

KL American May 2013

“Selamat Datang ke AAM!” to our New Members for March Marie-Laure and Benoit Barbier Beverly and Robert Cormier Sandra Garcia and Keith Boyer Bernie and Alan Khoo Hye Min Lee and Chu Tong Kuah Sonai Poisot

AAM Messages Membership Renewal To avoid missing any issues of the magazine and to continue receiving discounted prices for AAM events, please make sure your membership is up to date. Renewal notices will be included with the magazine two months before expiration. Dues can be paid at the office by cash or check or via IPAY.

Reservation & Payment Policy Reservations can be made via fax, email or in person. • The AAM Office will send confirmation of receipt if the reservation is made by fax or email. • Reservations not cancelled five (5) working days before the event must be paid in full. • When minimum attendance is not achieved, the event may be cancelled or rescheduled. • Pay online via IPAY88 or in person by cash or check. AAM Tel: (03) 4201-4367/4368 Fax: (03) 4021-4371 e-mail: aam_kl05@streamyx.com

IPAY88 Please respond within 48 hours of receiving the ipay invoice. AAM hopes you are enjoying the convenience of our online payment service. With this convenient and secure portal you can pay for events, classes, workshops, dues and Building Blocks tuition from your home computer. Simply contact the AAM office to make your reservation and request an online invoice. Then check your email inbox for further instructions – it’s that easy! Note: • Any MasterCard or Visa credit card accepted regardless of issuing bank/country. • Multiple events can be paid for in one transaction. • Service charge: RM 50-250 - RM 5 charge RM 251-500 - RM 10 charge RM 501 and over – 3% charge For additional details, contact the AAM office or visit http://www.klamerican. com/policies.htm.

AAM Online Communities The AAM is now on Facebook! “Like” the AAM Facebook fan page by logging on, typing ‘American Association of Malaysia’ in the Search bar at the top of the page and clicking ‘Like.’ You’ll get the latest information on all of AAM’s exciting events and activities! Our Yahoo! Group remains active as a useful forum for members to consult with other members on queries and recommendations for anything from best family hotels to dentists to household help. Members who have not received an email invitation to join can contact editor.klamerican@gmail. com. Enter “Need AAM Yahoo Invitation” in the subject line, and include full name and AAM membership number in the body of the email. An invitation will be sent via email and you must respond to complete the registration process. For more information go to www.klamerican.com/policies.htm.

Your $0.02 Do you have any ideas or suggestions for new activities, events or workshops that may be of interest to our members? Can you think of ways we can improve our current line-up? Any concerns about the AAM’s building facilities? Your feedback, whether positive or negative, is always welcome. Kindly drop us a line in the Suggestion Box located in the villa or email aam_ kl05@streamyx.com

Solicitation Policy Solicitation of business by any member or guest is not allowed at any AAM function without prior board approval. Members are requested to respectfully observe the policy that membership information is to be used solely for AAM business and is not to be used for personal or business solicitation purposes. If you are interested in sharing your talents/services with the AAM, please contact the AAM office.

KL American May 2013


Community Service

Hello Everyone ! Hope you enjoy all the pictures on Page 20 of our charities receiving the proceeds from our Annual Bazaar! Everyone attended that was invited except for one who informed us ahead that there was a conflict and sincerely apologized. All seemed quite appreciative of our support. The members that were in attendance were able to hear each of their stories and beginnings. So it was a super day! Here are a few announcements: Pusat Kebajikan Good Shepherd (off Ulu Klang) is calling for volunteers to work with the teen girls (ages 12-18) in the exercise and activities program. Tuesdays and/or Saturdays, 5 to 6 p.m. Contact Wila Mowe at 03-4256-3941 to sign up. Persatuan Kanak-Kanak Istimewa Kajang (Selangor Children’s Home) has two events: May 11th — PKIK Sports Day May 26th — World Play Day Contact Ms. Kong Lan Lee at 03-8736-6385 for more information or email pkik@streamyx.com. The SPCA Charity Golf tournament at KBSAAS takes place on May 10th, with an afternoon tee off, light lunch and dinner. Details at www.spca.org.my or email enquiries@spca.com.my. The Mang Tha Group needs volunteers to organize workshops for women refugees for Mondays and Fridays: • • •

Flower arranging (especially for churches) Baking classes (cakes, cookies, etc.) Cultural workshop focusing on US, European and Australian society

They also need an English teacher for basic vocabulary, grammar and writing on Mondays, 10:30 a.m. to 12. Please contact Khin Mar Aya at 017-554-9721 or email mangtha.acr@gmail.com, or Boye Sakho at tanmawomen@gmail.com.

Claire Hines Community Service Director


KL American May 2013

HELP WANTED It’s never too late! AAM is looking for a few good people! This section will be dedicated to the open board positions that need to be filled. Not sure you want a board position but still want to help out? We will also list any help that will be needed for upcoming events. Keep checking for your opportunity to make a difference! •

Second Vice President – This position gets to help our members have fun every month of the year! Responsibilities include facilitating the monthly activities meeting with the directors and relaying the outcomes to the executive committee during the monthly board meeting.

Treasurer – This position gets to help our association grow financially. Responsibilities include preparing a quarterly financial report in Excel for presentation at the monthly board meeting. No daily entries will be performed by this position holder. (Note: due to business responsibilities, the individual recently voted in resigned shortly after the AGM.)

Webmaster – This position gets to help keep our members informed of all important information including fun events by updating our Google-based website. Responsibilities include attending the monthly activities meeting to receive information for the website and updating information in a timely manner.

Reporter at Large – Do you enjoy writing short stories or articles and sharing them with others? This position is designed for you! The KL American is always looking for submissions from our members. Please feel free to send us your poems, experiences in local adventures, family trip pictures, recipes and anything else you think would be interesting to our community.

KL American May 2013


Weekly Activities All activities are at the AAM Villa unless otherwise noted.


Mahjong 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. Members: free. Non-members: RM10 Get rid of those Monday blues by playing a lively game of Mahjong. We’ll shuffle the tiles, make ‘pungs’ and ‘kongs’ and enjoy the afternoon. Please email Randee Duncan, Mahjong Coordinator, at brduncn@gmail. com, to confirm.


Beginners Bahasa Malaysia – Level 1 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. Wednesdays , 6 March - 29 May (12 sessions) Members: RM540. Non-members: RM640. Materials fee: RM50 Minimum: 8, Maximum: 10. Now is the time to start learning the language of your host country. This series of classes is led by Puan Mas from Applied Language Systems who will not only teach you the language but also share knowledge that will make your time in KL richer. RSVP to the AAM office to start this learning experience. Quilting 10:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. Members: free. Non-members: RM10 New quilters and seasoned quilters work together to share their love of quilting. We meet at the AAM Villa. Please contact coordinator Irene Solomalai at the AAM office (aam_kl05@streamyx.com) for details. Please be sure to put “Quilting Group” in the subject line.


KL Roadrunners Are you a runner? Are you looking for running friends? Come join the KL Roadrunners. We run on all different levels and newbies are welcome. Contact coordinator Irma Ritchie at irmajoeritchie@mac.com for meeting place and time.


KL American May 2013

What’s On in . . . May First Fridays

Friday, 3 May Noon TGIFriday’s, Pavilion Mall, Level 6

This monthly social activity is especially for newly arrived expats and provides an opportunity to ask questions, gather information and to meet and relax with new friends over lunch. There will be a reservation under “American Association.” There is no fee to attend, but guests are responsible for their orders. Please pass the invitation to new neighbors and friends! Members old and new are welcome. Please RSVP to aam_ kl05@streamyx.com.

Kuala Selangor Firefly Cruise

Saturday, 4 May 3:30 p.m. – 11:30 p.m. Kuala Selangor Member: Adults RM155, Children (3 to 10) RM80 (Includes round-trip bus, seafood dinner and cruise) Minimum 20 participants

Angie Ng from Heritage Travel presents a fascinating tour for the whole family! Come to Kuala Selangor, only one-and-a-half hours outside of Kuala Lumpur, to see the famous flashing fireflies. The tour includes a tram ride to the summit of Bukit Melawati (watch out for the macaques and silver-leaf monkeys!) and dinner in Pasir Penambang, ending with a firefly cruise on the river. RSVP to aam_kl05@streamyx.com by Friday, 26 April. Please note any dietary requirements when booking. Be sure to indicate the names and ages of any children attending. Bring unscented insect repellent, drinking water, hats, plastic rain ponchos, and cameras. We will meet at side entrance of the InterContinental Hotel on Jalan Ampang.

Vietnamese Cooking Learn authentic home-style Vietnamese cooking from AAM members Huong, Paula Bui and Stephanie Nguyen. Menu includes lotus root salad, fresh spring rolls, Vietnamese beef noodles, coconut and banana dessert, and Vietnamese style coffee. RSVP to aam_kl05@streamyx. com by Friday, 26 April. Monday, 6 May 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. AAM Villa Members: RM120 Minimum 12 participants

Please note that some of the menu items contain pork.

Bingo with Little Sisters of the Poor Every first Tuesday of the month, join our bingo game to help spread the joy at this home for the elderly! We will bring prizes for the winners. The bingo morning is one of the highlights of the month for the residents. Please e-mail aam_kl05@streamyx.com if you can join us. Tuesday, 7 May 10 a.m. – 11 a.m. St. Francis Xavier Home for the Elderly Taman Sri Bahtera, Batu Lima Cheras KL American May 2013


What’s On in . . . May Introduction to Digital Photography with David Wong

Mondays, 13 and 20 May 10.00 am to 12:30 pm AAM Villa Members: RM200 Minimum 10/Maximum 15 participants

David Wong, a retired professional photographer currently teaching at two art colleges, will teach you how to maximize your digital camera’s features and enhance your photography skills through technical and creative knowledge. Bring your camera and any photos you would like to share with the class. Field trips can be arranged after the two sessions (day trips to Malacca and Ipoh and overnight trips to Cameron Highlands and Penang). Please RSVP to aam_kl05@streamyx.com by Monday, 6 May.

Ikebana Workshop with Gilson Chong

Friday, 17 May 2 – 4 p.m. AAM Villa Members: RM100, plus RM40 materials fee (flowers, greens and vase) Minimum 5 participants

In conjunction with the International Ikebana KL Chapter 72, the AAM is pleased to present an opportunity to learn the floral art of Ikebana with award-winning floral designer Gilson Chong. Ikebana is the Japanese art of flower arrangement. It is more than simply putting flowers in a container. It is a disciplined art form in which the arrangement is a living thing where nature and humanity are brought together. RSVP to aam_kl05@streamyx.com by Friday, 10 May.

Saturday Night Out: tatto Join us for dinner and drinks at one of AAM’s favorite Italian restaurants at its new location in the KLCC area. Saturday Night Out is an opportunity for singles and couples to meet over drinks and dinner. Everyone is welcome to come; however, your attendance is contingent upon registration being received by the office before 4pm on Friday, 17 May. RSVP to aam_kl05@ streamyx.com. Saturday, 18 May 7 p.m. drinks, 7:30 p.m. dinner tatto, Hampshire Place

de asian café By special request, Lunch Bunch is going “local” this month. de’Asian Café prepares tasty Malaysian dishes in a bright, clean, air-conditioned environment. For those of you who have never eaten the popular Malaysian breakfast dish called nasi lemak, this is the place to try it! In the unlikely event that conversation lags during our lunch, you can always Wednesday, 22 May check for messages using their free WiFi. RSVP to aam_kl05@streamyx. 11:45 a.m. (to beat the lunch rush) com by Tuesday, 21 May. How to get there By LRT: Go to KLCC station, de asian café Ground floor, Menara CMY, Jalan Ampang take the escalators up and use the exit on the east side of Avenue K. By (between Avenue K and Corus Hotel) car: Parking available behind Menara CMY, Corus Hotel, and Avenue K. 10

KL American May 2013

Friday, 10 May Safir Room, Hotel Istana 73 Jalan Raja Chulan 6:30 p.m. Viewing of rugs, light dinner and drinks 7:30 p.m. to Midnight Auction Members: RM30 Non-Members: RM45 Lucky draws throughout the night *Eastern Carpets is an AAM preferred carpet seller.

Photos from the 2012 Fall Rug Auction

KL American May 2013


Happy Mo Rock the

Casbah Party Thursday, 16 May 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. Hammam @ Publika Solaris Dutamas, Mont Kiara Level G4, Red Zone T: 6201-0881 Donation: RM50 per person Maximum 30 Ladies RSVP to aam_kl05@streamyx.com Friday,10 May.


Carpool is available; meet at AAM Villa at 10:30 a.m.

Featuring: • Sparkling wine and moroccan tapas • Henna and glitter tattoos • Head and shoulder massage • Foot scrub & masque • Hand massage • Belly dancing workshop Lucky Draw and Promoting spa packages at special price for sale !


KL American May 2013

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other’s Day Discover Hair Beauty With

A Cut Above

Tuesday, 21 May 10:30 a.m. – Noon A Cut Above @ Parkson Pavilion, Level 4 T: (03) 2141-3232 Donation: RM20 per person Maximum 10 Ladies RSVP to aam_kl05@streamyx.com by Tuesday, 14 May Do not miss this informative talk at the A Cut Above salon at Parksons Pavilion KL. The stylist will share tips on how to maintain healthy hair and the latest trends in the hair industry! One of our attendees will enjoy a complimentary Brazilian Keratin Treatment which is a semi-permanent hair repair, smoothing and frizz-free system makes your hair more manageable. Delivering keratin, natural protein to your hair, this is a ritual unlike any other and is the star treatment of A Cut Above salons. Light refreshments will be served. All attendees will receive discount vouchers. If you have short to shoulder-length frizzy hair and would like to enjoy the complimentary treatment, please let the office know.


Hand Pampering

You’re invited! Date: Tuesday, 28 May Time: 2 p.m.– 5 p.m. Donation: RM20 per person Maximum 30 Ladies Pavilion, Level 7 T : (03) 2141 1326 E : info@bmic.com.my • Free nourishing hand mask, relaxing hand massage, and nail lacquer application • Light refreshments will be served • Door gifts available RSVP at aam_kl05@streamyx.com by Monday, 20 May Be Beautiful . Be Inspired . Be Confident!

KL American May 2013


Digital Shoebox AAM Laos Tour, 23 to 30 March Text by Jennifer Guthrie; Photos by Randee Duncan and Jennifer Guthrie I never even saw Laos on my travel horizon. I’m so incredibly glad that I joined the AAM trip to this amazing country! Since a picture is worth a thousand words, enjoy our story!


KL American May 2013

Digital Shoebox

KL American May 2013


Perspectives Mom. By Kimbra Naber The month of May has always held a special place in my heart. It’s the month I was born, which means it’s a time that I remember my age as well as the love of my family and friends, and maybe because I grew up in Seattle where summer weather is rare and fleeting, May also signifies to me new beginnings, growth, happiness, warmth, and sunshine. More than anything though, the month of May signifies a mother’s love. This May of 2013 is especially important to me, as I am expecting my first child, a daughter no less! Now, she won’t be here physically until July, but she is thriving & growing inside of me every day and as I am sure you can imagine being a tad emotional these days, I can’t help but walk down memory lane, remembering and honoring the important women in my life. I honestly cannot remember the last time I spent Mother’s Day with my own mom in person. Of course this hasn’t been on purpose, rather it’s just the road life has taken us both down. I moved away from Seattle over ten years ago and over time, have moved farther and farther away from the Pacific Northwest due to both jobs and of course falling in love with a man who also wants to travel the world as much as I do. That being said, I miss my mom every day and talk to her via Skype, Viber, and email any chance I can get. She’s the most important shaper of my life and as I prepare to become a mom to a daughter myself, I can’t help but think about all the “I told you so” moments and the “when you become a mom you’ll understand” comments that used to drive me crazy!! Now, I’m not about to admit that she may have been right about the majority of the things we disagreed on, but I will say that as I age, I’m starting to see more and more how wise she is in many ways, as well as how strong she has been all these years and still is to this day. I’m also fortunate enough to be able to introduce my daughter to my grandma this coming October, where we will be able to capture in a picture a moment in time where four generations of females are together. I cannot even begin to tell you how excited I am about this upcoming event. How special of a memory this will be (at least to the three of us who are aware), and at a much later date, my daughter will also realize the special gift given to her at such a young age. My grandma is such a kind and loving woman. I outgrew her when I was ten years old, but I still love and miss her warm hugs and I cherish our short but heartfelt conversations every chance I get. She’s got a stubborn streak that she has passed down to my mom and me, but I like to look at that trait in a positive way. She raised a very independent, strong-willed, beautiful, thoughtful, and loving woman. I am lucky enough to call that woman my mom. My mom in turn raised me to be fiercely independent, adventurous, to always to strive for the best, to never let anyone tell me I can’t do anything I set my mind 16

KL American May 2013

to, and to be generous and giving with my heart and soul. I think a lot these days about how I am going to raise my daughter—what qualities I want to instill in her and how I hope she becomes everything she wants to be in life. I think about the relationship she will have with me as her mother, advocate, friend, and supporter, as well as the all-important one she will have with her father, my amazing husband. I’m incredibly excited to watch their relationship grow over the years and for them to love and cherish that special bond they have every day. I am also one of the lucky ones who acquired a beautifully loving and caring mother-in-law. I am smart enough to realize that she has molded my husband into the man he is today and for that I am incredibly grateful, for she has given me the best gift, a loving husband and the father of my child. I know I am not perfect, and I don’t want my daughter to think that she has to be either. Our imperfections are what make each of us beautiful and unique in our own way. I hope I remember in all the new-mommy moments that I am bound to go through that I don’t need to have all the answers, and that regardless of the small (or maybe even big) mistakes that I will at many times make, that everything has a reason and a purpose and that we can and will all learn from every experience, both good and bad. I will lean on my grandma, mom, and mom-inlaw for support, answers, and help, knowing that they’ve all experienced what I am about to as well. So this Mother’s Day, take some time to reflect on the women in your life who have shaped you to become who you are today. Think about the word “MOM” and what it means to you. Carve out some time for phone calls, lunch dates, and “female” time and remember how strong you are as a woman and the reason you came to be that way. Write down some thoughts on what kind of mom you want to be as well. Life is not a race, it’s a journey; honor the path you are going down, no matter where it takes you, and always remember the women who gave you the chance to go through it all, loving and supporting you along the way. For more on expat life, travel advice & more please visit my website: www.internationalnabers.com, follow me on Twitter: @ intlnabers and like my page on Facebook: internationalnabers.

Diversions Keeping Up Resolutions (goings-on around town….) Text by Kim Starr, Photos by David Terenzio I wrote in the February issue about my New Year’s resolution for 2013: to get out on the town more and experience KL’s cultural offerings. My intentions in writing that article were twofold—I wanted to share some interesting ideas of what to do around town with the KL American readers, and I hoped that by sharing my resolution, I would be more likely to keep it! As I write this article I am four months into the new year, so, how am I doing? As I mentioned, Santa got me off to a good start by giving me tickets to see a play at KLPAC in January and to hear the Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra in February. During my first year in KL, as I met new people I would often ask for ideas about what to do around town. Many people told me about the Philharmonic, and I would be embarrassed to say that I hadn’t been yet, even though it’s only a short walk from my home! So in February, I finally got to the Dewan Filharmonik Petronas to hear the MPO play Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony. The venue is a gem tucked away in the base of the Petronas Towers, and it was amazing to hear the “Eternal Fifth” played live. (For more information, visit www.dfp.com.my.) KL Dragons (in green) vs. Singapore Slingers March Madness inspired my next outing. Did you know KL has its own

professional basketball team? The Westport KL Dragons are part of the six-member ASEAN Basketball League, and though not as highbrow as KLPAC or the MPO, attending a KL Dragons game was a true cultural experience! The Dragons play at MABA Stadium on the edge of Chinatown, a small venue offering a chance to see professional level play with the intimacy of a high school game. We saw the Dragons take on the Singapore Slingers. The first half The Dragonettes was a run-and-gun style scoring fest; the pace slowed a bit in the second half, and the Dragons ultimately triumphed. Some players were familiar from the NCAA or NBA while others were up-and-comers from Malaysia and the region. The Dragons even have their own dance squad, the Dragonettes. Wow! What a fun experience. Regular season games are scheduled through mid-May and playoffs through mid-June. Find the full schedule at www.kldragons.com. Nothing says Spring like a day at the races, and though not quite as festive as the Kentucky Derby, attending the April Race Meeting at the Selangor Turf Club was an enjoyable way to spend the afternoon. The Selangor Turf Club dates back to colonial days and features live thoroughbred racing at its Sungei Besi Racecourse. We were invited to join a race day party in a corporate box, but there are also air-conditioned grandstands, open-air general seating areas, and space on the apron to see the horses up close. The betting method differs a bit from what we are used to in the States, so I brought the racing form home to study before the next Race Meeting. For more information, visit www.selangorturfclub.com. I’m not sure yet what I’ll be doing next. I’d love to hear your suggestions, so if you see me at the Villa or some AAM event, please let me know what interesting activities you’ve found in and around KL. Eight months of the resolution to go! Down the stretch at Selangor Turf Club KL American May 2013


Colon Cancer is e l b a t n e v e Pr How common is colon cancer? The Colon is the final portion of the digestive tract, just before the anus. Colon cancer is the commonest cancer among men and the third commonest among women in Malaysia. Every year about four thousand new cases of colon cancer are diagnosed in Malaysia. Among the local ethnic groups, the Chinese appears to have the highest incidence of the disease, followed by Indians and then Malays. The incidence is even higher among the western population. It is estimated that one in twenty people will get colon cancer in their lifetime.

Dr. Dennis Khoo Yeap Teng Consultant Physician, Gastroenterologist and Hepatologist MBBS (Malaya), MRCP (UK), MRCPS (Glasgow), AM (Mal), Fellowship in Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Advanced Endoscopy (MOH), MAGA (USA), MACG (USA), National Gastroenterolgy and Endoscopy Trainer (MOH), National Specialist Register

How does colon cancer happen? Most colon cancers develop from precancerous polyps. Polyps are growths that arise in the lining of the colon and are visible when the bowel is examined by colonoscopy. There are two types of polyps: adenomatous polyps and hyperplastic polyps. Adenomatous polyps can become cancerous over time and this progression takes at least 10 years in most people. At age 50 about 30% of colonoscopies will detect adenomatous polyps. This adenoma detection rate continues to rise with age.(45% of colonoscopies at age 70 will detect adenomatous polyps) Are you at increased risk of getting colon cancer? Several factors increase an individual’s risk of developing colorectal cancer. Having one or more of these factors will determine the age when you should begin screening. The two most important are: 1) First-degree relatives with colon cancers/ adenomatous polyps (more so if it happened at a younger age, or more than one relative involved)—lifetime risk of colon cancer is 20% if a first degree relative (siblings or parents) has colon cancer before the age of 45. 2) Patients with inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis). These are diseases where the colon is inflamed for long periods of time. It is more common among the western population.


11, Jalan Teknologi, PJU 5, Kota Damansara, 47810 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan. T: +603-6287 1111 W: www.tropicanamedicalcentre.com FB: www.facebook.com/TropicanaMedicalCentre E: enquiries@tropicanamedicalcentre.com


KL American May 2013

Other risk factors are: • increasing age • smoking • heavy alcohol intake • sedentary lifestyle • obesity • diet that is high in red meat and low in fibre The following two inherited conditions greatly increase the risk of colorectal cancer, but are relatively rare: 1) Familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) Nearly everyone with this condition will develop colorectal cancer during their lifetime, and most of these cancers occur before the age of 50 years. FAP causes hundreds of adenomatous polyps to develop throughout the colon at an early age.

2) Hereditary nonpolyposis colon cancer (HNPCC) About 70 percent of people with HNPCC will experience colorectal cancer by the age of 65. Cancer also tends to occur at younger ages. People with HNPCC and their families are also at risk for other types of cancer, including cancer of the uterus, stomach, bladder, kidney, and ovary. How do you know if you have colon cancer? Unfortunately, most colon cancers are asymptomatic in the beginning. At a later stage, the patient may complain of abdominal pain, change in bowel habit (new development of diarrhea/ constipation or both), change in the texture of the faeces, passing bloody or black and sticky faeces, or present with symptoms of anaemia or low red blood level (easily tired, breathlessness, dizziness). How can you prevent colon cancer? Colon cancer can be prevented by doing screening tests. These are called screening tests because these tests are performed before the development of any symptoms or problems. The most effective and widely practiced screening test is screening colonoscopy. The primary goal of screening colonoscopy is to prevent deaths from colon cancer. Screening colonoscopy prevents the development of colorectal cancer by identifying precancerous abnormal growths (adenomatous polyps), and removing them before they become malignant. The risk of developing colon cancer is reduced by 90% after a single screening colonoscopy done at age 50. Even if cancer is already present, a screening colonoscopy helps identify it at an early and potentially treatable stage. The age at which you should have the first screening colonoscope varies. An average risk person is recommended to have it done at age 50, regardless of the gender or ethnicity. The presence of risk factors and/or symptoms requires it to be done at an earlier age. If any first degree relative has colon cancer or adenomatous polyps, then screening should be done ten years before the age of detection or at 50 years old, whichever is earlier. How is colonoscopy performed? Prior to the procedure, you will be asked to take a medication to clean your entire colon so that it is free of obstructing faeces. You will also be asked to avoid fruits, vegetables, red meat and certain medications for a period of time before the procedure. A sedative and a painkiller will be given intravenously just before the procedure. After you are asleep the doctor will pass a thin flexible video endoscope through your anus into your colon. This video endoscope has a light source and a camera at its tip and this allows the doctor to see the inside of the colon. During this procedure, most polyps encountered will be removed and sent for microscopy. It normally takes 20 minutes to an hour to complete the colonoscope. Almost all patients do not experience any pain during or after this procedure and should be able to go home that very same day.

KL American May 2013


Memories Charity Check Presentation, 21 March


KL American May 2013

KL American May 2013


American Association Privilege Program Directory BEAUTY The Belfry Salon Lot G-03A, The Troika, 19 Persiaran KLCC Tel: 03-2168-8802 Website: www.thebelfrysalon.com AAM Discount: Complimentary Argan Oil (Moroccan oil) hair treatment with any color service (NP: RM100). Please mention during booking. bmic Nail Spa Salon S18, Pamper Floor Starhill Gallery Tel: 03-2148-1818 Pavilion Level 7 Tel: 03-2141-1326 Website: www.bmic.com.my AAM Discount: 10% off nail care treatments, waxing, eyelash extensions, and Elife Wellness Therapy treatments Energy Day Spa Energy Day Spa Ampang Lot 4, Level 4, Great Eastern Mall Tel: 03-4256-8833 Website: www.energymindbodyspirit.com AAM Discount: 15% off any ala carte spa, facial, or massage treatment. Special Offer for 1st Visit: Triple Action Exfoliation treatment for RM250 (Normal price: RM398) Faceworks Clinic S16, Pamper Floor, Starhill Gallery Tel: 03-2144-0080 Website: www.faceworksclinic.com AAM Discount: 15% off treatments. 10% off all products. Get a free facial during your birthday month! Sign a friend up for a package and receive a mystery gift. IPL Skin Care Clinique S2, Pamper Floor, Starhill Gallery Tel: 03-2141-4277 or 03-2141-4280 Website: www.iplskincare.com RM99 for first trial: 90-minute Intensive Rejuvenation Facial Therapy and Hot Stone Shoulder massage (Normal price: RM190) OR 60-minute Full Relaxation Ginger Body Massage (Normal price: RM150) The London Orchid 67M Plaza Damansara, Bukit Damansara Tel: 03-2095-6009 Website: www.thelondonorchid.com AAM Discount: 15% discount on treatments to all members of the AAM, including the only spray tan service in KL!

HOUSEHOLD/GIFTS EuroChef Malaysia Unit P-1-21, Block P, Plaza Damas Tel: 6201-8863 Website: www.eurochefasia.com AAM Discount: 15% (Excludes machinery, Frilich items, Flavor Shaker, cookbooks, and promotional items) 22

KL American May 2013

Royal Selangor Website: www.royalselangor.com AAM Discount: 10%

DINING Amadeus Bistro & Wine Bar Mezzanine Level, Wisma Life Centre 20 Jalan Sultan Ismail Tel: 03-2162 2788 Website: www.amadeusbistro.com.my AAM Discount: Receive 10% off total bill, enjoy Happy Hour prices all night except for Fridays and Saturdays, OR get a free bottle of wine when you spend RM500 and above on one receipt Fresca Mexican Kitchen & Bar Lot G242A, The Gardens Mall, Mid Valley Tel: 03-2201-2893 Email: info@fresca.com.my Website: facebook.com/frescabar AAM Discount: Receive a free mystery dessert with a minimum spend of RM100 on a single receipt. Not valid in conjunction with other ongoing promotions, set menu and public holidays. House GTower G02 & LG02-04, GTower 199 Jalan Tun Razak Tel: 2164-4424 House eCurve G25 & G26, e@Curve 2A, Jalan PJU 7/3, Mutiara Damansara Tel: 7722-2414 Website: www.housegroup.com.my AAM Discount: 10% discount on all ala carte food and beverage (excluding alcohol). Discount is applicable everyday including public holidays. Not valid in conjunction with other ongoing promotions. TGIFriday’s Website: fridays.com.my Receive a free Crispy Cheesecake dessert from TGIFriday’s Pavilion, Hartamas Shopping Centre or Menara Hap Seng when you present your membership card.

SERVICES Crown Relocations Tel: 03-5637-9166 Website: www.crownrelo.com AAM Discount: 15% off local moves within Malaysia. Complimentary 2-hour handyman services for moves more than RM5,000. 15% discount for one-day orientation service and 10% discount ony immigration services. Complimentary Home Search for rentals above RM5,000. Three Sixty Computer Services Tel: 012-377-3522 (Clement Tan) Email: cletan10@yahoo.com AAM Discount: 10% off service charges The American Association Privilege Program (AAPP) offers special discounts and privileges to AAM members. Just flash your AAM membership card! If you are a business interested in joining the AAPP, contact the AAM office at aam_kl05@streamyx.com.

KL American May 2013


american association of malaysia KL Sun




AAM Office Tel : (03) 4021 4368

AAM Off Site

email: aam_kl05@streamyx.com


10 a.m.- 1 p.m. Vietnamese Cooking 1 - 3 p.m. Mahjong




10 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Digital Photography


10 - 11 a.m. Bingo @ Little Sisters of the Poor


1 - 3 p.m. Mahjong




10 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Mother’s Day Special Digital 10:30 a.m. - 12 p.m. Photography Discover Hair Beauty with A Cut 1 - 3 p.m. Above Mahjong

Wed 1

Thu 2


Fri 3

9:30 - 11:30 a.m. Beginners’ Bahasa M’sia




6-30 p.m. - Midnight 7 a.m. Rug Auction KL Roadrunners



10 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Quilting

Mother’s Day 2 – 4 p.m. Special Ikebana 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Rock the Casbah Party @ Hammam, Publika



9:30 - 11:30 a.m. Beginners’ Bahasa M’sia

9:30 - 11:30 a.m. Beginners’ Bahasa M’sia



1 - 3 p.m. Mahjong

KL American May 2013


Mother’s Day Special 2 - 5 p.m. Afternoon Hand Pampering @ bmic Nail Spa Salon


9:30 - 11:30 a.m. Beginners’ Bahasa M’sia

Wesak Day

10 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Quilting




7 a.m. KL Roadrunners 7 p.m. Saturday Night Out @ tatto

25 Closed

10 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Quilting


3:30 p.m. - 11:30 p.m. Kuala Selangor Firefly Cruise

6:30 p.m. Viewing 7 p.m. Auction

10 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Quilting



7 a.m. KL Roadrunners

Labor Day



12 - 2 p.m. First Fridays @ TGIF, Pavilion

11:45 Lunch Bunch de asian café


May 2013

7 a.m. KL Roadrunners

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